esp_common/esp_compiler: renamed esp_macros file to a more specific one
esp_common/esp_compiler: removed CONTAINER_OF macro, it was a duplicate
components/freertos: placed likely macros around port and critical sections
component/freertos: placed likely macros on lists module
components/freertos: placed unlikely macros inside of assertion points, they likely wont fail
components/freertos: added likely macros on queue modules
FreeRTOS queues are one of most hot code path, because to queues itself tend to
be used a lot by the applications, besides that, queues are the basic primitive
to form both mutexes and semaphores, The focus here is to place likely
macros inside lowest level send and receive routines, since they're common
from all kobjects: semaphores, queues, mutexes and FR internals (like timer queue)
components/lwip: placed likely/unlikey on net-interfaces code
components/fatfs: added unlikely macros on disk drivers code
components/spiffs: added unlikely macros on low level fs driver
components/freertos: added likely/unlikely macros on timers and ticker
freertos/event_group: placed likely/unlikely macros on hot event group code paths
components/sdmmc: placed likely / unlikely macros on lower level path of sdmmc
components/bt: placed unlikely macros around bt HCI functions calling
components/lwip: added likely/unlikely macros on OS port code section
components/freertos: fix code style on tick handler
This commit backports the following features from FreeRTOS v9.0.0
- uxSemaphoreGetCount()
- vTimerSetTimerId(), xTimerGetPeriod(), xTimerGetExpiryTime()
- xTimerCreateStatic()
- xEventGroupCreateStatic()
- uxSemaphoreGetCount()
Functions backported previously
- xTaskCreateStatic()
- xQueueCreateStatic()
- xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(), xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic()
- xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(), xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic()
- pcQueueGetName()
- vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer()
- pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer()
Unit tests were also written for the functions above (except for pcQueueGetName
which is tested in a separate Queue Registry MR). The original tlsp and del cb test case
was deleted and integrated into the test cases of this MR.
Implements support for system level traces compatible with SEGGER
SystemView tool on top of ESP32 application tracing module.
That kind of traces can help to analyse program's behaviour.
SystemView can show timeline of tasks/ISRs execution, context switches,
statistics related to the CPUs' load distribution etc.
Also this commit adds useful feature to ESP32 application tracing module:
- Trace data buffering is implemented to handle temporary peaks of events load