/* Bluetooth: Mesh Generic OnOff, Generic Level, Lighting & Vendor Models * * Copyright (c) 2018 Vikrant More * Additional Copyright (c) 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef _GENERIC_SERVER_H_ #define _GENERIC_SERVER_H_ #include "server_common.h" struct bt_mesh_gen_onoff_state { u8_t onoff; u8_t target_onoff; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_onoff_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_onoff_state state; struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last; struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_level_state { s16_t level; s16_t target_level; s16_t last_level; s32_t last_delta; bool move_start; bool positive; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_level_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_level_state state; struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last; struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition; s32_t tt_delta_level; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_def_trans_time_state { u8_t trans_time; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_def_trans_time_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_def_trans_time_state state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_onpowerup_state { u8_t onpowerup; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_onpowerup_state *state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_setup_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_onpowerup_state *state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_level_state { u16_t power_actual; u16_t target_power_actual; u16_t power_last; u16_t power_default; u8_t status_code; u16_t power_range_min; u16_t power_range_max; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_level_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_level_state *state; struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last; struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition; s32_t tt_delta_level; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_level_setup_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_power_level_state *state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_battery_state { u32_t battery_level : 8, time_to_discharge : 24; u32_t time_to_charge : 24, battery_flags : 8; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_battery_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_battery_state state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_location_state { s32_t global_latitude; s32_t global_longitude; s16_t global_altitude; s16_t local_north; s16_t local_east; s16_t local_altitude; u8_t floor_number; u16_t uncertainty; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_location_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_location_state *state; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_location_setup_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; struct bt_mesh_gen_location_state *state; }; /** * According to the hierarchy of Generic Property states (Model Spec section 3.1.8), * the Manufacturer Properties and Admin Properties may contain multiple Property * states. User Properties just a collection of which can be accessed. * * property_count: Number of the properties contained in the table * properties: Table of the properties * * These variables need to be initialized in the application layer, the precise * number of the properties should be set and memories used to store the property * values should be allocated. */ enum bt_mesh_gen_user_prop_access { USER_ACCESS_PROHIBIT, USER_ACCESS_READ, USER_ACCESS_WRITE, USER_ACCESS_READ_WRITE, }; enum bt_mesh_gen_admin_prop_access { ADMIN_NOT_USER_PROP, ADMIN_ACCESS_READ, ADMIN_ACCESS_WRITE, ADMIN_ACCESS_READ_WRITE, }; enum bt_mesh_gen_manu_prop_access { MANU_NOT_USER_PROP, MANU_ACCESS_READ, }; struct bt_mesh_generic_property { u16_t id; u8_t user_access; u8_t admin_access; u8_t manu_access; struct net_buf_simple *val; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_user_prop_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; u8_t property_count; struct bt_mesh_generic_property *properties; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_admin_prop_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; u8_t property_count; struct bt_mesh_generic_property *properties; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_manu_prop_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; u8_t property_count; struct bt_mesh_generic_property *properties; }; struct bt_mesh_gen_client_prop_srv { struct bt_mesh_model *model; struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl; u8_t id_count; u16_t *property_ids; }; typedef union { struct { u8_t onoff; } gen_onoff_set; struct { s16_t level; } gen_level_set; struct { s16_t level; } gen_delta_set; struct { s16_t level; } gen_move_set; struct { u8_t trans_time; } gen_def_trans_time_set; struct { u8_t onpowerup; } gen_onpowerup_set; struct { u16_t power; } gen_power_level_set; struct { u16_t power; } gen_power_default_set; struct { u16_t range_min; u16_t range_max; } gen_power_range_set; struct { s32_t latitude; s32_t longitude; s16_t altitude; } gen_loc_global_set; struct { s16_t north; s16_t east; s16_t altitude; u8_t floor_number; u16_t uncertainty; } gen_loc_local_set; struct { u16_t id; struct net_buf_simple *value; } gen_user_prop_set; struct { u16_t id; u8_t access; struct net_buf_simple *value; } gen_admin_prop_set; struct { u16_t id; u8_t access; } gen_manu_prop_set; } bt_mesh_gen_server_state_change_t; typedef union { struct { u16_t id; } user_property_get; struct { u16_t id; } admin_property_get; struct { u16_t id; } manu_property_get; struct { u16_t id; } client_properties_get; } bt_mesh_gen_server_recv_get_msg_t; typedef union { struct { bool op_en; u8_t onoff; u8_t tid; u8_t trans_time; u8_t delay; } onoff_set; struct { bool op_en; s16_t level; u8_t tid; u8_t trans_time; u8_t delay; } level_set; struct { bool op_en; s32_t delta_level; u8_t tid; u8_t trans_time; u8_t delay; } delta_set; struct { bool op_en; s16_t delta_level; u8_t tid; u8_t trans_time; u8_t delay; } move_set; struct { u8_t trans_time; } def_trans_time_set; struct { u8_t onpowerup; } onpowerup_set; struct { bool op_en; u16_t power; u8_t tid; u8_t trans_time; u8_t delay; } power_level_set; struct { u16_t power; } power_default_set; struct { u16_t range_min; u16_t range_max; } power_range_set; struct { s32_t latitude; s32_t longitude; s16_t altitude; } loc_global_set; struct { s16_t north; s16_t east; s16_t altitude; u8_t floor_number; u16_t uncertainty; } loc_local_set; struct { u16_t id; struct net_buf_simple *value; } user_property_set; struct { u16_t id; u8_t access; struct net_buf_simple *value; } admin_property_set; struct { u16_t id; u8_t access; } manu_property_set; } bt_mesh_gen_server_recv_set_msg_t; void bt_mesh_generic_server_lock(void); void bt_mesh_generic_server_unlock(void); void gen_onoff_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model); void gen_level_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model); void gen_onpowerup_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model); void gen_power_level_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode); int bt_mesh_gen_onoff_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_level_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_def_trans_time_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_level_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_level_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_battery_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_location_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_location_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_user_prop_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_admin_prop_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_manu_prop_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_client_prop_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_onoff_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_level_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_def_trans_time_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_onoff_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_level_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_power_level_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_battery_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_location_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_location_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_user_prop_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_admin_prop_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_manu_prop_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); int bt_mesh_gen_client_prop_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary); #endif /* _GENERIC_SERVER_H_ */