#include #include #include #include #include "unity.h" #include "rom/ets_sys.h" #include "rom/uart.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "soc/cpu.h" #define unity_printf ets_printf // Pointers to the head and tail of linked list of test description structs: static struct test_desc_t* s_unity_tests_first = NULL; static struct test_desc_t* s_unity_tests_last = NULL; void unity_putc(int c) { if (c == '\n') { uart_tx_one_char('\n'); uart_tx_one_char('\r'); } else if (c == '\r') { } else { uart_tx_one_char(c); } } void unity_flush() { uart_tx_wait_idle(0); // assume that output goes to UART0 } void unity_testcase_register(struct test_desc_t* desc) { if (!s_unity_tests_first) { s_unity_tests_first = desc; s_unity_tests_last = desc; } else { struct test_desc_t* temp = s_unity_tests_first; s_unity_tests_first = desc; s_unity_tests_first->next = temp; } } static void unity_run_single_test(const struct test_desc_t* test) { Unity.TestFile = test->file; Unity.CurrentDetail1 = test->desc; UnityDefaultTestRun(test->fn, test->name, test->line); } static void unity_run_single_test_by_index(int index) { const struct test_desc_t* test; for (test = s_unity_tests_first; test != NULL && index != 0; test = test->next, --index) { } if (test != NULL) { unity_run_single_test(test); } } static void unity_run_single_test_by_name(const char* filter) { char tmp[256]; strncpy(tmp, filter + 1, sizeof(tmp) - 1); tmp[strlen(filter) - 2] = 0; for (const struct test_desc_t* test = s_unity_tests_first; test != NULL; test = test->next) { if (strstr(test->name, tmp) != NULL) { unity_run_single_test(test); } } } void unity_run_all_tests() { for (const struct test_desc_t* test = s_unity_tests_first; test != NULL; test = test->next) { unity_run_single_test(test); } } void unity_run_tests_with_filter(const char* filter) { bool invert = filter[0] == '!'; if (invert) { filter++; } for (const struct test_desc_t* test = s_unity_tests_first; test != NULL; test = test->next) { if ((strstr(test->desc, filter) != NULL) == !invert) { unity_run_single_test(test); } } } static void trim_trailing_space(char* str) { char* end = str + strlen(str) - 1; while (end >= str && isspace((int) *end)) { *end = 0; --end; } } static int print_test_menu(void) { int test_counter = 0; unity_printf("\n\nHere's the test menu, pick your combo:\n"); for (const struct test_desc_t* test = s_unity_tests_first; test != NULL; test = test->next, ++test_counter) { unity_printf("(%d)\t\"%s\" %s\n", test_counter + 1, test->name, test->desc); } return test_counter; } void unity_run_menu() { int test_count = print_test_menu(); while (true) { char cmdline[256] = { 0 }; while(strlen(cmdline) == 0) { /* Flush anything already in the RX buffer */ while(uart_rx_one_char((uint8_t *) cmdline) == OK) { } /* Read input */ UartRxString((uint8_t*) cmdline, sizeof(cmdline) - 1); trim_trailing_space(cmdline); if(strlen(cmdline) == 0) { /* if input was newline, print a new menu */ print_test_menu(); } } UNITY_BEGIN(); if (cmdline[0] == '*') { unity_run_all_tests(); } else if (cmdline[0] =='[') { unity_run_tests_with_filter(cmdline); } else if (cmdline[0] =='"') { unity_run_single_test_by_name(cmdline); } else { int test_index = strtol(cmdline, NULL, 10); if (test_index >= 1 && test_index <= test_count) { uint32_t start; RSR(CCOUNT, start); unity_run_single_test_by_index(test_index - 1); uint32_t end; RSR(CCOUNT, end); uint32_t ms = (end - start) / (XT_CLOCK_FREQ / 1000); printf("Test ran in %dms\n", ms); } } UNITY_END(); printf("Enter next test, or 'enter' to see menu\n"); } }