from import is_target_supported, ensure_build_directory, run_target from idf_py_actions.errors import FatalError def action_extensions(base_actions, project_path): SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32s2'] def dfu_target(target_name, ctx, args): ensure_build_directory(args, ctx.info_name) run_target(target_name, args) def dfu_flash_target(target_name, ctx, args): ensure_build_directory(args, ctx.info_name) try: run_target(target_name, args) except FatalError: # Cannot capture the error from dfu-util here so the best advise is: print('Please have a look at the "Device Firmware Upgrade through USB" chapter in API Guides of the ' 'ESP-IDF documentation for solving common dfu-util issues.') raise dfu_actions = { "actions": { "dfu": { "callback": dfu_target, "short_help": "Build the DFU binary", "dependencies": ["all"], }, "dfu-flash": { "callback": dfu_flash_target, "short_help": "Flash the DFU binary", "order_dependencies": ["dfu"], }, } } return dfu_actions if is_target_supported(project_path, SUPPORTED_TARGETS) else {}