1. start an esp_timer on entering sleep to acquire pm_lock before wake up from modem sleep
2. decrease the clock division of XTAL fed to bluetooth low power clock from 32us to 2us period to allow to work under 240MHz Max CPU frequency
3. decrease the minimum sleep duration threshold to allow shorter bluetooth modem sleep period, especially for BLE with short connection interval
4. reconfigure bluetooth baseband(BT-BB) settings after PHY/RF init upon waking up from modem sleep to avoid packet RX/TX performance degradation
1. fix BLE connection missing in coex mode
2. modify other parameters to make coex priority more reasonable
3. fix modem sleep procedure trap cause Wifi disable RF when BT is
working. Such cause that BR/EDR is difficult to be connected, BLE
connection stability decrease and so on.
4. modify BR/EDR coexist duration to imrove BR/EDR connect success
5. Due to the hardware coexist bug, BLE scan interval/window should
be less than 0x100(about 160ms). Therefore, it will cause BLE cannot
scan any advertising packet while WiFi have higher priority
behaviour(such like RX beacon, scan, TX/RX VO packets and etc.).
1. Store the calibration data to NVS if PHY does full calibration because of calibration data checksum failure
2. Pass the station's mac to PHY for checksum calculation
1. reset wifi mac when wifi start
2. roll back rx hung workaround for beacon timeout
3. fix amsdu ap interface wrong issue
4. fix amsdu header parse error
5. fix amsdu flag wrong issue
6. PHY: V350, fix BT rssi bug
7. RTC: V225, fix bt will be not work when wifi is reset
1. add a macro in menuconfig for users to choose whether store phy calibration data into NVS or not.
2. rename some disable phy and rf APIs so that existing code which calls old APIS will fail to compile.
1. Add disable PHY and RF when WiFi and BT are both disabled(including call sniffer disable API).
2. Do not init PHY and RF when cpu start. Init PHY and RF when call Wifi or BT start APIs(including sniffer enable API).
3. Add a temporary lib: librtc_clk.a and will delete it when CPU frequency switching function is done.
4. Add an function to get OS tick rate.
5. Do not put the whole pp.a in iram0, only put lmac.o, ieee80211_misc.o, ets_time.o and wdev.o in iram0.