test cases: - CI ready: 'Yes' ID: TCPIP_DNS_0101 SDK: |- 8266_NonOS 8266_RTOS ESP32_IDF Test App: SSC allow fail: 1/2 auto test: 'Yes' category: Function cmd set: - '' - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d gbot.espressif.cn - - R SSC1 C +HOSTIP:OK, execution time: 0.0 expected result: 1.OK initial condition: STAM2 level: Integration module: TCPIP steps: 1. get host name "espressif.cn" sub module: DNS summary: get host by name test test environment: SSC_T1_2 test point 1: basic function test point 2: DNS function test version: v1 (2016-8-15) - CI ready: 'Yes' ID: TCPIP_DNS_0102 SDK: |- 8266_NonOS 8266_RTOS ESP32_IDF Test App: SSC allow fail: 1/2 auto test: 'Yes' category: Function cmd set: - '' - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d gbot.espressif.cn - - R SSC1 A :\+HOSTIP:OK,(.+)\r\n - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP - - R SSC1 A :\+BIND:(\d+),OK - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s -i -p 9001 - - R SSC1 RE \+CONNECT:\d+,OK - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s -l 10 - - P SSC1 RE \+SEND:\d+,OK - P SSC1 SL +10 execution time: 0.0 expected result: |- 1.OK 2.OK initial condition: STAM2 level: Integration module: TCPIP steps: |- 1. get host name "espressif.cn" 2. connect, send, recv sub module: DNS summary: TCP connect to gbot.espressif.cn test environment: SSC_T1_2 test point 1: basic function test point 2: DNS function test version: v2 (2016-10-19) - CI ready: 'Yes' ID: TCPIP_DNS_0103 SDK: |- 8266_NonOS 8266_RTOS ESP32_IDF Test App: SSC allow fail: 1/2 auto test: 'Yes' category: Function cmd set: - '' - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d gbot.espressif.cn - - R SSC1 A :\+HOSTIP:OK,(.+)\r\n - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP - - R SSC1 A :\+BIND:(\d+),OK - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s -i -p 9003 -l 10 -n 3 -j 1000 - - P SSC1 RE \+SEND:\d+,OK - P SSC1 SL +10 execution time: 0.0 expected result: |- 1.OK 2.send OK and recv at least one echo initial condition: STAM2 level: Integration module: TCPIP steps: |- 1. get host name "espressif.cn" 2. sendto echo server 3 times sub module: DNS summary: UDP send to gbot.espressif.cn test environment: SSC_T1_2 test point 1: basic function test point 2: DNS function test version: v2 (2016-10-19) - CI ready: 'No' ID: TCPIP_DNS_0201 SDK: |- 8266_NonOS 8266_RTOS ESP32_IDF Test App: SSC allow fail: '' auto test: 'No' category: Function cmd set: '' execution time: 0.1 expected result: 2. failed initial condition: None level: Integration module: TCPIP steps: |- 1.AP的主、备用DNS server均设置为错误 2.target连接上AP 并访问正确的域名 sub module: DNS summary: get host name with error DNS server test environment: SSC_T1_2 test point 1: abnormal/special use test point 2: use special DNS server config version: v1 (2016-8-15) - CI ready: 'No' ID: TCPIP_DNS_0202 SDK: |- 8266_NonOS 8266_RTOS ESP32_IDF Test App: SSC allow fail: '' auto test: 'No' category: Function cmd set: '' execution time: 0.1 expected result: 2. succeed initial condition: None level: Integration module: TCPIP steps: |- 1.AP的主DNS server设置为错误,备用DNS server设置为正确 2.target连接上AP 并访问正确的域名 sub module: DNS summary: get host name with error main DNS server and correct backup DNS server test environment: SSC_T1_2 test point 1: abnormal/special use test point 2: use special DNS server config version: v1 (2016-8-15)