# Test Case for BLE Smartphone Compatibility This document provides a test case for BLE smartphone compatibility and includes detailed procedures for various test items. ## Preparation ### What You Need * ESP device which needs to flash [this test program] (https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/master/examples/bluetooth/ble_compatibility_test/main/ble_compatibility_test.c) * Smartphone with LightBlue® Explorer app ### Initialization Prior to conducting tests, please initialize the smartphone and the ESP device as follows: * Set the device name as `BLE_COMP_TEST`. * Set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the device to 33 bytes, to test the assembly and division of data packets. * If the smartphone has been paired with the ESP device before, please delete the pairing in the Bluetooth setting as follows: `Bluetooth` -> `My Devices` -> `Find this device with "i" in a circle on the right` -> `Forget this device`. Then restart the Bluetooth service. * Before flashing the test program onto the ESP device, make sure to erase the contents of the flash by executing the command `make erase_flash flash` in the Terminal. * When the ESP device restarts, the pairing information will be erased automatically. After that, make sure that the pairing information in the Bluetooth setting of the smartphone is deleted. **Note:** * For tests marked with (*) further in the document, please bear in mind the following: * Your phone performance may affect the results of these tests. If such a test fails, it does not mean the phone fails to meet the test requirements, but that you need to arrange targeted tests. * Taking "Test for Connection Success Rate" as an example: if the test cannot be passed for 10 consecutive times, you need to record how many times the test was passed and then arrange targeted tests. * For extended testing, please use the [examples] (https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/bluetooth) provided by Espressif. ## Test for ADV Performance (*) ### Search Device Refresh the scanning in LightBlue® Explorer to check if the device to be tested can be found quickly. Please repeat this action 10 times. ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * The device starts advertizing and outputs the log `(0) ***** advertising start successfully *****`. * LightBlue® Explorer scans and successfully discovers ` BLE_COMP_TEST` each time. **Note:** * The device broadcasts on 3 channels, with an ADV interval of 40 ms. * Check if the ADV packet can be received. * Check if the Scan Response packet can be received. * The device name is included in Scan Response packets only and cannot be found in ADV packets. ## Test for Pairing Performance ### Connect Device * Open the LightBlue® Explorer scan list and tap on the device name ` BLE_COMP_TEST` to establish connection. * ESP device prints a passkey: `The passkey notify number: 123456`. * A prompt on the smartphone appears asking if you want to pair. Tap on *Pair*, and then enter the passkey "123456". ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * If the connection is successful: * Smartphone shows DATA beginning with `ADVERTISEMENT DATA` * ESP device outputs the log: `ESP_GATTS_CONNECT_EVT` * When the pairing is established, the device shows the following log in green: `(1) ***** pair status = success *****` ## Test for Service Discovery Performance ### Test Procedures In LightBlue® Explorer, check the contents of `GATT SERVICES & CHARACTERISTICS`. ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * Service that starts with ``000000ff`` appears at the bottom of your smartphone. * This service contains 3 characteristics * `Char_1_Short_WR` * `Char_2_Long_WR` * `Char_3_Short_Notify` ## Test for Read and Encrypt ### Test Procedures Read the value of `Char_1` in LightBlue, and tap on `READ AGAIN`. ### Test Results * Encryption is successful, if your smartphone shows the value "11 22 33 44", and the ESP device prints the log: `(2) ***** read char_1 *****`. * Encryption fails, if your smartphone shows a blank screen, and the ESP device outputs the error log in red: `GATT_INSUF_AUTHENTICATION: MITM Required`. ## Test for Short Read and Write ### Test Procedures * Navigate to the WRITE interface in LightBlue® Explorer, and write the value "88 99" to `Char_1`. * Read `Char_1` and check if its value is consistent with the data you have written to it. ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * ESP device prints the log: `(3)***** short write success *****`. * LightBlue® Explorer shows "88 99" below `READ AGAIN`. ## Test for Long Read and Write ### Test Procedures * Navigate to the WRITE interface in LightBlue® Explorer, and write the string `0x001122…FF001122…FF` of 256 bytes to `Char_2`. The data takes up 16 lines and looks as follows: ``` 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF … 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF ``` * Read `Char_2` and check if its value is consistent with the data you have written to it. ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * The device prints the log: ``ESP_GATTS_EXEC_WRITE_EVT, Length=256`` and ``(4) ***** long write success *****``. * LightBlue® Explorer shows `(5) ***** read char_2 *****` below `READ AGAIN`. **Note:** The data to be written can be copied from a text file and pasted into LightBlue® Explorer. ## Test for Short Notify ### Test Procedures * Enter `Char_3` and tap on `SUBSCRIBE` to enable its Notify function. * Your phone automatically receives Notify data from the device. ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * ESP device prints the log: `(6) ***** send notify AA BB *****`. * "AA BB" appears on your smartphone. ## Test for Connection Success Rate (*) ### Test procedures * Break the connection * Re-establish the connection * Repeat 10 times ### Test Results The test is passed, if you get the following results: * Your phone establishes the connection successfully, and the ESP device outputs the log: `(1) ***** pair status = success *****`. * Your phone breaks the connection, and the device outputs the log: `ESP_GATTS_DISCONNECT_EVT`. * Connection can be set up each time with no issues. ## Test for Long Connection Stability The connection must be stable throughout the tests. **Note:** If the existing connection breaks: * LightBlue® Explorer prints `Disconnected`. * ESP device outputs the log: ``ESP_GATTS_DISCONNECT_EVT, reason = (0) ***** advertising start successfully *****``. ## Further Information * If you see any log entry in red, please record it for future reference or feedback it to our engineer. * Tests to be added in the future: * Multi-connection Test * Automatic Re-connection Test