# Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ DUT for IDF applications """ import os import re import subprocess import functools import random import tempfile # python2 and python3 queue package name is different try: import Queue as _queue except ImportError: import queue as _queue from serial.tools import list_ports import DUT import Utility class IDFToolError(OSError): pass class IDFDUTException(RuntimeError): pass class IDFRecvThread(DUT.RecvThread): PERFORMANCE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\[Performance]\[(\w+)]: ([^\r\n]+)\r?\n") EXCEPTION_PATTERNS = [ re.compile(r"(Guru Meditation Error: Core\s+\d panic'ed \([\w].*?\))"), re.compile(r"(abort\(\) was called at PC 0x[a-fA-F\d]{8} on core \d)"), re.compile(r"(rst 0x\d+ \(TG\dWDT_SYS_RESET|TGWDT_CPU_RESET\))") ] BACKTRACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"Backtrace:((\s(0x[0-9a-f]{8}):0x[0-9a-f]{8})+)") def __init__(self, read, data_cache, recorded_data, record_data_lock): super(IDFRecvThread, self).__init__(read, data_cache, recorded_data, record_data_lock) self.exceptions = _queue.Queue() def collect_performance(self, comp_data): matches = self.PERFORMANCE_PATTERN.findall(comp_data) for match in matches: Utility.console_log("[Performance][{}]: {}".format(match[0], match[1]), color="orange") def detect_exception(self, comp_data): for pattern in self.EXCEPTION_PATTERNS: start = 0 while True: match = pattern.search(comp_data, pos=start) if match: start = match.end() self.exceptions.put(match.group(0)) Utility.console_log("[Exception]: {}".format(match.group(0)), color="red") else: break def detect_backtrace(self, comp_data): # TODO: to support auto parse backtrace start = 0 while True: match = self.BACKTRACE_PATTERN.search(comp_data, pos=start) if match: start = match.end() Utility.console_log("[Backtrace]:{}".format(match.group(1)), color="red") else: break CHECK_FUNCTIONS = [collect_performance, detect_exception, detect_backtrace] def _tool_method(func): """ close port, execute tool method and then reopen port """ @functools.wraps(func) def handler(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close() ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs) self.open() return ret return handler class IDFDUT(DUT.SerialDUT): """ IDF DUT, extends serial with ESPTool methods """ CHIP_TYPE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"Detecting chip type[.:\s]+(.+)") # if need to erase NVS partition in start app ERASE_NVS = True RECV_THREAD_CLS = IDFRecvThread def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, allow_dut_exception=False, **kwargs): self.download_config, self.partition_table = app.process_app_info() super(IDFDUT, self).__init__(name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs) self.allow_dut_exception = allow_dut_exception @classmethod def get_chip(cls, app, port): """ get chip id via esptool :param app: application instance (to get tool) :param port: comport :return: chip ID or None """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(["python", app.esptool, "--port", port, "chip_id"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output = bytes() if isinstance(output, bytes): output = output.decode() chip_type = cls.CHIP_TYPE_PATTERN.search(output) return chip_type.group(1) if chip_type else None @classmethod def confirm_dut(cls, port, app, **kwargs): return cls.get_chip(app, port) is not None @_tool_method def start_app(self, erase_nvs=ERASE_NVS): """ download and start app. :param: erase_nvs: whether erase NVS partition during flash :return: None """ if erase_nvs: address = self.partition_table["nvs"]["offset"] size = self.partition_table["nvs"]["size"] nvs_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() nvs_file.write(chr(0xFF) * size) nvs_file.flush() download_config = self.download_config + [address, nvs_file.name] else: download_config = self.download_config retry_baud_rates = ["921600", "115200"] error = IDFToolError() try: for baud_rate in retry_baud_rates: try: subprocess.check_output(["python", self.app.esptool, "--port", self.port, "--baud", baud_rate] + download_config) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: continue else: raise error finally: if erase_nvs: nvs_file.close() @_tool_method def reset(self): """ reset DUT with esptool :return: None """ subprocess.check_output(["python", self.app.esptool, "--port", self.port, "run"]) @_tool_method def erase_partition(self, partition): """ :param partition: partition name to erase :return: None """ address = self.partition_table[partition]["offset"] size = self.partition_table[partition]["size"] with open(".erase_partition.tmp", "wb") as f: f.write(chr(0xFF) * size) @_tool_method def dump_flush(self, output_file, **kwargs): """ dump flush :param output_file: output file name, if relative path, will use sdk path as base path. :keyword partition: partition name, dump the partition. ``partition`` is preferred than using ``address`` and ``size``. :keyword address: dump from address (need to be used with size) :keyword size: dump size (need to be used with address) :return: None """ if os.path.isabs(output_file) is False: output_file = os.path.relpath(output_file, self.app.get_log_folder()) if "partition" in kwargs: partition = self.partition_table[kwargs["partition"]] _address = partition["offset"] _size = partition["size"] elif "address" in kwargs and "size" in kwargs: _address = kwargs["address"] _size = kwargs["size"] else: raise IDFToolError("You must specify 'partition' or ('address' and 'size') to dump flash") subprocess.check_output( ["python", self.app.esptool, "--port", self.port, "--baud", "921600", "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "read_flash", _address, _size, output_file] ) def get_exceptions(self): """ Get exceptions detected by DUT receive thread. """ exceptions = [] if self.receive_thread: while True: try: exceptions.append(self.receive_thread.exceptions.get(timeout=0)) except _queue.Empty: break return exceptions def close(self): super(IDFDUT, self).close() if not self.allow_dut_exception and self.get_exceptions(): raise IDFDUTException()