from TCAction import TCActionBase from NativeLog import NativeLog import time import random import string class TestCase(TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase): def __init__(self, test_case, test_env, timeout=45, log_path=TCActionBase.LOG_PATH): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.__init__(self, test_case, test_env, timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path) # load param from excel cmd_set = test_case["cmd set"] for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)): if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy": cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0] exec cmd_string self.result_cntx = TCActionBase.ResultCheckContext(self, test_env, self.tc_name) pass def execute(self): TCActionBase.TCActionBase.execute(self) self.result_cntx.start() try: # configurable params send_len = self.send_len test_time = self.test_time * 60 server_echo = self.server_echo sta_number = self.sta_number send_delay = self.send_delay # configurable params except StandardError, e: NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Error configuration for TCPTransparent script, error is %s" % e) raise StandardError("Error configuration") # step0 reboot for i in range(sta_number + 1): checker_stings = ["P SSC%d C ready!!!" % (i + 1)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d restore" % (i + 1)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to restore" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # turn off recv print for i in range(sta_number + 1): checker_stings = ["P SSC%d C +RECVPRINT:0" % (i + 1)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d soc -R -o 0" % (i + 1)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to turn off recv print" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # step1, set softAP mode on SSC1 checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C +MODE:OK"] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC1 op -S -o 2"] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to set mode on SSC1" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # step2, set STA mode on SSC2-SSCn for i in range(sta_number): checker_stings = ["R SSC%d C +MODE:OK" % (i + 2)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d op -S -o 1" % (i + 2)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to set mode on SSC%d" % (i + 2) if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # step3, set ssid/password on SSC1 ssid = "".join([random.choice(string.lowercase) for m in range(10)]) password = "".join([random.choice(string.lowercase) for m in range(10)]) udp_port = random.randint(10000, 20000) checker_stings = ["R SSC1 C +SAP:OK"] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC1 ap -S -s %s -p %s -n 10 -t 0 -m 10" % (ssid, password)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to set ssid/password on SSC1" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # step4, all STA join SSC1(soft AP) for i in range(sta_number): checker_stings = ["R SSC%d C +JAP:CONNECTED,%s" % (i + 2, ssid)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d ap -C -s %s -p %s" % (i + 2, ssid, password)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to connect to SSC1" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string, check_time=450) is False: return # step5, get all the STA ip for i in range(sta_number): checker_stings = ["R SSC%d A :\+STAIP:192.168.4.(\d+)" % (i + 2, i + 2)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d ip -Q" % (i + 2)] fail_string = "Fail, Fail to get SSC%d ip" % (i + 2) if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return # else: # print "SSC%d ip is:" % (i + 2), self.get_parameter("SSC%d_IP" % (i + 2)) # step6, create UDP socket on all targets for i in range(sta_number): checker_stings = ["R SSC%d A :\+BIND:(\d+),OK" % (i + 2, i + 2)] test_action_string = ["SSCC SSC%d soc -B -t UDP -p %s" % (i + 2, udp_port + i + 2)] fail_string = "Fail, SSC%d Fail to bind" % (i + 2) if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string) is False: return start_time = time.time() # step7, do send/recv, SSC2<---->other STAs while time.time() - start_time < test_time: checker_stings = [] test_action_string = [] if server_echo is True: # SSC2 send packets to SSC3-SSCn for i in range(sta_number - 1): ip = "192.168.4." + self.get_parameter("SSC%d_IP" % (i + 3)) test_action_string.append( "SSC SSC2 soc -S -s -i %s -p %s -l %d -n 1000 -j %d" % ( i + 3, ip, udp_port + i + 3, send_len, send_delay)) checker_stings.append( "P SSC2 RE \+SEND:%s,OK NC CLOSED NC ERROR" % self.get_parameter("sock%d" % (i + 3))) # SSC3-SSCn send packets to SSC2 ssc2_ip = "192.168.4." + self.get_parameter("SSC2_IP") for i in range(sta_number - 1): test_action_string.append( "SSC SSC%d soc -S -s -i %s -p %s -l %d -n 1000 -j %d" % ( i + 3, i + 3, ssc2_ip, udp_port + 2, send_len, send_delay)) checker_stings.append( "P SSC%d RE \+SEND:%s,OK NC CLOSED NC ERROR" % (i + 3, self.get_parameter("sock%d" % (i + 3)))) fail_string = "Fail, Failed to send/recv data" if self.load_and_exe_one_step(checker_stings, test_action_string, fail_string, check_freq=1, check_time=300) is False: break # drop off the delay time if it's greater than 20ms if send_delay > 20: send_delay -= 10 NativeLog.add_trace_critical("time escape: %s" % (time.time() - start_time)) if (time.time() - start_time) >= test_time: self.result_cntx.set_result("Succeed") else: self.result_cntx.set_result("Failed") # finally, execute done def result_check(self, port_name, data): TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.result_check(self, port_name, data) self.result_cntx.append_data(port_name, data) def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()