# # Copyright 2018-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import collections import itertools import os import fnmatch from fragments import Sections, Scheme, Mapping, Fragment from pyparsing import Suppress, White, ParseException, Literal, Group, ZeroOrMore from pyparsing import Word, OneOrMore, nums, alphanums, alphas, Optional, LineEnd, printables from ldgen_common import LdGenFailure class PlacementRule(): """ Encapsulates a generated placement rule placed under a target """ DEFAULT_SPECIFICITY = 0 ARCHIVE_SPECIFICITY = 1 OBJECT_SPECIFICITY = 2 SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY = 3 class __container(): def __init__(self, content): self.content = content __metadata = collections.namedtuple("__metadata", "excludes expansions expanded") def __init__(self, archive, obj, symbol, sections, target): if archive == "*": archive = None if obj == "*": obj = None self.archive = archive self.obj = obj self.symbol = symbol self.target = target self.sections = dict() self.specificity = 0 self.specificity += 1 if self.archive else 0 self.specificity += 1 if (self.obj and not self.obj == '*') else 0 self.specificity += 1 if self.symbol else 0 for section in sections: section_data = Sections.get_section_data_from_entry(section, self.symbol) if not self.symbol: for s in section_data: metadata = self.__metadata(self.__container([]), self.__container([]), self.__container(False)) self.sections[s] = metadata else: (section, expansion) = section_data if expansion: metadata = self.__metadata(self.__container([]), self.__container([expansion]), self.__container(True)) self.sections[section] = metadata def get_section_names(self): return self.sections.keys() def add_exclusion(self, other, sections_infos=None): # Utility functions for this method def do_section_expansion(rule, section): if section in rule.get_section_names(): sections_in_obj = sections_infos.get_obj_sections(rule.archive, rule.obj) expansions = fnmatch.filter(sections_in_obj, section) return expansions def remove_section_expansions(rule, section, expansions): existing_expansions = self.sections[section].expansions.content self.sections[section].expansions.content = [e for e in existing_expansions if e not in expansions] # Exit immediately if the exclusion to be added is more general than this rule. if not other.is_more_specific_rule_of(self): return for section in self.get_sections_intersection(other): if(other.specificity == PlacementRule.SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY): # If this sections has not been expanded previously, expand now and keep track. previously_expanded = self.sections[section].expanded.content if not previously_expanded: expansions = do_section_expansion(self, section) if expansions: self.sections[section].expansions.content = expansions self.sections[section].expanded.content = True previously_expanded = True # Remove the sections corresponding to the symbol name remove_section_expansions(self, section, other.sections[section].expansions.content) # If it has been expanded previously but now the expansions list is empty, # it means adding exclusions has exhausted the list. Remove the section entirely. if previously_expanded and not self.sections[section].expanded.content: del self.sections[section] else: # A rule section can have multiple rule sections excluded from it. Get the # most specific rule from the list, and if an even more specific rule is found, # replace it entirely. Otherwise, keep appending. exclusions = self.sections[section].excludes exclusions_list = exclusions.content if exclusions.content is not None else [] exclusions_to_remove = filter(lambda r: r.is_more_specific_rule_of(other), exclusions_list) remaining_exclusions = [e for e in exclusions_list if e not in exclusions_to_remove] remaining_exclusions.append(other) self.sections[section].excludes.content = remaining_exclusions def get_sections_intersection(self, other): return set(self.sections.keys()).intersection(set(other.sections.keys())) def is_more_specific_rule_of(self, other): if (self.specificity <= other.specificity): return False # Compare archive, obj and target for entity_index in range(1, other.specificity + 1): if self[entity_index] != other[entity_index] and other[entity_index] is not None: return False return True def maps_same_entities_as(self, other): if self.specificity != other.specificity: return False # Compare archive, obj and target for entity_index in range(1, other.specificity + 1): if self[entity_index] != other[entity_index] and other[entity_index] is not None: return False return True def __getitem__(self, key): if key == PlacementRule.ARCHIVE_SPECIFICITY: return self.archive elif key == PlacementRule.OBJECT_SPECIFICITY: return self.obj elif key == PlacementRule.SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY: return self.symbol else: return None def __str__(self): sorted_sections = sorted(self.get_section_names()) sections_string = list() for section in sorted_sections: exclusions = self.sections[section].excludes.content exclusion_string = None if exclusions: exclusion_string = " ".join(map(lambda e: "*" + e.archive + (":" + e.obj + ".*" if e.obj else ""), exclusions)) exclusion_string = "EXCLUDE_FILE(" + exclusion_string + ")" else: exclusion_string = "" section_string = None exclusion_section_string = None section_expansions = self.sections[section].expansions.content section_expanded = self.sections[section].expanded.content if section_expansions and section_expanded: section_string = " ".join(section_expansions) exclusion_section_string = section_string else: section_string = section exclusion_section_string = exclusion_string + " " + section_string sections_string.append(exclusion_section_string) sections_string = " ".join(sections_string) archive = str(self.archive) if self.archive else "" obj = (str(self.obj) + (".*" if self.obj else "")) if self.obj else "" # Handle output string generation based on information available if self.specificity == PlacementRule.DEFAULT_SPECIFICITY: rule_string = "*(%s)" % (sections_string) elif self.specificity == PlacementRule.ARCHIVE_SPECIFICITY: rule_string = "*%s:(%s)" % (archive, sections_string) else: rule_string = "*%s:%s(%s)" % (archive, obj, sections_string) return rule_string def __eq__(self, other): if id(self) == id(other): return True def exclusions_set(exclusions): exclusions_set = {(e.archive, e.obj, e.symbol, e.target) for e in exclusions} return exclusions_set if self.archive != other.archive: return False if self.obj != other.obj: return False if self.symbol != other.symbol: return False if set(self.sections.keys()) != set(other.sections.keys()): return False for (section, metadata) in self.sections.items(): self_meta = metadata other_meta = other.sections[section] if exclusions_set(self_meta.excludes.content) != exclusions_set(other_meta.excludes.content): return False if set(self_meta.expansions.content) != set(other_meta.expansions.content): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __iter__(self): yield self.archive yield self.obj yield self.symbol raise StopIteration class GenerationModel: """ Implements generation of placement rules based on collected sections, scheme and mapping fragment. """ DEFAULT_SCHEME = "default" def __init__(self): self.schemes = {} self.sections = {} self.mappings = {} def _add_mapping_rules(self, archive, obj, symbol, scheme_name, scheme_dict, rules): # Use an ordinary dictionary to raise exception on non-existing keys temp_dict = dict(scheme_dict) sections_bucket = temp_dict[scheme_name] for (target, sections) in sections_bucket.items(): section_entries = [] for section in sections: section_entries.extend(section.entries) rule = PlacementRule(archive, obj, symbol, section_entries, target) if rule not in rules: rules.append(rule) def _build_scheme_dictionary(self): scheme_dictionary = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Collect sections into buckets based on target name for scheme in self.schemes.values(): sections_bucket = collections.defaultdict(list) for (sections_name, target_name) in scheme.entries: # Get the sections under the bucket 'target_name'. If this bucket does not exist # is is created automatically sections_in_bucket = sections_bucket[target_name] try: sections = self.sections[sections_name] except KeyError: message = GenerationException.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE + " to sections '" + sections + "'." raise GenerationException(message, scheme) sections_in_bucket.append(sections) scheme_dictionary[scheme.name] = sections_bucket # Search for and raise exception on first instance of sections mapped to multiple targets for (scheme_name, sections_bucket) in scheme_dictionary.items(): for sections_a, sections_b in itertools.combinations(sections_bucket.values(), 2): set_a = set() set_b = set() for sections in sections_a: set_a.update(sections.entries) for sections in sections_b: set_b.update(sections.entries) intersection = set_a.intersection(set_b) # If the intersection is a non-empty set, it means sections are mapped to multiple # targets. Raise exception. if intersection: scheme = self.schemes[scheme_name] message = "Sections " + str(intersection) + " mapped to multiple targets." raise GenerationException(message, scheme) return scheme_dictionary def generate_rules(self, sections_infos): scheme_dictionary = self._build_scheme_dictionary() # Generate default rules default_rules = list() self._add_mapping_rules(None, None, None, GenerationModel.DEFAULT_SCHEME, scheme_dictionary, default_rules) all_mapping_rules = collections.defaultdict(list) # Generate rules based on mapping fragments for mapping in self.mappings.values(): archive = mapping.archive mapping_rules = all_mapping_rules[archive] for (obj, symbol, scheme_name) in mapping.entries: try: if not (obj == Mapping.MAPPING_ALL_OBJECTS and symbol is None and scheme_name == GenerationModel.DEFAULT_SCHEME): self._add_mapping_rules(archive, obj, symbol, scheme_name, scheme_dictionary, mapping_rules) except KeyError: message = GenerationException.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE + " to scheme '" + scheme_name + "'." raise GenerationException(message, mapping) # Detect rule conflicts for mapping_rules in all_mapping_rules.items(): self._detect_conflicts(mapping_rules) # Add exclusions for mapping_rules in all_mapping_rules.values(): self._create_exclusions(mapping_rules, default_rules, sections_infos) placement_rules = collections.defaultdict(list) # Add the default rules grouped by target for default_rule in default_rules: existing_rules = placement_rules[default_rule.target] if default_rule.get_section_names(): existing_rules.append(default_rule) archives = sorted(all_mapping_rules.keys()) for archive in archives: # Add the mapping rules grouped by target mapping_rules = sorted(all_mapping_rules[archive], key=lambda m: (m.specificity, str(m))) for mapping_rule in mapping_rules: existing_rules = placement_rules[mapping_rule.target] if mapping_rule.get_section_names(): existing_rules.append(mapping_rule) return placement_rules def _detect_conflicts(self, rules): (archive, rules_list) = rules for specificity in range(0, PlacementRule.OBJECT_SPECIFICITY + 1): rules_with_specificity = filter(lambda r: r.specificity == specificity, rules_list) for rule_a, rule_b in itertools.combinations(rules_with_specificity, 2): intersections = rule_a.get_sections_intersection(rule_b) if intersections and rule_a.maps_same_entities_as(rule_b): rules_string = str([str(rule_a), str(rule_b)]) message = "Rules " + rules_string + " map sections " + str(list(intersections)) + " into multiple targets." raise GenerationException(message) def _create_extra_rules(self, rules): # This function generates extra rules for symbol specific rules. The reason for generating extra rules is to isolate, # as much as possible, rules that require expansion. Particularly, object specific extra rules are generated. rules_to_process = sorted(rules, key=lambda r: r.specificity) symbol_specific_rules = list(filter(lambda r: r.specificity == PlacementRule.SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY, rules_to_process)) extra_rules = dict() for symbol_specific_rule in symbol_specific_rules: extra_rule_candidate = {s: None for s in symbol_specific_rule.get_section_names()} super_rules = filter(lambda r: symbol_specific_rule.is_more_specific_rule_of(r), rules_to_process) # Take a look at the existing rules that are more general than the current symbol-specific rule. # Only generate an extra rule if there is no existing object specific rule for that section for super_rule in super_rules: intersections = symbol_specific_rule.get_sections_intersection(super_rule) for intersection in intersections: if super_rule.specificity != PlacementRule.OBJECT_SPECIFICITY: extra_rule_candidate[intersection] = super_rule else: extra_rule_candidate[intersection] = None # Generate the extra rules for the symbol specific rule section, keeping track of the generated extra rules for (section, section_rule) in extra_rule_candidate.items(): if section_rule: extra_rule = None extra_rules_key = (symbol_specific_rule.archive, symbol_specific_rule.obj, section_rule.target) try: extra_rule = extra_rules[extra_rules_key] if section not in extra_rule.get_section_names(): new_rule = PlacementRule(extra_rule.archive, extra_rule.obj, extra_rule.symbol, list(extra_rule.get_section_names()) + [section], extra_rule.target) extra_rules[extra_rules_key] = new_rule except KeyError: extra_rule = PlacementRule(symbol_specific_rule.archive, symbol_specific_rule.obj, None, [section], section_rule.target) extra_rules[extra_rules_key] = extra_rule return extra_rules.values() def _create_exclusions(self, mapping_rules, default_rules, sections_info): rules = list(default_rules) rules.extend(mapping_rules) extra_rules = self._create_extra_rules(rules) mapping_rules.extend(extra_rules) rules.extend(extra_rules) # Sort the rules by means of how specific they are. Sort by specificity from lowest to highest # * -> lib:* -> lib:obj -> lib:obj:symbol sorted_rules = sorted(rules, key=lambda r: r.specificity) # Now that the rules have been sorted, loop through each rule, and then loop # through rules below it (higher indeces), adding exclusions whenever appropriate. for general_rule in sorted_rules: for specific_rule in reversed(sorted_rules): if (specific_rule.specificity > general_rule.specificity and specific_rule.specificity != PlacementRule.SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY) or \ (specific_rule.specificity == PlacementRule.SYMBOL_SPECIFICITY and general_rule.specificity == PlacementRule.OBJECT_SPECIFICITY): general_rule.add_exclusion(specific_rule, sections_info) def add_fragments_from_file(self, fragment_file): for fragment in fragment_file.fragments: dict_to_append_to = None if isinstance(fragment, Mapping) and fragment.deprecated and fragment.name in self.mappings.keys(): self.mappings[fragment.name].entries |= fragment.entries else: if isinstance(fragment, Scheme): dict_to_append_to = self.schemes elif isinstance(fragment, Sections): dict_to_append_to = self.sections else: dict_to_append_to = self.mappings # Raise exception when the fragment of the same type is already in the stored fragments if fragment.name in dict_to_append_to.keys(): stored = dict_to_append_to[fragment.name].path new = fragment.path message = "Duplicate definition of fragment '%s' found in %s and %s." % (fragment.name, stored, new) raise GenerationException(message) dict_to_append_to[fragment.name] = fragment class TemplateModel: """ Encapsulates a linker script template file. Finds marker syntax and handles replacement to generate the final output. """ Marker = collections.namedtuple("Marker", "target indent rules") def __init__(self, template_file): self.members = [] self.file = os.path.realpath(template_file.name) self._generate_members(template_file) def _generate_members(self, template_file): lines = template_file.readlines() target = Fragment.IDENTIFIER reference = Suppress("mapping") + Suppress("[") + target.setResultsName("target") + Suppress("]") pattern = White(" \t").setResultsName("indent") + reference # Find the markers in the template file line by line. If line does not match marker grammar, # set it as a literal to be copied as is to the output file. for line in lines: try: parsed = pattern.parseString(line) indent = parsed.indent target = parsed.target marker = TemplateModel.Marker(target, indent, []) self.members.append(marker) except ParseException: # Does not match marker syntax self.members.append(line) def fill(self, mapping_rules): for member in self.members: target = None try: target = member.target rules = member.rules del rules[:] rules.extend(mapping_rules[target]) except KeyError: message = GenerationException.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE + " to target '" + target + "'." raise GenerationException(message) except AttributeError: pass def write(self, output_file): # Add information that this is a generated file. output_file.write("/* Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT */\n") output_file.write("/* Espressif IoT Development Framework Linker Script */\n") output_file.write("/* Generated from: %s */\n" % self.file) output_file.write("\n") # Do the text replacement for member in self.members: try: indent = member.indent rules = member.rules for rule in rules: generated_line = "".join([indent, str(rule), '\n']) output_file.write(generated_line) except AttributeError: output_file.write(member) class GenerationException(LdGenFailure): """ Exception for linker script generation failures such as undefined references/ failure to evaluate conditions, duplicate mappings, etc. """ UNDEFINED_REFERENCE = "Undefined reference" def __init__(self, message, fragment=None): self.fragment = fragment self.message = message def __str__(self): if self.fragment: return "%s\nIn fragment '%s' defined in '%s'." % (self.message, self.fragment.name, self.fragment.path) else: return self.message class SectionsInfo(dict): """ Encapsulates an output of objdump. Contains information about the static library sections and names """ __info = collections.namedtuple("__info", "filename content") def __init__(self): self.sections = dict() def add_sections_info(self, sections_info_dump): first_line = sections_info_dump.readline() archive_path = (Literal("In archive").suppress() + # trim the last character from archive_path, : Word(printables + " ").setResultsName("archive_path").setParseAction(lambda t: t[0][:-1]) + LineEnd()) parser = archive_path results = None try: results = parser.parseString(first_line) except ParseException as p: raise ParseException("Parsing sections info for library " + sections_info_dump.name + " failed. " + p.msg) archive = os.path.basename(results.archive_path) self.sections[archive] = SectionsInfo.__info(sections_info_dump.name, sections_info_dump.read()) def _get_infos_from_file(self, info): # Object file line: '{object}: file format elf32-xtensa-le' object = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName("object") + Literal(":").suppress() + Literal("file format elf32-xtensa-le").suppress() # Sections table header = Suppress(Literal("Sections:") + Literal("Idx") + Literal("Name") + Literal("Size") + Literal("VMA") + Literal("LMA") + Literal("File off") + Literal("Algn")) entry = Word(nums).suppress() + Fragment.ENTITY + Suppress(OneOrMore(Word(alphanums, exact=8)) + Word(nums + "*") + ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas.upper()) + Optional(Literal(",")))) # Content is object file line + sections table content = Group(object + header + Group(ZeroOrMore(entry)).setResultsName("sections")) parser = Group(ZeroOrMore(content)).setResultsName("contents") sections_info_text = info.content results = None try: results = parser.parseString(sections_info_text) except ParseException as p: raise ParseException("Unable to parse section info file " + info.filename + ". " + p.message) return results def get_obj_sections(self, archive, obj): stored = self.sections[archive] # Parse the contents of the sections file if not isinstance(stored, dict): parsed = self._get_infos_from_file(stored) stored = dict() for content in parsed.contents: sections = list(map(lambda s: s, content.sections)) stored[content.object] = sections self.sections[archive] = stored for obj_key in stored.keys(): if obj_key == obj + ".o" or obj_key == obj + ".c.obj": return stored[obj_key]