TCP/IP Adapter ============== The purpose of TCP/IP Adapter library is twofold: - It provides an abstraction layer for the application on top of the TCP/IP stack. This will allow applications to choose between IP stacks in the future. - The APIs it provides are thread safe, even if the underlying TCP/IP stack APIs are not. ESP-IDF currently implements TCP/IP Adapter for the lwIP TCP/IP stack only. However, the adapter itself is TCP/IP implementation agnostic and different implementations are possible. Some TCP/IP Adapter API functions are intended to be called by application code, for example to get/set interface IP addresses, configure DHCP. Other functions are intended for internal ESP-IDF use by the network driver layer. In many cases, applications do not need to call TCP/IP Adapter APIs directly as they are called from the default network event handlers. API Reference ------------- .. include:: /_build/inc/