ESP-IDF Programming Guide ========================= This is the documentation for Espressif IoT Development Framework (`esp-idf `_). ESP-IDF is the official development framework for the `ESP32 `_ chip. +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | |Get Started|_ | |API Reference|_ | |H/W Reference|_ | +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | `Get Started`_ | `API Reference`_ | `H/W Reference`_ | +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | |API Guides|_ | |Contribute|_ | |Resources|_ | +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | `API Guides`_ | `Contribute`_ | `Resources`_ | +------------------+------------------+------------------+ .. |Get Started| image:: _static/get-started.gif .. _Get Started: get-started/index.html .. |API Reference| image:: _static/api-reference.gif .. _API Reference: api-reference/index.html .. |H/W Reference| image:: _static/hw-reference.gif .. _H/W Reference: hw-reference/index.html .. |Api Guides| image:: _static/api-guides.gif .. _Api Guides: api-guides/index.html .. |Contribute| image:: _static/contribute.gif .. _Contribute: contribute/index.html .. |Resources| image:: _static/resources.gif .. _Resources: resources.html .. toctree:: :hidden: Get Started API Reference H/W Reference API Guides Contribute Versions Resources Copyrights About * :ref:`genindex`