// Copyright 2015-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef _ESP_NETIF_TYPES_H_ #define _ESP_NETIF_TYPES_H_ /** * @brief Definition of ESP-NETIF based errors */ #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE 0x5000 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_INVALID_PARAMS ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x01 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_IF_NOT_READY ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x02 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCPC_START_FAILED ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x03 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STARTED ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x04 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_ALREADY_STOPPED ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x05 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_NO_MEM ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x06 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DHCP_NOT_STOPPED ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x07 #define ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_DRIVER_ATACH_FAILED ESP_ERR_ESP_NETIF_BASE + 0x08 /** @brief Type of esp_netif_object server */ struct esp_netif_obj; typedef struct esp_netif_obj esp_netif_t; /** @brief Type of DNS server */ typedef enum { ESP_NETIF_DNS_MAIN= 0, /**< DNS main server address*/ ESP_NETIF_DNS_BACKUP, /**< DNS backup server address (Wi-Fi STA and Ethernet only) */ ESP_NETIF_DNS_FALLBACK, /**< DNS fallback server address (Wi-Fi STA and Ethernet only) */ ESP_NETIF_DNS_MAX } esp_netif_dns_type_t; /** @brief DNS server info */ typedef struct { esp_ip_addr_t ip; /**< IPV4 address of DNS server */ } esp_netif_dns_info_t; /** @brief Status of DHCP client or DHCP server */ typedef enum { ESP_NETIF_DHCP_INIT = 0, /**< DHCP client/server is in initial state (not yet started) */ ESP_NETIF_DHCP_STARTED, /**< DHCP client/server has been started */ ESP_NETIF_DHCP_STOPPED, /**< DHCP client/server has been stopped */ ESP_NETIF_DHCP_STATUS_MAX } esp_netif_dhcp_status_t; /** @brief Mode for DHCP client or DHCP server option functions */ typedef enum{ ESP_NETIF_OP_START = 0, ESP_NETIF_OP_SET, /**< Set option */ ESP_NETIF_OP_GET, /**< Get option */ ESP_NETIF_OP_MAX } esp_netif_dhcp_option_mode_t; /** @brief Supported options for DHCP client or DHCP server */ typedef enum{ ESP_NETIF_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER = 6, /**< Domain name server */ ESP_NETIF_ROUTER_SOLICITATION_ADDRESS = 32, /**< Solicitation router address */ ESP_NETIF_REQUESTED_IP_ADDRESS = 50, /**< Request specific IP address */ ESP_NETIF_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME = 51, /**< Request IP address lease time */ ESP_NETIF_IP_REQUEST_RETRY_TIME = 52, /**< Request IP address retry counter */ } esp_netif_dhcp_option_id_t; /** IP event declarations */ typedef enum { IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, /*!< ESP32 station got IP from connected AP */ IP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP, /*!< ESP32 station lost IP and the IP is reset to 0 */ IP_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED, /*!< ESP32 soft-AP assign an IP to a connected station */ IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6, /*!< ESP32 station or ap or ethernet interface v6IP addr is preferred */ IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP, /*!< ESP32 ethernet got IP from connected AP */ } ip_event_t; /** @brief IP event base declaration */ ESP_EVENT_DECLARE_BASE(IP_EVENT); /** Event structure for IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP events */ typedef struct { esp_ip4_addr_t ip; /**< Interface IPV4 address */ esp_ip4_addr_t netmask; /**< Interface IPV4 netmask */ esp_ip4_addr_t gw; /**< Interface IPV4 gateway address */ } esp_netif_ip_info_t; /** @brief IPV6 IP address information */ typedef struct { esp_ip6_addr_t ip; /**< Interface IPV6 address */ } esp_netif_ip6_info_t; typedef struct { int if_index; /*!< Interface index for which the event is received (left for legacy compilation) */ esp_netif_t *esp_netif; /*!< Pointer to corresponding esp-netif object */ esp_netif_ip_info_t ip_info; /*!< IP address, netmask, gatway IP address */ bool ip_changed; /*!< Whether the assigned IP has changed or not */ } ip_event_got_ip_t; /** Event structure for IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6 event */ typedef struct { int if_index; /*!< Interface index for which the event is received (left for legacy compilation) */ esp_netif_t *esp_netif; /*!< Pointer to corresponding esp-netif object */ esp_netif_ip6_info_t ip6_info; /*!< IPv6 address of the interface */ } ip_event_got_ip6_t; /** Event structure for IP_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED event */ typedef struct { esp_ip4_addr_t ip; /*!< IP address which was assigned to the station */ } ip_event_ap_staipassigned_t; typedef struct { uint8_t mac[6]; /**< Station MAC address */ esp_ip4_addr_t ip; /**< Station assigned IP address */ } esp_netif_sta_info_t; typedef struct { esp_netif_sta_info_t sta[ESP_WIFI_MAX_CONN_NUM]; /**< Connected stations */ int num; /**< Number of connected stations */ } esp_netif_sta_list_t; typedef enum esp_netif_flags { ESP_NETIF_DHCPC = 1 << 0, ESP_NETIF_DHCPS = 1 << 1, ESP_NETIF_FLAG_AUTOUP = 1 << 2, ESP_NETIF_FLAG_GARP = 1 << 3, ESP_NETIF_FLAG_EVENT_IP_MODIFIED = 1 << 4 } esp_netif_flags_t; typedef enum esp_netif_type { ESP_NETIF_TYPE_UNKNOWN, ESP_NETIF_TYPE_STA, ESP_NETIF_TYPE_AP, ESP_NETIF_TYPE_ETH, ESP_NETIF_TYPE_OTHER, ESP_NETIF_TYPE_MAX } esp_netif_type_t; typedef enum esp_netif_ip_event_type { ESP_NETIF_IP_EVENT_GOT_IP = 1, ESP_NETIF_IP_EVENT_LOST_IP = 2, } esp_netif_ip_event_type_t; // // ESP-NETIF interface configuration: // 1) general (behavioral) config (esp_netif_config_t) // 2) (peripheral) driver specific config (esp_netif_driver_ifconfig_t) // 3) network stack specific config (esp_netif_net_stack_ifconfig_t) -- no publicly available // typedef struct esp_netif_inherent_config { esp_netif_flags_t flags; /*!< flags that define esp-netif behavior */ uint8_t mac[6]; /*!< initial mac address for this interface */ esp_netif_ip_info_t* ip_info; /*!< initial ip address for this interface */ uint32_t get_ip_event; /*!< event id to be raised when interface gets an IP */ uint32_t lost_ip_event; /*!< event id to be raised when interface losts its IP */ esp_netif_type_t if_type; /*!< enum type of the interface */ const char * if_key; /*!< string identifier of the interface */ int route_prio; /*!< numeric priority of this interface to become a default routing if (if other netifs are up) */ } esp_netif_inherent_config_t; typedef struct esp_netif_config esp_netif_config_t; /** * @brief IO driver handle type */ typedef void * esp_netif_iodriver_handle; typedef struct esp_netif_driver_base_s { esp_err_t (*post_attach)(esp_netif_t *netif, esp_netif_iodriver_handle h); esp_netif_t *netif; } esp_netif_driver_base_t; /** * @brief Specific IO driver configuration */ struct esp_netif_driver_ifconfig { esp_netif_iodriver_handle handle; esp_err_t (*transmit)(void *h, void *buffer, size_t len); void (*driver_free_rx_buffer)(void *h, void* buffer); }; //typedef struct esp_netif_net_stack_ifconfig esp_netif_net_stack_ifconfig_t; typedef struct esp_netif_driver_ifconfig esp_netif_driver_ifconfig_t; /** * @brief Specific L3 network stack configuration */ typedef enum esp_netif_netstack_type { ESP_NETIF_NETWORK_STACK_IS_LWIP = 0, ESP_NETIF_NETWORK_STACK_IS_LOOPBACK = 1, ESP_NETIF_NETWORK_STACK_MAX, } esp_netif_netstack_type_t; typedef struct esp_netif_netstack_base_config { esp_netif_netstack_type_t type; } esp_netif_netstack_base_config_t; typedef struct esp_netif_netstack_config esp_netif_netstack_config_t; /** * @brief Generic esp_netif configuration */ struct esp_netif_config { const esp_netif_inherent_config_t *base; const esp_netif_driver_ifconfig_t *driver; const esp_netif_netstack_config_t *stack; }; #endif // _ESP_NETIF_TYPES_H_