#!/bin/bash # # Redirects git submodules to the specified local mirrors and updates these recursively. # # To revert the changed URLs use 'git submodule deinit .' # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Common bash if [[ ! -z ${DEBUG} ]] then set -x # Activate the expand mode if DEBUG is anything but empty. fi set -o errexit # Exit if command failed. set -o pipefail # Exit if pipe failed. set -o nounset # Exit if variable not set. die() { echo "${1:-"Unknown Error"}" 1>&2 exit 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -z ${GITLAB_SSH_SERVER:-} ] && die "Have to set up GITLAB_SSH_SERVER environment variable" ERR_CANNOT_UPDATE=13 REPO_DIR=${1:-"${PWD}"} REPO_DIR=$(readlink -f -- "${REPO_DIR}") SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname -- "${0}") SCRIPT_DIR=$(readlink -f -- "${SCRIPT_DIR}") SCRIPT_SH=$(readlink -f -- "${0}") MIRRORLIST=${SCRIPT_DIR}/mirror-list.txt [ -d "${REPO_DIR}" ] || die "${REPO_DIR} is not directory!" [ -f "${SCRIPT_SH}" ] || die "${SCRIPT_SH} does not exist!" [ -f "${MIRRORLIST}" ] || die "${MIRRORLIST} does not exist!" pushd ${REPO_DIR} >/dev/null # 0 [ -f ".gitmodules" ] || exit 0 # 1 git submodule init # 2 # Replacing each submodule URL of the current repository # according to the one found in the MIRRORLIST # SED parses the strings like: # #-b991c67c1d91574ef22336cc3a5944d1e63230c9 roms/ipxe #b991c67c1d91574ef22336cc3a5944d1e63230c9 roms/ipxe (v1.0.0-2388-gb991c67) # for SUBPATH in $(git submodule status | sed -E 's/.*[[:space:]](.*)([[:space:]].*|$)/\1/') do SUBMIRROR=$(join -o"2.2" <(echo ${SUBPATH}) <(sort ${MIRRORLIST})) [ ${SUBMIRROR} ] || continue SUBMIRROR=${SUBMIRROR//@GENERAL_MIRROR_SERVER@/${GITLAB_SSH_SERVER}} echo -e "[switch mirror] $SUBPATH \tto\t $SUBMIRROR" git config submodule.${SUBPATH}.url ${SUBMIRROR} done # 3 # Getting submodules of the current repository from the local mirrors git submodule update || exit $ERR_CANNOT_UPDATE # 4 # Replacing URLs for each sub-submodule. # The script runs recursively git submodule foreach "${SCRIPT_SH}" # No '--recursive' popd >/dev/null