Configure Other JTAG Interface ============================== :link_to_translation:`zh_CN:[中文]` Refer to section :ref:`jtag-debugging-selecting-jtag-adapter` for guidance what JTAG interface to select, so it is able to operate with OpenOCD and {IDF_TARGET_NAME}. Then follow three configuration steps below to get it working. Configure Hardware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Identify all pins / signals on JTAG interface and {IDF_TARGET_NAME} board, that should be connected to establish communication. .. only:: esp32 +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | | ESP32 Pin | JTAG Signal | +===+=======================+=============+ | 1 | CHIP_PU | TRST_N | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 2 | MTDO / GPIO15 | TDO | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 3 | MTDI / GPIO12 | TDI | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 4 | MTCK / GPIO13 | TCK | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 5 | MTMS / GPIO14 | TMS | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 6 | GND | GND | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ .. only:: esp32s2 +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | | ESP32-S2 Pin | JTAG Signal | +===+=======================+=============+ | 1 | CHIP_PU | TRST_N | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 2 | MTDO / GPIO40 | TDO | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 3 | MTDI / GPIO41 | TDI | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 4 | MTCK / GPIO39 | TCK | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 5 | MTMS / GPIO42 | TMS | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ | 6 | GND | GND | +---+-----------------------+-------------+ 2. Verify if {IDF_TARGET_NAME} pins used for JTAG communication are not connected to some other h/w that may disturb JTAG operation. 3. Connect identified pin / signals of {IDF_TARGET_NAME} and JTAG interface. Configure Drivers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may need to install driver s/w to make JTAG work with computer. Refer to documentation of JTAG adapter, that should provide related details. Connect ^^^^^^^ Connect JTAG interface to the computer. Power on {IDF_TARGET_NAME} and JTAG interface boards. Check if JTAG interface is visible by computer. To carry on with debugging environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`jtag-debugging-run-openocd`.