import sys import glob import tempfile import os import os.path import re import shutil import argparse import json import copy PROJECT_NAME = "unit-test-app" PROJECT_PATH = os.getcwd() # List of unit-test-app configurations. # Each file in configs/ directory defines a configuration. The format is the # same as sdkconfig file. Configuration is applied on top of sdkconfig.defaults # file from the project directory CONFIG_NAMES = os.listdir(os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "configs")) # Build (intermediate) and output (artifact) directories BUILDS_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "builds") BINARIES_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "output") # Convert the values passed to the -T parameter to corresponding cache entry definitions # TESTS_ALL and TEST_COMPONENTS class TestComponentAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # Create a new of cache definition entry, adding previous elements cache_entries = list() existing_entries = getattr(namespace, "define_cache_entry", []) if existing_entries: cache_entries.extend(existing_entries) # Form -D arguments if "all" in values: cache_entries.append("TESTS_ALL=1") cache_entries.append("TEST_COMPONENTS=''") else: cache_entries.append("TESTS_ALL=0") cache_entries.append("TEST_COMPONENTS='%s'" % " ".join(values)) setattr(namespace, "define_cache_entry", cache_entries) # Brute force add reconfigure at the very beginning existing_actions = getattr(namespace, "actions", []) if not "reconfigure" in existing_actions: existing_actions = ["reconfigure"] + existing_actions setattr(namespace, "actions", existing_actions) class TestExcludeComponentAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # Create a new of cache definition entry, adding previous elements cache_entries = list() existing_entries = getattr(namespace, "define_cache_entry", []) if existing_entries: cache_entries.extend(existing_entries) cache_entries.append("TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS='%s'" % " ".join(values)) setattr(namespace, "define_cache_entry", cache_entries) # Brute force add reconfigure at the very beginning existing_actions = getattr(namespace, "actions", []) if not "reconfigure" in existing_actions: existing_actions = ["reconfigure"] + existing_actions setattr(namespace, "actions", existing_actions) def add_argument_extensions(parser): # For convenience, define a -T argument that gets converted to -D arguments parser.add_argument('-T', '--test-component', help="Specify the components to test", nargs='+', action=TestComponentAction) # For convenience, define a -T argument that gets converted to -D arguments parser.add_argument('-E', '--test-exclude-components', help="Specify the components to exclude from testing", nargs='+', action=TestExcludeComponentAction) def add_action_extensions(base_functions, base_actions): def ut_apply_config(ut_apply_config_name, args): config_name = re.match(r"ut-apply-config-(.*)", ut_apply_config_name).group(1) def set_config_build_variables(prop, defval = None): property_value = re.match(r"^%s=(.*)" % prop, config_file_content) if (property_value): property_value = else: property_value = defval if (property_value): try: args.define_cache_entry.append("%s=" % prop + property_value) except AttributeError: args.define_cache_entry = ["%s=" % prop + property_value] return property_value sdkconfig_set = None if args.define_cache_entry: sdkconfig_set = filter(lambda s: "SDKCONFIG=" in s, args.define_cache_entry) sdkconfig_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, "sdkconfig") if sdkconfig_set: sdkconfig_path = sdkconfig_set[-1].split("=")[1] sdkconfig_path = os.path.abspath(sdkconfig_path) try: os.remove(sdkconfig_path) except OSError: pass if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES: # Parse the sdkconfig for components to be included/excluded and tests to be run config = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "configs", config_name) with open(config, "r") as config_file: config_file_content = set_config_build_variables("EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS", "''") test_components = set_config_build_variables("TEST_COMPONENTS", "''") tests_all = None if test_components == "''": tests_all = "TESTS_ALL=1" else: tests_all = "TESTS_ALL=0" try: args.define_cache_entry.append(tests_all) except AttributeError: args.define_cache_entry = [tests_all] set_config_build_variables("TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS","''") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as sdkconfig_temp: # Use values from the combined defaults and the values from # config folder to build config sdkconfig_default = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "sdkconfig.defaults") with open(sdkconfig_default, "rb") as sdkconfig_default_file: sdkconfig_temp.write( sdkconfig_config = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "configs", config_name) with open(sdkconfig_config, "rb") as sdkconfig_config_file: sdkconfig_temp.write(b"\n") sdkconfig_temp.write( sdkconfig_temp.flush() try: args.define_cache_entry.append("SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS=" + except AttributeError: args.define_cache_entry = ["SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS=" +] reconfigure = base_functions["reconfigure"] reconfigure(None, args) else: if not config_name == "all-configs": print("unknown unit test app config for action '%s'" % ut_apply_config_name) # This target builds the configuration. It does not currently track dependencies, # but is good enough for CI builds if used together with clean-all-configs. # For local builds, use 'apply-config-NAME' target and then use normal 'all' # and 'flash' targets. def ut_build(ut_build_name, args): # Create a copy of the passed arguments to prevent arg modifications to accrue if # all configs are being built build_args = copy.copy(args) config_name = re.match(r"ut-build-(.*)", ut_build_name).group(1) if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES: build_args.build_dir = os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name) src = os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name) dest = os.path.join(BINARIES_DIR, config_name) try: os.makedirs(dest) except OSError: pass # Build, tweaking paths to sdkconfig and sdkconfig.defaults ut_apply_config("ut-apply-config-" + config_name, build_args) build_target = base_functions["build_target"] build_target("all", build_args) # Copy artifacts to the output directory shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(build_args.project_dir, "sdkconfig"), os.path.join(dest, "sdkconfig")) binaries = [PROJECT_NAME + x for x in [".elf", ".bin", ".map"]] for binary in binaries: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, binary), os.path.join(dest, binary)) try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(dest, "bootloader")) except OSError: pass shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, "bootloader", "bootloader.bin"), os.path.join(dest, "bootloader", "bootloader.bin")) for partition_table in glob.glob(os.path.join(src, "partition_table", "partition-table*.bin")): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(dest, "partition_table")) except OSError: pass shutil.copyfile(partition_table, os.path.join(dest, "partition_table", os.path.basename(partition_table))) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, "flash_project_args"), os.path.join(dest, "flash_project_args")) binaries = glob.glob(os.path.join(src, "*.bin")) binaries = [os.path.basename(s) for s in binaries] for binary in binaries: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src, binary), os.path.join(dest, binary)) else: if not config_name == "all-configs": print("unknown unit test app config for action '%s'" % ut_build_name) def ut_clean(ut_clean_name, args): config_name = re.match(r"ut-clean-(.*)", ut_clean_name).group(1) if config_name in CONFIG_NAMES: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(BUILDS_DIR, config_name), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(BINARIES_DIR, config_name), ignore_errors=True) else: if not config_name == "all-configs": print("unknown unit test app config for action '%s'" % ut_clean_name) def ut_help(action, args): HELP_STRING = """ Additional unit-test-app specific targets ut-build-NAME - Build unit-test-app with configuration provided in configs/NAME. Build directory will be builds/NAME/, output binaries will be under output/NAME/ ut-clean-NAME - Remove build and output directories for configuration NAME. ut-build-all-configs - Build all configurations defined in configs/ directory. ut-apply-config-NAME - Generates configuration based on configs/NAME in sdkconfig file. After this, normal all/flash targets can be used. Useful for development/debugging. """ print(HELP_STRING) # Build dictionary of action extensions extensions = dict() # This generates per-config targets (clean, build, apply-config). build_all_config_deps = [] clean_all_config_deps = [] for config in CONFIG_NAMES: config_build_action_name = "ut-build-" + config config_clean_action_name = "ut-clean-" + config config_apply_config_action_name = "ut-apply-config-" + config extensions[config_build_action_name] = (ut_build, [], []) extensions[config_clean_action_name] = (ut_clean, [], []) extensions[config_apply_config_action_name] = (ut_apply_config, [], []) build_all_config_deps.append(config_build_action_name) clean_all_config_deps.append(config_clean_action_name) extensions["ut-build-all-configs"] = (ut_build, build_all_config_deps, []) extensions["ut-clean-all-configs"] = (ut_clean, clean_all_config_deps, []) extensions["ut-help"] = (ut_help, [], []) base_actions.update(extensions)