from TCAction import PerformanceTCBase import time import socket import threading import Queue import re import random from NativeLog import NativeLog SEND_CMD = ("CIPSEND, CIPSENDBUF", "CIPSENDEX") class RecvThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, test_action): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.test_action = test_action self.exit_flag = threading.Event() pass def run(self): data = "" ipd_line = re.compile("IPD,\d,\d+:") recv_bytes_line = re.compile("Recv \d+ bytes") allow_send_line = re.compile("OK\r\n>") send_ok_line = re.compile("SEND OK") while self.exit_flag.is_set() is False: flush_pos = 0 data += self.test_action.serial_read_data("AT1") # do process IPD data match_set = ipd_line.findall(data) for match_line in match_set: link_id = match_line[4] flush_pos = data.find(match_line) + len(match_line) self.test_action.send_queue.put(link_id, 1) pass # do process send > match = if match is not None: match_line = self.test_action.add_info_log("find OK >") self.test_action.send_allow_evt.set() pos = data.find(match_line) + len(match_line) flush_pos = pos if pos > flush_pos else flush_pos # do process Recv xx bytes match = if match is not None: match_line = self.test_action.add_info_log("find Recv xx bytes") self.test_action.recv_data_evt.set() pos = data.find(match_line) + len(match_line) flush_pos = pos if pos > flush_pos else flush_pos match = if match is not None: match_line = self.test_action.add_info_log("find send ok") self.test_action.send_ok_evt.set() pos = data.find(match_line) + len(match_line) flush_pos = pos if pos > flush_pos else flush_pos # pass # flush processed data if flush_pos > 0: data = data[flush_pos:] pass def exit(self): self.exit_flag.set() pass class TCPClientThread(threading.Thread): send_char = "A" sync_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, test_action, pc_ip, target_ip, target_port, request_len, response_len, client_id, connect_timeout, recv_timeout): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.exit_flag = threading.Event() self.test_action = test_action self.pc_ip = pc_ip self.target_ip = target_ip self.target_port = target_port self.request_len = request_len self.response_len = response_len self.client_id = client_id self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.recv_timeout = recv_timeout pass @classmethod def get_send_char(cls): with cls.sync_lock: send_char = cls.send_char cls.send_char = chr(ord(send_char) + 1) if ord(send_char) < ord("Z") else "A" return send_char pass def run(self): while self.exit_flag.is_set() is False: exception_occurred = False client_sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_sock.bind((self.pc_ip, 0)) client_sock.settimeout(20) time1 = time.time() name = client_sock.getsockname() try: client_sock.connect((self.target_ip, self.target_port)) except StandardError, e: exception_occurred = True self.test_action.add_critical_log("failed to connect succeed within 2 seconds %s, %d" % (name[0], name[1])) client_sock.close() time2 = time.time() - time1 if exception_occurred is True: self.test_action.add_critical_log("connect timeout %f; ip is %s, port is %d" % (time2, name[0], name[1])) continue if time2 > self.connect_timeout: self.test_action.add_critical_log("connect time too long %f; ip is %s, port is %d" % (time2, name[0], name[1])) time.sleep(float(random.randint(0, 30))/100) send_char = self.get_send_char() data = send_char * self.request_len try: client_sock.send(data) except StandardError: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("send fail") # try: # data = client_sock.recv(1) # except socket.error, e: # self.handle_processing_fail("failed to receive data within 2 seconds") data_received = 0 time1 = time.time() while data_received < self.response_len: try: data = client_sock.recv(4*1024) except StandardError, e: exception_occurred = True break data_received += len(data) time2 = time.time() - time1 if exception_occurred is True or time2 > self.recv_timeout: self.test_action.add_critical_log("receive time too long %f; ip is %s, port is %d"\ % (time2, name[0], name[1])) client_sock.close() time.sleep(float(random.randint(0, 30))/100) pass pass def exit(self): self.exit_flag.set() pass class SendThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, test_action, test_count, send_cmd, response_len, check_send_ok): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.test_action = test_action self.test_count = test_count self.send_cmd = send_cmd self.response_len = response_len self.check_send_ok = check_send_ok pass def run(self): send_char = "a" for i in xrange(self.test_count): link_id = self.test_action.send_queue.get(1) self.test_action.send_allow_evt.clear() self.test_action.serial_write_line("AT1", "AT+%s=%s,%d" % (self.send_cmd, link_id, self.response_len)) self.test_action.add_info_log("write CIPSEND cmd") self.test_action.send_allow_evt.wait(10) if self.test_action.send_allow_evt.is_set() is False: self.test_action.add_critical_log("Failed to find OK > in 10s, test break") break self.test_action.send_allow_evt.clear() data = send_char * self.response_len send_char = chr(ord(send_char) + 1) if ord(send_char) < ord("z") else "a" self.test_action.recv_data_evt.clear() self.test_action.send_ok_evt.clear() self.test_action.serial_write("AT1", data) self.test_action.add_info_log("data write done") self.test_action.recv_data_evt.wait(10) if self.test_action.recv_data_evt.is_set() is False: self.test_action.add_critical_log("Failed to find Recv xx bytes in 10s, test break") break self.test_action.recv_data_evt.clear() # if self.test_action.send_cmd == "CIPSEND": if self.check_send_ok is True: self.test_action.send_ok_evt.wait(10) if self.test_action.send_ok_evt.is_set() is False: self.test_action.add_critical_log("Failed to find SEND OK in 10s, test break") break self.test_action.add_info_log("send ok") self.test_action.send_ok_evt.clear() pass pass class SoftAPServer(PerformanceTCBase.PerformanceTCBase): def __init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set, timeout=120, log_path=None): PerformanceTCBase.PerformanceTCBase.__init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set=cmd_set, timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path) # init value for ip and port self.pc_ip = "pc_ip" self.server_port = "test_tcp_port1" self.send_cmd = "CIPSEND" self.baudrate = 115200 self.rtscts = 3 self.test_count = 1000 self.request_len = 500 self.response_len = 1600 self.check_send_ok = True self.concurrent_connections = 5 self.connect_timeout = 3 self.receive_timeout = 2 # load param from excel for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy": cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0] exec cmd_string self.send_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=100) self.send_allow_evt = threading.Event() self.recv_data_evt = threading.Event() self.send_ok_evt = threading.Event() pass @staticmethod def add_critical_log(data): NativeLog.add_trace_critical(data+"\r\n") pass @staticmethod def add_info_log(data): NativeLog.add_trace_info(data) def process(self): # step0, use initial condition AP3 (8266 as AP, PC connected to 8266, multiple connection) pc_ip = self.get_parameter(self.pc_ip) target_ip = self.get_parameter("target_ip") server_port = self.get_parameter(self.server_port) send_cmd = self.send_cmd test_count = self.test_count baudrate = self.baudrate rtscts = self.rtscts concurrent_connections = self.concurrent_connections check_send_ok = self.check_send_ok connect_timeout = self.connect_timeout receive_timeout = self.receive_timeout self.serial_write_line("AT1", "AT+UART_CUR=%d,8,1,0,%d" % (baudrate, rtscts)) self.check_response("AT1", "OK\r\n") self.reconfig_serial_port("AT1", baudrate, rtscts) # step1, create server on 8266, create client thread self.serial_write_line("AT1", "AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d" % server_port) self.check_response("AT1", "OK") recv_thread = RecvThread(self) send_thread = SendThread(self, test_count, send_cmd, self.response_len, check_send_ok) send_thread.start() recv_thread.start() client_thread_list = [None] * concurrent_connections for i in range(concurrent_connections): client_thread_list[i] = TCPClientThread(self, pc_ip, target_ip, server_port, self.request_len, self.response_len, i, connect_timeout, receive_timeout) client_thread_list[i].start() pass # step3, wait sending thread join send_thread.join() recv_thread.exit() recv_thread.join() for i in range(concurrent_connections): client_thread_list[i].exit() client_thread_list[i].join() pass self.serial_write_line("AT1", "AT+UART_CUR=115200,8,1,0,3") self.check_response("AT1", "OK\r\n") self.restore_serial_port("AT1") self.set_result("Succeed") pass pass def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()