# #Component Makefile # LS_TESTDIR := ../libsodium/test/default LS_TEST_OBJDIR := libsodium/test/default TESTS_ALL ?= 0 ifeq ($(TESTS_ALL),1) $(info not linking libsodium tests, use 'TEST_COMPONENTS=libsodium' to test it) else COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--whole-archive -l$(COMPONENT_NAME) -Wl,--no-whole-archive endif # TESTS_ALL COMPONENT_SRCDIRS := . $(LS_TESTDIR) COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS := $(LS_TESTDIR)/../quirks COMPONENT_OBJS := test_sodium.o # The libsodium test suite is designed to be run each test case as an executable on a desktop computer and uses # filesytem to write & then compare contents of each file. # # For now, use their "BROWSER_TEST" mode with these hacks so that # multiple test cases can be combined into one ELF file. # # Run each test case from test_sodium.c as CASENAME_xmain(). define sodium_testcase # This would generate 'warning "main" redefined' warnings at runtime, which are # silenced here. Only other solution involves patching libsodium's cmptest.h. $(LS_TEST_OBJDIR)/$(1).o: CFLAGS+=-Dxmain=$(1)_xmain -Dmain=$(1)_main $(LS_TEST_OBJDIR)/$(1).o: CPPFLAGS+=-Wp,-w COMPONENT_OBJS += $(LS_TEST_OBJDIR)/$(1).o endef TEST_CASES := chacha20 aead_chacha20poly1305 box box2 ed25519_convert sign hash $(foreach case,$(TEST_CASES),$(eval $(call sodium_testcase,$(case)))) # this seems odd, but it prevents the libsodium test harness from # trying to write to a file! CFLAGS += -DBROWSER_TESTS