import os import re import subprocess import sys from io import open from .constants import GENERATORS from .errors import FatalError def executable_exists(args): try: subprocess.check_output(args) return True except Exception: return False def realpath(path): """ Return the cannonical path with normalized case. It is useful on Windows to comparision paths in case-insensitive manner. On Unix and Mac OS X it works as `os.path.realpath()` only. """ return os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path)) def _idf_version_from_cmake(): version_path = os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "tools/cmake/version.cmake") regex = re.compile(r"^\s*set\s*\(\s*IDF_VERSION_([A-Z]{5})\s+(\d+)") ver = {} try: with open(version_path) as f: for line in f: m = regex.match(line) if m: ver[] = return "v%s.%s.%s" % (ver["MAJOR"], ver["MINOR"], ver["PATCH"]) except (KeyError, OSError): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Cannot find ESP-IDF version in version.cmake\n") return None def idf_version(): """Print version of ESP-IDF""" # Try to get version from git: try: version = subprocess.check_output([ "git", "--git-dir=%s" % os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], '.git'), "--work-tree=%s" % os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "describe", "--tags", "--dirty" ]).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, UnicodeError): # if failed, then try to parse cmake.version file sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Git version unavailable, reading from source\n") version = _idf_version_from_cmake() return version def run_tool(tool_name, args, cwd, env=dict()): def quote_arg(arg): " Quote 'arg' if necessary " if " " in arg and not (arg.startswith('"') or arg.startswith("'")): return "'" + arg + "'" return arg display_args = " ".join(quote_arg(arg) for arg in args) print("Running %s in directory %s" % (tool_name, quote_arg(cwd))) print('Executing "%s"...' % str(display_args)) env_copy = dict(os.environ) env_copy.update(env) try: # Note: we explicitly pass in os.environ here, as we may have set IDF_PATH there during startup subprocess.check_call(args, env=env_copy, cwd=cwd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise FatalError("%s failed with exit code %d" % (tool_name, e.returncode)) def run_target(target_name, args, env=dict()): generator_cmd = GENERATORS[args.generator]["command"] if args.verbose: generator_cmd += [GENERATORS[args.generator]["verbose_flag"]] run_tool(generator_cmd[0], generator_cmd + [target_name], args.build_dir, env) def _strip_quotes(value, regexp=re.compile(r"^\"(.*)\"$|^'(.*)'$|^(.*)$")): """ Strip quotes like CMake does during parsing cache entries """ return [x for x in regexp.match(value).groups() if x is not None][0].rstrip() def _parse_cmakecache(path): """ Parse the CMakeCache file at 'path'. Returns a dict of name:value. CMakeCache entries also each have a "type", but this is currently ignored. """ result = {} with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: # cmake cache lines look like: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-g # groups are name, type, value m = re.match(r"^([^#/:=]+):([^:=]+)=(.*)\n$", line) if m: result[] = return result def _new_cmakecache_entries(cache_path, new_cache_entries): if not os.path.exists(cache_path): return True if new_cache_entries: current_cache = _parse_cmakecache(cache_path) for entry in new_cache_entries: key, value = entry.split("=", 1) current_value = current_cache.get(key, None) if current_value is None or _strip_quotes(value) != current_value: return True return False def _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name): """ Find the default cmake generator, if none was specified. Raises an exception if no valid generator is found. """ for (generator_name, generator) in GENERATORS.items(): if executable_exists(generator["version"]): return generator_name raise FatalError("To use %s, either the 'ninja' or 'GNU make' build tool must be available in the PATH" % prog_name) def ensure_build_directory(args, prog_name, always_run_cmake=False): """Check the build directory exists and that cmake has been run there. If this isn't the case, create the build directory (if necessary) and do an initial cmake run to configure it. This function will also check args.generator parameter. If the parameter is incompatible with the build directory, an error is raised. If the parameter is None, this function will set it to an auto-detected default generator or to the value already configured in the build directory. """ project_dir = args.project_dir # Verify the project directory if not os.path.isdir(project_dir): if not os.path.exists(project_dir): raise FatalError("Project directory %s does not exist" % project_dir) else: raise FatalError("%s must be a project directory" % project_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, "CMakeLists.txt")): raise FatalError("CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory %s" % project_dir) # Verify/create the build directory build_dir = args.build_dir if not os.path.isdir(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) cache_path = os.path.join(build_dir, "CMakeCache.txt") if not os.path.exists(cache_path) and not os.environ.get("IDF_TARGET"): # CMakeCache.txt does not exist yet, and IDF_TARGET is not set in the environment. # Try to guess the target from sdkconfig, so that it doesn't get reset to the default ("esp32"). sdkconfig_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, "sdkconfig") # Also consider the CONFIG_IDF_TARGET value in sdkconfig.defaults. sdkconfig_defaults_path = os.path.join(args.project_dir, "sdkconfig.defaults") idf_target_from_sdkconfig = (get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_path, "CONFIG_IDF_TARGET") or get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_defaults_path, "CONFIG_IDF_TARGET")) if idf_target_from_sdkconfig: if args.verbose: print("IDF_TARGET is not set, guessed '%s' from sdkconfig" % (idf_target_from_sdkconfig)) args.define_cache_entry.append("IDF_TARGET=" + idf_target_from_sdkconfig) args.define_cache_entry.append("CCACHE_ENABLE=%d" % args.ccache) if always_run_cmake or _new_cmakecache_entries(cache_path, args.define_cache_entry): if args.generator is None: args.generator = _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name) try: cmake_args = [ "cmake", "-G", args.generator, "-DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1", "-DESP_PLATFORM=1", ] if not args.no_warnings: cmake_args += ["--warn-uninitialized"] if args.define_cache_entry: cmake_args += ["-D" + d for d in args.define_cache_entry] cmake_args += [project_dir] run_tool("cmake", cmake_args, cwd=args.build_dir) except Exception: # don't allow partially valid CMakeCache.txt files, # to keep the "should I run cmake?" logic simple if os.path.exists(cache_path): os.remove(cache_path) raise # Learn some things from the CMakeCache.txt file in the build directory cache = _parse_cmakecache(cache_path) try: generator = cache["CMAKE_GENERATOR"] except KeyError: generator = _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name) if args.generator is None: args.generator = (generator) # reuse the previously configured generator, if none was given if generator != args.generator: raise FatalError("Build is configured for generator '%s' not '%s'. Run '%s fullclean' to start again." % (generator, args.generator, prog_name)) try: home_dir = cache["CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY"] if realpath(home_dir) != realpath(project_dir): raise FatalError( "Build directory '%s' configured for project '%s' not '%s'. Run '%s fullclean' to start again." % (build_dir, realpath(home_dir), realpath(project_dir), prog_name)) except KeyError: pass # if cmake failed part way, CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY may not be set yet def merge_action_lists(*action_lists): merged_actions = { "global_options": [], "actions": {}, "global_action_callbacks": [], } for action_list in action_lists: merged_actions["global_options"].extend(action_list.get("global_options", [])) merged_actions["actions"].update(action_list.get("actions", {})) merged_actions["global_action_callbacks"].extend(action_list.get("global_action_callbacks", [])) return merged_actions def get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_file, key): """ Return the value of given key from sdkconfig_file. If sdkconfig_file does not exist or the option is not present, returns None. """ assert key.startswith("CONFIG_") if not os.path.exists(sdkconfig_file): return None # keep track of the last seen value for the given key value = None # if the value is quoted, this excludes the quotes from the value pattern = re.compile(r"^{}=\"?([^\"]*)\"?$".format(key)) with open(sdkconfig_file, "r") as f: for line in f: match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: value = return value