# Component support for esptool.py. Doesn't do much by itself, # components have their own flash targets that can use these variables. ESPPORT ?= $(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_PORT) ESPBAUD ?= $(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_BAUD) ESPFLASHMODE ?= $(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE) ESPFLASHFREQ ?= $(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ) PYTHON ?= $(call dequote,$(CONFIG_PYTHON)) # two commands that can be used from other components # to invoke esptool.py (with or without serial port args) # # NB: esptool.py lives in the sdk/bin directory not the component directory ESPTOOLPY_SRC := $(COMPONENT_PATH)/esptool/esptool.py ESPTOOLPY := $(PYTHON) $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC) --chip esp32 ESPTOOLPY_SERIAL := $(ESPTOOLPY) --port $(ESPPORT) --baud $(ESPBAUD) # the no-stub argument is temporary until esptool.py fully supports compressed uploads ESPTOOLPY_WRITE_FLASH=$(ESPTOOLPY_SERIAL) write_flash $(if $(CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_COMPRESSED),-z) --flash_mode $(ESPFLASHMODE) --flash_freq $(ESPFLASHFREQ) ESPTOOL_ALL_FLASH_ARGS += $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET) $(APP_BIN) $(APP_BIN): $(APP_ELF) $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC) $(Q) $(ESPTOOLPY) elf2image --flash_mode $(ESPFLASHMODE) --flash_freq $(ESPFLASHFREQ) -o $@ $< flash: all_binaries $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC) @echo "Flashing binaries to serial port $(ESPPORT) (app at offset $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET))..." $(Q) $(ESPTOOLPY_WRITE_FLASH) $(ESPTOOL_ALL_FLASH_ARGS) app-flash: $(APP_BIN) $(ESPTOOLPY_SRC) @echo "Flashing app to serial port $(ESPPORT), offset $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET)..." $(Q) $(ESPTOOLPY_WRITE_FLASH) $(CONFIG_APP_OFFSET) $(APP_BIN) $(eval $(call SubmoduleCheck,$(ESPTOOLPY_SRC),$(COMPONENT_PATH)/esptool))