Build and Flash with Make ========================= :link_to_translation:`zh_CN:[中文]` Finding a project ----------------- As well as the `esp-idf-template `_ project, ESP-IDF comes with some example projects on github in the :idf:`examples` directory. Once you've found the project you want to work with, change to its directory and you can configure and build it. Configuring your project ------------------------ :: make menuconfig Compiling your project ---------------------- :: make all ... will compile app, bootloader and generate a partition table based on the config. Flashing your project --------------------- When ``make all`` finishes, it will print a command line to use to flash the chip. However you can also do this from make by running:: make flash This will flash the entire project (app, bootloader and partition table) to a new chip. The settings for serial port flashing can be configured with `make menuconfig`. You don't need to run ``make all`` before running ``make flash``, ``make flash`` will automatically rebuild anything which needs it. Compiling & Flashing Just the App --------------------------------- After the initial flash, you may just want to build and flash just your app, not the bootloader and partition table: * ``make app`` - build just the app. * ``make app-flash`` - flash just the app. ``make app-flash`` will automatically rebuild the app if it needs it. There's no downside to reflashing the bootloader and partition table each time, if they haven't changed. The Partition Table ------------------- Once you've compiled your project, the "build" directory will contain a binary file with a name like "my_app.bin". This is an ESP32 image binary that can be loaded by the bootloader. A single ESP32's flash can contain multiple apps, as well as many kinds of data (calibration data, filesystems, parameter storage, etc). For this reason, a partition table is flashed to offset 0x8000 in the flash. Each entry in the partition table has a name (label), type (app, data, or something else), subtype and the offset in flash where the partition is loaded. The simplest way to use the partition table is to `make menuconfig` and choose one of the simple predefined partition tables: * "Single factory app, no OTA" * "Factory app, two OTA definitions" In both cases the factory app is flashed at offset 0x10000. If you `make partition_table` then it will print a summary of the partition table. For more details about :doc:`partition tables <../api-guides/partition-tables>` and how to create custom variations, view the :doc:`documentation <../api-guides/partition-tables>`.