#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Top-level docs builder # # This is just a front-end to sphinx-build that can call it multiple times for different language/target combinations # # Will build out to _build/LANG/TARGET by default # # Specific custom docs functionality should be added in conf_common.py or in a Sphinx extension, not here. # from __future__ import print_function import argparse import math import multiprocessing import os import os.path import subprocess import sys import re from collections import namedtuple LANGUAGES = ["en", "zh_CN"] TARGETS = ["esp32", "esp32s2"] SPHINX_WARN_LOG = "sphinx-warning-log.txt" SPHINX_SANITIZED_LOG = "sphinx-warning-log-sanitized.txt" SPHINX_KNOWN_WARNINGS = os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "docs", "sphinx-known-warnings.txt") DXG_WARN_LOG = "doxygen-warning-log.txt" DXG_SANITIZED_LOG = "doxygen-warning-log-sanitized.txt" DXG_KNOWN_WARNINGS = os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "docs", "doxygen-known-warnings.txt") SANITIZE_FILENAME_REGEX = re.compile("[^:]*/([^/:]*)(:.*)") SANITIZE_LINENUM_REGEX = re.compile("([^:]*)(:[0-9]+:)(.*)") LogMessage = namedtuple("LogMessage", "original_text sanitized_text") languages = LANGUAGES targets = TARGETS def main(): # check Python dependencies for docs try: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "tools", "check_python_dependencies.py"), "-r", "{}/docs/requirements.txt".format(os.environ["IDF_PATH"]) ]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise SystemExit(2) # stdout will already have these errors parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='build_docs.py: Build IDF docs', prog='build_docs.py') parser.add_argument("--language", "-l", choices=LANGUAGES, required=False) parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", choices=TARGETS, required=False) parser.add_argument("--build-dir", "-b", type=str, default="_build") parser.add_argument("--sphinx-parallel-builds", "-p", choices=["auto"] + [str(x) for x in range(8)], help="Parallel Sphinx builds - number of independent Sphinx builds to run", default="auto") parser.add_argument("--sphinx-parallel-jobs", "-j", choices=["auto"] + [str(x) for x in range(8)], help="Sphinx parallel jobs argument - number of threads for each Sphinx build to use", default="1") action_parsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action') build_parser = action_parsers.add_parser('build', help='Build documentation') build_parser.add_argument("--check-warnings-only", "-w", action='store_true') action_parsers.add_parser('linkcheck', help='Check links (a current IDF revision should be uploaded to GitHub)') action_parsers.add_parser('gh-linkcheck', help='Checking for hardcoded GitHub links') args = parser.parse_args() global languages if args.language is None: print("Building all languages") languages = LANGUAGES else: languages = [args.language] global targets if args.target is None: print("Building all targets") targets = TARGETS else: targets = [args.target] if args.action == "build" or args.action is None: sys.exit(action_build(args)) if args.action == "linkcheck": sys.exit(action_linkcheck(args)) if args.action == "gh-linkcheck": sys.exit(action_gh_linkcheck(args)) def parallel_call(args, callback): num_sphinx_builds = len(languages) * len(targets) num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if args.sphinx_parallel_builds == "auto": # at most one sphinx build per CPU, up to the number of CPUs args.sphinx_parallel_builds = min(num_sphinx_builds, num_cpus) else: args.sphinx_parallel_builds = int(args.sphinx_parallel_builds) # Force -j1 because sphinx works incorrectly args.sphinx_parallel_jobs = 1 if args.sphinx_parallel_jobs == "auto": # N CPUs per build job, rounded up - (maybe smarter to round down to avoid contention, idk) args.sphinx_parallel_jobs = int(math.ceil(num_cpus / args.sphinx_parallel_builds)) else: args.sphinx_parallel_jobs = int(args.sphinx_parallel_jobs) print("Will use %d parallel builds and %d jobs per build" % (args.sphinx_parallel_builds, args.sphinx_parallel_jobs)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.sphinx_parallel_builds) if args.sphinx_parallel_jobs > 1: print("WARNING: Sphinx parallel jobs currently produce incorrect docs output with Sphinx 1.8.5") # make a list of all combinations of build_docs() args as tuples # # there's probably a fancy way to do this with itertools but this way is actually readable entries = [] for target in targets: for language in languages: build_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, language, target)) entries.append((language, target, build_dir, args.sphinx_parallel_jobs)) print(entries) errcodes = pool.map(callback, entries) print(errcodes) is_error = False for ret in errcodes: if ret != 0: print("\nThe following language/target combinations failed to build:") is_error = True break if is_error: for ret, entry in zip(errcodes, entries): if ret != 0: print("language: %s, target: %s, errcode: %d" % (entry[0], entry[1], ret)) #Don't re-throw real error code from each parallel process return 1 else: return 0 def sphinx_call(language, target, build_dir, sphinx_parallel_jobs, buildername): # Note: because this runs in a multiprocessing Process, everything which happens here should be isolated to a single process # (ie it doesn't matter if Sphinx is using global variables, as they're it's own copy of the global variables) # wrap stdout & stderr in a way that lets us see which build_docs instance they come from # # this doesn't apply to subprocesses, they write to OS stdout & stderr so no prefix appears prefix = "%s/%s: " % (language, target) print("Building in build_dir: %s" % (build_dir)) try: os.makedirs(build_dir) except OSError: print("Cannot call Sphinx in an existing directory!") return 1 environ = {} environ.update(os.environ) environ['BUILDDIR'] = build_dir args = [sys.executable, "-u", "-m", "sphinx.cmd.build", "-j", str(sphinx_parallel_jobs), "-b", buildername, "-d", os.path.join(build_dir, "doctrees"), "-w", SPHINX_WARN_LOG, "-t", target, "-D", "idf_target={}".format(target), os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), language), # srcdir for this language os.path.join(build_dir, buildername) # build directory ] saved_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(build_dir) # also run sphinx in the build directory print("Running '%s'" % (" ".join(args))) ret = 1 try: # Note: we can't call sphinx.cmd.build.main() here as multiprocessing doesn't est >1 layer deep # and sphinx.cmd.build() also does a lot of work in the calling thread, especially for j ==1, # so using a Pyhthon thread for this part is a poor option (GIL) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for c in iter(lambda: p.stdout.readline(), ''): sys.stdout.write(prefix) sys.stdout.write(c) ret = p.wait() assert (ret is not None) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: # this seems to be the only way to get Ctrl-C to kill everything? p.kill() os.chdir(saved_cwd) return 130 #FIXME It doesn't return this errorcode, why? Just prints stacktrace os.chdir(saved_cwd) return ret def action_build(args): if not args.check_warnings_only: ret = parallel_call(args, call_build_docs) if ret != 0: return ret # check Doxygen warnings: ret = 0 for target in targets: for language in languages: build_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, language, target)) ret += check_docs(language, target, log_file=os.path.join(build_dir, DXG_WARN_LOG), known_warnings_file=DXG_KNOWN_WARNINGS, out_sanitized_log_file=os.path.join(build_dir, DXG_SANITIZED_LOG)) # check Sphinx warnings: for target in targets: for language in languages: build_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, language, target)) ret += check_docs(language, target, log_file=os.path.join(build_dir, SPHINX_WARN_LOG), known_warnings_file=SPHINX_KNOWN_WARNINGS, out_sanitized_log_file=os.path.join(build_dir, SPHINX_SANITIZED_LOG)) if ret != 0: return ret def call_build_docs(entry): return sphinx_call(*entry, buildername="html") def sanitize_line(line): """ Clear a log message from insignificant parts filter: - only filename, no path at the beginning - no line numbers after the filename """ line = re.sub(SANITIZE_FILENAME_REGEX, r'\1\2', line) line = re.sub(SANITIZE_LINENUM_REGEX, r'\1:line:\3', line) return line def check_docs(language, target, log_file, known_warnings_file, out_sanitized_log_file): """ Check for Documentation warnings in `log_file`: should only contain (fuzzy) matches to `known_warnings_file` It prints all unknown messages with `target`/`language` prefix It leaves `out_sanitized_log_file` file for observe and debug """ # Sanitize all messages all_messages = list() with open(log_file) as f, open(out_sanitized_log_file, 'w') as o: for line in f: sanitized_line = sanitize_line(line) all_messages.append(LogMessage(line, sanitized_line)) o.write(sanitized_line) known_messages = list() with open(known_warnings_file) as k: for known_line in k: known_messages.append(known_line) # Collect all new messages that are not match with the known messages. # The order is an important. new_messages = list() known_idx = 0 for msg in all_messages: try: known_idx = known_messages.index(msg.sanitized_text, known_idx) except ValueError: new_messages.append(msg) if new_messages: print("\n%s/%s: Build failed due to new/different warnings (%s):\n" % (language, target, log_file)) for msg in new_messages: print("%s/%s: %s" % (language, target, msg.original_text), end='') print("\n%s/%s: (Check files %s and %s for full details.)" % (language, target, known_warnings_file, log_file)) return 1 return 0 def action_linkcheck(args): return parallel_call(args, call_linkcheck) def call_linkcheck(entry): return sphinx_call(*entry, buildername="linkcheck") GH_LINK_FILTER = ["https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree", "https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob", "https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/raw"] def action_gh_linkcheck(args): print("Checking for hardcoded GitHub links\n") find_args = ['find', os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), ".."), '-name', '*.rst'] grep_args = ['xargs', 'grep', r'\|'.join(GH_LINK_FILTER)] p1 = subprocess.Popen(find_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(grep_args, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p1.stdout.close() found_gh_links, _ = p2.communicate() if found_gh_links: print(found_gh_links) print("WARNINIG: Some .rst files contain hardcoded Github links.") print("Please check above output and replace links with one of the following:") print("- :idf:`dir` - points to directory inside ESP-IDF") print("- :idf_file:`file` - points to file inside ESP-IDF") print("- :idf_raw:`file` - points to raw view of the file inside ESP-IDF") print("- :component:`dir` - points to directory inside ESP-IDF components dir") print("- :component_file:`file` - points to file inside ESP-IDF components dir") print("- :component_raw:`file` - points to raw view of the file inside ESP-IDF components dir") print("- :example:`dir` - points to directory inside ESP-IDF examples dir") print("- :example_file:`file` - points to file inside ESP-IDF examples dir") print("- :example_raw:`file` - points to raw view of the file inside ESP-IDF examples dir") print("These link types will point to the correct GitHub version automatically") return 1 else: print("No hardcoded links found") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main()