# gen-dxd.py - Generate Doxygen Directives # # This code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.) # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this # software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # import sys import os import re # Script configuration header_file_path_prefix = "../components/" """string: path prefix for header files. """ doxyfile_path = "Doxyfile" """string: path to a file containing header files to processs. """ xml_directory_path = "xml" """string: path to directory with XML files by Doxygen. """ inc_directory_path = "_build/inc" """string: path prefix for header files. """ all_kinds = [ ("function", "Functions"), ("union", "Unions"), ("struct", "Structures"), ("define", "Macros"), ("typedef", "Type Definitions"), ("enum", "Enumerations") ] """list of items that will be generated for a single API file """ def get_doxyfile_input(): """Get contents of Doxyfile's INPUT statement. Returns: Contents of Doxyfile's INPUT. """ if not os.path.isfile(doxyfile_path): print "Doxyfile '%s' does not exist!" % doxyfile_path sys.exit() print "Getting Doxyfile's INPUT" input_file = open(doxyfile_path, "r") line = input_file.readline() # read contents of Doxyfile until 'INPUT' statement while line: if line.find("INPUT") == 0: break line = input_file.readline() doxyfile_INPUT = "" line = input_file.readline() # skip input_file contents until end of 'INPUT' statement while line: if line.isspace(): # we have reached the end of 'INPUT' statement break # process only lines that are not comments if line.find("#") == -1: # extract header file path inside components folder m = re.search(header_file_path_prefix + "(.*\.h)", line) header_file_path = m.group(1) doxyfile_INPUT += header_file_path + "\n" # proceed reading next line line = input_file.readline() input_file.close() return doxyfile_INPUT def get_api_name(header_file_path): """Get name of API from header file path. Args: header_file_path: path to the header file. Returns: The name of API. """ api_name = "" regex = r".*/(.*)\.h" m = re.search(regex, header_file_path) if m: api_name = m.group(1) return api_name def get_rst_header(header_name): """Get rst formatted code with a header. Args: header_name: name of header. Returns: Formatted rst code with the header. """ rst_output = "" rst_output += header_name + "\n" rst_output += "^" * len(header_name) + "\n" rst_output += "\n" return rst_output def select_unions(innerclass_list): """Select unions from innerclass list. Args: innerclass_list: raw list with unions and structures extracted from Dogygen's xml file. Returns: Doxygen directives with unions selected from the list. """ rst_output = "" for line in innerclass_list.splitlines(): # union is denoted by "union" at the beginning of line if line.find("union") == 0: union_id, union_name = re.split(r"\t+", line) rst_output += ".. doxygenunion:: " rst_output += union_name rst_output += "\n" return rst_output def select_structs(innerclass_list): """Select structures from innerclass list. Args: innerclass_list: raw list with unions and structures extracted from Dogygen's xml file. Returns: Doxygen directives with structures selected from the list. Note: some structures are excluded as described on code below. """ rst_output = "" for line in innerclass_list.splitlines(): # structure is denoted by "struct" at the beginning of line if line.find("struct") == 0: # skip structures that are part of union # they are documented by 'doxygenunion' directive if line.find("::") > 0: continue struct_id, struct_name = re.split(r"\t+", line) rst_output += ".. doxygenstruct:: " rst_output += struct_name rst_output += "\n" rst_output += " :members:\n" rst_output += "\n" return rst_output def get_directives(tree, kind): """Get directives for specific 'kind'. Args: tree: the ElementTree 'tree' of XML by Doxygen kind: name of API "kind" to be generated Returns: Doxygen directives for selected 'kind'. Note: the header with "kind" name is included. """ rst_output = "" if kind in ["union", "struct"]: innerclass_list = "" for elem in tree.iterfind('compounddef/innerclass'): innerclass_list += elem.attrib["refid"] + "\t" + elem.text + "\n" if kind == "union": rst_output += select_unions(innerclass_list) else: rst_output += select_structs(innerclass_list) else: for elem in tree.iterfind( 'compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef[@kind="%s"]' % kind): name = elem.find('name') rst_output += ".. doxygen%s:: " % kind rst_output += name.text + "\n" if rst_output: all_kinds_dict = dict(all_kinds) rst_output = get_rst_header(all_kinds_dict[kind]) + rst_output + "\n" return rst_output def generate_directives(header_file_path): """Generate API reference with Doxygen directives for a header file. Args: header_file_path: a path to the header file with API. Returns: Doxygen directives for the header file. """ api_name = get_api_name(header_file_path) # in XLT file name each "_" in the api name is expanded by Doxygen to "__" xlt_api_name = api_name.replace("_", "__") xml_file_path = "%s/%s_8h.xml" % (xml_directory_path, xlt_api_name) rst_output = "" rst_output = ".. File automatically generated by 'gen-dxd.py'\n" rst_output += "\n" rst_output += get_rst_header("Header File") rst_output += "* :component_file:`" + header_file_path + "`\n" rst_output += "\n" try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_file_path) for i in range(len(all_kinds)): kind = all_kinds[i][0] rst_output += get_directives(tree, kind) return rst_output def generate_api_inc_files(): """Generate header_file.inc files with API reference made of doxygen directives for each header file specified in the 'INPUT' statement of Doxyfile. """ if not os.path.isdir(xml_directory_path): print "Directory %s does not exist!" % xml_directory_path sys.exit() if not os.path.exists(inc_directory_path): os.makedirs(inc_directory_path) list_to_generate = get_doxyfile_input() print "Generating 'api_name.inc' files with Doxygen directives" for header_file_path in list_to_generate.splitlines(): api_name = get_api_name(header_file_path) inc_file_path = inc_directory_path + "/" + api_name + ".inc" rst_output = generate_directives(header_file_path) inc_file = open(inc_file_path, "w") inc_file.write(rst_output) inc_file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": """The main script that generates Doxygen directives. """ # Process command line arguments, if any if len(sys.argv) > 1: if not os.path.isdir(xml_directory_path): print "Directory %s does not exist!" % xml_directory_path sys.exit() header_file_path = sys.argv[1] api_name = get_api_name(header_file_path) if api_name: rst_output = generate_directives(header_file_path) print "Doxygen directives for '%s'" % header_file_path print print rst_output else: print "Options to execute 'gen-dxd.py' application:" print "1: $ python gen-dxd.py" print " Generate API 'header_file.inc' files for headers defined in '%s'" % doxyfile_path print "2: $ python gen-dxd.py header_file_path" print " Print out Doxygen directives for a single header file" print " example: $ python gen-dxd.py mdns/include/mdns.h" print " NOTE: Run Doxygen first to get XML files for the header file" sys.exit() # No command line arguments given generate_api_inc_files()