# idf_build_get_property # # @brief Retrieve the value of the specified property related to ESP-IDF build. # # @param[out] var the variable to store the value in # @param[in] property the property to get the value of # # @param[in, optional] GENERATOR_EXPRESSION (option) retrieve the generator expression for the property # instead of actual value function(idf_build_get_property var property) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "GENERATOR_EXPRESSION" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(__GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) set(val "$") else() get_property(val TARGET __idf_build_target PROPERTY ${property}) endif() set(${var} ${val} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # idf_build_set_property # # @brief Set the value of the specified property related to ESP-IDF build. The property is # also added to the internal list of build properties if it isn't there already. # # @param[in] property the property to set the value of # @param[out] value value of the property # # @param[in, optional] APPEND (option) append the value to the current value of the # property instead of replacing it function(idf_build_set_property property value) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "APPEND" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(__APPEND) set_property(TARGET __idf_build_target APPEND PROPERTY ${property} ${value}) else() set_property(TARGET __idf_build_target PROPERTY ${property} ${value}) endif() # Keep track of set build properties so that they can be exported to a file that # will be included in early expansion script. idf_build_get_property(build_properties __BUILD_PROPERTIES) if(NOT property IN_LIST build_properties) idf_build_set_property(__BUILD_PROPERTIES "${property}" APPEND) endif() endfunction() # idf_build_unset_property # # @brief Unset the value of the specified property related to ESP-IDF build. Equivalent # to setting the property to an empty string; though it also removes the property # from the internal list of build properties. # # @param[in] property the property to unset the value of function(idf_build_unset_property property) idf_build_set_property(${property} "") # set to an empty value idf_build_get_property(build_properties __BUILD_PROPERTIES) # remove from tracked properties list(REMOVE_ITEM build_properties ${property}) idf_build_set_property(__BUILD_PROPERTIES "${build_properties}") endfunction() # # Retrieve the IDF_PATH repository's version, either using a version # file or Git revision. Sets the IDF_VER build property. # function(__build_get_idf_git_revision) idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) git_describe(idf_ver_git "${idf_path}") if(EXISTS "${idf_path}/version.txt") file(STRINGS "${idf_path}/version.txt" idf_ver_t) set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${idf_path}/version.txt") else() set(idf_ver_t ${idf_ver_git}) endif() # cut IDF_VER to required 32 characters. string(SUBSTRING "${idf_ver_t}" 0 31 idf_ver) idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "-DIDF_VER=\"${idf_ver}\"" APPEND) git_submodule_check("${idf_path}") idf_build_set_property(IDF_VER ${idf_ver}) endfunction() # # Sets initial list of build specifications (compile options, definitions, etc.) common across # all library targets built under the ESP-IDF build system. These build specifications are added # privately using the directory-level CMake commands (add_compile_options, include_directories, etc.) # during component registration. # function(__build_set_default_build_specifications) unset(compile_definitions) unset(compile_options) unset(c_compile_options) unset(cxx_compile_options) list(APPEND compile_definitions "-D_GNU_SOURCE") list(APPEND compile_options "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fstrict-volatile-bitfields" "-nostdlib" # warning-related flags "-Wall" "-Werror=all" "-Wno-error=unused-function" "-Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable" "-Wno-error=unused-variable" "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" "-Wextra" "-Wno-unused-parameter" "-Wno-sign-compare" # always generate debug symbols (even in release mode, these don't # go into the final binary so have no impact on size "-ggdb") list(APPEND c_compile_options "-std=gnu99" "-Wno-old-style-declaration") list(APPEND cxx_compile_options "-std=gnu++11") idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${compile_definitions}" APPEND) idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_OPTIONS "${compile_options}" APPEND) idf_build_set_property(C_COMPILE_OPTIONS "${c_compile_options}" APPEND) idf_build_set_property(CXX_COMPILE_OPTIONS "${cxx_compile_options}" APPEND) endfunction() # # Initialize the build. This gets called upon inclusion of idf.cmake to set internal # properties used for the processing phase of the build. # function(__build_init idf_path) # Create the build target, to which the ESP-IDF build properties, dependencies are attached to add_library(__idf_build_target STATIC IMPORTED) set_default(python "python") idf_build_set_property(PYTHON ${python}) idf_build_set_property(IDF_PATH ${idf_path}) idf_build_set_property(__PREFIX idf) idf_build_set_property(__CHECK_PYTHON 1) __build_set_default_build_specifications() # Add internal components to the build idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) idf_build_get_property(prefix __PREFIX) file(GLOB component_dirs ${idf_path}/components/*) foreach(component_dir ${component_dirs}) get_filename_component(component_dir ${component_dir} ABSOLUTE) __component_dir_quick_check(is_component ${component_dir}) if(is_component) __component_add(${component_dir} ${prefix}) endif() endforeach() # Set components required by all other components in the build set(requires_common cxx newlib freertos heap log soc esp_rom esp_common xtensa) idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON "${requires_common}") __build_get_idf_git_revision() __kconfig_init() endfunction() # idf_build_component # # @brief Present a directory that contains a component to the build system. # Relative paths are converted to absolute paths with respect to current directory. # All calls to this command must be performed before idf_build_process. # # @note This command does not guarantee that the component will be processed # during build (see the COMPONENTS argument description for command idf_build_process) # # @param[in] component_dir directory of the component function(idf_build_component component_dir) idf_build_get_property(prefix __PREFIX) __component_add(${component_dir} ${prefix} 0) endfunction() # # Resolve the requirement component to the component target created for that component. # function(__build_resolve_and_add_req var component_target req type) __component_get_target(_component_target ${req}) __component_get_property(_component_registered ${component_target} __COMPONENT_REGISTERED) if(NOT _component_target OR NOT _component_registered) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to resolve component '${req}'.") endif() __component_set_property(${component_target} ${type} ${_component_target} APPEND) set(${var} ${_component_target} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # # Build a list of components (in the form of component targets) to be added to the build # based on public and private requirements. This list is saved in an internal property, # __BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS. # function(__build_expand_requirements component_target) # Since there are circular dependencies, make sure that we do not infinitely # expand requirements for each component. idf_build_get_property(component_targets_seen __COMPONENT_TARGETS_SEEN) __component_get_property(component_registered ${component_target} __COMPONENT_REGISTERED) if(component_target IN_LIST component_targets_seen OR NOT component_registered) return() endif() idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_TARGETS_SEEN ${component_target} APPEND) get_property(reqs TARGET ${component_target} PROPERTY REQUIRES) get_property(priv_reqs TARGET ${component_target} PROPERTY PRIV_REQUIRES) foreach(req ${reqs}) __build_resolve_and_add_req(_component_target ${component_target} ${req} __REQUIRES) __build_expand_requirements(${_component_target}) endforeach() foreach(req ${priv_reqs}) __build_resolve_and_add_req(_component_target ${component_target} ${req} __PRIV_REQUIRES) __build_expand_requirements(${_component_target}) endforeach() idf_build_get_property(build_component_targets __BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS) if(NOT component_target IN_LIST build_component_targets) idf_build_set_property(__BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS ${component_target} APPEND) __component_get_property(component_lib ${component_target} COMPONENT_LIB) idf_build_set_property(__BUILD_COMPONENTS ${component_lib} APPEND) idf_build_get_property(prefix __PREFIX) __component_get_property(component_prefix ${component_target} __PREFIX) __component_get_property(component_alias ${component_target} COMPONENT_ALIAS) idf_build_set_property(BUILD_COMPONENT_ALIASES ${component_alias} APPEND) # Only put in the prefix in the name if it is not the default one if(component_prefix STREQUAL prefix) __component_get_property(component_name ${component_target} COMPONENT_NAME) idf_build_set_property(BUILD_COMPONENTS ${component_name} APPEND) else() idf_build_set_property(BUILD_COMPONENTS ${component_alias} APPEND) endif() endif() endfunction() # # Write a CMake file containing set build properties, owing to the fact that an internal # list of properties is maintained in idf_build_set_property() call. This is used to convert # those set properties to variables in the scope the output file is included in. # function(__build_write_properties output_file) idf_build_get_property(build_properties __BUILD_PROPERTIES) foreach(property ${build_properties}) idf_build_get_property(val ${property}) set(build_properties_text "${build_properties_text}\nset(${property} ${val})") endforeach() file(WRITE ${output_file} "${build_properties_text}") endfunction() # # Check if the Python interpreter used for the build has all the required modules. # function(__build_check_python) idf_build_get_property(check __CHECK_PYTHON) if(check) idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON) idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) message(STATUS "Checking Python dependencies...") execute_process(COMMAND "${python}" "${idf_path}/tools/check_python_dependencies.py" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if(NOT result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for details.") endif() endif() endfunction() # # Prepare for component processing expanding each component's project include # macro(__build_process_project_includes) # Include the sdkconfig cmake file, since the following operations require # knowledge of config values. idf_build_get_property(sdkconfig_cmake SDKCONFIG_CMAKE) include(${sdkconfig_cmake}) # Make each build property available as a read-only variable idf_build_get_property(build_properties __BUILD_PROPERTIES) foreach(build_property ${build_properties}) idf_build_get_property(val ${build_property}) set(${build_property} "${val}") endforeach() # Check that the CMake target value matches the Kconfig target value. __target_check() idf_build_get_property(build_component_targets __BUILD_COMPONENT_TARGETS) # Include each component's project_include.cmake foreach(component_target ${build_component_targets}) __component_get_property(dir ${component_target} COMPONENT_DIR) __component_get_property(_name ${component_target} COMPONENT_NAME) set(COMPONENT_NAME ${_name}) set(COMPONENT_DIR ${dir}) set(COMPONENT_PATH ${dir}) # this is deprecated, users are encouraged to use COMPONENT_DIR; # retained for compatibility if(EXISTS ${COMPONENT_DIR}/project_include.cmake) include(${COMPONENT_DIR}/project_include.cmake) endif() endforeach() endmacro() # # Utility macro for setting default property value if argument is not specified # for idf_build_process(). # macro(__build_set_default var default) set(_var __${var}) if(NOT "${${_var}}" STREQUAL "") idf_build_set_property(${var} "${${_var}}") else() idf_build_set_property(${var} "${default}") endif() unset(_var) endmacro() # # Import configs as build instance properties so that they are accessible # using idf_build_get_config(). Config has to have been generated before calling # this command. # function(__build_import_configs) # Include the sdkconfig cmake file, since the following operations require # knowledge of config values. idf_build_get_property(sdkconfig_cmake SDKCONFIG_CMAKE) include(${sdkconfig_cmake}) idf_build_set_property(__CONFIG_VARIABLES "${CONFIGS_LIST}") foreach(config ${CONFIGS_LIST}) set_property(TARGET __idf_build_target PROPERTY ${config} "${${config}}") endforeach() endfunction() # idf_build_process # # @brief Main processing step for ESP-IDF build: config generation, adding components to the build, # dependency resolution, etc. # # @param[in] target ESP-IDF target # # @param[in, optional] PROJECT_DIR (single value) directory of the main project the buildsystem # is processed for; defaults to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR # @param[in, optional] PROJECT_VER (single value) version string of the main project; defaults # to 1 # @param[in, optional] PROJECT_NAME (single value) main project name, defaults to CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME # @param[in, optional] SDKCONFIG (single value) sdkconfig output path, defaults to PROJECT_DIR/sdkconfig # if PROJECT_DIR is set and CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/sdkconfig if not # @param[in, optional] SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS (single value) config defaults file to use for the build; defaults # to none (Kconfig defaults or previously generated config are used) # @param[in, optional] BUILD_DIR (single value) directory for build artifacts; defautls to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR # @param[in, optional] COMPONENTS (multivalue) select components to process among the components # known by the build system # (added via `idf_build_component`). This argument is used to trim the build. # Other components are automatically added if they are required # in the dependency chain, i.e. # the public and private requirements of the components in this list # are automatically added, and in # turn the public and private requirements of those requirements, # so on and so forth. If not specified, all components known to the build system # are processed. macro(idf_build_process target) set(options) set(single_value PROJECT_DIR PROJECT_VER PROJECT_NAME BUILD_DIR SDKCONFIG SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS) set(multi_value COMPONENTS) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${single_value}" "${multi_value}" ${ARGN}) idf_build_set_property(BOOTLOADER_BUILD "${BOOTLOADER_BUILD}") # Check build target is specified. Since this target corresponds to a component # name, the target component is automatically added to the list of common component # requirements. if(target STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Build target not specified.") endif() idf_build_set_property(IDF_TARGET ${target}) __build_set_default(PROJECT_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) __build_set_default(PROJECT_NAME ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) __build_set_default(PROJECT_VER 1) __build_set_default(BUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) idf_build_get_property(project_dir PROJECT_DIR) __build_set_default(SDKCONFIG "${project_dir}/sdkconfig") __build_set_default(SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS "") # Check for required Python modules __build_check_python() idf_build_set_property(__COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON ${target} APPEND) # Perform early expansion of component CMakeLists.txt in CMake scripting mode. # It is here we retrieve the public and private requirements of each component. # It is also here we add the common component requirements to each component's # own requirements. __component_get_requirements() idf_build_get_property(component_targets __COMPONENT_TARGETS) # Finally, do component expansion. In this case it simply means getting a final list # of build component targets given the requirements set by each component. # Check if we need to trim the components first, and build initial components list # from that. if(__COMPONENTS) unset(component_targets) foreach(component ${__COMPONENTS}) __component_get_target(component_target ${component}) if(NOT component_target) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to resolve component '${component}'.") endif() list(APPEND component_targets ${component_target}) endforeach() endif() foreach(component_target ${component_targets}) __build_expand_requirements(${component_target}) endforeach() idf_build_unset_property(__COMPONENT_TARGETS_SEEN) # Get a list of common component requirements in component targets form (previously # we just have a list of component names) idf_build_get_property(common_reqs __COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON) foreach(common_req ${common_reqs}) __component_get_target(component_target ${common_req}) __component_get_property(lib ${component_target} COMPONENT_LIB) idf_build_set_property(___COMPONENT_REQUIRES_COMMON ${lib} APPEND) endforeach() # Generate config values in different formats idf_build_get_property(sdkconfig SDKCONFIG) idf_build_get_property(sdkconfig_defaults SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS) __kconfig_generate_config("${sdkconfig}" "${sdkconfig_defaults}") __build_import_configs() # Temporary trick to support both gcc5 and gcc8 builds if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 5.2.0) set(GCC_NOT_5_2_0 0 CACHE STRING "GCC is 5.2.0 version") else() set(GCC_NOT_5_2_0 1 CACHE STRING "GCC is not 5.2.0 version") endif() idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "-DGCC_NOT_5_2_0" APPEND) # All targets built under this scope is with the ESP-IDF build system set(ESP_PLATFORM 1) idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "-DESP_PLATFORM" APPEND) # Perform component processing (inclusion of project_include.cmake, adding component # subdirectories, creating library targets, linking libraries, etc.) __build_process_project_includes() idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) add_subdirectory(${idf_path} ${build_dir}/esp-idf) unset(ESP_PLATFORM) endmacro() # idf_build_executable # # @brief Specify the executable the build system can attach dependencies to (for generating # files used for linking, targets which should execute before creating the specified executable, # generating additional binary files, generating files related to flashing, etc.) function(idf_build_executable elf) # Set additional link flags for the executable idf_build_get_property(link_options LINK_OPTIONS) # Using LINK_LIBRARIES here instead of LINK_OPTIONS, as the latter is not in CMake 3.5. set_property(TARGET ${elf} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_LIBRARIES "${link_options}") # Propagate link dependencies from component library targets to the executable idf_build_get_property(link_depends __LINK_DEPENDS) set_property(TARGET ${elf} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS "${link_depends}") # Set the EXECUTABLE_NAME and EXECUTABLE properties since there are generator expression # from components that depend on it get_filename_component(elf_name ${elf} NAME_WE) idf_build_set_property(EXECUTABLE_NAME ${elf_name}) idf_build_set_property(EXECUTABLE ${elf}) # Add dependency of the build target to the executable add_dependencies(${elf} __idf_build_target) endfunction() # idf_build_get_config # # @brief Get value of specified config variable function(idf_build_get_config var config) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "GENERATOR_EXPRESSION" "" "" ${ARGN}) if(__GENERATOR_EXPRESSION) set(val "$") else() get_property(val TARGET __idf_build_target PROPERTY ${config}) endif() set(${var} ${val} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()