cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(idf_as_lib C) if("${TARGET}" STREQUAL "esp32") # Include for ESP-IDF build system functions include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/idf.cmake) # Create idf::esp32 and idf::freertos static libraries idf_build_process(esp32 # try and trim the build; additional components # will be included as needed based on dependency tree # # although esptool_py does not generate static library, # processing the component is needed for flashing related # targets and file generation COMPONENTS esp32 freertos esptool_py SDKCONFIG ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/sdkconfig BUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) else() # Create stubs for esp32 and freertos, stub::esp32 and stub::freertos add_subdirectory(stubs/esp32) add_subdirectory(stubs/freertos) add_subdirectory(stubs/spi_flash) endif() set(elf_file ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf) add_executable(${elf_file} main.c) # Link the static libraries to the executable if("${TARGET}" STREQUAL "esp32") target_link_libraries(${elf_file} idf::esp32 idf::freertos idf::spi_flash) # Attach additional targets to the executable file for flashing, # linker script generation, partition_table generation, etc. idf_build_executable(${elf_file}) else() target_link_libraries(${elf_file} stub::esp32 stub::freertos stub::spi_flash) endif() set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS 1)