import re TARGET_NAMES = {'esp32': 'ESP32', 'esp32s2': 'ESP32-S2'} TOOLCHAIN_NAMES = {'esp32': 'esp', 'esp32s2': 'esp32s2'} CONFIG_PREFIX = {'esp32': 'ESP32', 'esp32s2': 'ESP32S2'} TRM_EN_URL = {'esp32': '', 'esp32s2': ''} TRM_CN_URL = {'esp32': '', 'esp32s2': ''} class StringSubstituter: """ Allows for string substitution of target related strings before any markup is parsed Supports the following replacements (examples shown is for target=esp32s2): {IDF_TARGET_NAME}, replaced with the current target name, e.g. ESP32-S2 Beta {IDF_TARGET_PATH_NAME}, replaced with the path name, e.g. esp32s2 {IDF_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_NAME}, replaced with the toolchain name, e.g. esp32s2 {IDF_TARGET_CFG_PREFIX}, replaced with the prefix used for config parameters, e.g. ESP32S2 {IDF_TARGET_TRM_EN_URL}, replaced with the url to the English technical reference manual {IDF_TARGET_TRM_CH_URL}, replaced with the url to the Chinese technical reference manual Also supports defines of local (single rst file) with the format: {IDF_TARGET_TX_PIN:default="IO3",esp32="IO4",esp32s2="IO5"} This will define a replacement of the tag {IDF_TARGET_TX_PIN} in the current rst-file, see e.g. uart.rst for example """ RE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*{IDF_TARGET_(\w+?):(.+?)}', re.MULTILINE) def __init__(self): self.substitute_strings = {} self.local_sub_strings = {} def add_pair(self, tag, replace_value): self.substitute_strings[tag] = replace_value def init_sub_strings(self, app, config): self.target_name = config.idf_target self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_NAME}", TARGET_NAMES[config.idf_target]) self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_PATH_NAME}", config.idf_target) self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_NAME}", TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[config.idf_target]) self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_CFG_PREFIX}", CONFIG_PREFIX[config.idf_target]) self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_TRM_EN_URL}", TRM_EN_URL[config.idf_target]) self.add_pair("{IDF_TARGET_TRM_CN_URL}", TRM_CN_URL[config.idf_target]) def add_local_subs(self, matches): for sub_def in matches: if len(sub_def) != 2: raise ValueError("IDF_TARGET_X substitution define invalid, val={}".format(sub_def)) tag = "{" + "IDF_TARGET_{}".format(sub_def[0]) + "}" match_default = re.match(r'^\s*default(\s*)=(\s*)\"(.*?)\"', sub_def[1]) if match_default is None: # There should always be a default value raise ValueError("No default value in IDF_TARGET_X substitution define, val={}".format(sub_def)) match_target = re.match(r'^.*{}(\s*)=(\s*)\"(.*?)\"'.format(self.target_name), sub_def[1]) if match_target is None: sub_value = match_default.groups()[2] else: sub_value = match_target.groups()[2] self.local_sub_strings[tag] = sub_value def substitute(self, app, docname, source): # Add any new local tags that matches the reg.ex. sub_defs = re.findall(self.RE_PATTERN, source[0]) if len(sub_defs) != 0: self.add_local_subs(sub_defs) # Remove the tag defines source[0] = re.sub(self.RE_PATTERN,'', source[0]) for key in self.local_sub_strings: source[0] = source[0].replace(key, self.local_sub_strings[key]) self.local_sub_strings = {} for key in self.substitute_strings: source[0] = source[0].replace(key, self.substitute_strings[key]) def setup(app): sub = StringSubstituter() # Config values not available when setup is called app.connect('config-inited', sub.init_sub_strings) app.connect('source-read', sub.substitute) return {'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, 'version': '0.1'}