{ Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Installation summary page ------------------------------ } function UpdateReadyMemo(Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String; begin Result := '' if PythonUseExisting then begin Result := Result + 'Using Python ' + PythonVersion + ':' + NewLine + Space + PythonExecutablePath + NewLine + NewLine; end else begin Result := Result + 'Will download and install Python ' + PythonVersion + NewLine + NewLine; end; if GitUseExisting then begin Result := Result + 'Using Git ' + GitVersion + ':' + NewLine + Space + GitExecutablePath + NewLine + NewLine; end else begin Result := Result + 'Will download and install Git for Windows ' + GitVersion + NewLine + NewLine; end; if IDFUseExisting then begin Result := Result + 'Using existing ESP-IDF copy: ' + NewLine + Space + IDFExistingPath + NewLine + NewLine; end else begin Result := Result + 'Will download ESP-IDF ' + IDFDownloadVersion + ' into:' + NewLine + Space + IDFDownloadPath + NewLine + NewLine; end; Result := Result + 'IDF tools directory (IDF_TOOLS_PATH):' + NewLine + Space + ExpandConstant('{app}') + NewLine + NewLine; Log('Summary message: ' + NewLine + Result); end;