from TCAction import TCActionBase from NativeLog import NativeLog class TCPClientSingle(TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase): def __init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set, timeout=30, log_path=TCActionBase.LOG_PATH): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.__init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set=cmd_set, timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path) self.link_type = "TCP" # load param from excel for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy": cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0] exec cmd_string self.result_cntx = TCActionBase.ResultCheckContext(self, test_env, self.tc_name) pass def cleanup(self): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.cleanup(self) # turn on logging self.test_env.uart_ports["AT1"].set_uart_logging_flag(True) def execute(self): TCActionBase.TCActionBase.execute(self) self.result_cntx.start() # configurable params try: at_send_length = self.at_send_length soc_send_length = self.soc_send_length test_count = self.test_count tx_enable = self.tx_enable rx_enable = self.rx_enable enable_log = self.enable_log link_type = self.link_type except StandardError, e: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Error configuration for TCPClientSingle script, error is %s" % e) raise StandardError("Error configuration") # configurable params # step1 checker_stings = ["R SOC_COM L OK"] if link_type == "TCP": test_action_string = ["SOC SOC1 LISTEN "] elif link_type == "SSL": test_action_string = ["SOC SOC1 SLISTEN "] pass else: raise StandardError() fail_string = "Fail, Fail on create PC server" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # step2 if link_type == "TCP": checker_stings = ["R SOC1 C +ACCEPT", "R AT1 NC CLOSE L OK"] test_action_strings = ["ATC AT1 CIPSTART \"TCP\" "] elif link_type == "SSL": checker_stings = ["R SOC1 C +SACCEPT", "R AT1 NC CLOSE L OK"] test_action_strings = ["ATC AT1 CIPSTART \"SSL\" "] else: raise StandardError() fail_string = "Fail, Fail on connect to PC server" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_strings, fail_string) is False: return checker_stings = ["R SOC_COM L OK"] test_action_strings = ["SOC SOC1 ACCEPT SOC2"] if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_strings, fail_string) is False: return # step 3 # turn off AT UART logging if enable_log is False: self.test_env.uart_ports["AT1"].set_uart_logging_flag(False) for j in range(0, test_count): data = "A" * at_send_length fail_string = "Fail, Fail on send and recv data" if tx_enable is True: checker_stings = ["P AT1 C >"] test_action_strings = ["ATS AT1 AT+CIPSEND=%d" % at_send_length] if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_strings, fail_string, check_time=20) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Fail on target send command") NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Test count is %d" % j) return checker_stings = ["P SOC2 RL %d" % at_send_length, "P AT1 C OK"] test_action_strings = ["ATSO AT1 %s" % data] if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_strings, fail_string, check_time=20) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Fail on target send, send or recv error") NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Test count is %d" % j) return if rx_enable is True: checker_stings = ["P AT1 DL S+%d" % soc_send_length] test_action_strings = ["SOC SOC2 SEND %d" % soc_send_length] if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_strings, fail_string, check_time=20) is False: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Fail to receive PC sent data") NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Test count is %d" % j) return # finally, execute done self.result_cntx.set_result("Succeed") def result_check(self, port_name, data): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.result_check(self, port_name, data) self.result_cntx.append_data(port_name, data) def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()