menu "LWIP" config L2_TO_L3_COPY bool "Enable copy between Layer2 and Layer3 packets" default 0 help If this feature is enabled, all traffic from layer2(WIFI Driver) will be copied to a new buffer before sending it to layer3(LWIP stack), freeing the layer2 buffer. Please be notified that the total layer2 receiving buffer is fixed and ESP32 currently supports 25 layer2 receiving buffer, when layer2 buffer runs out of memory, then the incoming packets will be dropped in hardware. The layer3 buffer is allocated from the heap, so the total layer3 receiving buffer depends on the available heap size, when heap runs out of memory, no copy will be sent to layer3 and packet will be dropped in layer2. Please make sure you fully understand the impact of this feature before enabling it. config LWIP_MAX_SOCKETS int "Max number of open sockets" range 1 16 default 10 help Sockets take up a certain amount of memory, and allowing fewer sockets to be open at the same time conserves memory. Specify the maximum amount of sockets here. The valid value is from 1 to 16. config LWIP_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_INDEX int "Index for thread-local-storage pointer for lwip" default 0 help Specify the thread-local-storage-pointer index for lwip use. config LWIP_SO_REUSE bool "Enable SO_REUSEADDR option" default 0 help Enabling this option allows binding to a port which remains in TIME_WAIT. config LWIP_SO_RCVBUF bool "Enable SO_RCVBUF option" default 0 help Enabling this option allows checking for available data on a netconn. config LWIP_DHCP_MAX_NTP_SERVERS int "Maximum number of NTP servers" default 1 range 1 16 help Set maxumum number of NTP servers used by LwIP SNTP module. First argument of sntp_setserver/sntp_setservername functions is limited to this value. config LWIP_IP_FRAG bool "Enable fragment outgoing IP packets" default 0 help Enabling this option allows fragmenting outgoing IP packets if their size exceeds MTU. config LWIP_IP_REASSEMBLY bool "Enable reassembly incoming fragmented IP packets" default 0 help Enabling this option allows reassemblying incoming fragmented IP packets. endmenu