register_config_only_component() if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) set(partition_csv "${PARTITION_CSV_PATH}") if(CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES) set(unsigned_partition_bin "partition-table-unsigned.bin") set(final_partition_bin "partition-table.bin") set(final_partition_target "sign_partition_table") else() set(unsigned_partition_bin "partition-table.bin") set(final_partition_bin "partition-table.bin") set(final_partition_target "build_partition_table") endif() if(CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_MD5) set(md5_opt --disable-md5sum) endif() if(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE) set(flashsize_opt --flash-size ${CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE}) endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${unsigned_partition_bin}" COMMAND "${PYTHON}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" -q --offset ${PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET} ${md5_opt} ${flashsize_opt} ${partition_csv} ${unsigned_partition_bin} DEPENDS ${partition_csv} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" VERBATIM) # Add signing steps if(CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES) get_filename_component(secure_boot_signing_key "${CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT_SIGNING_KEY}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${PROJECT_PATH}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${final_partition_bin}" COMMAND "${PYTHON}" "${ESPSECUREPY}" sign_data --keyfile "${secure_boot_signing_key}" -o "${final_partition_bin}" "${unsigned_partition_bin}" DEPENDS "${unsigned_partition_bin}" VERBATIM) endif() if(EXISTS ${partition_csv}) add_custom_target(partition_table ALL DEPENDS "${final_partition_bin}") else() # This is a bit of a hack: If the partition input CSV is not found, create a phony partition_table target that # fails the build. Have it also touch CMakeCache.txt to cause a cmake run next time # (to pick up a new CSV if one exists, etc.) # # This is because partition CSV is required at CMake runtime (to generate metadata files with flashing data, etc) but we can't # fail the build if it is not found, because the "menuconfig" target may be required to fix the problem. CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS # only works for files which exist at CMake runtime. add_custom_target(partition_table ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Partition table CSV ${partition_csv} does not exist. Either change partition table in menuconfig or create this input file." COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/scripts/fail.cmake) endif() add_dependencies(bootloader partition_table) add_dependencies(app partition_table) # Use global properties ESPTOOL_WRITE_FLASH_ARGS to pass this info to build # the list of esptool write arguments for flashing set_property(GLOBAL APPEND_STRING PROPERTY ESPTOOL_WRITE_FLASH_ARGS "${PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET} ${final_partition_bin} ") endif()