// Copyright 2015-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /******************************************************************************* * NOTICE * The hal is not public api, don't use in application code. * See readme.md in soc/include/hal/readme.md ******************************************************************************/ // The HAL layer for I2C #pragma once #include "hal/i2c_ll.h" #include "hal/i2c_types.h" /** * @brief I2C hal Context definition */ typedef struct { i2c_dev_t *dev; uint32_t version; } i2c_hal_context_t; /** * @brief Write the I2C rxfifo with the given length * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param wr_data Pointer to data buffer * @param wr_size Amount of data needs write * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_write_txfifo(hal,wr_data,wr_size) i2c_ll_write_txfifo((hal)->dev,wr_data,wr_size) /** * @brief Read the I2C rxfifo with the given length * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param buf Pointer to data buffer * @param rd_size Amount of data needs read * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_read_rxfifo(hal,buf,rd_size) i2c_ll_read_rxfifo((hal)->dev,buf,rd_size) /** * @brief Write I2C cmd register * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param cmd I2C hardware command * @param cmd_idx The index of the command register, should be less than 16 * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_write_cmd_reg(hal,cmd, cmd_idx) i2c_ll_write_cmd_reg((hal)->dev,cmd,cmd_idx) /** * @brief Configure the I2C to triger a trasaction * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_trans_start(hal) i2c_ll_trans_start((hal)->dev) /** * @brief Enable I2C master RX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_enable_master_rx_it(hal) i2c_ll_master_enable_rx_it((hal)->dev) /** * @brief Enable I2C master TX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_enable_master_tx_it(hal) i2c_ll_master_enable_tx_it((hal)->dev) /** * @brief Clear I2C slave TX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_slave_clr_tx_it(hal) i2c_ll_slave_clr_tx_it((hal)->dev) /** * @brief Clear I2C slave RX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ #define i2c_hal_slave_clr_rx_it(hal) i2c_ll_slave_clr_rx_it((hal)->dev) /** * @brief Get the I2C hardware instance and init the I2C master. Note that this function should be called before other hal layer function is called. * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param i2c_num I2C port number * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_master_init(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_port_t i2c_num); /** * @brief Get the I2C hardware instance and init the I2C slave. Note that this function should be called before other hal layer function is called. * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param i2c_num I2C port number * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_slave_init(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_port_t i2c_num); /** * @brief Reset the I2C hw txfifo * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_txfifo_rst(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Reset the I2C hw rxfifo * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_rxfifo_rst(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Configure the I2C data MSB bit shifted first or LSB bit shifted first. * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param tx_mode Data format of TX * @param rx_mode Data format of RX * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_data_mode(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_trans_mode_t tx_mode, i2c_trans_mode_t rx_mode); /** * @brief Configure the I2C hardware filter function. * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param filter_num If the glitch period on the line is less than this value(in APB cycle), it will be filtered out * If `filter_num == 0`, the filter will be disabled * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_filter(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint8_t filter_num); /** * @brief Get the I2C hardware filter configuration * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param filter_num Pointer to accept the hardware filter configuration * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_filter(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint8_t *filter_num); /** * @brief Configure the I2C SCL timing * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param hight_period SCL high period * @param low_period SCL low period * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_scl_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int hight_period, int low_period); /** * @brief Configure the I2C master SCL frequency * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param src_clk The I2C Source clock frequency * @param scl_freq The SCL frequency to be set * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_scl_freq(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t src_clk, uint32_t scl_freq); /** * @brief Clear the I2C interrupt status with the given mask * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param mask The interrupt bitmap needs to be clearned * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_clr_intsts_mask(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t mask); /** * @brief Enable the I2C interrupt with the given mask * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param mask The interrupt bitmap needs to be enabled * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_enable_intr_mask(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t mask); /** * @brief Disable the I2C interrupt with the given mask * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param mask The interrupt bitmap needs to be disabled * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_disable_intr_mask(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t mask); /** * @brief Configure the I2C memory access mode, FIFO mode or none FIFO mode * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param fifo_mode_en Set true to enable FIFO access mode, else set it false * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_fifo_mode(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, bool fifo_mode_en); /** * @brief Configure the I2C timeout value * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param tout_val the timeout value to be set * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_tout(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int tout_val); /** * @brief Get the I2C time out configuration * * @param tout_val Pointer to accept the timeout configuration * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_tout(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int *tout_val); /** * @brief Configure the I2C slave address * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param slave_addr Slave address * @param addr_10bit_en Set true to enable 10-bit slave address mode, Set false to enable 7-bit address mode * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_slave_addr(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint16_t slave_addr, bool addr_10bit_en); /** * @brief Configure the I2C stop timing * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param stop_setup The stop condition setup period (in APB cycle) * @param stop_hold The stop condition hold period (in APB cycle) * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_stop_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int stop_setup, int stop_hold); /** * @brief Configure the I2C start timing * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param start_setup The start condition setup period (in APB cycle) * @param start_hold The start condition hold period (in APB cycle) * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_start_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int start_setup, int start_hold); /** * @brief Configure the I2C sda sample timing * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param sda_sample The SDA sample time (in APB cycle) * @param sda_hold The SDA hold time (in APB cycle) * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_sda_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int sda_sample, int sda_hold); /** * @brief Configure the I2C txfifo empty threshold value * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer. * @param empty_thr TxFIFO empty threshold value * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_txfifo_empty_thr(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint8_t empty_thr); /** * @brief Configure the I2C rxfifo full threshold value * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param full_thr RxFIFO full threshold value * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_rxfifo_full_thr(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint8_t full_thr); /** * @brief Get the I2C interrupt status * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param mask Pointer to accept the interrupt status * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_intsts_mask(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t *mask); /** * @brief Check if the I2C bus is busy * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return True if the bus is busy, otherwise, fale will be returned */ bool i2c_hal_is_bus_busy(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Get the I2C sda sample timing configuration * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param sample_time Pointer to accept the SDA sample time * @param hold_time Pointer to accept the SDA hold time * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_sda_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int *sample_time, int *hold_time); /** * @brief Get the I2C stop timing configuration * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param setup_time Pointer to accept the stop condition setup period * @param hold_time Pointer to accept the stop condition hold period * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_stop_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int *setup_time, int *hold_time); /** * @brief Get the I2C scl timing configuration * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param high_period Pointer to accept the scl high period * @param low_period Pointer to accept the scl low period * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_scl_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int *high_period, int *low_period); /** * @brief Get the I2C start timing configuration * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param setup_time Pointer to accept the start condition setup period * @param hold_time Pointer to accept the start condition hold period * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_start_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, int *setup_time, int *hold_time); /** * @brief Check if the I2C is master mode * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return True if in master mode, otherwise, false will be returned */ bool i2c_hal_is_master_mode(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Get the rxFIFO readable length * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param len Pointer to accept the rxFIFO readable length * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_rxfifo_cnt(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t *len); /** * @brief Set I2C bus timing with the given frequency * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param scl_freq The scl frequency to be set * @param src_clk Source clock of I2C * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_set_bus_timing(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t scl_freq, i2c_sclk_t src_clk); /** * @brief Get I2C txFIFO writeable length * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param len Pointer to accept the txFIFO writeable length * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_txfifo_cnt(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t *len); /** * @brief Check if the I2C is master mode * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param tx_mode Pointer to accept the TX data mode * @param rx_mode Pointer to accept the RX data mode * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_get_data_mode(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_trans_mode_t *tx_mode, i2c_trans_mode_t *rx_mode); /** * @brief I2C hardware FSM reset * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_master_fsm_rst(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief @brief Clear I2C bus * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_master_clr_bus(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Enable I2C slave TX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_enable_slave_tx_it(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Disable I2C slave TX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_disable_slave_tx_it(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Enable I2C slave RX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_enable_slave_rx_it(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief Disable I2C slave RX interrupt * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_disable_slave_rx_it(i2c_hal_context_t *hal); /** * @brief I2C master handle tx interrupt event * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param event Pointer to accept the interrupt event * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_master_handle_tx_event(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_intr_event_t *event); /** * @brief I2C master handle rx interrupt event * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param event Pointer to accept the interrupt event * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_master_handle_rx_event(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_intr_event_t *event); /** * @brief I2C slave handle interrupt event * * @param hal Context of the HAL layer * @param event Pointer to accept the interrupt event * * @return None */ void i2c_hal_slave_handle_event(i2c_hal_context_t *hal, i2c_intr_event_t *event);