ESP-IDF Programming Guide ========================= This is the documentation for Espressif IoT Developement Framework (`esp-idf `_). ESP-IDF is the official development framework for the `ESP32 `_ chip. Contents: .. toctree:: :caption: Setup Toolchain :maxdepth: 1 Windows Linux Mac OS .. Connect - TBA .. toctree:: :caption: Build and Flash :maxdepth: 1 Make Eclipse IDE .. toctree:: :caption: What Else? :maxdepth: 1 General Notes Build System Debugging ESP32 Core Dump Partition Tables Flash Encryption Secure Boot Deep Sleep Wake Stubs ULP Coprocessor .. toctree:: :caption: API Reference :maxdepth: 2 Wi-Fi Bluetooth Ethernet Peripherals System Storage Protocols .. toctree:: :caption: Hardware Reference Technical Reference Manual Pin List and Functions Chip Pinout Silicon Errata .. toctree:: :caption: Contribute :maxdepth: 1 Contributions Guide Style Guide Documenting Code API Template Contributor Agreement .. toctree:: :caption: Legal :maxdepth: 1 COPYRIGHT Indices ======= * :ref:`genindex`