*** Running idf_size.py... Total sizes: DRAM .data size: 9324 bytes DRAM .bss size: 8296 bytes Used static DRAM: 17620 bytes ( 163116 available, 9.7% used) Used static IRAM: 38932 bytes ( 92140 available, 29.7% used) Flash code: 146944 bytes Flash rodata: 39580 bytes Total image size:~ 234780 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) *** Running idf_size.py --archives... Total sizes: DRAM .data size: 9324 bytes DRAM .bss size: 8296 bytes Used static DRAM: 17620 bytes ( 163116 available, 9.7% used) Used static IRAM: 38932 bytes ( 92140 available, 29.7% used) Flash code: 146944 bytes Flash rodata: 39580 bytes Total image size:~ 234780 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) Per-archive contributions to ELF file: Archive File DRAM .data & .bss IRAM Flash code & rodata Total liblwip.a 14 3751 0 66978 13936 84679 libc.a 0 0 0 55583 3889 59472 libesp32.a 2635 2375 7758 4814 8133 25715 libfreertos.a 4156 832 12853 0 1545 19386 libspi_flash.a 36 359 7004 886 1624 9909 libsoc.a 660 8 3887 0 3456 8011 libheap.a 1331 4 4376 1218 980 7909 libgcc.a 4 20 104 5488 888 6504 libvfs.a 232 103 0 3770 403 4508 libunity.a 0 121 0 2316 830 3267 libstdc++.a 8 16 0 1827 1062 2913 libnewlib.a 152 272 853 803 86 2166 libpthread.a 16 12 174 774 638 1614 libdriver.a 40 20 0 961 537 1558 liblog.a 8 268 456 396 166 1294 libapp_update.a 0 0 0 123 717 840 libtcpip_adapter.a 0 81 0 180 359 620 libhal.a 0 0 515 0 32 547 libm.a 0 0 92 0 0 92 libmain.a 0 0 0 53 10 63 libcxx.a 0 0 0 11 0 11 libxtensa-debug-module.a 0 0 8 0 0 8 libbootloader_support.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libcoexist.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libcore.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libethernet.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libmbedtls.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libmesh.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libnet80211.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libnvs_flash.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libphy.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libpp.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 librtc.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libsmartconfig_ack.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libwpa.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libwpa2.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libwpa_supplicant.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 libwps.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** Running idf_size.py --files... Total sizes: DRAM .data size: 9324 bytes DRAM .bss size: 8296 bytes Used static DRAM: 17620 bytes ( 163116 available, 9.7% used) Used static IRAM: 38932 bytes ( 92140 available, 29.7% used) Flash code: 146944 bytes Flash rodata: 39580 bytes Total image size:~ 234780 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) Per-file contributions to ELF file: Object File DRAM .data & .bss IRAM Flash code & rodata Total lib_a-vfprintf.o 0 0 0 14193 756 14949 lib_a-svfprintf.o 0 0 0 13834 756 14590 lib_a-svfiprintf.o 0 0 0 9642 1210 10852 lib_a-vfiprintf.o 0 0 0 9933 738 10671 nd6.o 8 1027 0 8427 136 9598 tcp_in.o 0 54 0 8127 916 9097 tasks.o 20 700 5667 0 503 6890 tcp_out.o 0 0 0 5060 1124 6184 sockets.o 0 728 0 4627 824 6179 tcp.o 4 23 0 4290 1384 5701 api_msg.o 0 0 0 3763 1366 5129 dhcp.o 0 8 0 3456 1401 4865 panic.o 2579 5 2145 0 0 4729 esp_err_to_name.o 0 0 0 50 4091 4141 unwind-dw2-fde.o 4 20 0 3316 404 3744 pbuf.o 0 1 0 2453 1161 3615 portasm.o 3084 0 480 0 0 3564 lib_a-dtoa.o 0 0 0 3522 13 3535 etharp.o 0 241 0 2618 658 3517 ip6.o 0 0 0 3212 124 3336 dns.o 0 1292 0 1809 206 3307 spi_flash_rom_patch.o 0 0 2518 0 766 3284 udp.o 2 4 0 3020 216 3242 intr_alloc.o 8 22 726 1749 710 3215 multi_heap.o 857 0 2217 0 0 3074 queue.o 8 56 2569 0 369 3002 flash_ops.o 32 41 2352 99 0 2524 unwind-dw2-xtensa.o 0 0 0 2172 324 2496 rtc_clk.o 660 8 1794 0 0 2462 lib_a-mprec.o 0 0 0 2134 296 2430 vfs.o 192 40 0 1995 132 2359 ip6_frag.o 0 6 0 1905 442 2353 api_lib.o 0 0 0 1425 919 2344 igmp.o 0 12 0 1604 707 2323 dbg_stubs.o 0 2072 32 100 0 2204 vfs_uart.o 40 63 0 1775 271 2149 unity_platform.o 0 13 0 1511 600 2124 esp_timer_esp32.o 8 26 1295 254 526 2109 rtc_periph.o 0 0 0 0 2080 2080 flash_mmap.o 0 296 1298 124 327 2045 heap_caps.o 4 0 1195 188 593 1980 eh_personality.o 0 0 0 1561 384 1945 ip4.o 0 6 0 1664 139 1809 netif.o 0 241 0 1239 287 1767 xtensa_vectors.o 8 0 1697 0 36 1741 cpu_start.o 0 1 806 277 486 1570 clk.o 0 0 67 581 893 1541 timers.o 8 56 1149 0 233 1446 sys_arch.o 0 8 0 1216 222 1446 multi_heap_poisoning.o 470 0 964 0 0 1434 heap_caps_init.o 0 4 0 1030 387 1421 mld6.o 0 4 0 1334 0 1338 cache_utils.o 4 14 836 81 390 1325 raw.o 0 4 0 1087 223 1314 esp_timer.o 8 20 702 429 142 1301 log.o 8 268 456 396 166 1294 system_api.o 0 8 589 0 662 1259 soc_memory_layout.o 0 0 0 0 1239 1239 icmp.o 0 0 0 769 371 1140 xtensa_intr_asm.o 1024 0 51 0 0 1075 port.o 0 16 617 0 369 1002 pthread.o 8 8 174 298 512 1000 icmp6.o 0 0 0 863 127 990 rtc_init.o 0 0 980 0 0 980 unity.o 0 108 0 767 90 965 rtc_time.o 0 0 803 0 137 940 dport_access.o 8 40 539 189 129 905 lib_a-fseeko.o 0 0 0 862 0 862 time.o 0 32 139 691 0 862 tcpip.o 0 16 0 644 191 851 esp_ota_ops.o 0 0 0 123 717 840 periph_ctrl.o 8 0 0 520 256 784 timers.o 0 12 0 638 131 781 partition.o 0 8 0 582 141 731 locks.o 8 0 552 0 84 644 ipc.o 0 36 159 329 104 628 tcpip_adapter_lwip.o 0 81 0 180 359 620 pthread_local_storage.o 8 4 0 476 126 614 inet_chksum.o 0 0 0 580 0 580 crosscore_int.o 8 8 204 126 148 494 netbuf.o 0 0 0 154 326 480 vfs_lwip.o 0 0 0 307 155 462 syscall_table.o 144 240 0 67 0 451 timer.o 16 0 0 112 281 409 int_wdt.o 0 1 87 301 0 389 eh_globals.o 0 16 0 149 193 358 brownout.o 0 0 0 145 191 336 freertos_hooks.o 8 128 43 137 0 316 windowspill_asm.o 0 0 311 0 0 311 cpu_util.o 0 0 310 0 0 310 rtc_module.o 8 8 0 291 0 307 xtensa_context.o 0 0 299 0 0 299 eh_terminate.o 0 0 0 117 141 258 ethernet.o 0 0 0 244 12 256 lib_a-puts.o 0 0 0 182 60 242 dport_panic_highint_hdl. 8 0 234 0 0 242 lib_a-reent.o 0 0 0 232 0 232 lib_a-fopen.o 0 0 0 228 0 228 dhcpserver.o 0 4 0 203 0 207 test_utils.o 0 0 0 38 140 178 lib_a-sprintf.o 0 0 0 167 0 167 cache_err_int.o 0 0 56 98 0 154 list.o 0 0 142 0 0 142 xtensa_intr.o 0 0 104 0 35 139 syscalls.o 0 0 94 45 0 139 si_class_type_info.o 0 0 0 0 136 136 lib_a-assert.o 0 0 0 68 60 128 lib_a-flags.o 0 0 0 127 0 127 lib_a-printf.o 0 0 0 116 0 116 ip4_addr.o 0 0 0 72 40 112 class_type_info.o 0 0 0 0 112 112 lib_a-s_frexp.o 0 0 0 110 0 110 ip.o 0 60 0 50 0 110 memp.o 0 0 0 0 108 108 lib2funcs.o 0 0 104 0 0 104 lib_a-vprintf.o 0 0 0 94 0 94 lib_a-s_fpclassify.o 0 0 92 0 0 92 def.o 0 0 0 91 0 91 lib_a-fiprintf.o 0 0 0 84 0 84 hw_random.o 0 4 74 0 0 78 stack_check.o 0 4 0 32 42 78 clock.o 0 0 72 0 0 72 reent_init.o 0 0 68 0 2 70 app_main.o 0 0 0 53 10 63 state_asm--restore_extra 0 0 62 0 0 62 state_asm--save_extra_nw 0 0 62 0 0 62 uart.o 8 12 0 38 0 58 new_opv.o 0 0 0 0 56 56 xtensa_vector_defaults.o 0 0 46 0 0 46 lib_a-fseek.o 0 0 0 45 0 45 _divdi3.o 0 0 0 0 40 40 _moddi3.o 0 0 0 0 40 40 _udivdi3.o 0 0 0 0 40 40 _umoddi3.o 0 0 0 0 40 40 new_op.o 0 0 0 0 40 40 xtensa_init.o 0 4 32 0 0 36 interrupts--intlevel.o 0 0 0 0 32 32 init.o 0 0 0 27 0 27 wifi_init.o 0 0 0 17 9 26 ip6_addr.o 0 0 0 0 20 20 lib_a-errno.o 0 0 0 10 0 10 int_asm--set_intclear.o 0 0 8 0 0 8 eri.o 0 0 8 0 0 8 cxx_exception_stubs.o 0 0 0 6 0 6 cxx_guards.o 0 0 0 5 0 5 FreeRTOS-openocd.o 4 0 0 0 0 4 eh_term_handler.o 4 0 0 0 0 4 eh_unex_handler.o 4 0 0 0 0 4 bootloader_flash.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 bootloader_sha.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 esp_image_format.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-fputs.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-snprintf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-strerror.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-sysgettod.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-u_strerr.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-vsnprintf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_a-xpg_strerror_r.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_api.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_arbit.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_core.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_dbg.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_hw.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_param.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 coexist_timer.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 misc_nvs.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 gpio.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ets_timer_legacy.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 event_default_handlers.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 event_loop.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lib_printf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 phy_init.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 sha.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wifi_os_adapter.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 emac_dev.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 emac_main.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 event_groups.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ringbuf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _addsubdf3.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _cmpdf2.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _divdf3.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _divsf3.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _extendsfdf2.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _fixdfsi.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _floatdidf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _floatdisf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _floatsidf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _muldf3.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 _popcountsi2.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ethernetif.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ethip6.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wlanif.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 esp_sha256.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_common.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_config.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_main.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_parent.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_route.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_schedule.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_timer.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_utilities.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 mesh_wifi.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_action.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_action_vendor. 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_api.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_crypto.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_crypto_ccmp.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_crypto_tkip.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_crypto_wep.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_debug.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_ets.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_hostap.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_ht.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_ie_vendor.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_input.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_ioctl.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_mesh_quick.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_misc.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_nvs.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_output.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_phy.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_power.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_proto.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_regdomain.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_rfid.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_scan.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_sta.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ieee80211_timer.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wl_chm.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wl_cnx.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_api.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_item_hash_list.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_page.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_pagemanager.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_storage.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nvs_types.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 phy.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 phy_chip_v7.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 phy_chip_v7_ana.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 phy_chip_v7_cal.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 esf_buf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 if_hwctrl.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 lmac.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pm.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pm_for_bcn_only_mode.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pp.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pp_debug.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pp_timer.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 rate_control.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 trc.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wdev.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 bt_bb.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pm.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 rtc.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 rtc_analog.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 smartconfig_ack.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 gpio_periph.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 rtc_sleep.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 bad_alloc.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 del_op.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 del_opv.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 eh_exception.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 new_handler.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 pure.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 tinfo.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ap_config.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 common.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_auth.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_auth_ie.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_common.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_debug.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_ie.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa_main.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpabuf.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpas_glue.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wpa2_internal.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 os_xtensa.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 wps_internal.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** Running idf_size.py --archive_details... Total sizes: DRAM .data size: 9324 bytes DRAM .bss size: 8296 bytes Used static DRAM: 17620 bytes ( 163116 available, 9.7% used) Used static IRAM: 38932 bytes ( 92140 available, 29.7% used) Flash code: 146944 bytes Flash rodata: 39580 bytes Total image size:~ 234780 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) Symbols within the archive: libdriver.a (Not all symbols may be reported) Symbols from section: .dram0.data timer_spinlock(16) periph_spinlock(8) s_rtc_isr_handler_list_lock(8) uart_selectlock(8) Section total: 40 Symbols from section: .dram0.bss p_uart_obj(12) s_rtc_isr_handle(4) s_rtc_isr_handler_list(4) Section total: 20 Symbols from section: .iram0.text Section total: 0 Symbols from section: .iram0.vectors Section total: 0 Symbols from section: .flash.text get_clk_en_mask(211) get_rst_en_mask(157) timer_group_intr_enable(112) rtc_isr(86) periph_module_enable(78) rtc_isr_ensure_installed(75) rtc_gpio_force_hold_dis_all(65) rtc_isr_register(65) is_wifi_clk_peripheral(28) uart_set_select_notif_callback(26) get_rst_en_reg(25) get_clk_en_reg(21) uart_get_selectlock(12) Section total: 961 Symbols from section: .flash.rodata str1.4(249) get_clk_en_mask(128) get_rst_en_mask(128) __FUNCTION__$5441(24) TG(8) Section total: 537 ***]nProducing JSON output... { "dram_data": 9324, "dram_bss": 8296, "used_dram": 17620, "available_dram": 163116, "used_dram_ratio": 0.09749026203966006, "used_iram": 38932, "available_iram": 92140, "used_iram_ratio": 0.297027587890625, "flash_code": 146944, "flash_rodata": 39580, "total_size": 234780 } { "liblwip.a": { "data": 14, "bss": 3751, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 66978, "flash_rodata": 13936, "total": 84679 }, "libc.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 55583, "flash_rodata": 3889, "total": 59472 }, "libesp32.a": { "data": 2635, "bss": 2375, "iram": 7758, "flash_text": 4814, "flash_rodata": 8133, "total": 25715 }, "libfreertos.a": { "data": 4156, "bss": 832, "iram": 12853, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 1545, "total": 19386 }, "libspi_flash.a": { "data": 36, "bss": 359, "iram": 7004, "flash_text": 886, "flash_rodata": 1624, "total": 9909 }, "libsoc.a": { "data": 660, "bss": 8, "iram": 3887, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 3456, "total": 8011 }, "libheap.a": { "data": 1331, "bss": 4, "iram": 4376, "flash_text": 1218, "flash_rodata": 980, "total": 7909 }, "libgcc.a": { "data": 4, "bss": 20, "iram": 104, "flash_text": 5488, "flash_rodata": 888, "total": 6504 }, "libvfs.a": { "data": 232, "bss": 103, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3770, "flash_rodata": 403, "total": 4508 }, "libunity.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 121, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 2316, "flash_rodata": 830, "total": 3267 }, "libstdc++.a": { "data": 8, "bss": 16, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1827, "flash_rodata": 1062, "total": 2913 }, "libnewlib.a": { "data": 152, "bss": 272, "iram": 853, "flash_text": 803, "flash_rodata": 86, "total": 2166 }, "libpthread.a": { "data": 16, "bss": 12, "iram": 174, "flash_text": 774, "flash_rodata": 638, "total": 1614 }, "libdriver.a": { "data": 40, "bss": 20, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 961, "flash_rodata": 537, "total": 1558 }, "liblog.a": { "data": 8, "bss": 268, "iram": 456, "flash_text": 396, "flash_rodata": 166, "total": 1294 }, "libapp_update.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 123, "flash_rodata": 717, "total": 840 }, "libtcpip_adapter.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 81, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 180, "flash_rodata": 359, "total": 620 }, "libhal.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 515, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 32, "total": 547 }, "libm.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 92, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 92 }, "libmain.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 53, "flash_rodata": 10, "total": 63 }, "libcxx.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 11, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 11 }, "libxtensa-debug-module.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 8, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 8 }, "libbootloader_support.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libcoexist.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libcore.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libethernet.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libmbedtls.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libmesh.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libnet80211.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libnvs_flash.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libphy.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libpp.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "librtc.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libsmartconfig_ack.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libwpa.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libwpa2.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libwpa_supplicant.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 }, "libwps.a": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 0 } } { "libc.a:lib_a-vfprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 14193, "flash_rodata": 756, "total": 14949 }, "libc.a:lib_a-svfprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 13834, "flash_rodata": 756, "total": 14590 }, "libc.a:lib_a-svfiprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 9642, "flash_rodata": 1210, "total": 10852 }, "libc.a:lib_a-vfiprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 9933, "flash_rodata": 738, "total": 10671 }, "liblwip.a:nd6.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 1027, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 8427, "flash_rodata": 136, "total": 9598 }, "liblwip.a:tcp_in.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 54, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 8127, "flash_rodata": 916, "total": 9097 }, "libfreertos.a:tasks.o": { "data": 20, "bss": 700, "iram": 5667, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 503, "total": 6890 }, "liblwip.a:tcp_out.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 5060, "flash_rodata": 1124, "total": 6184 }, "liblwip.a:sockets.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 728, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 4627, "flash_rodata": 824, "total": 6179 }, "liblwip.a:tcp.o": { "data": 4, "bss": 23, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 4290, "flash_rodata": 1384, "total": 5701 }, "liblwip.a:api_msg.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3763, "flash_rodata": 1366, "total": 5129 }, "liblwip.a:dhcp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 8, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3456, "flash_rodata": 1401, "total": 4865 }, "libesp32.a:panic.o": { "data": 2579, "bss": 5, "iram": 2145, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 4729 }, "libesp32.a:esp_err_to_name.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 50, "flash_rodata": 4091, "total": 4141 }, "libgcc.a:unwind-dw2-fde.o": { "data": 4, "bss": 20, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3316, "flash_rodata": 404, "total": 3744 }, "liblwip.a:pbuf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 1, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 2453, "flash_rodata": 1161, "total": 3615 }, "libfreertos.a:portasm.o": { "data": 3084, "bss": 0, "iram": 480, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 3564 }, "libc.a:lib_a-dtoa.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3522, "flash_rodata": 13, "total": 3535 }, "liblwip.a:etharp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 241, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 2618, "flash_rodata": 658, "total": 3517 }, "liblwip.a:ip6.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3212, "flash_rodata": 124, "total": 3336 }, "liblwip.a:dns.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 1292, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1809, "flash_rodata": 206, "total": 3307 }, "libspi_flash.a:spi_flash_rom_patch.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 2518, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 766, "total": 3284 }, "liblwip.a:udp.o": { "data": 2, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 3020, "flash_rodata": 216, "total": 3242 }, "libesp32.a:intr_alloc.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 22, "iram": 726, "flash_text": 1749, "flash_rodata": 710, "total": 3215 }, "libheap.a:multi_heap.o": { "data": 857, "bss": 0, "iram": 2217, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 3074 }, "libfreertos.a:queue.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 56, "iram": 2569, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 369, "total": 3002 }, "libspi_flash.a:flash_ops.o": { "data": 32, "bss": 41, "iram": 2352, "flash_text": 99, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 2524 }, "libgcc.a:unwind-dw2-xtensa.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 2172, "flash_rodata": 324, "total": 2496 }, "libsoc.a:rtc_clk.o": { "data": 660, "bss": 8, "iram": 1794, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 2462 }, "libc.a:lib_a-mprec.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 2134, "flash_rodata": 296, "total": 2430 }, "libvfs.a:vfs.o": { "data": 192, "bss": 40, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1995, "flash_rodata": 132, "total": 2359 }, "liblwip.a:ip6_frag.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 6, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1905, "flash_rodata": 442, "total": 2353 }, "liblwip.a:api_lib.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1425, "flash_rodata": 919, "total": 2344 }, "liblwip.a:igmp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 12, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1604, "flash_rodata": 707, "total": 2323 }, "libesp32.a:dbg_stubs.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 2072, "iram": 32, "flash_text": 100, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 2204 }, "libvfs.a:vfs_uart.o": { "data": 40, "bss": 63, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1775, "flash_rodata": 271, "total": 2149 }, "libunity.a:unity_platform.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 13, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1511, "flash_rodata": 600, "total": 2124 }, "libesp32.a:esp_timer_esp32.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 26, "iram": 1295, "flash_text": 254, "flash_rodata": 526, "total": 2109 }, "libsoc.a:rtc_periph.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 2080, "total": 2080 }, "libspi_flash.a:flash_mmap.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 296, "iram": 1298, "flash_text": 124, "flash_rodata": 327, "total": 2045 }, "libheap.a:heap_caps.o": { "data": 4, "bss": 0, "iram": 1195, "flash_text": 188, "flash_rodata": 593, "total": 1980 }, "libstdc++.a:eh_personality.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1561, "flash_rodata": 384, "total": 1945 }, "liblwip.a:ip4.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 6, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1664, "flash_rodata": 139, "total": 1809 }, "liblwip.a:netif.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 241, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1239, "flash_rodata": 287, "total": 1767 }, "libfreertos.a:xtensa_vectors.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 0, "iram": 1697, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 36, "total": 1741 }, "libesp32.a:cpu_start.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 1, "iram": 806, "flash_text": 277, "flash_rodata": 486, "total": 1570 }, "libesp32.a:clk.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 67, "flash_text": 581, "flash_rodata": 893, "total": 1541 }, "libfreertos.a:timers.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 56, "iram": 1149, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 233, "total": 1446 }, "liblwip.a:sys_arch.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 8, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1216, "flash_rodata": 222, "total": 1446 }, "libheap.a:multi_heap_poisoning.o": { "data": 470, "bss": 0, "iram": 964, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 1434 }, "libheap.a:heap_caps_init.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1030, "flash_rodata": 387, "total": 1421 }, "liblwip.a:mld6.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1334, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 1338 }, "libspi_flash.a:cache_utils.o": { "data": 4, "bss": 14, "iram": 836, "flash_text": 81, "flash_rodata": 390, "total": 1325 }, "liblwip.a:raw.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 1087, "flash_rodata": 223, "total": 1314 }, "libesp32.a:esp_timer.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 20, "iram": 702, "flash_text": 429, "flash_rodata": 142, "total": 1301 }, "liblog.a:log.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 268, "iram": 456, "flash_text": 396, "flash_rodata": 166, "total": 1294 }, "libesp32.a:system_api.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 8, "iram": 589, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 662, "total": 1259 }, "libsoc.a:soc_memory_layout.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 1239, "total": 1239 }, "liblwip.a:icmp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 769, "flash_rodata": 371, "total": 1140 }, "libfreertos.a:xtensa_intr_asm.o": { "data": 1024, "bss": 0, "iram": 51, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 1075 }, "libfreertos.a:port.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 16, "iram": 617, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 369, "total": 1002 }, "libpthread.a:pthread.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 8, "iram": 174, "flash_text": 298, "flash_rodata": 512, "total": 1000 }, "liblwip.a:icmp6.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 863, "flash_rodata": 127, "total": 990 }, "libsoc.a:rtc_init.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 980, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 980 }, "libunity.a:unity.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 108, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 767, "flash_rodata": 90, "total": 965 }, "libsoc.a:rtc_time.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 803, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 137, "total": 940 }, "libesp32.a:dport_access.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 40, "iram": 539, "flash_text": 189, "flash_rodata": 129, "total": 905 }, "libc.a:lib_a-fseeko.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 862, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 862 }, "libnewlib.a:time.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 32, "iram": 139, "flash_text": 691, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 862 }, "liblwip.a:tcpip.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 16, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 644, "flash_rodata": 191, "total": 851 }, "libapp_update.a:esp_ota_ops.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 123, "flash_rodata": 717, "total": 840 }, "libdriver.a:periph_ctrl.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 520, "flash_rodata": 256, "total": 784 }, "liblwip.a:timers.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 12, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 638, "flash_rodata": 131, "total": 781 }, "libspi_flash.a:partition.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 8, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 582, "flash_rodata": 141, "total": 731 }, "libnewlib.a:locks.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 0, "iram": 552, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 84, "total": 644 }, "libesp32.a:ipc.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 36, "iram": 159, "flash_text": 329, "flash_rodata": 104, "total": 628 }, "libtcpip_adapter.a:tcpip_adapter_lwip.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 81, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 180, "flash_rodata": 359, "total": 620 }, "libpthread.a:pthread_local_storage.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 476, "flash_rodata": 126, "total": 614 }, "liblwip.a:inet_chksum.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 580, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 580 }, "libesp32.a:crosscore_int.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 8, "iram": 204, "flash_text": 126, "flash_rodata": 148, "total": 494 }, "liblwip.a:netbuf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 154, "flash_rodata": 326, "total": 480 }, "liblwip.a:vfs_lwip.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 307, "flash_rodata": 155, "total": 462 }, "libnewlib.a:syscall_table.o": { "data": 144, "bss": 240, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 67, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 451 }, "libdriver.a:timer.o": { "data": 16, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 112, "flash_rodata": 281, "total": 409 }, "libesp32.a:int_wdt.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 1, "iram": 87, "flash_text": 301, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 389 }, "libstdc++.a:eh_globals.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 16, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 149, "flash_rodata": 193, "total": 358 }, "libesp32.a:brownout.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 145, "flash_rodata": 191, "total": 336 }, "libesp32.a:freertos_hooks.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 128, "iram": 43, "flash_text": 137, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 316 }, "libhal.a:windowspill_asm.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 311, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 311 }, "libsoc.a:cpu_util.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 310, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 310 }, "libdriver.a:rtc_module.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 8, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 291, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 307 }, "libfreertos.a:xtensa_context.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 299, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 299 }, "libstdc++.a:eh_terminate.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 117, "flash_rodata": 141, "total": 258 }, "liblwip.a:ethernet.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 244, "flash_rodata": 12, "total": 256 }, "libc.a:lib_a-puts.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 182, "flash_rodata": 60, "total": 242 }, "libesp32.a:dport_panic_highint_hdl.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 0, "iram": 234, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 242 }, "libc.a:lib_a-reent.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 232, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 232 }, "libc.a:lib_a-fopen.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 228, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 228 }, "liblwip.a:dhcpserver.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 203, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 207 }, "libunity.a:test_utils.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 38, "flash_rodata": 140, "total": 178 }, "libc.a:lib_a-sprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 167, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 167 }, "libesp32.a:cache_err_int.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 56, "flash_text": 98, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 154 }, "libfreertos.a:list.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 142, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 142 }, "libfreertos.a:xtensa_intr.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 104, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 35, "total": 139 }, "libnewlib.a:syscalls.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 94, "flash_text": 45, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 139 }, "libstdc++.a:si_class_type_info.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 136, "total": 136 }, "libc.a:lib_a-assert.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 68, "flash_rodata": 60, "total": 128 }, "libc.a:lib_a-flags.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 127, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 127 }, "libc.a:lib_a-printf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 116, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 116 }, "liblwip.a:ip4_addr.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 72, "flash_rodata": 40, "total": 112 }, "libstdc++.a:class_type_info.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 112, "total": 112 }, "libc.a:lib_a-s_frexp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 110, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 110 }, "liblwip.a:ip.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 60, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 50, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 110 }, "liblwip.a:memp.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 108, "total": 108 }, "libgcc.a:lib2funcs.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 104, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 104 }, "libc.a:lib_a-vprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 94, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 94 }, "libm.a:lib_a-s_fpclassify.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 92, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 92 }, "liblwip.a:def.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 91, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 91 }, "libc.a:lib_a-fiprintf.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 84, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 84 }, "libesp32.a:hw_random.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 74, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 78 }, "libesp32.a:stack_check.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 4, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 32, "flash_rodata": 42, "total": 78 }, "libhal.a:clock.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 72, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 72 }, "libnewlib.a:reent_init.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 68, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 2, "total": 70 }, "libmain.a:app_main.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 53, "flash_rodata": 10, "total": 63 }, "libhal.a:state_asm--restore_extra_nw.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 62, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 62 }, "libhal.a:state_asm--save_extra_nw.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 62, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 62 }, "libdriver.a:uart.o": { "data": 8, "bss": 12, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 38, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 58 }, "libstdc++.a:new_opv.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 56, "total": 56 }, "libfreertos.a:xtensa_vector_defaults.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 46, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 46 }, "libc.a:lib_a-fseek.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 45, "flash_rodata": 0, "total": 45 }, "libgcc.a:_divdi3.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 40, "total": 40 }, "libgcc.a:_moddi3.o": { "data": 0, "bss": 0, "iram": 0, "flash_text": 0, "flash_rodata": 40, "total": 40 }, 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"s_rtc_isr_handle": 4, "s_rtc_isr_handler_list": 4 }, ".iram0.text": {}, ".iram0.vectors": {}, ".flash.text": { "get_clk_en_mask": 211, "get_rst_en_mask": 157, "timer_group_intr_enable": 112, "rtc_isr": 86, "periph_module_enable": 78, "rtc_isr_ensure_installed": 75, "rtc_gpio_force_hold_dis_all": 65, "rtc_isr_register": 65, "is_wifi_clk_peripheral": 28, "uart_set_select_notif_callback": 26, "get_rst_en_reg": 25, "get_clk_en_reg": 21, "uart_get_selectlock": 12 }, ".flash.rodata": { "str1.4": 249, "get_clk_en_mask": 128, "get_rst_en_mask": 128, "__FUNCTION__$5441": 24, "TG": 8 } } *** Running idf_size_tests.py... Total sizes: DRAM .data size: 0 bytes DRAM .bss size: 0 bytes Used static DRAM: 0 bytes ( 0 available, nan% used) Used static IRAM: 0 bytes ( 0 available, nan% used) Flash code: 0 bytes Flash rodata: 0 bytes Total image size:~ 0 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)