1. remove GKI(not use osi_free_and_reset)
2. modify mutex/semaphore to individual directory
3. set osi_malloc as malloc(previously use calloc)
4. change osi allocator debug osi_free
5. fix rebase of remove GKI
component/bt: Fixed the bug crash of disconnet BLE when close the SMP module in the menuconfig.
component/bt: Removed the Excess #endid ///SMP_INCLUDED == TRUE in the l2cu_no_dynamic_ccbs function.
1. close classic bt, can save 233k code size;
2. close smp module, can save 136k code size;
3. close gattc module, can save 24k code size;
4. close gatts module, can save 16k code size;
4. close the bluedroid stack log, can save 120k code size.