# This is Doxygen configuration file # # Doxygen provides over 260 configuration statements # To make this file easier to follow, # it contains only statements that are non-default # # NOTE: # It is recommended not to change defaults unless specifically required # Test any changes how they affect generated documentation # Make sure that correct warnings are generated to flag issues with documented code # # For the complete list of configuration statements see: # http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/config.html PROJECT_NAME = "ESP32 Programming Guide" INPUT = ../components/esp32/include/esp_wifi.h \ ../components/driver/include/driver \ ../components/bt/include \ ../components/bt/bluedroid/api/include \ ../components/nvs_flash/include \ ../components/log/include \ ../components/vfs/include \ ../components/spi_flash/include \ ../components/esp32/include/esp_int_wdt.h \ ../components/esp32/include/esp_task_wdt.h \ ../components/app_update/include/esp_ota_ops.h \ ../components/ethernet/include/esp_eth.h \ ../components/ulp/include/esp32/ulp.h \ ../components/esp32/include/esp_intr_alloc.h ## Get warnings for functions that have no documentation for their parameters or return value ## WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = YES ## Do not complain about not having dot ## HAVE_DOT = NO ## Generate XML that is required for Breathe ## GENERATE_XML = YES XML_OUTPUT = xml GENERATE_HTML = NO HAVE_DOT = NO GENERATE_LATEX = NO GENERATE_MAN = YES GENERATE_RTF = NO ## Skip distracting progress messages ## QUIET = YES ## Log warnings in a file for further review ## WARN_LOGFILE = "doxygen-warning-log.txt"