[flake8] select = # Full lists are given in order to suppress all errors from other plugins # Full list of pyflakes error codes: F401, # module imported but unused F402, # import module from line N shadowed by loop variable F403, # 'from module import *' used; unable to detect undefined names F404, # future import(s) name after other statements F405, # name may be undefined, or defined from star imports: module F406, # 'from module import *' only allowed at module level F407, # an undefined __future__ feature name was imported F601, # dictionary key name repeated with different values F602, # dictionary key variable name repeated with different values F621, # too many expressions in an assignment with star-unpacking F622, # two or more starred expressions in an assignment (a, *b, *c = d) F631, # assertion test is a tuple, which are always True F701, # a break statement outside of a while or for loop F702, # a continue statement outside of a while or for loop F703, # a continue statement in a finally block in a loop F704, # a yield or yield from statement outside of a function F705, # a return statement with arguments inside a generator F706, # a return statement outside of a function/method F707, # an except: block as not the last exception handler F721, F722, # doctest syntax error syntax error in forward type annotation F811, # redefinition of unused name from line N F812, # list comprehension redefines name from line N F821, # undefined name name F822, # undefined name name in __all__ F823, # local variable name referenced before assignment F831, # duplicate argument name in function definition F841, # local variable name is assigned to but never used F901, # raise NotImplemented should be raise NotImplementedError # Full list of pycodestyle violations: E101, # indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs E111, # indentation is not a multiple of four E112, # expected an indented block E113, # unexpected indentation E114, # indentation is not a multiple of four (comment) E115, # expected an indented block (comment) E116, # unexpected indentation (comment) E121, # continuation line under-indented for hanging indent E122, # continuation line missing indentation or outdented E123, # closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line E124, # closing bracket does not match visual indentation E125, # continuation line with same indent as next logical line E126, # continuation line over-indented for hanging indent E127, # continuation line over-indented for visual indent E128, # continuation line under-indented for visual indent E129, # visually indented line with same indent as next logical line E131, # continuation line unaligned for hanging indent E133, # closing bracket is missing indentation E201, # whitespace after '(' E202, # whitespace before ')' E203, # whitespace before ':' E211, # whitespace before '(' E221, # multiple spaces before operator E222, # multiple spaces after operator E223, # tab before operator E224, # tab after operator E225, # missing whitespace around operator E226, # missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E227, # missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator E228, # missing whitespace around modulo operator E231, # missing whitespace after ',', ';', or ':' E241, # multiple spaces after ',' E242, # tab after ',' E251, # unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals E261, # at least two spaces before inline comment E262, # inline comment should start with '# ' E265, # block comment should start with '# ' E266, # too many leading '#' for block comment E271, # multiple spaces after keyword E272, # multiple spaces before keyword E273, # tab after keyword E274, # tab before keyword E275, # missing whitespace after keyword E301, # expected 1 blank line, found 0 E302, # expected 2 blank lines, found 0 E303, # too many blank lines E304, # blank lines found after function decorator E305, # expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class E306, # expected 1 blank line before a nested definition E401, # multiple imports on one line E402, # module level import not at top of file E501, # line too long (82 > 79 characters) E502, # the backslash is redundant between brackets E701, # multiple statements on one line (colon) E702, # multiple statements on one line (semicolon) E703, # statement ends with a semicolon E704, # multiple statements on one line (def) E711, # comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:' E712, # comparison to True should be 'if cond is True:' or 'if cond:' E713, # test for membership should be 'not in' E714, # test for object identity should be 'is not' E721, # do not compare types, use 'isinstance()' E722, # do not use bare except, specify exception instead E731, # do not assign a lambda expression, use a def E741, # do not use variables named 'l', 'O', or 'I' E742, # do not define classes named 'l', 'O', or 'I' E743, # do not define functions named 'l', 'O', or 'I' E901, # SyntaxError or IndentationError E902, # IOError W191, # indentation contains tabs W291, # trailing whitespace W292, # no newline at end of file W293, # blank line contains whitespace W391, # blank line at end of file W503, # line break before binary operator W504, # line break after binary operator W505, # doc line too long (82 > 79 characters) W601, # .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in' W602, # deprecated form of raising exception W603, # '<>' is deprecated, use '!=' W604, # backticks are deprecated, use 'repr()' W605, # invalid escape sequence 'x' W606, # 'async' and 'await' are reserved keywords starting with Python 3.7 # Full list of flake8 violations E999, # failed to compile a file into an Abstract Syntax Tree for the plugins that require it # Full list of mccabe violations C901 # complexity value provided by the user ignore = E221, # multiple spaces before operator E231, # missing whitespace after ',', ';', or ':' E241, # multiple spaces after ',' W503, # line break before binary operator W504 # line break after binary operator max-line-length = 160 show_source = True statistics = True exclude = .git, __pycache__, # submodules components/esptool_py/esptool, components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc, components/nghttp/nghttp2, components/libsodium/libsodium, components/json/cJSON, components/mbedtls/mbedtls, components/expat/expat, components/unity/unity, examples/build_system/cmake/import_lib/main/lib/tinyxml2 # temporary list (should be empty) components/app_update/dump_otadata.py, components/app_update/gen_empty_partition.py, components/espcoredump/espcoredump.py, components/espcoredump/test/test_espcoredump.py, components/nvs_flash/nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py, components/partition_table/gen_esp32part.py, components/partition_table/parttool.py, components/partition_table/test_gen_esp32part_host/gen_esp32part_tests.py, components/protocomm/python/constants_pb2.py, components/protocomm/python/sec0_pb2.py, components/protocomm/python/sec1_pb2.py, components/protocomm/python/session_pb2.py, components/ulp/esp32ulp_mapgen.py, components/wifi_provisioning/python/wifi_config_pb2.py, components/wifi_provisioning/python/wifi_constants_pb2.py, docs/conf_common.py, docs/en/conf.py, docs/gen-dxd.py, docs/gen-toolchain-links.py, docs/gen-version-specific-includes.py, docs/link-roles.py, docs/local_util.py, docs/zh_CN/conf.py, examples/peripherals/can/can_alert_and_recovery/example_test.py, examples/peripherals/can/can_network/example_test.py, examples/peripherals/can/can_self_test/example_test.py, examples/peripherals/i2s_adc_dac/tools/generate_audio_file.py, examples/peripherals/sdio/sdio_test.py, examples/protocols/asio/chat_client/asio_chat_client_test.py, examples/protocols/asio/chat_server/asio_chat_server_test.py, examples/protocols/asio/tcp_echo_server/asio_tcp_server_test.py, examples/protocols/asio/udp_echo_server/asio_udp_server_test.py, examples/protocols/esp_http_client/esp_http_client_test.py, examples/protocols/http_server/advanced_tests/http_server_advanced_test.py, examples/protocols/http_server/advanced_tests/scripts/test.py, examples/protocols/http_server/persistent_sockets/http_server_persistence_test.py, examples/protocols/http_server/persistent_sockets/scripts/adder.py, examples/protocols/http_server/simple/http_server_simple_test.py, examples/protocols/http_server/simple/scripts/client.py, examples/protocols/https_request/example_test.py, examples/protocols/mdns/mdns_example_test.py, examples/protocols/mqtt/ssl/mqtt_ssl_example_test.py, examples/protocols/mqtt/tcp/mqtt_tcp_example_test.py, examples/protocols/mqtt/ws/mqtt_ws_example_test.py, examples/protocols/mqtt/wss/mqtt_wss_example_test.py, examples/protocols/sockets/scripts/tcpclient.py, examples/protocols/sockets/scripts/tcpserver.py, examples/protocols/sockets/scripts/udpclient.py, examples/protocols/sockets/scripts/udpserver.py, examples/provisioning/ble_prov/ble_prov_test.py, examples/provisioning/custom_config/components/custom_provisioning/python/custom_config_pb2.py, examples/provisioning/softap_prov/softap_prov_test.py, examples/provisioning/softap_prov/utils/wifi_tools.py, examples/storage/parttool/example_test.py, examples/system/cpp_exceptions/example_test.py, examples/system/esp_event/default_event_loop/example_test.py, examples/system/esp_event/user_event_loops/example_test.py, examples/system/esp_timer/example_test.py, examples/system/light_sleep/example_test.py, examples/system/ota/otatool/example_test.py, examples/wifi/iperf/iperf_test.py, examples/wifi/iperf/test_report.py, tools/check_python_dependencies.py, tools/ci/apply_bot_filter.py, tools/cmake/convert_to_cmake.py, tools/esp_app_trace/apptrace_proc.py, tools/esp_app_trace/logtrace_proc.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/constants/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/iterators/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/macros/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/types/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/util/__init__.py, tools/esp_app_trace/pylibelf/util/syms/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/esp_prov.py, tools/esp_prov/proto/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/prov/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/prov/custom_prov.py, tools/esp_prov/prov/wifi_prov.py, tools/esp_prov/security/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/security/security.py, tools/esp_prov/security/security0.py, tools/esp_prov/security/security1.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/ble_cli.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/transport.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/transport_ble.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/transport_console.py, tools/esp_prov/transport/transport_softap.py, tools/esp_prov/utils/__init__.py, tools/esp_prov/utils/convenience.py, tools/gen_esp_err_to_name.py, tools/idf.py, tools/idf_size.py, tools/kconfig_new/confgen.py, tools/kconfig_new/confserver.py, tools/kconfig_new/gen_kconfig_doc.py, tools/kconfig_new/kconfiglib.py, tools/kconfig_new/test/test_confserver.py, tools/ldgen/fragments.py, tools/ldgen/generation.py, tools/ldgen/ldgen.py, tools/ldgen/pyparsing.py, tools/ldgen/sdkconfig.py, tools/ldgen/test/test_fragments.py, tools/ldgen/test/test_generation.py, tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py, tools/test_idf_monitor/run_test_idf_monitor.py, tools/test_idf_size/test_idf_size.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/CIAssignExampleTest.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/CIAssignUnitTest.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/DUT.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/EnvConfig.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/IDF/IDFApp.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/IDF/IDFDUT.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Runner.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/TinyFW.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/CaseConfig.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/LineChart.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/PowerControl.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/SearchCases.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/__init__.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/docs/conf.py, tools/tiny-test-fw/example.py, tools/unit-test-app/idf_ext.py, tools/unit-test-app/tools/CreateSectionTable.py, tools/unit-test-app/tools/UnitTestParser.py, tools/unit-test-app/unit_test.py, tools/windows/eclipse_make.py,