The argument to ulp_run should be expressed in 32-bit words. Both the
address of ulp_entry and RTC_SLOW_MEM already are uint32_t*, so their
difference is the difference in addresses divided by sizeof(uint32_t).
Therefore the extra division by sizeof(uint32_t) is not needed.
1. Support built-in ADC for I2S.
2. Modify code of ADC, made no change to the original APIs.
3. Add APIs in I2S:
esp_err_t i2s_set_adc_mode(adc_unit_t adc_unit, adc1_channel_t adc_channel);
4. Add I2S ADC/DAC example code.
5. add old-fashion definition to make it more compatible
6. replase spi_flash_ APIs with esp_partition_ APIs
7. add example of generating audio table from wav
8. change example sound
To increase the chances that the examples work out of the box, this
change is raising the default deep sleep wakeup delay to 1ms.
If GPIO15 is low at startup, ROM code takes less time to execute
(because no logging is performed), so more time may be needed to allow
flash chip to become ready.