ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0018,len:4 load:0x3fff001c,len:4648 load:0x40078000,len:0 ho 12 tail 0 room 4 load:0x40078000,len:13564 entry 0x40078d4c E (31) esp_image: image at 0x30000 has invalid magic byte W (31) esp_image: image at 0x30000 has invalid SPI mode 255 W (32) esp_image: image at 0x30000 has invalid SPI size 15 E (39) boot: Factory app partition is not bootable I (568) cpu_start: Pro cpu up. I (568) cpu_start: Single core mode I (569) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation: I (572) heap_init: At 3FFAFF10 len 000000F0 (0 KiB): DRAM I (578) heap_init: At 3FFD21D0 len 0000DE30 (55 KiB): DRAM I (584) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM I (590) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM I (597) heap_init: At 40095B84 len 0000A47C (41 KiB): IRAM I (603) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code I (286) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU. D (309) light_driver: [light_init, 74]:status: 1, mode: 2 D (309) light_driver: [light_init, 76]:hue: 360, saturation: 0, value: 100 D (311) light_driver: [light_init, 78]:brightness: 30, color_temperature: 0 D (318) vfs: esp_vfs_register_fd_range is successful for range <54; 64) and VFS ID 1 I (328) wifi: wifi driver task: 3ffdbf84, prio:23, stack:4096, core=0 I (332) wifi: wifi firmware version: 4ae09c9 I (336) wifi: config NVS flash: enabled I (339) wifi: config nano formating: disabled I (343) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE I (353) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE I (377) wifi: Init dynamic tx buffer num: 64 I (377) wifi: Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 64 I (377) wifi: Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 64 I (381) wifi: Init static rx buffer size: 1600 I (385) wifi: Init static rx buffer num: 10 I (388) wifi: Init dynamic rx buffer num: 64 W (393) phy_init: failed to load RF calibration data (0x1102), falling back to full calibration I (708) phy: phy_version: 3910, c0c45a3, May 21 2018, 18:07:06, 0, 2 I (718) wifi: mode : sta (30:ae:a4:00:43:84) + softAP (30:ae:a4:00:43:85) D (724) mdf_event_loop: [mdf_event_loop_init, 121]:mdf_event_loop_init success D (726) mdf_reboot_handle: [mdf_reboot_event_init, 308]:mdf_reboot_handle, ret: 0 I (730) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 897]:******************* SYSTEM INFO ******************* I (740) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 898]:idf version : v3.1-dev-1188-g0c43ac8 I (749) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 901]:device version : light_004384- I (759) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 902]:compile time : May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (769) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 903]:free heap : 120948 B I (777) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 904]:CPU cores : 2 I (785) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 907]:function : WiFi/BT/BLE I (793) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 908]:silicon revision : 0 I (801) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 910]:flash : 4 MB external I (810) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 911]:*************************************************** I (821) ESPNOW: espnow [version: 1.0] init I (879) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 130]:*********************************** I (880) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 131]:* ENTER CONFIG NETWORK MODE * I (892) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 132]:*********************************** I (881) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [483af97]  I (905) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE mdf> I (1248) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_init, 526]:bt addr: 30:ae:a4:00:43:86 I (1250) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_init, 527]:blufi version: 0102 I (1263) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 371]:blufi init finish I (1265) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_set_name, 279]:mdf blufi name: MESH_1_004386 I (1944) mdf_network_config: [mdf_network_handle, 298]:generate RSA public and private keys D (3725) mdf_reboot_handle: [mdf_reboot_num_clear, 289]:erase reboot number D (38344) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 382]:blufi ble connect, server_if: 3, conn_id: 0 D (39575) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_dh_negotiate_data_handler, 148]:SEC_TYPE_DH_PARAM_LEN D (40205) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_dh_negotiate_data_handler, 157]:SEC_TYPE_DH_PARAM_DATA: 0x3ffee6ec, 0x3ffee6d4 g_mdf_blufi_sec->dh_param_len: 263 D (40507) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 419]:recv ssid: esp-cjq D (40508) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 424]:recv password:123456789 D (40520) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 429]:recv mesh_id: 30:ae:a4:80:53:92 D (40531) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 434]:recv token: 048bc81f9e0f1790276301e754c0fba0f2c028f6 I (40536) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 137]:*********************************** I (40548) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 138]:* START CONNECTING TO THE ROUTER * I (40560) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 139]:*********************************** I (41661) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 390]:blufi ble disconnect I (42171) wifi: ap channel adjust o:1,1 n:11,2 I (42172) wifi: n:11 2, o:1 0, ap:11 2, sta:11 2, prof:1 I (43164) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0) I (43176) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0) I (43193) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10) I (43244) wifi: connected with esp-cjq, channel 11 I (43245) wifi: pm start, type: 1 I (43248) mdf_blufi_network_config: [blufi_wifi_event_handler, 316]:wifi is connect W (43250) mdf_network_config: [mdf_network_send_config, 252]:g_network_config_queue: 0x40161684 E (43250) BT_APPL: Unknown connection ID: 3 fail sending notification D (44170) mdf_network_config: [mdf_network_handle, 309]:blufi network configured success I (44171) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 144]:*********************************** I (44176) mdf_blufi_network_config: [mdf_blufi_event_callback, 377]:blufi deinit finish W (44199) BT_APPL: bta_dm_disable BTA_DISABLE_DELAY set to 200 ms I (44184) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 145]:* ORGANIZE NETWORKS * I (44218) light_bulb: [light_bulb_event_loop_cb, 146]:*********************************** D (44413) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 933]:ssid: esp-cjq, password: 123456789 D (44415) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_device_init_handle, 935]:mesh channel: 11, mesh_id: 30:ae:a4:80:53:92 I (45283) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 83]:esp_mesh_event_cb 17 I (45284) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 138]:wifi get ip I (45296) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw: I (45471) wifi: Set ps type: 0 I (45473) wifi: state: run -> init (0) I (45474) wifi: pm stop, total sleep time: 1173030 us / 2228410 us I (45475) wifi: n:11 0, o:11 2, ap:11 2, sta:11 2, prof:11 E (45488) mesh: [esp_mesh_push_to_nwk_queue,5360] null args I (45493) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 83]:esp_mesh_event_cb 0 I (45854) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:9, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (45856) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], mine:0, voter:0 I (45868) mesh: 952, vote myself, router rssi:-37 > voted rc_rssi:-120 I (45869) mesh: [SCAN:1/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-37,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (46245) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:7, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (46247) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-35], mine:0, voter:0 I (46258) mesh: [SCAN:2/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-35], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-35,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (46633) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:11, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (46635) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], mine:0, voter:0 I (46647) mesh: [SCAN:3/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-37,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (47022) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:9, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (47024) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], mine:0, voter:0 I (47036) mesh: [SCAN:4/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-38,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (47411) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:10, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (47413) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], mine:0, voter:0 I (47425) mesh: [SCAN:5/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-38,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (47800) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:8, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (47802) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-34], mine:0, voter:0 I (47814) mesh: [SCAN:6/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-34], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-34,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (48189) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:7, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (48191) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], mine:0, voter:0 I (48203) mesh: [SCAN:7/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-38,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (48578) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:7, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (48580) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], mine:0, voter:0 I (48592) mesh: [SCAN:8/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-37,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (48967) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:8, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (48969) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-34], mine:0, voter:0 I (48981) mesh: [SCAN:9/10]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-34], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-34,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (49356) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:8, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (49358) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], mine:0, voter:0 I (49370) mesh: 936, [0]my_vote_num:0, voter_num:0 I (49371) mesh: [SCAN:10/13+extra+]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-37,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (49746) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:7, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (49748) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], mine:0, voter:0 I (49760) mesh: [SCAN:11/13+extra+]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-38], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-38,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (50135) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:8, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (50137) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], mine:0, voter:0 I (50149) mesh: [SCAN:12/13+extra+]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-37], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-37,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (50495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 00:00:00:00:00:00, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: -1, free heap: 87712, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (50524) mesh: [SCAN][ch:11]AP:7, otherID:1, idle:0, mAP:1, root:0, top mAP:0[Layer:0/]router found I (50526) mesh: 916, [SCAN]init rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-36], mine:0, voter:0 I (50537) mesh: [SCAN:13/13+extra+]rc[128][30:ae:a4:00:43:85,-36], self[30:ae:a4:00:43:84,-36,reason:0,votes:1,idle][mine:1,voter:1(1.00)percent:0.90][128,1,30:ae:a4:00:43:85] I (50551) mesh: [DONE]connect to router:esp-cjq, rssi:-36, 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4[layer:1], rc[30:ae:a4:00:43:85/-36] I (55495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 88452, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (56686) wifi: n:11 2, o:11 0, ap:11 2, sta:11 2, prof:11 I (57675) wifi: state: init -> auth (b0) I (57693) wifi: state: auth -> assoc (0) I (57739) wifi: state: assoc -> run (10) I (57872) wifi: connected with esp-cjq, channel 11 I (57873) wifi: pm start, type: 0 I (57877) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 83]:esp_mesh_event_cb 7 I (57878) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 87]:wifi connected I (57890) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 83]:esp_mesh_event_cb 14 I (59288) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 83]:esp_mesh_event_cb 17 I (59289) mdf_wifi_mesh: [esp_mesh_event_cb, 138]:wifi get ip I (59301) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw: D (59303) mdf_server: [mdf_server_init_task, 93]:mdf server connect create D (59315) mdf_socket: [mdf_socket_tcp_server_create, 53]:create tcp server, port: 80, backlog: 8, sockfd: 54 D (59317) mdf_socket: [mdf_socket_udp_broadcast_create, 148]:create udp multicast, sockfd: 55 D (59330) mdf_socket: [mdf_socket_udp_server_create, 117]:create udp server, port: 1025, sockfd: 56 D (59342) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (59343) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59343) vfs: 54 D (59355) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (59356) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59356) vfs: 54 D (59392) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_client, 213]:udp broadcast sendto, size: 41, data: mac=30aea4004384 flag=59094 type=http  D (59857) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (59858) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59858) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (59869) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59870) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (59871) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59871) vfs: 54 D (59882) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (59883) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (59884) vfs: 54 D (60384) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (60385) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60385) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (60396) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60397) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (60397) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60408) vfs: 54 D (60409) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (60409) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60410) vfs: 54 I (60495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71792, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (60921) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (60922) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60922) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (60933) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60934) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (60935) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60935) vfs: 54 D (60946) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (60947) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (60947) vfs: 54 D (61458) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (61459) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (61460) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (61471) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (61471) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (61472) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (61483) vfs: 54 D (61483) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (61484) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (61484) vfs: 54 D (61995) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (61996) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (61996) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (62007) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62008) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (62008) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62019) vfs: 54 D (62021) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (62021) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62022) vfs: 54 D (62523) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (62524) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62524) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (62535) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62536) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (62536) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62547) vfs: 54 D (62548) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (62548) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (62549) vfs: 54 D (63060) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (63061) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63061) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (63072) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63073) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (63073) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63084) vfs: 54 D (63085) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (63086) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63086) vfs: 54 D (63597) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (63599) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63599) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (63610) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63611) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (63611) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63612) vfs: 54 D (63623) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (63623) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (63624) vfs: 54 D (64134) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (64135) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64135) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (64146) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64147) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (64147) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64158) vfs: 54 D (64159) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (64159) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64160) vfs: 54 D (64671) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (64672) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64674) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (64674) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64685) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (64686) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64686) vfs: 54 D (64697) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (64699) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (64699) vfs: 54 D (65200) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (65201) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65201) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (65212) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65213) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (65213) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65224) vfs: 54 D (65225) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (65227) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65227) vfs: 54 I (65495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71792, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (65728) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (65729) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65729) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (65740) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65741) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (65741) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65752) vfs: 54 D (65753) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (65753) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (65754) vfs: 54 I (65891) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 24821, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (65904) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 D (66265) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (66266) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66266) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (66277) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66278) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (66278) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66289) vfs: 54 D (66290) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (66291) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66291) vfs: 54 D (66802) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (66803) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66803) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (66814) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66815) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (66816) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66816) vfs: 54 D (66827) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (66828) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (66828) vfs: 54 D (67339) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (67340) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67340) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (67351) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67352) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (67353) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67353) vfs: 54 D (67364) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (67365) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67365) vfs: 54 D (67877) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (67878) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67879) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (67889) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67890) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (67891) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67901) vfs: 54 D (67902) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (67903) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (67903) vfs: 54 D (68414) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (68415) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68415) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (68417) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68428) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (68428) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68429) vfs: 54 D (68440) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (68440) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68441) vfs: 54 D (68941) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (68942) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68942) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (68953) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68954) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (68954) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68965) vfs: 54 D (68966) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (68966) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (68967) vfs: 54 D (69478) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (69479) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (69480) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (69490) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (69491) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (69492) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (69492) vfs: 54 D (69503) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (69504) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (69504) vfs: 54 D (70015) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (70016) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70016) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (70027) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70028) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (70028) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70040) vfs: 54 D (70041) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (70042) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70042) vfs: 54 I (70495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71680, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (70553) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (70554) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70555) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (70566) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70566) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (70567) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70578) vfs: 54 D (70578) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (70579) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (70590) vfs: 54 D (71091) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (71092) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71092) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (71103) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71104) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (71104) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71115) vfs: 54 D (71116) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (71116) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71117) vfs: 54 D (71628) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (71629) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71630) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (71640) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71641) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (71642) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71642) vfs: 54 D (71653) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (71654) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (71654) vfs: 54 D (72165) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (72166) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72166) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (72177) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72178) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (72178) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72190) vfs: 54 D (72191) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (72191) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72192) vfs: 54 D (72692) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (72693) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72693) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (72704) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72705) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (72705) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72716) vfs: 54 D (72717) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (72718) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (72718) vfs: 54 D (73229) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (73231) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73231) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (73242) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73243) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (73243) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73254) vfs: 54 D (73255) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (73255) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73266) vfs: 54 D (73767) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (73768) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73768) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (73779) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73780) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (73780) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73791) vfs: 54 D (73792) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (73793) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (73793) vfs: 54 D (74304) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (74305) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74305) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (74316) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74317) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (74317) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74328) vfs: 54 D (74329) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (74330) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74330) vfs: 54 D (74841) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (74842) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74842) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (74853) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74854) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (74854) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74865) vfs: 54 D (74866) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (74867) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (74868) vfs: 54 D (75368) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (75369) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75369) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (75380) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75381) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (75381) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75392) vfs: 54 D (75393) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (75394) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75394) vfs: 54 I (75495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71680, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (75905) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (75906) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75906) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (75917) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75918) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (75918) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75929) vfs: 54 D (75930) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (75931) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (75931) vfs: 54 D (76442) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (76443) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76444) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (76454) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76455) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (76456) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76456) vfs: 54 D (76467) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (76468) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76468) vfs: 54 D (76979) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (76980) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76980) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (76991) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (76992) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (76992) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77003) vfs: 54 D (77004) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (77004) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77005) vfs: 54 D (77516) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (77517) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77517) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (77528) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77529) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (77529) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77540) vfs: 54 D (77541) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (77542) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (77542) vfs: 54 D (78053) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (78054) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78054) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (78065) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78066) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (78066) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78077) vfs: 54 D (78078) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (78078) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78079) vfs: 54 D (78590) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (78591) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78591) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (78602) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78603) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (78604) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78604) vfs: 54 D (78615) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (78616) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (78616) vfs: 54 D (79127) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (79128) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79128) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (79139) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79140) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (79140) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79151) vfs: 54 D (79152) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (79152) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79153) vfs: 54 D (79664) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (79665) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79665) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (79676) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79677) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (79677) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79688) vfs: 54 D (79689) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (79689) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (79690) vfs: 54 D (80201) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (80202) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80202) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (80213) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80214) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (80214) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80225) vfs: 54 D (80226) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (80226) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80227) vfs: 54 I (80495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71680, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (80738) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (80739) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80739) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (80750) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80751) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (80751) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80752) vfs: 54 D (80763) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (80763) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (80764) vfs: 54 D (81275) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (81276) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81276) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (81287) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81288) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (81288) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81299) vfs: 54 D (81300) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (81301) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81301) vfs: 54 D (81812) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (81813) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81813) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (81824) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81825) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (81825) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81836) vfs: 54 D (81837) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (81837) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (81838) vfs: 54 D (82349) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (82350) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82350) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (82361) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82362) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (82362) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82373) vfs: 54 D (82374) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (82374) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82375) vfs: 54 D (82886) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (82887) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82887) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (82898) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82899) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (82899) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82910) vfs: 54 D (82911) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (82912) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (82912) vfs: 54 D (83423) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (83424) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83424) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (83435) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83436) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (83436) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83447) vfs: 54 D (83448) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (83449) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83449) vfs: 54 D (83960) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (83961) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83961) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (83972) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83973) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (83973) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83984) vfs: 54 D (83985) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (83986) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (83986) vfs: 54 D (84497) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (84498) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (84498) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (84509) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (84510) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (84511) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (84521) vfs: 54 D (84522) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (84523) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (84523) vfs: 54 I (85020) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 24236, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (85033) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 D (85035) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (85047) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85048) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (85059) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85059) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (85060) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85071) vfs: 54 D (85071) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (85072) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85083) vfs: 54 I (85275) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 25776, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (85288) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 I (85495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71680, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (85583) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (85584) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85584) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (85595) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85596) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (85596) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85607) vfs: 54 D (85608) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (85608) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (85609) vfs: 54 D (86120) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (86121) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86121) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (86132) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86133) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (86133) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86144) vfs: 54 D (86145) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (86145) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86146) vfs: 54 D (86657) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (86658) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86658) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (86669) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86670) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (86670) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86681) vfs: 54 D (86682) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (86683) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (86683) vfs: 54 D (87194) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (87195) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87196) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (87206) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87207) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (87208) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87208) vfs: 54 D (87219) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (87220) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87220) vfs: 54 D (87731) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (87732) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87732) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (87743) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87744) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (87744) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87755) vfs: 54 D (87756) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (87757) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (87757) vfs: 54 D (88268) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (88269) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88269) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (88281) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88281) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (88282) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88283) vfs: 54 D (88294) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (88294) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88295) vfs: 54 D (88795) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (88796) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88796) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (88807) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88808) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (88809) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88819) vfs: 54 D (88820) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (88821) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (88821) vfs: 54 D (89332) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (89333) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89333) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (89344) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89345) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (89346) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89346) vfs: 54 D (89357) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (89358) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89358) vfs: 54 D (89869) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (89870) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89871) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (89881) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89882) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (89883) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89893) vfs: 54 D (89894) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (89895) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (89895) vfs: 54 D (90406) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (90407) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90407) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (90418) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90419) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (90419) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90430) vfs: 54 D (90432) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (90432) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90433) vfs: 54 I (90495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71680, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (90933) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (90934) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90935) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (90945) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90946) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (90947) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90957) vfs: 54 D (90958) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (90959) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (90959) vfs: 54 D (91470) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (91471) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (91471) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (91482) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (91483) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (91483) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (91494) vfs: 54 D (91495) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (91496) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (91496) vfs: 54 D (92007) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (92009) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92009) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (92010) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92021) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (92022) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92022) vfs: 54 D (92033) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (92034) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92034) vfs: 54 D (92535) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (92536) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92536) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (92547) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92548) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (92548) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92559) vfs: 54 D (92560) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (92560) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (92561) vfs: 54 D (93072) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (93073) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93073) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (93084) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93085) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (93085) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93096) vfs: 54 D (93097) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (93098) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93098) vfs: 54 D (93609) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (93610) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93610) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (93621) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93622) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (93622) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93633) vfs: 54 D (93634) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (93634) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (93635) vfs: 54 D (94146) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (94147) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94147) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (94158) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94159) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (94160) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94160) vfs: 54 D (94171) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (94172) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94172) vfs: 54 D (94683) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (94684) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94684) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (94695) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94696) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (94696) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94707) vfs: 54 D (94708) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (94708) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (94709) vfs: 54 D (95220) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (95221) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95221) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (95232) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95233) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (95234) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95234) vfs: 54 D (95245) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (95246) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95246) vfs: 54 I (95471) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 24258, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (95484) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 I (95498) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71468, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (95555) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 23589, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (95568) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 I (95684) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 25715, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (95697) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 D (95757) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (95758) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95758) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (95769) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95770) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (95770) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95781) vfs: 54 D (95782) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (95782) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (95783) vfs: 54 D (96049) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (96051) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96051) vfs: 54 D (96051) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (96063) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96063) vfs: 54 D (96064) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_server_conn_insert, 110]:insert, conn_num: 0, sockfd: 57, ip:, port: 49368 D (96077) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 58 D (96078) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96088) vfs: 54 D (96088) vfs: 57 D (96089) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (96090) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96101) vfs: 54 D (96102) vfs: 57 D (96102) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (96103) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96113) vfs: 57 D (96114) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (96114) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96115) vfs: 57 D (96125) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 57, conn->http_size: 0 D (96127) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 347]:http request, sockfd: 57, conn->http_size: 185, data: GET /mesh_info HTTP/1.1 token: 1234567890 Connection: close User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; OPPO R11s Build/NMF26X) Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip  D (96163) mdf_http_server_parser: [mdf_get_device_mac, 189]:http response, size: 85, data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Mesh-Node-Num: 1 Mesh-Node-Mac: 30aea4004384 Content-Length: 0  D (96179) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 58 D (96180) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96181) vfs: 54 D (96181) vfs: 57 D (96192) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (96194) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96194) vfs: 54 D (96194) vfs: 57 D (96583) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (96584) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96585) vfs: 57 D (96585) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (96596) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96596) vfs: 57 D (96597) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 57, conn->http_size: 0 D (96608) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 329]:socket close, sockfd: 57, conn->http_size: 0, errno_str: Socket is not connected, ret: 0 D (96624) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (96626) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96626) vfs: 54 D (96627) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (96638) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96638) vfs: 54 D (96986) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (96988) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (96988) vfs: 54 D (96989) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (96999) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97000) vfs: 54 D (97001) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_server_conn_insert, 110]:insert, conn_num: 0, sockfd: 58, ip:, port: 49372 D (97013) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 59 D (97014) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97025) vfs: 54 D (97025) vfs: 58 D (97026) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (97026) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97037) vfs: 54 D (97038) vfs: 58 D (97038) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (97049) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97051) vfs: 58 D (97051) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (97052) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97052) vfs: 58 D (97063) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 58, conn->http_size: 0 D (97065) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 347]:http request, sockfd: 58, conn->http_size: 319, data: POST /device_request HTTP/1.1 Mesh-Node-Num: 1 Mesh-Node-Mac: 30aea4004384 Content-Type: application/json token: 1234567890 Connection: close Content-Length: 29 User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; OPPO R11s Build/NMF26X) Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip {"request":"get_device_info"} D (97116) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 0, value: 1 D (97118) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 1, value: 360 D (97119) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 2, value: 0 D (97130) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 3, value: 100 D (97141) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 4, value: 0 D (97142) light_bulb: [light_bulb_get_value, 110]:cid: 5, value: 30 D (97155) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_response, 482]:http response, sockfd: 58, size: 458, data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Mesh-Node-Mac: 30aea4004384 Mesh-Parent-Mac: 20a68098dcb4 Mesh-Layer: 1 Content-Length: 311 {"protocol_version":1,"tid":"1","name":"light_004384","version":"","characteristics":[[0,"on","int",7,1,0,1,1],[1,"hue","int",7,360,0,360,1],[2,"saturation","int",7,0,0,100,1],[3,"value","int",7,100,0,100,1],[4,"color_temperature","int",7,0,0,100,1],[5,"brightness","int",7,30,0,100,1]],"status_code":0} D (97119) mdf_http_server_parser: [mdf_device_request, 150]:mdf_wifi_mesh_root_send conn->chunk: 0, conn->chunk_num: 0 D (97207) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 59 D (97218) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97219) vfs: 54 D (97219) vfs: 58 D (97220) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (97231) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97232) vfs: 54 D (97232) vfs: 58 D (97356) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (97358) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97358) vfs: 58 D (97358) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (97369) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97370) vfs: 58 D (97370) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 58, conn->http_size: 0 D (97382) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 329]:socket close, sockfd: 58, conn->http_size: 0, errno_str: Socket is not connected, ret: 0 D (97397) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (97398) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97398) vfs: 54 D (97399) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (97410) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97410) vfs: 54 D (97911) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (97912) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97912) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (97923) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97924) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (97925) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97925) vfs: 54 D (97936) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (97937) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (97937) vfs: 54 D (98448) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (98449) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98449) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (98460) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98461) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (98462) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98472) vfs: 54 D (98473) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (98474) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98474) vfs: 54 D (98985) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (98986) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98986) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (98997) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (98998) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (98998) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99009) vfs: 54 D (99010) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (99011) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99011) vfs: 54 D (99522) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (99523) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99523) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (99534) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99535) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (99536) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99536) vfs: 54 D (99547) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (99548) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (99548) vfs: 54 D (100059) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (100060) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100060) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (100071) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100072) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (100072) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100083) vfs: 54 D (100084) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (100085) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100085) vfs: 54 I (100495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 71264, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (100596) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (100597) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100597) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (100608) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100610) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (100610) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100611) vfs: 54 D (100622) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (100623) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (100623) vfs: 54 D (101124) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (101125) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101126) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (101137) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101137) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (101138) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101149) vfs: 54 D (101149) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (101150) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101151) vfs: 54 D (101661) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (101662) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101662) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (101673) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101674) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (101674) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101685) vfs: 54 D (101686) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (101687) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (101687) vfs: 54 I (101790) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 28299, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (101803) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 I (101874) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 274]:udp recvfrom, sockfd: 56, port: 23938, ip:, udp_buf: Are You Espressif IOT Smart Device? I (101887) mdf_notice: [mdf_notice_udp_server, 288]:udp sendto, sockfd: 56, data: ESP32 Mesh 30aea4004384 http 80 D (102198) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (102199) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102200) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (102210) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102211) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (102212) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102222) vfs: 54 D (102223) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (102224) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102224) vfs: 54 D (102735) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (102736) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102736) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (102747) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102748) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (102749) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102750) vfs: 54 D (102761) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (102761) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (102762) vfs: 54 D (103207) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (103208) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103208) vfs: 54 D (103209) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (103220) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103220) vfs: 54 D (103221) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_server_conn_insert, 110]:insert, conn_num: 0, sockfd: 59, ip:, port: 49374 D (103234) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (103235) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103246) vfs: 54 D (103246) vfs: 59 D (103247) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (103248) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103259) vfs: 54 D (103259) vfs: 59 D (103259) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (103271) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103271) vfs: 59 D (103272) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (103272) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103283) vfs: 59 D (103283) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 59, conn->http_size: 0 D (103285) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 347]:http request, sockfd: 59, conn->http_size: 185, data: GET /mesh_info HTTP/1.1 token: 1234567890 Connection: close User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; OPPO R11s Build/NMF26X) Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip  D (103321) mdf_http_server_parser: [mdf_get_device_mac, 189]:http response, size: 85, data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Mesh-Node-Num: 1 Mesh-Node-Mac: 30aea4004384 Content-Length: 0  D (103336) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (103336) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103337) vfs: 54 D (103347) vfs: 59 D (103348) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (103349) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103349) vfs: 54 D (103360) vfs: 59 D (103860) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (103861) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103861) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (103872) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103873) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (103874) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103884) vfs: 54 D (103885) vfs: 59 D (103886) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (103887) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (103898) vfs: 54 D (103898) vfs: 59 D (104399) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (104400) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104400) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (104412) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104412) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (104413) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104424) vfs: 54 D (104424) vfs: 59 D (104425) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (104425) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104436) vfs: 54 D (104437) vfs: 59 D (104937) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (104938) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104939) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (104949) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104950) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (104951) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104961) vfs: 54 D (104961) vfs: 59 D (104962) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (104963) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (104974) vfs: 54 D (104974) vfs: 59 D (105475) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (105476) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105476) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (105487) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105488) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 60 D (105489) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105499) vfs: 54 D (105500) vfs: 59 D (105500) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (105503) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105504) vfs: 54 D (105514) vfs: 59 I (105495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 69120, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 D (105560) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (105562) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105562) vfs: 59 D (105563) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (105573) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105574) vfs: 59 D (105574) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 59, conn->http_size: 0 D (105586) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 329]:socket close, sockfd: 59, conn->http_size: 0, errno_str: Socket is not connected, ret: 0 D (105601) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (105602) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105603) vfs: 54 D (105614) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (105614) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (105615) vfs: 54 D (106115) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (106116) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106117) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (106127) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106128) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (106129) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106140) vfs: 54 D (106140) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (106141) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106142) vfs: 54 D (106652) vfs: socket_select returned 0 and the FDs are the following D (106653) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106653) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 0 D (106664) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106665) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 55 D (106666) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106677) vfs: 54 D (106678) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (106679) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106690) vfs: 54 D (106690) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (106691) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106702) vfs: 54 D (106702) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (106703) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106703) vfs: 54 D (106704) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_server_conn_insert, 110]:insert, conn_num: 0, sockfd: 60, ip:, port: 49380 D (106717) vfs: esp_vfs_select starts with nfds = 61 D (106728) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106728) vfs: 54 D (106728) vfs: 60 D (106729) vfs: calling socket_select with the following FDs D (106740) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106741) vfs: 54 D (106741) vfs: 60 D (106741) vfs: socket_select returned 1 and the FDs are the following D (106753) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106754) vfs: 60 D (106754) vfs: esp_vfs_select returns 1 D (106765) vfs: FDs in readfds = D (106766) vfs: 60 D (106766) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 317]:conn->sockfd: 60, conn->http_size: 0 D (106778) mdf_http_handle: [mdf_http_server_request, 347]:http request, sockfd: 60, conn->http_size: 319, data: POST /device_request HTTP/1.1 Mesh-Node-Num: 1 Mesh-Node-Mac: 30aea4004384 Content-Type: application/json token: 1234567890 Connection: close Content-Length: 29 User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; OPPO R11s Build/NMF26X) Host: Accept-Encoding: gzip {"request":"get_device_info"} I (110495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (115495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (120495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (125495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (130495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (135495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 64408, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (140495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (145495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (150495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (155495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (160495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (165495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 62196, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (170495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (175495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (180495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (185495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (190495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (195495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60008, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (200495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (205495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (210495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (215495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (220495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (225495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (230495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (235495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (240495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (245495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (250495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11 I (255495) mdf_device_handle: [mdf_show_sysinfo_timercb, 73]:parent: 20:a6:80:98:dc:b4, mac:30:ae:a4:00:43:84, layer: 1, free heap: 60212, compile time: May 26 2018 00:22:11