/* ROM Functions defined in this file are not used in ESP-IDF as is, and different definitions for functions with the same names are provided. This file is not used when linking ESP-IDF and is intended for reference only */ PROVIDE ( abort = 0x4000bba4 ); PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x4005cc7c ); PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x4005cc18 ); PROVIDE ( aes_unwrap = 0x4005ccf0 ); PROVIDE ( base64_decode = 0x4005ced8 ); PROVIDE ( base64_encode = 0x4005cdbc ); PROVIDE ( ets_isr_mask = 0x400067fc ); PROVIDE ( ets_isr_unmask = 0x40006808 ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm = 0x40008368 ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm_us = 0x400083ac ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_disarm = 0x400083ec ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_done = 0x40008428 ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_init = 0x400084e8 ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_handler_isr = 0x40008454 ); PROVIDE ( ets_timer_setfn = 0x40008350 ); PROVIDE ( hmac_md5 = 0x4005d264 ); PROVIDE ( hmac_md5_vector = 0x4005d17c ); PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1 = 0x40060acc ); PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1_vector = 0x400609e4 ); PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256 = 0x40060d58 ); PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256_vector = 0x40060c84 ); PROVIDE ( MD5Final = 0x4005db1c ); PROVIDE ( MD5Init = 0x4005da7c ); PROVIDE ( MD5Update = 0x4005da9c ); PROVIDE ( md5_vector = 0x4005db80 ); PROVIDE ( pbkdf2_sha1 = 0x40060ba4 ); PROVIDE ( rc4_skip = 0x40060928 ); PROVIDE ( sha1_prf = 0x40060ae8 ); PROVIDE ( sha1_vector = 0x40060b64 ); PROVIDE ( sha256_prf = 0x40060d70 ); PROVIDE ( sha256_vector = 0x40060e08 ); PROVIDE ( uart_tx_wait_idle = 0x40009278 );