Bluedroid use a set of timer function pairs such as btu_start_timer/btu_stop_timer, btu_sys_start_timer/btu_sys_stop_timer for use, in a lack of timer release functions. Thus the timers may be exhausted after some event sequence such as repetition of connection/reconnection with different devices. The maximum timer number used in bluedroid is given by ALARM_CBS_NUM which is 30 for now. This bugfix borrowed some update from bluedroid in Andoroid 7.0, which add timer release functions which promote the recycle of timer resources.
# Conflicts:
# components/bt/bluedroid/stack/btu/btu_task.c
# components/bt/bluedroid/stack/gatt/gatt_main.c
# components/bt/bluedroid/stack/rfcomm/port_utils.c
# components/bt/bluedroid/stack/rfcomm/rfc_utils.c
1. optimiz the ble stop adv callback function.
2. added the osi_mutex_unlock in the bta_gattc_wait4_service_change_ccc_cback function when the p_timer_param == NULL || p_conn == NULL.
component/bt: Fix the bug of master don't send pair request to the slave when the sec_act set to the value of ESP_BLE_SEC_ENCRYPT.
See merge request !1376
squash the commit.
component/bt:Added the update_white_list & set_prefer_conn_params API to the bt project.
component/bt: Added the get white list size API & delete the read adv tx power API.
component/bt: Change the esp_gap_ble_api.h esp_ble_gap_set_prefer_conn_params API docs.
changed btm_find_dev to btm_find_or_alloc_dev
component/bt: Change the rssi API deep copy method.
component/bt: Change the code as comment in the gitlab.
squash the commit.
component/bt:Added the update_white_list & set_prefer_conn_params API to the bt project.
component/bt: Added the get white list size API & delete the read adv tx power API.
component/bt: Change the esp_gap_ble_api.h esp_ble_gap_set_prefer_conn_params API docs.
changed btm_find_dev to btm_find_or_alloc_dev
component/bt: Change the rssi API deep copy method.
component/bt: Change the code as comment in the gitlab.
component/bt: change the ESP_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF redefinition error.
component/bt: Change the ESP_BLE_IS_VALID_PARAM function with the compile error.
1. Occupy conn[9] for adv. The max connection number of bluetooth controller decrease to 9. (Previously, it is 10)
2. modify the enum of setting BLE TX power corresponding to connection's.
3. fix libbtdm_app.a cwitch jump table
- update connection parameters timeout due to master update illegal connection parameters
- slave returns error status when slave check the connection parameters
- slave connection parameters update callback get that interval_max is equal to interval_min
1. remove GKI(not use osi_free_and_reset)
2. modify mutex/semaphore to individual directory
3. set osi_malloc as malloc(previously use calloc)
4. change osi allocator debug osi_free
5. fix rebase of remove GKI
- Fix slave initiate service discovery procedure
- Fix master re-discovery every time connection established
- Optimize service discovery char ccc write procedure
- Optimize esp_log_buffer function
- Modify default supervision timeout from 20s to 2s