if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD) set(PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET ${CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET}) # Set PARTITION_CSV_PATH to the configured partition CSV file # absolute path if(CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_CUSTOM) idf_build_get_property(project_dir PROJECT_DIR) # Custom filename expands any path relative to the project get_filename_component(PARTITION_CSV_PATH "${CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_FILENAME}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${project_dir}") if(NOT EXISTS "${PARTITION_CSV_PATH}") message(WARNING "Partition table CSV file ${PARTITION_CSV_PATH} not found. " "Change custom partition CSV path in menuconfig.") # Note: partition_table CMakeLists.txt contains some logic to create a dummy # partition_table target in this case, see comments in that file. endif() else() # Other .csv files are always in the component directory get_filename_component(PARTITION_CSV_PATH "${COMPONENT_DIR}/${CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_FILENAME}" ABSOLUTE) if(NOT EXISTS "${PARTITION_CSV_PATH}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Internal error, built-in ${PARTITION_CSV_PATH} not found.") endif() endif() # need to re-run CMake if the partition CSV changes, as the offsets/sizes of partitions may change set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${PARTITION_CSV_PATH}) endif() # partition_table_get_partition_info # # Get information about a partition from the partition table function(partition_table_get_partition_info result get_part_info_args part_info) idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON) idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH) separate_arguments(get_part_info_args) execute_process(COMMAND ${python} ${idf_path}/components/partition_table/parttool.py -q --partition-table-offset ${PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET} --partition-table-file ${PARTITION_CSV_PATH} ${get_part_info_args} get_partition_info --info ${part_info} OUTPUT_VARIABLE info RESULT_VARIABLE exit_code OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT ${exit_code} EQUAL 0 AND NOT ${exit_code} EQUAL 1) # can't fail here as it would prevent the user from running 'menuconfig' again message(WARNING "parttool.py execution failed (${result}), problem with partition CSV file (see above)") endif() set(${result} ${info} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()