#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import unittest import sys import os sys.path.append('../') from fragments import * from pyparsing import * from sdkconfig import * class FragmentTest(unittest.TestCase): def parse(self, text): self.parser.ignore("#" + restOfLine) fragment = self.parser.parseString(text, parseAll=True) return fragment[0] class SectionsTest(FragmentTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = Sections.get_fragment_grammar() def test_valid_entries(self): valid_entries = """ [sections:test] entries: .section1 .section2 # Section 3 should not exist # section3 .section4 # This is a comment .section5 """ sections = self.parse(valid_entries) self.assertEqual("test", sections.name) entries = sections.entries expected = { ".section1", ".section2", ".section4", ".section5" } self.assertEqual(set(entries), expected) def test_blank_entries(self): blank_entries = """ [sections:test] entries: """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(blank_entries) def test_invalid_names(self): with_spaces = """ [sections:invalid name 1] entries: """ begins_with_number = """ [sections:2invalid_name] entries: """ with_special_character = """ [sections:invalid_name~] entries: """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(with_spaces) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(begins_with_number) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(with_special_character) def test_non_existent_entries(self): misspelled_entries_field = """ [sections:test] entrie: .section1 """ missing_entries_field = """ [sections:test] """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(misspelled_entries_field) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_entries_field) def test_duplicate_entries(self): duplicate_entries = """ [sections:test] entries: .section1 .section3 .section1 .section1 .section2 .section3 .section1 """ sections = self.parse(duplicate_entries) entries = sections.entries expected = { ".section1", ".section2", ".section3", } self.assertEqual(set(entries), expected) class SchemeTest(FragmentTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = Scheme.get_fragment_grammar() def test_valid_entries(self): valid_entries = """ [scheme:test] entries: sections1 -> target1 sections2 -> target2 """ scheme = self.parse(valid_entries) entries = scheme.entries expected = { ("sections1", "target1"), ("sections2", "target2") } self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_duplicate_same_mapping(self): duplicate_entries = """ [scheme:duplicate_same_mapping] entries: sections1 -> target1 sections2 -> target2 sections1 -> target1 """ scheme = self.parse(duplicate_entries) entries = scheme.entries expected = { ("sections1", "target1"), ("sections2", "target2") } self.assertEqual(len(entries), 2) self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_invalid_separator(self): wrong_character = """ [scheme:test] entries: sections1, target1 """ single_word = """ [scheme:test] entries: sections1 """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): scheme = self.parse(wrong_character) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): scheme = self.parse(single_word) def test_blank_entries(self): blank_entries = """ [scheme:test] entries: """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(blank_entries) def test_non_existent_entries(self): misspelled_entries_field = """ [scheme:test] entrie: section -> target """ missing_entries_field = """ [scheme:test] """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(misspelled_entries_field) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_entries_field) class MappingTest(FragmentTest): def setUp(self): self.parser = Mapping.get_fragment_grammar() def parse_expression(self, expression): parser = SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar() return parser.parseString(expression, parseAll=True) def test_valid_grammar(self): valid_entries = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj:symbol (noflash) # Comments should not matter obj (noflash) # Nor should whitespace obj : symbol_2 ( noflash ) obj_2 ( noflash ) * (noflash) """ mapping = self.parse(valid_entries) self.assertEqual("lib.a", mapping.archive) self.assertEqual("lib_a", mapping.name) entries = mapping.entries expected = [("default", { ("obj", "symbol", "noflash"), ("obj", None, "noflash"), ("obj", "symbol_2", "noflash"), ("obj_2", None, "noflash"), ("*", None, "noflash") } ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_invalid_grammar(self): with_fragment_name = """ [mapping:name] archive: lib.a entries: obj:symbol (noflash) """ missing_archive = """ [mapping:name] entries: obj:symbol (noflash) """ misspelled_archive = """ [mapping:name] archi: lib.a entries: obj:symbol (noflash) """ missing_entries = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a """ misspelled_entries = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entrie: obj:symbol (noflash) """ missing_symbols = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj: (noflash) """ missing_scheme_1 = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj: () """ missing_scheme_2 = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj:symbol """ missing_entity = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: (noflash) """ wilcard_symbol = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj:* (noflash) """ empty_object_with_symbol = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: :symbol (noflash) """ wildcard_object_with_symbol = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: *:symbol (noflash) """ empty_definition = """ [mapping] """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(with_fragment_name) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_archive) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(misspelled_archive) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_entries) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(misspelled_entries) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_symbols) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_scheme_1) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_scheme_2) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(missing_entity) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(wilcard_symbol) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(empty_object_with_symbol) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(wildcard_object_with_symbol) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): sections = self.parse(empty_definition) def test_explicit_blank_default_w_others(self): expl_blnk_w_oth = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_a (noflash) : default """ mapping = self.parse(expl_blnk_w_oth) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ( entries[0][0] , { ("obj_a", None, "noflash"), } ), ("default", set() ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_implicit_blank_default_w_others(self): impl_blnk_w_oth = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_a (noflash) """ mapping = self.parse(impl_blnk_w_oth) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ( entries[0][0] , { ("obj_a", None, "noflash"), } ), ("default", set() ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_explicit_blank_default(self): expl_blnk_def = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : default """ mapping = self.parse(expl_blnk_def) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ("default", set() ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_implicit_blank_default(self): impl_blnk_def = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : default """ mapping = self.parse(impl_blnk_def) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ("default", set() ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_multiple_entries(self): multiple_entries = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_a1 (noflash) obj_a2 (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_b1 (noflash) obj_b2 (noflash) obj_b3 (noflash) : CONFIG_C = y obj_c1 (noflash) """ mapping = self.parse(multiple_entries) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ( entries[0][0] , { ("obj_a1", None, "noflash"), ("obj_a2", None, "noflash"), } ), ( entries[1][0] , { ("obj_b1", None, "noflash"), ("obj_b2", None, "noflash"), ("obj_b3", None, "noflash"), } ), ( entries[2][0] , { ("obj_c1", None, "noflash"), } ), ("default", set() ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_blank_entries(self): blank_entries = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y : CONFIG_C = y obj_c (noflash) : CONFIG_D = y : CONFIG_E = y : default obj (noflash) """ mapping = self.parse(blank_entries) entries = mapping.entries expected = [ ( entries[0][0] , { ("obj_a", None, "noflash") } ), ( entries[1][0] , set()), ( entries[2][0] , { ("obj_c", None, "noflash") } ), ( entries[3][0] , set()), ( entries[4][0] , set()), ( "default" , { ("obj", None, "noflash") } ) ] self.assertEqual(entries, expected) def test_blank_first_condition(self): blank_first_condition = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_b (noflash) """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(blank_first_condition) def test_nonlast_default(self): nonlast_default_1 = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : default obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_A = y obj_A (noflash) """ nonlast_default_2 = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_A (noflash) : default obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_B (noflash) """ nonlast_default_3 = """ [mapping] archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_A (noflash) : obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_B (noflash) """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(nonlast_default_1) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(nonlast_default_2) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(nonlast_default_3) def test_duplicate_default(self): duplicate_default_1 = """ archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_A (noflash) : default obj_a (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_B (noflash) : default obj_a (noflash) """ duplicate_default_2 = """ archive: lib.a entries: : CONFIG_A = y obj_A (noflash) : CONFIG_B = y obj_a (noflash) : default obj_B (noflash) : obj_a (noflash) """ with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(duplicate_default_1) with self.assertRaises(ParseException): mapping = self.parse(duplicate_default_2) if __name__ =="__main__": unittest.main()