# expand_requires.cmake is a utility cmake script to expand component requirements early in the build, # before the components are ready to be included. # # Parameters: # - COMPONENTS = Space-separated list of initial components to include in the build. # Can be empty, in which case all components are in the build. # - DEPENDENCIES_FILE = Path of generated cmake file which will contain the expanded dependencies for these # components. # - COMPONENT_DIRS = List of paths to search for all components. # - DEBUG = Set -DDEBUG=1 to debug component lists in the build. # # If successful, DEPENDENCIES_FILE can be expanded to set BUILD_COMPONENTS & BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS with all # components required for the build, and the get_component_requirements() function to return each component's # recursively expanded requirements. # # TODO: Error out if a component requirement is missing cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) include("${IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/utilities.cmake") if(NOT DEPENDENCIES_FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "DEPENDENCIES_FILE must be set.") endif() if(NOT COMPONENT_DIRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "COMPONENT_DIRS variable must be set") endif() spaces2list(COMPONENT_DIRS) function(debug message) if(DEBUG) message(STATUS "${message}") endif() endfunction() # Dummy register_component used to save requirements variables as global properties, for later expansion # # (expand_component_requirements() includes the component CMakeLists.txt, which then sets its component variables, # calls this dummy macro, and immediately exits again.) macro(register_component) if(COMPONENT STREQUAL main AND NOT COMPONENT_REQUIRES) set(main_component_requires ${COMPONENTS}) list(REMOVE_ITEM main_component_requires "main") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "${COMPONENT}_REQUIRES" "${main_component_requires}") else() spaces2list(COMPONENT_REQUIRES) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "${COMPONENT}_REQUIRES" "${COMPONENT_REQUIRES}") endif() spaces2list(COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "${COMPONENT}_PRIV_REQUIRES" "${COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES}") # This is tricky: we override register_component() so it returns out of the component CMakeLists.txt # (as we're declaring it as a macro not a function, so it doesn't have its own scope.) # # This means no targets are defined, and the component expansion ends early. return() endmacro() macro(register_config_only_component) register_component() endmacro() # Given a component name (find_name) and a list of component paths (component_paths), # return the path to the component in 'variable' # # Fatal error is printed if the component is not found. function(find_component_path find_name component_paths variable) foreach(path ${component_paths}) get_filename_component(name "${path}" NAME) if("${name}" STREQUAL "${find_name}") set("${variable}" "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() # TODO: find a way to print the dependency chain that lead to this not-found component message(FATAL_ERROR "Required component ${find_name} is not found in any of the provided COMPONENT_DIRS") endfunction() # components_find_all: Search 'component_dirs' for components and return them # as a list of names in 'component_names' and a list of full paths in # 'component_paths' # # component_paths contains only unique component names. Directories # earlier in the component_dirs list take precedence. function(components_find_all component_dirs component_paths component_names) # component_dirs entries can be files or lists of files set(paths "") set(names "") # start by expanding the component_dirs list with all subdirectories foreach(dir ${component_dirs}) # Iterate any subdirectories for values file(GLOB subdirs LIST_DIRECTORIES true "${dir}/*") foreach(subdir ${subdirs}) set(component_dirs "${component_dirs};${subdir}") endforeach() endforeach() # Look for a component in each component_dirs entry foreach(dir ${component_dirs}) debug("Looking for CMakeLists.txt in ${dir}") file(GLOB component "${dir}/CMakeLists.txt") if(component) debug("CMakeLists.txt file ${component}") get_filename_component(component "${component}" DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(name "${component}" NAME) if(NOT name IN_LIST names) set(names "${names};${name}") set(paths "${paths};${component}") endif() else() # no CMakeLists.txt file # test for legacy component.mk and warn file(GLOB legacy_component "${dir}/component.mk") if(legacy_component) get_filename_component(legacy_component "${legacy_component}" DIRECTORY) message(WARNING "Component ${legacy_component} contains old-style component.mk but no CMakeLists.txt. " "Component will be skipped.") endif() endif() endforeach() set(${component_paths} ${paths} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${component_names} ${names} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # expand_component_requirements: Recursively expand a component's requirements, # setting global properties BUILD_COMPONENTS & BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS and # also invoking the components to call register_component() above, # which will add per-component global properties with dependencies, etc. function(expand_component_requirements component) get_property(build_components GLOBAL PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENTS) if(${component} IN_LIST build_components) return() # already added this component endif() find_component_path("${component}" "${ALL_COMPONENT_PATHS}" component_path) debug("Expanding dependencies of ${component} @ ${component_path}") if(NOT component_path) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND ${component}) return() endif() # include the component CMakeLists.txt to expand its properties # into the global cache (via register_component(), above) unset(COMPONENT_REQUIRES) unset(COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES) set(COMPONENT ${component}) include(${component_path}/CMakeLists.txt) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS ${component_path}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENTS ${component}) get_property(requires GLOBAL PROPERTY "${component}_REQUIRES") get_property(requires_priv GLOBAL PROPERTY "${component}_PRIV_REQUIRES") foreach(req ${requires} ${requires_priv}) expand_component_requirements(${req}) endforeach() endfunction() # Main functionality goes here # Find every available component in COMPONENT_DIRS, save as ALL_COMPONENT_PATHS and ALL_COMPONENTS components_find_all("${COMPONENT_DIRS}" ALL_COMPONENT_PATHS ALL_COMPONENTS) if(NOT COMPONENTS) set(COMPONENTS "${ALL_COMPONENTS}") endif() spaces2list(COMPONENTS) debug("ALL_COMPONENT_PATHS ${ALL_COMPONENT_PATHS}") debug("ALL_COMPONENTS ${ALL_COMPONENTS}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENTS "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND "") foreach(component ${COMPONENTS}) debug("Expanding initial component ${component}") expand_component_requirements(${component}) endforeach() get_property(build_components GLOBAL PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENTS) get_property(build_component_paths GLOBAL PROPERTY BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS) get_property(not_found GLOBAL PROPERTY COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND) debug("components in build: ${build_components}") debug("components in build: ${build_component_paths}") debug("components not found: ${not_found}") function(line contents) file(APPEND "${DEPENDENCIES_FILE}.tmp" "${contents}\n") endfunction() file(WRITE "${DEPENDENCIES_FILE}.tmp" "# Component requirements generated by expand_requirements.cmake\n\n") line("set(BUILD_COMPONENTS ${build_components})") line("set(BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS ${build_component_paths})") line("") line("# get_component_requirements: Generated function to read the dependencies of a given component.") line("#") line("# Parameters:") line("# - component: Name of component") line("# - var_requires: output variable name. Set to recursively expanded COMPONENT_REQUIRES ") line("# for this component.") line("# - var_private_requires: output variable name. Set to recursively expanded COMPONENT_PRIV_REQUIRES ") line("# for this component.") line("#") line("# Throws a fatal error if 'componeont' is not found (indicates a build system problem).") line("#") line("function(get_component_requirements component var_requires var_private_requires)") foreach(build_component ${build_components}) get_property(reqs GLOBAL PROPERTY "${build_component}_REQUIRES") get_property(private_reqs GLOBAL PROPERTY "${build_component}_PRIV_REQUIRES") line(" if(\"\$\{component}\" STREQUAL \"${build_component}\")") line(" set(\${var_requires} \"${reqs}\" PARENT_SCOPE)") line(" set(\${var_private_requires} \"${private_reqs}\" PARENT_SCOPE)") line(" return()") line(" endif()") endforeach() line(" message(FATAL_ERROR \"Component not found: \${component}\")") line("endfunction()") # only replace DEPENDENCIES_FILE if it has changed (prevents ninja/make build loops.) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${DEPENDENCIES_FILE}.tmp" "${DEPENDENCIES_FILE}") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove "${DEPENDENCIES_FILE}.tmp")