docs: Functional renaming commit for CMake-as-default

Rename all the files which will be edited substantially in the next commit, without changing their

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This is done so that git doesn't decide we renamed xxx-cmake -> xxx-legacy in the next commit, which
is what it will infer otherwise (and makes rebasing more of a pain than it should be)
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Angus Gratton 2019-06-25 11:29:49 +10:00 committed by Angus Gratton
parent 86dbe9299a
commit 62ed221daf
47 changed files with 3483 additions and 3495 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
Build System
This document explains the Espressif IoT Development Framework build system and the
concept of "components"
Read this document if you want to know how to organise a new ESP-IDF project.
We recommend using the esp-idf-template_ project as a starting point for your project.
Using the Build System
The esp-idf README file contains a description of how to use the build system to build your project.
An ESP-IDF project can be seen as an amalgamation of a number of components.
For example, for a webserver that shows the current humidity, there could be:
- The ESP32 base libraries (libc, rom bindings etc)
- The WiFi drivers
- A TCP/IP stack
- The FreeRTOS operating system
- A webserver
- A driver for the humidity sensor
- Main code tying it all together
ESP-IDF makes these components explicit and configurable. To do that,
when a project is compiled, the build environment will look up all the
components in the ESP-IDF directories, the project directories and
(optionally) in additional custom component directories. It then
allows the user to configure the ESP-IDF project using a a text-based
menu system to customize each component. After the components in the
project are configured, the build process will compile the project.
- A "project" is a directory that contains all the files and configuration to build a single "app" (executable), as well as additional supporting output such as a partition table, data/filesystem partitions, and a bootloader.
- "Project configuration" is held in a single file called sdkconfig in the root directory of the project. This configuration file is modified via ``make menuconfig`` to customise the configuration of the project. A single project contains exactly one project configuration.
- An "app" is an executable which is built by esp-idf. A single project will usually build two apps - a "project app" (the main executable, ie your custom firmware) and a "bootloader app" (the initial bootloader program which launches the project app).
- "components" are modular pieces of standalone code which are compiled into static libraries (.a files) and linked into an app. Some are provided by esp-idf itself, others may be sourced from other places.
Some things are not part of the project:
- "ESP-IDF" is not part of the project. Instead it is standalone, and linked to the project via the ``IDF_PATH`` environment variable which holds the path of the ``esp-idf`` directory. This allows the IDF framework to be decoupled from your project.
- The toolchain for compilation is not part of the project. The toolchain should be installed in the system command line PATH, or the path to the toolchain can be set as part of the compiler prefix in the project configuration.
Example Project
An example project directory tree might look like this::
- myProject/
- Makefile
- sdkconfig
- components/ - component1/ -
- Kconfig
- src1.c
- component2/ -
- Kconfig
- src1.c
- include/ - component2.h
- main/ - src1.c
- src2.c
- build/
This example "myProject" contains the following elements:
- A top-level project Makefile. This Makefile sets the ``PROJECT_NAME`` variable and (optionally) defines
other project-wide make variables. It includes the core ``$(IDF_PATH)/make/`` makefile which
implements the rest of the ESP-IDF build system.
- "sdkconfig" project configuration file. This file is created/updated when "make menuconfig" runs, and holds configuration for all of the components in the project (including esp-idf itself). The "sdkconfig" file may or may not be added to the source control system of the project.
- Optional "components" directory contains components that are part of the project. A project does not have to contain custom components of this kind, but it can be useful for structuring reusable code or including third party components that aren't part of ESP-IDF.
- "main" directory is a special "pseudo-component" that contains source code for the project itself. "main" is a default name, the Makefile variable ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` includes this component but you can modify this variable (or set ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS``) to look for components in other places.
- "build" directory is where build output is created. After the make process is run, this directory will contain interim object files and libraries as well as final binary output files. This directory is usually not added to source control or distributed with the project source code.
Component directories contain a component makefile - ````. This may contain variable definitions
to control the build process of the component, and its integration into the overall project. See `Component Makefiles`_ for more details.
Each component may also include a ``Kconfig`` file defining the `component configuration` options that can be set via the project configuration. Some components may also include ``Kconfig.projbuild`` and ``Makefile.projbuild`` files, which are special files for `overriding parts of the project`.
Project Makefiles
Each project has a single Makefile that contains build settings for the entire project. By default, the project Makefile can be quite minimal.
Minimal Example Makefile
PROJECT_NAME := myProject
include $(IDF_PATH)/make/
Mandatory Project Variables
- ``PROJECT_NAME``: Name of the project. Binary output files will use this name - ie myProject.bin, myProject.elf.
Optional Project Variables
These variables all have default values that can be overridden for custom behaviour. Look in ``make/`` for all of the implementation details.
- ``PROJECT_PATH``: Top-level project directory. Defaults to the directory containing the Makefile. Many other project variables are based on this variable. The project path cannot contain spaces.
- ``BUILD_DIR_BASE``: The build directory for all objects/libraries/binaries. Defaults to ``$(PROJECT_PATH)/build``.
- ``COMPONENT_DIRS``: Directories to search for components. Defaults to `$(IDF_PATH)/components`, `$(PROJECT_PATH)/components`, ``$(PROJECT_PATH)/main`` and ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS``. Override this variable if you don't want to search for components in these places.
- ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS``: Optional list of additional directories to search for components.
- ``COMPONENTS``: A list of component names to build into the project. Defaults to all components found in the COMPONENT_DIRS directories.
- ``EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS``: Optional list of component names to exclude during the build process. Note that this decreases build time, but not binary size.
- ``TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS``: Optional list of component names to exclude during the build process of unit tests.
Any paths in these Makefile variables should be absolute paths. You can convert relative paths using ``$(PROJECT_PATH)/xxx``, ``$(IDF_PATH)/xxx``, or use the Make function ``$(abspath xxx)``.
These variables should all be set before the line ``include $(IDF_PATH)/make/`` in the Makefile.
Component Makefiles
Each project contains one or more components, which can either be part of esp-idf or added from other component directories.
A component is any directory that contains a ```` file.
Searching for Components
The list of directories in ``COMPONENT_DIRS`` is searched for the project's components. Directories in this list can either be components themselves (ie they contain a `` file), or they can be top-level directories whose subdirectories are components.
Running the ``make list-components`` target dumps many of these variables and can help debug the discovery of component directories.
Multiple components with the same name
When esp-idf is collecting all the components to compile, it will do this in the order specified by ``COMPONENT_DIRS``; by default, this means the
idf components first, the project components second and optionally the components in ``EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS`` last. If two or more of these directories
contain component subdirectories with the same name, the component in the last place searched is used. This allows, for example, overriding esp-idf components
with a modified version by simply copying the component from the esp-idf component directory to the project component tree and then modifying it there.
If used in this way, the esp-idf directory itself can remain untouched.
Minimal Component Makefile
The minimal ```` file is an empty file(!). If the file is empty, the default component behaviour is set:
- All source files in the same directory as the makefile (``*.c``, ``*.cpp``, ``*.cc``, ``*.S``) will be compiled into the component library
- A sub-directory "include" will be added to the global include search path for all other components.
- The component library will be linked into the project app.
See `example component makefiles`_ for more complete component makefile examples.
Note that there is a difference between an empty ```` file (which invokes default component build behaviour) and no ```` file (which means no default component build behaviour will occur.) It is possible for a component to have no `` file, if it only contains other files which influence the project configuration or build process.
.. component variables:
Preset Component Variables
The following component-specific variables are available for use inside ````, but should not be modified:
- ``COMPONENT_PATH``: The component directory. Evaluates to the absolute path of the directory containing ````. The component path cannot contain spaces.
- ``COMPONENT_NAME``: Name of the component. Defaults to the name of the component directory.
- ``COMPONENT_BUILD_DIR``: The component build directory. Evaluates to the absolute path of a directory inside `$(BUILD_DIR_BASE)` where this component's source files are to be built. This is also the Current Working Directory any time the component is being built, so relative paths in make targets, etc. will be relative to this directory.
- ``COMPONENT_LIBRARY``: Name of the static library file (relative to the component build directory) that will be built for this component. Defaults to ``$(COMPONENT_NAME).a``.
The following variables are set at the project level, but exported for use in the component build:
- ``PROJECT_NAME``: Name of the project, as set in project Makefile
- ``PROJECT_PATH``: Absolute path of the project directory containing the project Makefile.
- ``COMPONENTS``: Name of all components that are included in this build.
- ``CONFIG_*``: Each value in the project configuration has a corresponding variable available in make. All names begin with ``CONFIG_``.
- ``CC``, ``LD``, ``AR``, ``OBJCOPY``: Full paths to each tool from the gcc xtensa cross-toolchain.
- ``HOSTCC``, ``HOSTLD``, ``HOSTAR``: Full names of each tool from the host native toolchain.
- ``IDF_VER``: ESP-IDF version, retrieved from either ``$(IDF_PATH)/version.txt`` file (if present) else using git command ``git describe``. Recommended format here is single liner that specifies major IDF release version, e.g. ``v2.0`` for a tagged release or ``v2.0-275-g0efaa4f`` for an arbitrary commit. Application can make use of this by calling :cpp:func:`esp_get_idf_version`.
- ``IDF_VERSION_MAJOR``, ``IDF_VERSION_MINOR``, ``IDF_VERSION_PATCH``: Components of ESP-IDF version, to be used in conditional expressions. Note that this information is less precise than that provided by ``IDF_VER`` variable. ``v4.0-dev-*``, ``v4.0-beta1``, ``v4.0-rc1`` and ``v4.0`` will all have the same values of ``ESP_IDF_VERSION_*`` variables, but different ``IDF_VER`` values.
- ``PROJECT_VER``: Project version.
* If ``PROJECT_VER`` variable is set in project Makefile file, its value will be used.
* Else, if the ``$PROJECT_PATH/version.txt`` exists, its contents will be used as ``PROJECT_VER``.
* Else, if the project is located inside a Git repository, the output of git describe will be used.
* Otherwise, ``PROJECT_VER`` will be "1".
If you modify any of these variables inside ```` then this will not prevent other components from building but it may make your component hard to build and/or debug.
Optional Project-Wide Component Variables
The following variables can be set inside ```` to control build settings across the entire project:
- ``COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS``: Paths, relative to the component
directory, which will be added to the include search path for
all components in the project. Defaults to ``include`` if not overridden. If an include directory is only needed to compile
this specific component, add it to ``COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS`` instead.
- ``COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS``: Add linker arguments to the LDFLAGS for
the app executable. Defaults to ``-l$(COMPONENT_NAME)``. If
adding pre-compiled libraries to this directory, add them as
absolute paths - ie $(COMPONENT_PATH)/libwhatever.a
- ``COMPONENT_DEPENDS``: Optional list of component names that should
be compiled before this component. This is not necessary for
link-time dependencies, because all component include directories
are available at all times. It is necessary if one component
generates an include file which you then want to include in another
component. Most components do not need to set this variable.
- ``COMPONENT_ADD_LINKER_DEPS``: Optional list of component-relative paths
to files which should trigger a re-link of the ELF file if they change.
Typically used for linker script files and binary libraries. Most components do
not need to set this variable.
The following variable only works for components that are part of esp-idf itself:
- ``COMPONENT_SUBMODULES``: Optional list of git submodule paths
(relative to COMPONENT_PATH) used by the component. These will be
checked (and initialised if necessary) by the build process. This
variable is ignored if the component is outside the IDF_PATH
Optional Component-Specific Variables
The following variables can be set inside ```` to control the build of that component:
- ``COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS``: Directory paths, must be relative to
the component directory, which will be added to the include search
path for this component's source files only.
- ``COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES``: Any extra include paths used when
compiling the component's source files. These will be prefixed with
'-I' and passed as-is to the compiler. Similar to the
``COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS`` variable, except these paths are not
expanded relative to the component directory.
- ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS``: Directory paths, must be relative to the
component directory, which will be searched for source files (``*.cpp``,
``*.c``, ``*.S``). Defaults to '.', ie the component directory
itself. Override this to specify a different list of directories
which contain source files.
- ``COMPONENT_OBJS``: Object files to compile. Default value is a .o
file for each source file that is found in ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS``.
Overriding this list allows you to exclude source files in
``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` that would otherwise be compiled. See
`Specifying source files`
- ``COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN``: Paths, relative to the component build
directory, of any files that are generated using custom make rules
in the file and which need to be removed as part of
``make clean``. See `Source Code Generation`_ for an example.
targets allow you to fully override the default build behaviour for
the component. See `Fully Overriding The Component Makefile`_ for
more details.
- ``COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY``: If set, this flag indicates that the component
produces no built output at all (ie ``COMPONENT_LIBRARY`` is not built),
and most other component variables are ignored. This flag is used for IDF
internal components which contain only ``KConfig.projbuild`` and/or
``Makefile.projbuild`` files to configure the project, but no source files.
- ``CFLAGS``: Flags passed to the C compiler. A default set of
``CFLAGS`` is defined based on project settings. Component-specific
additions can be made via ``CFLAGS +=``. It is also possible
(although not recommended) to override this variable completely for
a component.
- ``CPPFLAGS``: Flags passed to the C preprocessor (used for .c, .cpp
and .S files). A default set of ``CPPFLAGS`` is defined based on
project settings. Component-specific additions can be made via
``CPPFLAGS +=``. It is also possible (although not recommended) to
override this variable completely for a component.
- ``CXXFLAGS``: Flags passed to the C++ compiler. A default set of
``CXXFLAGS`` is defined based on project
settings. Component-specific additions can be made via ``CXXFLAGS
+=``. It is also possible (although not recommended) to override
this variable completely for a component.
- ``COMPONENT_ADD_LDFRAGMENTS``: Paths to linker fragment files for the linker
script generation functionality. See :doc:`Linker Script Generation <linker-script-generation>`.
To apply compilation flags to a single source file, you can add a variable override as a target, ie::
apps/dhcpserver.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-variable
This can be useful if there is upstream code that emits warnings.
Component Configuration
Each component can also have a Kconfig file, alongside ````. This contains contains
configuration settings to add to the "make menuconfig" for this component.
These settings are found under the "Component Settings" menu when menuconfig is run.
To create a component KConfig file, it is easiest to start with one of the KConfig files distributed with esp-idf.
For an example, see `Adding conditional configuration`_.
Preprocessor Definitions
ESP-IDF build systems adds the following C preprocessor definitions on the command line:
- ``ESP_PLATFORM`` — Can be used to detect that build happens within ESP-IDF.
- ``IDF_VER`` — ESP-IDF version, see `Preset Component Variables`_ for more details.
Build Process Internals
Top Level: Project Makefile
- "make" is always run from the project directory and the project makefile, typically named Makefile.
- The project makefile sets ``PROJECT_NAME`` and optionally customises other `optional project variables`
- The project makefile includes ``$(IDF_PATH)/make/`` which contains the project-level Make logic.
- ```` fills in default project-level make variables and includes make variables from the project configuration. If the generated makefile containing project configuration is out of date, then it is regenerated (via targets in ````) and then the make process restarts from the top.
- ```` builds a list of components to build, based on the default component directories or a custom list of components set in `optional project variables`.
- Each component can set some `optional project-wide component variables`_. These are included via generated makefiles named ```` - there is one per component. These generated makefiles are included into ````. If any are missing or out of date, they are regenerated (via a recursive make call to the component makefile) and then the make process restarts from the top.
- `Makefile.projbuild` files from components are included into the make process, to add extra targets or configuration.
- By default, the project makefile also generates top-level build & clean targets for each component and sets up `app` and `clean` targets to invoke all of these sub-targets.
- In order to compile each component, a recursive make is performed for the component makefile.
To better understand the project make process, have a read through the ```` file itself.
Second Level: Component Makefiles
- Each call to a component makefile goes via the ``$(IDF_PATH)/make/`` wrapper makefile.
- This component wrapper includes all component ``Makefile.componentbuild`` files, making any recipes, variables etc in these files available to every component.
- The ```` is called with the current directory set to the component build directory, and the ``COMPONENT_MAKEFILE`` variable is set to the absolute path to ````.
- ```` sets default values for all `component variables`, then includes the `` file which can override or modify these.
- If ``COMPONENT_OWNBUILDTARGET`` and ``COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET`` are not defined, default build and clean targets are created for the component's source files and the prerequisite ``COMPONENT_LIBRARY`` static library file.
- The ```` file has its own target in ````, which is evaluated from ```` if this file needs to be rebuilt due to changes in the component makefile or the project configuration.
To better understand the component make process, have a read through the ```` file and some of the ```` files included with esp-idf.
Running Make Non-Interactively
When running ``make`` in a situation where you don't want interactive prompts (for example: inside an IDE or an automated build system) append ``BATCH_BUILD=1`` to the make arguments (or set it as an environment variable).
Setting ``BATCH_BUILD`` implies the following:
- Verbose output (same as ``V=1``, see below). If you don't want verbose output, also set ``V=0``.
- If the project configuration is missing new configuration items (from new components or esp-idf updates) then the project use the default values, instead of prompting the user for each item.
- If the build system needs to invoke ``menuconfig``, an error is printed and the build fails.
.. _make-size:
Advanced Make Targets
- ``make app``, ``make bootloader``, ``make partition table`` can be used to build only the app, bootloader, or partition table from the project as applicable.
- ``make erase_flash`` and ``make erase_ota`` will use to erase the entire flash chip and the OTA selection setting from the flash chip, respectively.
- ``make size`` prints some size information about the app. ``make size-components`` and ``make size-files`` are similar targets which print more detailed per-component or per-source-file information, respectively.
Debugging The Make Process
Some tips for debugging the esp-idf build system:
- Appending ``V=1`` to the make arguments (or setting it as an environment variable) will cause make to echo all commands executed, and also each directory as it is entered for a sub-make.
- Running ``make -w`` will cause make to echo each directory as it is entered for a sub-make - same as ``V=1`` but without also echoing all commands.
- Running ``make --trace`` (possibly in addition to one of the above arguments) will print out every target as it is built, and the dependency which caused it to be built.
- Running ``make -p`` prints a (very verbose) summary of every generated target in each makefile.
For more debugging tips and general make information, see the `GNU Make Manual`.
.. _warn-undefined-variables:
Warning On Undefined Variables
By default, the build process will print a warning if an undefined variable is referenced (like ``$(DOES_NOT_EXIST)``). This can be useful to find errors in variable names.
If you don't want this behaviour, it can be disabled in menuconfig's top level menu under `SDK tool configuration`.
Note that this option doesn't trigger a warning if ``ifdef`` or ``ifndef`` are used in Makefiles.
Overriding Parts of the Project
For components that have build requirements that must be evaluated in the top-level
project make pass, you can create a file called ``Makefile.projbuild`` in the
component directory. This makefile is included when ```` is evaluated.
For example, if your component needs to add to CFLAGS for the entire
project (not just for its own source files) then you can set
``CFLAGS +=`` in Makefile.projbuild.
``Makefile.projbuild`` files are used heavily inside esp-idf, for defining project-wide build features such as ```` command line arguments and the ``bootloader`` "special app".
Note that ``Makefile.projbuild`` isn't necessary for the most common component uses - such as adding include directories to the project, or LDFLAGS to the final linking step. These values can be customised via the ```` file itself. See `Optional Project-Wide Component Variables`_ for details.
Take care when setting variables or targets in this file. As the values are included into the top-level project makefile pass, they can influence or break functionality across all components!
This is an equivalent to ``Makefile.projbuild`` for `component configuration` KConfig files. If you want to include
configuration options at the top-level of menuconfig, rather than inside the "Component Configuration" sub-menu, then these can be defined in the KConfig.projbuild file alongside the ```` file.
Take care when adding configuration values in this file, as they will be included across the entire project configuration. Where possible, it's generally better to create a KConfig file for `component configuration`.
For components that e.g. include tools to generate source files from other files, it is necessary to be able to add recipes, macros or variable definitions
into the component build process of every components. This is done by having a ``Makefile.componentbuild`` in a component directory. This file gets included
in ````, before the ```` of the component is included. As with the Makefile.projbuild, take care with these files: as they're
included in each component build, a ``Makefile.componentbuild`` error may only show up when compiling an entirely different component.
Configuration-Only Components
Some special components which contain no source files, only ``Kconfig.projbuild`` and ``Makefile.projbuild``, may set the flag ``COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY`` in the file. If this flag is set, most other component variables are ignored and no build step is run for the component.
Example Component Makefiles
Because the build environment tries to set reasonable defaults that will work most
of the time, can be very small or even empty (see `Minimal Component Makefile`_). However, overriding `component variables` is usually required for some functionality.
Here are some more advanced examples of ```` makefiles:
Adding source directories
By default, sub-directories are ignored. If your project has sources in sub-directories
instead of in the root of the component then you can tell that to the build
system by setting ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS``::
This will compile all source files in the src1/ and src2/ sub-directories
Specifying source files
The standard logic adds all .S and .c files in the source
directories as sources to be compiled unconditionally. It is possible
to circumvent that logic and hard-code the objects to be compiled by
manually setting the ``COMPONENT_OBJS`` variable to the name of the
objects that need to be generated::
COMPONENT_OBJS := file1.o file2.o thing/filea.o thing/fileb.o anotherthing/main.o
COMPONENT_SRCDIRS := . thing anotherthing
Note that ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` must be set as well.
Adding conditional configuration
The configuration system can be used to conditionally compile some files
depending on the options selected in ``make menuconfig``. For this, ESP-IDF
has the compile_only_if and compile_only_if_not macros:
bool "Enable the BAR feature."
This enables the BAR feature of the FOO component.
$(call compile_only_if,$(CONFIG_FOO_ENABLE_BAR),bar.o)
As can be seen in the example, the ``compile_only_if`` macro takes a condition and a
list of object files as parameters. If the condition is true (in this case: if the
BAR feature is enabled in menuconfig) the object files (in this case: bar.o) will
always be compiled. The opposite goes as well: if the condition is not true, bar.o
will never be compiled. ``compile_only_if_not`` does the opposite: compile if the
condition is false, not compile if the condition is true.
This can also be used to select or stub out an implementation, as such:
bool "Enable LCD output."
Select this if your board has a LCD.
bool "Output console text to LCD"
Select this to output debugging output to the lcd
bool "Output temperature plots to LCD"
Select this to output temperature plots
# If LCD is enabled, compile interface to it, otherwise compile dummy interface
$(call compile_only_if,$(CONFIG_ENABLE_LCD_OUTPUT),lcd-real.o lcd-spi.o)
$(call compile_only_if_not,$(CONFIG_ENABLE_LCD_OUTPUT),lcd-dummy.o)
#We need font if either console or plot is enabled
$(call compile_only_if,$(or $(CONFIG_ENABLE_LCD_CONSOLE),$(CONFIG_ENABLE_LCD_PLOT)), font.o)
Note the use of the Make 'or' function to include the font file. Other substitution functions,
like 'and' and 'if' will also work here. Variables that do not come from menuconfig can also
be used: ESP-IDF uses the default Make policy of judging a variable which is empty or contains
only whitespace to be false while a variable with any non-whitespace in it is true.
(Note: Older versions of this document advised conditionally adding object file names to
``COMPONENT_OBJS``. While this still is possible, this will only work when all object
files for a component are named explicitely, and will not clean up deselected object files
in a ``make clean`` pass.)
Source Code Generation
Some components will have a situation where a source file isn't
supplied with the component itself but has to be generated from
another file. Say our component has a header file that consists of the
converted binary data of a BMP file, converted using a hypothetical
tool called bmp2h. The header file is then included in as C source
file called graphics_lib.c::
graphics_lib.o: logo.h
logo.h: $(COMPONENT_PATH)/logo.bmp
bmp2h -i $^ -o $@
In this example, graphics_lib.o and logo.h will be generated in the
current directory (the build directory) while logo.bmp comes with the
component and resides under the component path. Because logo.h is a
generated file, it needs to be cleaned when make clean is called which
why it is added to the COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN variable.
Cosmetic Improvements
Because logo.h is a generated file, it needs to be cleaned when make
clean is called which why it is added to the COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN
Adding logo.h to the ``graphics_lib.o`` dependencies causes it to be
generated before ``graphics_lib.c`` is compiled.
If a a source file in another component included ``logo.h``, then this
component's name would have to be added to the other component's
``COMPONENT_DEPENDS`` list to ensure that the components were built
Embedding Binary Data
Sometimes you have a file with some binary or text data that you'd like to make available to your component - but you don't want to reformat the file as C source.
You can set a variable COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES in, giving the names of the files to embed in this way::
COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES := server_root_cert.der
Or if the file is a string, you can use the variable COMPONENT_EMBED_TXTFILES. This will embed the contents of the text file as a null-terminated string::
COMPONENT_EMBED_TXTFILES := server_root_cert.pem
The file's contents will be added to the .rodata section in flash, and are available via symbol names as follows::
extern const uint8_t server_root_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_server_root_cert_pem_start");
extern const uint8_t server_root_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_server_root_cert_pem_end");
The names are generated from the full name of the file, as given in COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES. Characters /, ., etc. are replaced with underscores. The _binary prefix in the symbol name is added by objcopy and is the same for both text and binary files.
For an example of using this technique, see :example:`protocols/https_request` - the certificate file contents are loaded from the text .pem file at compile time.
Code and Data Placements
ESP-IDF has a feature called linker script generation that enables components to define where its code and data will be placed in memory through
linker fragment files. These files are processed by the build system, and is used to augment the linker script used for linking
app binary. See :doc:`Linker Script Generation <linker-script-generation>` for a quick start guide as well as a detailed discussion
of the mechanism.
Fully Overriding The Component Makefile
Obviously, there are cases where all these recipes are insufficient for a
certain component, for example when the component is basically a wrapper
around another third-party component not originally intended to be
compiled under this build system. In that case, it's possible to forego
the esp-idf build system entirely by setting COMPONENT_OWNBUILDTARGET and
possibly COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET and defining your own targets named ``build`` and ``clean`` in ````
target. The build target can do anything as long as it creates
$(COMPONENT_LIBRARY) for the project make process to link into the app binary.
(Actually, even this is not strictly necessary - if the COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS variable
is overridden then the component can instruct the linker to link other binaries instead.)
.. note:: When using an external build process with PSRAM, remember to add ``-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue`` to the C compiler arguments. See :ref:`CONFIG_SPIRAM_CACHE_WORKAROUND` for details of this flag.
.. _esp-idf-template:
.. _GNU Make Manual:
.. _custom-sdkconfig-defaults:
Custom sdkconfig defaults
For example projects or other projects where you don't want to specify a full sdkconfig configuration, but you do want to override some key values from the esp-idf defaults, it is possible to create a file ``sdkconfig.defaults`` in the project directory. This file will be used when running ``make defconfig``, or creating a new config from scratch.
To override the name of this file, set the ``SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS`` environment variable.
Save flash arguments
There're some scenarios that we want to flash the target board without IDF. For this case we want to save the built binaries, and esptool write_flash arguments. It's simple to write a script to save binaries and We can use command ``make print_flash_cmd``, it will print the flash arguments::
--flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 example_app.bin 0x8000 partition_table_unit_test_app.bin
Then use flash arguments as the arguemnts for esptool write_flash arguments::
python --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 example_app.bin 0x8000 partition_table_unit_test_app.bin
Building the Bootloader
The bootloader is built by default as part of "make all", or can be built standalone via "make bootloader-clean". There is also "make bootloader-list-components" to see the components included in the bootloader build.
The component in IDF components/bootloader is special, as the second stage bootloader is a separate .ELF and .BIN file to the main project. However it shares its configuration and build directory with the main project.
This is accomplished by adding a subproject under components/bootloader/subproject. This subproject has its own Makefile, but it expects to be called from the project's own Makefile via some glue in the components/bootloader/Makefile.projectbuild file. See these files for more details.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
ULP coprocessor programming (CMake)
ULP coprocessor programming
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
@ -29,30 +27,34 @@ To compile ULP code as part of a component, the following steps must be taken:
1. ULP code, written in assembly, must be added to one or more files with `.S` extension. These files must be placed into a separate directory inside component directory, for instance `ulp/`.
.. note: This directory should not be added to the ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` environment variable. The logic behind this is that the ESP-IDF build system will compile files found in ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` based on their extensions. For ``.S`` files, ``xtensa-esp32-elf-as`` assembler is used. This is not desirable for ULP assembly files, so the easiest way to achieve the distinction is by placing ULP assembly files into a separate directory. The ULP assembly source files should also **not** be added to ``COMPONENT_SRCS`` for the same reason. See the step below for how to properly add ULP assembly source files.
.. note: This directory should not be added to the ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` environment variable. The logic behind this is that the ESP-IDF build system will compile files found in ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` based on their extensions. For ``.S`` files, ``xtensa-esp32-elf-as`` assembler is used. This is not desirable for ULP assembly files, so the easiest way to achieve the distinction is by placing ULP assembly files into a separate directory.
2. Call ``ulp_embed_binary`` from the component CMakeLists.txt after registration. For example::
2. Modify the component makefile, adding the following::
ULP_S_SOURCES = $(COMPONENT_PATH)/ulp/ulp_source_file.S
include $(IDF_PATH)/components/ulp/
set(ulp_app_name ulp_${COMPONENT_NAME})
set(ulp_s_sources ulp/ulp_assembly_source_file.S)
set(ulp_exp_dep_srcs "ulp_c_source_file.c")
Here is each line explained:
ulp_embed_binary(${ulp_app_name} ${ulp_s_sources} ${ulp_exp_dep_srcs})
Name of the generated ULP application, without an extension. This name is used for build products of the ULP application: ELF file, map file, binary file, generated header file, and generated linker export file.
The first argument to ``ulp_embed_binary`` specifies the ULP binary name. The name specified here will also be used other generated artifacts
such as the ELF file, map file, header file and linker export file. The second argument specifies the ULP assembly source files.
Finally, the third argument specifies the list of component source files which include the header file to be generated.
This list is needed to build the dependencies correctly and ensure that the generated header file is created before any of these files are compiled.
See section below explaining the concept of generated header files for ULP applications.
List of assembly files to be passed to the ULP assembler. These must be absolute paths, i.e. start with ``$(COMPONENT_PATH)``. Consider using ``$(addprefix)`` function if more than one file needs to be listed. Paths are relative to component build directory, so prefixing them is not necessary.
3. Build the application as usual (e.g. ` app`)
List of object files names within the component which include the generated header file. This list is needed to build the dependencies correctly and ensure that the generated header file is created before any of these files are compiled. See section below explaining the concept of generated header files for ULP applications.
include $(IDF_PATH)/components/ulp/
Includes common definitions of ULP build steps. Defines build targets for ULP object files, ELF file, binary file, etc.
3. Build the application as usual (e.g. `` build`` or `` app``)
Inside, the build system will take the following steps to build ULP program:
1. **Run each assembly file (foo.S) through C preprocessor.** This step generates the preprocessed assembly files (foo.ulp.S) in the component build directory. This step also generates dependency files (foo.ulp.d).
1. **Run each assembly file (foo.S) through C preprocessor.** This step generates the preprocessed assembly files (foo.ulp.pS) in the component build directory. This step also generates dependency files (foo.ulp.d).
2. **Run preprocessed assembly sources through assembler.** This produces objects (foo.ulp.o) and listing (foo.ulp.lst) files. Listing files are generated for debugging purposes and are not used at later stages of build process.
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ For example, ULP program may define a variable ``measurement_count`` which will
move r3, measurement_count
ld r3, r3, 0
Main program needs to initialize this variable before ULP program is started. Build system makes this possible by generating a ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.h`` and ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.ld`` files which define global symbols present in the ULP program. This files include each global symbol defined in the ULP program, prefixed with ``ulp_``.
Main program needs to initialize this variable before ULP program is started. Build system makes this possible by generating a ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).h`` and ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).ld`` files which define global symbols present in the ULP program. This files include each global symbol defined in the ULP program, prefixed with ``ulp_``.
The header file contains declaration of the symbol::
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ Once the program is loaded into RTC memory, application can start it, passing th
.. doxygenfunction:: ulp_run
Declaration of the entry point symbol comes from the above mentioned generated header file, ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.h``. In assembly source of the ULP application, this symbol must be marked as ``.global``::
Declaration of the entry point symbol comes from the above mentioned generated header file, ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).h``. In assembly source of the ULP application, this symbol must be marked as ``.global``::
.global entry

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
ULP coprocessor programming
ULP coprocessor programming (CMake)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
@ -27,34 +29,30 @@ To compile ULP code as part of a component, the following steps must be taken:
1. ULP code, written in assembly, must be added to one or more files with `.S` extension. These files must be placed into a separate directory inside component directory, for instance `ulp/`.
.. note: This directory should not be added to the ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` environment variable. The logic behind this is that the ESP-IDF build system will compile files found in ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` based on their extensions. For ``.S`` files, ``xtensa-esp32-elf-as`` assembler is used. This is not desirable for ULP assembly files, so the easiest way to achieve the distinction is by placing ULP assembly files into a separate directory.
.. note: This directory should not be added to the ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` environment variable. The logic behind this is that the ESP-IDF build system will compile files found in ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` based on their extensions. For ``.S`` files, ``xtensa-esp32-elf-as`` assembler is used. This is not desirable for ULP assembly files, so the easiest way to achieve the distinction is by placing ULP assembly files into a separate directory. The ULP assembly source files should also **not** be added to ``COMPONENT_SRCS`` for the same reason. See the step below for how to properly add ULP assembly source files.
2. Modify the component makefile, adding the following::
2. Call ``ulp_embed_binary`` from the component CMakeLists.txt after registration. For example::
ULP_S_SOURCES = $(COMPONENT_PATH)/ulp/ulp_source_file.S
include $(IDF_PATH)/components/ulp/
Here is each line explained:
set(ulp_app_name ulp_${COMPONENT_NAME})
set(ulp_s_sources ulp/ulp_assembly_source_file.S)
set(ulp_exp_dep_srcs "ulp_c_source_file.c")
Name of the generated ULP application, without an extension. This name is used for build products of the ULP application: ELF file, map file, binary file, generated header file, and generated linker export file.
ulp_embed_binary(${ulp_app_name} ${ulp_s_sources} ${ulp_exp_dep_srcs})
List of assembly files to be passed to the ULP assembler. These must be absolute paths, i.e. start with ``$(COMPONENT_PATH)``. Consider using ``$(addprefix)`` function if more than one file needs to be listed. Paths are relative to component build directory, so prefixing them is not necessary.
The first argument to ``ulp_embed_binary`` specifies the ULP binary name. The name specified here will also be used other generated artifacts
such as the ELF file, map file, header file and linker export file. The second argument specifies the ULP assembly source files.
Finally, the third argument specifies the list of component source files which include the header file to be generated.
This list is needed to build the dependencies correctly and ensure that the generated header file is created before any of these files are compiled.
See section below explaining the concept of generated header files for ULP applications.
List of object files names within the component which include the generated header file. This list is needed to build the dependencies correctly and ensure that the generated header file is created before any of these files are compiled. See section below explaining the concept of generated header files for ULP applications.
include $(IDF_PATH)/components/ulp/
Includes common definitions of ULP build steps. Defines build targets for ULP object files, ELF file, binary file, etc.
3. Build the application as usual (e.g. `` build`` or `` app``)
3. Build the application as usual (e.g. ` app`)
Inside, the build system will take the following steps to build ULP program:
1. **Run each assembly file (foo.S) through C preprocessor.** This step generates the preprocessed assembly files (foo.ulp.pS) in the component build directory. This step also generates dependency files (foo.ulp.d).
1. **Run each assembly file (foo.S) through C preprocessor.** This step generates the preprocessed assembly files (foo.ulp.S) in the component build directory. This step also generates dependency files (foo.ulp.d).
2. **Run preprocessed assembly sources through assembler.** This produces objects (foo.ulp.o) and listing (foo.ulp.lst) files. Listing files are generated for debugging purposes and are not used at later stages of build process.
@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ For example, ULP program may define a variable ``measurement_count`` which will
move r3, measurement_count
ld r3, r3, 0
Main program needs to initialize this variable before ULP program is started. Build system makes this possible by generating a ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).h`` and ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).ld`` files which define global symbols present in the ULP program. This files include each global symbol defined in the ULP program, prefixed with ``ulp_``.
Main program needs to initialize this variable before ULP program is started. Build system makes this possible by generating a ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.h`` and ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.ld`` files which define global symbols present in the ULP program. This files include each global symbol defined in the ULP program, prefixed with ``ulp_``.
The header file contains declaration of the symbol::
@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ Once the program is loaded into RTC memory, application can start it, passing th
.. doxygenfunction:: ulp_run
Declaration of the entry point symbol comes from the above mentioned generated header file, ``$(ULP_APP_NAME).h``. In assembly source of the ULP application, this symbol must be marked as ``.global``::
Declaration of the entry point symbol comes from the above mentioned generated header file, ``${ULP_APP_NAME}.h``. In assembly source of the ULP application, this symbol must be marked as ``.global``::
.global entry

View file

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
Unit Testing in ESP32 (CMake)
Unit Testing in ESP32
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
ESP-IDF comes with a unit test app based on Unity - unit test framework. Unit tests are integrated in the ESP-IDF repository and are placed in ``test`` subdirectory of each component respectively.
Add normal test cases
@ -28,18 +26,9 @@ Identifiers are used to group related test, or tests with specific properties.
There is no need to add a main function with ``UNITY_BEGIN()`` and ``UNITY_END()`` in each test case.
``unity_platform.c`` will run ``UNITY_BEGIN()``, run the tests cases, and then call ``UNITY_END()``.
The ``test`` subdirectory should contain a :ref:`component CMakeLists.txt <component-directories-cmake>`, since they are themselves,
components. ESP-IDF uses the test framework ``unity`` and should be specified as a requirement for the component. Normally, components
:ref:`should list their sources manually <cmake-file-globbing>`; for component tests however, this requirement is relaxed and the
use of ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` is advised.
Each `test` subdirectory needs to include file with at least the following line of code::
Overall, the minimal ``test`` subdirectory CMakeLists.txt file may look like as follows:
.. code:: cmake
idf_component_register(SRC_DIRS "."
COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--whole-archive -l$(COMPONENT_NAME) -Wl,--no-whole-archive
See for more information about writing tests in Unity.
@ -87,13 +76,27 @@ As the secnario in the above example, slave should get GPIO level after master s
DUT1 (master) console::
Waiting for signal: [output high level]!
Please press "Enter" key to once any board send this signal.
Please press "Enter" key once any board send this signal.
DUT2 (slave) console::
Send signal: [output high level]!
Once the signal is set from DUT2, you need to press "Enter" on DUT1, then DUT1 unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal`` and starts to change GPIO level.
Once the signal is sent from DUT2, you need to press "Enter" on DUT1, then DUT1 unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal`` and starts to change GPIO level.
Signals can also be used to pass parameters between multiple devices. For example, DUT1 want to know the MAC address of DUT2, so it can connect to DUT2.
In this case, ``unity_wait_for_signal_param`` and ``unity_send_signal_param`` can be used:
DUT1 console::
Waiting for signal: [dut2 mac address]!
Please input parameter value from any board send this signal and press "Enter" key.
DUT2 console::
Send signal: [dut2 mac address][10:20:30:40:50:60]!
Once the signal is sent from DUT2, you need to input ``10:20:30:40:50:60`` on DUT1 and press "Enter". Then DUT1 will get the MAC address string of DUT2 and unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal_param``, start to connect to DUT2.
Add multiple stages test cases
@ -128,15 +131,15 @@ Make sure that IDF_PATH environment variable is set to point to the path of esp-
Change into tools/unit-test-app directory to configure and build it:
* ` menuconfig` - configure unit test app.
* `make menuconfig` - configure unit test app.
* ` -T all build` - build unit test app with tests for each component having tests in the ``test`` subdirectory.
* ` -T xxx build` - build unit test app with tests for specific components.
* ` -T all -E xxx build` - build unit test app with all unit tests, except for unit tests of some components. (For instance: ` -T all -E ulp -E mbedtls build` - build all unit tests exludes ulp and mbedtls components).
* `make TESTS_ALL=1` - build unit test app with tests for each component having tests in the ``test`` subdirectory.
* `make TEST_COMPONENTS='xxx'` - build unit test app with tests for specific components.
* `make TESTS_ALL=1 TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS='xxx'` - build unit test app with all unit tests, except for unit tests of some components. (For instance: `make TESTS_ALL=1 TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS='ulp mbedtls'` - build all unit tests exludes ulp and mbedtls components).
When the build finishes, it will print instructions for flashing the chip. You can simply run `` flash`` to flash all build output.
When the build finishes, it will print instructions for flashing the chip. You can simply run ``make flash`` to flash all build output.
You can also run `` -T all flash`` or `` -T xxx flash`` to build and flash. Everything needed will be rebuilt automatically before flashing.
You can also run ``make flash TESTS_ALL=1`` or ``make TEST_COMPONENTS='xxx'`` to build and flash. Everything needed will be rebuilt automatically before flashing.
Use menuconfig to set the serial port for flashing.
@ -177,13 +180,13 @@ Normal case will print the case name and description. Master slave cases will al
Test cases can be run by inputting one of the following:
- Test case name in quotation marks to run a single test case
- Test case name in quotation marks (for example, ``"esp_ota_begin() verifies arguments"``) to run a single test case.
- Test case index to run a single test case
- Test case index (for example, ``1``) to run a single test case.
- Module name in square brackets to run all test cases for a specific module
- Module name in square brackets (for example, ``[cxx]``) to run all test cases for a specific module.
- An asterisk to run all test cases
- An asterisk (``*``) to run all test cases
``[multi_device]`` and ``[multi_stage]`` tags tell the test runner whether a test case is a multiple devices or multiple stages test case.
These tags are automatically added by ```TEST_CASE_MULTIPLE_STAGES`` and ``TEST_CASE_MULTIPLE_DEVICES`` macros.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
Unit Testing in ESP32
Unit Testing in ESP32 (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
ESP-IDF comes with a unit test app based on Unity - unit test framework. Unit tests are integrated in the ESP-IDF repository and are placed in ``test`` subdirectory of each component respectively.
Add normal test cases
@ -26,9 +28,18 @@ Identifiers are used to group related test, or tests with specific properties.
There is no need to add a main function with ``UNITY_BEGIN()`` and ``UNITY_END()`` in each test case.
``unity_platform.c`` will run ``UNITY_BEGIN()``, run the tests cases, and then call ``UNITY_END()``.
Each `test` subdirectory needs to include file with at least the following line of code::
The ``test`` subdirectory should contain a :ref:`component CMakeLists.txt <component-directories-cmake>`, since they are themselves,
components. ESP-IDF uses the test framework ``unity`` and should be specified as a requirement for the component. Normally, components
:ref:`should list their sources manually <cmake-file-globbing>`; for component tests however, this requirement is relaxed and the
use of ``COMPONENT_SRCDIRS`` is advised.
COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--whole-archive -l$(COMPONENT_NAME) -Wl,--no-whole-archive
Overall, the minimal ``test`` subdirectory CMakeLists.txt file may look like as follows:
.. code:: cmake
idf_component_register(SRC_DIRS "."
See for more information about writing tests in Unity.
@ -76,27 +87,13 @@ As the secnario in the above example, slave should get GPIO level after master s
DUT1 (master) console::
Waiting for signal: [output high level]!
Please press "Enter" key once any board send this signal.
Please press "Enter" key to once any board send this signal.
DUT2 (slave) console::
Send signal: [output high level]!
Once the signal is sent from DUT2, you need to press "Enter" on DUT1, then DUT1 unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal`` and starts to change GPIO level.
Signals can also be used to pass parameters between multiple devices. For example, DUT1 want to know the MAC address of DUT2, so it can connect to DUT2.
In this case, ``unity_wait_for_signal_param`` and ``unity_send_signal_param`` can be used:
DUT1 console::
Waiting for signal: [dut2 mac address]!
Please input parameter value from any board send this signal and press "Enter" key.
DUT2 console::
Send signal: [dut2 mac address][10:20:30:40:50:60]!
Once the signal is sent from DUT2, you need to input ``10:20:30:40:50:60`` on DUT1 and press "Enter". Then DUT1 will get the MAC address string of DUT2 and unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal_param``, start to connect to DUT2.
Once the signal is set from DUT2, you need to press "Enter" on DUT1, then DUT1 unblocks from ``unity_wait_for_signal`` and starts to change GPIO level.
Add multiple stages test cases
@ -131,15 +128,15 @@ Make sure that IDF_PATH environment variable is set to point to the path of esp-
Change into tools/unit-test-app directory to configure and build it:
* `make menuconfig` - configure unit test app.
* ` menuconfig` - configure unit test app.
* `make TESTS_ALL=1` - build unit test app with tests for each component having tests in the ``test`` subdirectory.
* `make TEST_COMPONENTS='xxx'` - build unit test app with tests for specific components.
* `make TESTS_ALL=1 TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS='xxx'` - build unit test app with all unit tests, except for unit tests of some components. (For instance: `make TESTS_ALL=1 TEST_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS='ulp mbedtls'` - build all unit tests exludes ulp and mbedtls components).
* ` -T all build` - build unit test app with tests for each component having tests in the ``test`` subdirectory.
* ` -T xxx build` - build unit test app with tests for specific components.
* ` -T all -E xxx build` - build unit test app with all unit tests, except for unit tests of some components. (For instance: ` -T all -E ulp -E mbedtls build` - build all unit tests exludes ulp and mbedtls components).
When the build finishes, it will print instructions for flashing the chip. You can simply run ``make flash`` to flash all build output.
When the build finishes, it will print instructions for flashing the chip. You can simply run `` flash`` to flash all build output.
You can also run ``make flash TESTS_ALL=1`` or ``make TEST_COMPONENTS='xxx'`` to build and flash. Everything needed will be rebuilt automatically before flashing.
You can also run `` -T all flash`` or `` -T xxx flash`` to build and flash. Everything needed will be rebuilt automatically before flashing.
Use menuconfig to set the serial port for flashing.
@ -180,13 +177,13 @@ Normal case will print the case name and description. Master slave cases will al
Test cases can be run by inputting one of the following:
- Test case name in quotation marks (for example, ``"esp_ota_begin() verifies arguments"``) to run a single test case.
- Test case name in quotation marks to run a single test case
- Test case index (for example, ``1``) to run a single test case.
- Test case index to run a single test case
- Module name in square brackets (for example, ``[cxx]``) to run all test cases for a specific module.
- Module name in square brackets to run all test cases for a specific module
- An asterisk (``*``) to run all test cases
- An asterisk to run all test cases
``[multi_device]`` and ``[multi_stage]`` tags tell the test runner whether a test case is a multiple devices or multiple stages test case.
These tags are automatically added by ```TEST_CASE_MULTIPLE_STAGES`` and ``TEST_CASE_MULTIPLE_DEVICES`` macros.

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
.. Remove this file when the Chinese translation of CMake getting started guide is updated

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Build and Flash with Eclipse IDE (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Documentation for Eclipse setup with CMake-based build system and Eclipse CDT is coming soon.

View file

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
Get Started (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
.. include:: ../cmake-pending-features.rst
This document is intended to help you set up the software development environment for the hardware based on the ESP32 chip by Espressif.
After that, a simple example will show you how to use ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) for menu configuration, then building, and flashing firmware onto an ESP32 board.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 is a system on a chip that integrates the following features:
* Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz band)
* Bluetooth 4.2
* Dual high performance cores
* Ultra Low Power co-processor
* Several peripherals
Powered by 40 nm technology, ESP32 provides a robust, highly integrated platform, which helps meet the continuous demands for efficient power usage, compact design, security, high performance, and reliability.
Espressif provides basic hardware and software resources to help application developers realize their ideas using the ESP32 series hardware. The software development framework by Espressif is intended for development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, power management and several other system features.
What You Need
* An **ESP32** board
* **USB cable** - USB A / micro USB B
* **Computer** running Windows, Linux, or macOS
* **Toolchain** to compile code for ESP32
* **Build tools** - CMake and Ninja to build a full **Application** for ESP32
* **ESP-IDF** that essentially contains API (software libraries and source code) for ESP32 and scripts to operate the **Toolchain**
* **Text editor** to write programs (**Projects**) in C, e.g., `Eclipse <>`_
.. figure:: ../../_static/what-you-need-cmake.png
:align: center
:alt: Development of applications for ESP32
:figclass: align-center
Development of applications for ESP32
Development Board Overviews
If you have one of ESP32 development boards listed below, you can click on the link to learn more about its hardware.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
ESP32-DevKitC <../hw-reference/get-started-devkitc>
ESP-WROVER-KIT <../hw-reference/get-started-wrover-kit>
ESP32-PICO-KIT <../hw-reference/get-started-pico-kit>
ESP32-Ethernet-Kit <../hw-reference/get-started-ethernet-kit>
.. _get-started-step-by-step-cmake:
Installation Step by Step
This is a detailed roadmap to walk you through the installation process.
Setting up Development Environment
* :ref:`get-started-get-prerequisites-cmake` for :doc:`Windows <windows-setup>`, :doc:`Linux <linux-setup>` or :doc:`macOS <macos-setup>`
* :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-set-up-env-cmake`
Creating Your First Project
* :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-configure-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-build-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-flash-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-build-monitor-cmake`
.. _get-started-get-prerequisites-cmake:
Step 1. Install prerequisites
Some tools need to be installed on the computer before proceeding to the next steps. Follow the links below for the instructions for your OS:
.. toctree::
Windows <windows-setup>
Linux <linux-setup>
macOS <macos-setup>
* :doc:`windows-setup`
* :doc:`linux-setup`
* :doc:`macos-setup`
.. _get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake:
Step 2. Get ESP-IDF
To build applications for the ESP32, you need the software libraries provided by Espressif in `ESP-IDF repository <>`_.
Get ESP-IDF in accordance with your operating system.
To get ESP-IDF, navigate to your installation directory and clone the repository with ``git clone``.
.. note::
This guide uses the directory ``~/esp`` on Linux and macOS or ``%userprofile%\esp`` on Windows as an installation folder for ESP-IDF. You can use any directory, but you will need to adjust paths for the commands respectively. Keep in mind that ESP-IDF does not support spaces in paths.
Linux and macOS
Open Terminal, and run the following commands:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP-IDF will be downloaded into ``~/esp/esp-idf``.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
In addition to installing the tools, :ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows introduced in Step 1 can also download a copy of ESP-IDF.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
If you wish to download ESP-IDF without the help of ESP-IDF Tools Installer, refer to these :ref:`instructions <get-esp-idf-windows-command-line-cmake>`.
.. _get-started-set-up-tools-cmake:
Step 3. Set up the tools
Aside from the ESP-IDF, you also need to install the tools used by ESP-IDF, such as the compiler, debugger, Python packages, etc.
:ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows introduced in Step 1 installs all the required tools.
If you want to install the tools without the help of ESP-IDF Tools Installer, open the Command Prompt and follow these steps:
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp\esp-idf
Linux and macOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp/esp-idf
Customizing the tools installation path
The scripts introduced in this step install compilation tools required by ESP-IDF inside the user home directory: ``$HOME/.espressif`` on Linux and macOS, ``%USERPROFILE%\.espressif`` on Windows. If you wish to install the tools into a different directory, set the environment variable ``IDF_TOOLS_PATH`` before running the installation scripts. Make sure that your user has sufficient permissions to read and write this path.
If changing the ``IDF_TOOLS_PATH``, make sure it is set to the same value every time the ``install.bat``/```` and ``export.bat``/```` scripts are executed.
.. _get-started-set-up-env-cmake:
Step 4. Set up the environment variables
The installed tools are not yet added to the PATH environment variable. To make the tools usable from the command line, some environment variables must be set. ESP-IDF provides another script which does that.
:ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows creates an "ESP-IDF Command Prompt" shortcut in the Start Menu. This shortcut opens the Command Prompt and sets up all the required environment variables. You can open this shortcut and proceed to the next step.
Alternatively, if you want to use ESP-IDF in an existing Command Prompt window, you can run:
.. code-block:: batch
Linux and macOS
In the terminal where you are going to use ESP-IDF, run:
.. code-block:: bash
. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/
Note the space between the leading dot and the path!
You can also automate this step, making ESP-IDF tools available in every terminal, by adding this line to your ``.profile`` or ``.bash_profile`` script.
.. _get-started-start-project-cmake:
Step 5. Start a Project
Now you are ready to prepare your application for ESP32. You can start with :example:`get-started/hello_world` project from :idf:`examples` directory in IDF.
Copy :example:`get-started/hello_world` to ``~/esp`` directory:
Linux and macOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp
cp -r $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world .
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp
xcopy /e /i %IDF_PATH%\examples\get-started\hello_world hello_world
There is a range of example projects in the :idf:`examples` directory in ESP-IDF. You can copy any project in the same way as presented above and run it.
It is also possible to build examples in-place, without copying them first.
.. important::
The ESP-IDF build system does not support spaces in the paths to either ESP-IDF or to projects.
.. _get-started-connect-cmake:
Step 6. Connect Your Device
Now connect your ESP32 board to the computer and check under what serial port the board is visible.
Serial ports have the following patterns in their names:
- **Windows**: names like ``COM1``
- **Linux**: starting with ``/dev/tty``
- **macOS**: starting with ``/dev/cu.``
If you are not sure how to check the serial port name, please refer to :doc:`establish-serial-connection` for full details.
.. note::
Keep the port name handy as you will need it in the next steps.
.. _get-started-configure-cmake:
Step 7. Configure
Navigate to your ``hello_world`` directory from :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake` and run the project configuration utility ``menuconfig``.
Linux and macOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp/hello_world menuconfig
If your default version of Python is 3.x, you may need to run ``python2 $(which menuconfig`` instead.
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp\hello_world menuconfig
If the previous steps have been done correctly, the following menu appears:
.. figure:: ../../_static/project-configuration.png
:align: center
:alt: Project configuration - Home window
:figclass: align-center
Project configuration - Home window
To navigate and use ``menuconfig``, press the following keys:
* Arrow keys for navigation
* ``Enter`` to go into a submenu
* ``Esc`` to go up one level or exit
* ``?`` to see a help screen. Enter key exits the help screen
* ``Space``, or ``Y`` and ``N`` keys to enable (Yes) and disable (No) configuration items with checkboxes "``[*]``"
* ``?`` while highlighting a configuration item to display help about that item
* ``/`` to find configuration items
.. attention::
If you use ESP32-DevKitC board with the **ESP32-SOLO-1** module, enable single core mode (:ref:`CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE`) in menuconfig before flashing examples.
.. _get-started-build-cmake:
Step 8. Build the Project
Build the project by running:: build
This command will compile the application and all ESP-IDF components, then it will generate the bootloader, partition table, and application binaries.
.. code-block:: none
$ build
Running cmake in directory /path/to/hello_world/build
Executing "cmake -G Ninja --warn-uninitialized /path/to/hello_world"...
Warn about uninitialized values.
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.17.0")
-- Building empty aws_iot component due to configuration
-- Component names: ...
-- Component paths: ...
... (more lines of build system output)
[527/527] Generating hello-world.bin v2.3.1
Project build complete. To flash, run this command:
../../../components/esptool_py/esptool/ -p (PORT) -b 921600 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x10000 build/hello-world.bin build 0x1000 build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x8000 build/partition_table/partition-table.bin
or run ' -p PORT flash'
If there are no errors, the build will finish by generating the firmware binary .bin file.
.. _get-started-flash-cmake:
Step 9. Flash onto the Device
Flash the binaries that you just built onto your ESP32 board by running:: -p PORT [-b BAUD] flash
Replace PORT with your ESP32 board's serial port name from :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake`.
You can also change the flasher baud rate by replacing BAUD with the baud rate you need. The default baud rate is ``460800``.
For more information on arguments, see :ref:``.
.. note::
The option ``flash`` automatically builds and flashes the project, so running `` build`` is not necessary.
.. code-block:: none
Running in directory [...]/esp/hello_world
Executing "python [...]/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ -b 460800 write_flash @flash_project_args"... -b 460800 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x8000 partition_table/partition-table.bin 0x10000 hello-world.bin v2.3.1
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash params set to 0x0220
Compressed 22992 bytes to 13019...
Wrote 22992 bytes (13019 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.3 seconds (effective 558.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 82...
Wrote 3072 bytes (82 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 5789.3 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 136672 bytes to 67544...
Wrote 136672 bytes (67544 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 1.9 seconds (effective 567.5 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
If there are no issues by the end of the flash process, the module will be reset and the “hello_world” application will be running.
.. (Not currently supported) If you'd like to use the Eclipse IDE instead of running ````, check out the :doc:`Eclipse guide <eclipse-setup>`.
.. _get-started-build-monitor-cmake:
Step 10. Monitor
To check if "hello_world" is indeed running, type `` -p PORT monitor`` (Do not forget to replace PORT with your serial port name).
This command launches the :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` application::
$ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor
Running idf_monitor in directory [...]/esp/hello_world/build
Executing "python [...]/esp-idf/tools/ -b 115200 [...]/esp/hello_world/build/hello-world.elf"...
--- idf_monitor on /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
After startup and diagnostic logs scroll up, you should see "Hello world!" printed out by the application.
.. code-block:: none
Hello world!
Restarting in 10 seconds...
I (211) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
Restarting in 9 seconds...
Restarting in 8 seconds...
Restarting in 7 seconds...
To exit IDF monitor use the shortcut ``Ctrl+]``.
If IDF monitor fails shortly after the upload, or, if instead of the messages above, you see random garbage similar to what is given below, your board is likely using a 26MHz crystal. Most development board designs use 40MHz, so ESP-IDF uses this frequency as a default value.
.. code-block:: none
~zY<7A><59>Y(1<>,1<15><> e<><65><EFBFBD>)(Xn@<40>y.!Dr<44>zY(<28>jpi<70>|<7C>+z5Ymvp
If you have such a problem, do the following:
1. Exit the monitor.
2. Go back to :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure-cmake>`.
3. Go to Component config --> ESP32-specific --> Main XTAL frequency, then change :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ_SEL` to 26MHz.
4. After that, :ref:`build and flash <get-started-flash-cmake>` the application again.
.. note::
You can combine building, flashing and monitoring into one step by running:: -p PORT flash monitor
See also:
- :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` for handy shortcuts and more details on using IDF monitor.
- :ref:`` for a full reference of ```` commands and options.
**That's all that you need to get started with ESP32!**
Now you are ready to try some other :idf:`examples`, or go straight to developing your own applications.
Updating ESP-IDF
You should update ESP-IDF from time to time, as newer versions fix bugs and provide new features. The simplest way to do the update is to delete the existing ``esp-idf`` folder and clone it again, as if performing the initial installation described in :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Another solution is to update only what has changed. :ref:`The update procedure depends on the version of ESP-IDF you are using <updating>`.
After updating ESP-IDF, execute ```` (``install.bat`` on Windows) again, in case the new ESP-IDF version requires different versions of tools. See instructions at :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`.
Once the new tools are installed, update the environment using ```` (``export.bat`` on Windows). See instructions at :ref:`get-started-set-up-env-cmake`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _Stable version:
.. _Releases page:

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
Setup Linux Toolchain from Scratch (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
The following instructions are alternative to downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website. To quickly setup the binary toolchain, instead of compiling it yourself, backup and proceed to section :doc:`linux-setup`.
Install Prerequisites
To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install git wget ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python pyserial python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install git wget libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-click python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-click python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools cmake ninja ccache
.. note::
CMake version 3.5 or newer is required for use with ESP-IDF. Older Linux distributions may require updating, enabling of a "backports" repository, or installing of a "cmake3" package rather than "cmake".
Compile the Toolchain from Source
- Install dependencies:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install gawk gperf grep gettext ncurses-devel python python-devel automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool make
- Ubuntu pre-16.04::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool make
- Ubuntu 16.04 or newer::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin make
- Debian 9::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin make
- Arch::
Create the working directory and go into it::
mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
Download ``crosstool-NG`` and build it:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng xtensa-esp32-elf
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. To use it, you need to add ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
Installation of Prerequisites for Linux (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Install Prerequisites
To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install git wget ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python pyserial python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install git wget libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-click python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pip python2-pyserial python2-click python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools cmake ninja ccache
.. note::
CMake version 3.5 or newer is required for use with ESP-IDF. Older Linux distributions may require updating, enabling of a "backports" repository, or installing of a "cmake3" package rather than "cmake".
Additional Tips
Permission issues /dev/ttyUSB0
With some Linux distributions you may get the ``Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0`` error message when flashing the ESP32. :ref:`This can be solved by adding the current user to the dialout group<linux-dialout-group-cmake>`.
Arch Linux Users
To run the precompiled gdb (xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb) in Arch Linux requires ncurses 5, but Arch uses ncurses 6.
Backwards compatibility libraries are available in AUR_ for native and lib32 configurations:
Before installing these packages you might need to add the author's public key to your keyring as described in the "Comments" section at the links above.
Alternatively, use crosstool-NG to compile a gdb that links against ncurses 6.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _AUR:

View file

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
Setup Toolchain for Mac OS from Scratch (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Package Manager
To set up the toolchain from scratch, rather than :doc:`downloading a pre-compiled toolchain<macos-setup>`, you will need to install either the MacPorts_ or homebrew_ package manager.
MacPorts needs a full XCode installation, while homebrew only needs XCode command line tools.
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:
See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
Install Prerequisites
- install pip::
sudo easy_install pip
- install pyserial::
pip install --user pyserial
- install CMake & Ninja build:
- If you have HomeBrew, you can run::
brew install cmake ninja
- If you have MacPorts, you can run::
sudo port install cmake ninja
Compile the Toolchain from Source
- Install dependencies:
- with MacPorts::
sudo port install gsed gawk binutils gperf grep gettext wget libtool autoconf automake make
- with homebrew::
brew install gnu-sed gawk binutils gperftools gettext wget help2man libtool autoconf automake make
Create a case-sensitive filesystem image::
hdiutil create ~/esp/crosstool.dmg -volname "ctng" -size 10g -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+"
Mount it::
hdiutil mount ~/esp/crosstool.dmg
Create a symlink to your work directory::
mkdir -p ~/esp
ln -s /Volumes/ctng ~/esp/ctng-volume
Go into the newly created directory::
cd ~/esp/ctng-volume
Download ``crosstool-NG`` and build it:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng xtensa-esp32-elf
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. To use it, you need to add ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
Installation of Prerequisites for macOS (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Install Prerequisites
ESP-IDF will use the version of Python installed by default on macOS.
- install pip::
sudo easy_install pip
- install pyserial::
pip install --user pyserial
- install CMake & Ninja build:
- If you have HomeBrew_, you can run::
brew install cmake ninja
- If you have MacPorts_, you can run::
sudo port install cmake ninja
- Otherwise, consult the CMake_ and Ninja_ home pages for macOS installation downloads.
- It is strongly recommended to also install ccache_ for faster builds. If you have HomeBrew_, this can be done via ``brew install ccache`` or ``sudo port install ccache`` on MacPorts_.
.. note::
If an error like this is shown during any step::
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
Then you will need to install the XCode command line tools to continue. You can install these by running ``xcode-select --install``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _cmake:
.. _ninja:
.. _ccache:
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
Windows Setup from Scratch (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
This is a step-by-step alternative to running the :doc:`ESP-IDF Tools Installer <windows-setup>` for the CMake-based build system. Installing all of the tools by hand allows more control over the process, and also provides the information for advanced users to customize the install.
To quickly setup the toolchain and other tools in standard way, using the ESP-IDF Tools installer, proceed to section :doc:`windows-setup`.
.. note::
The GNU Make based build system requires the MSYS2_ Unix compatibility environment on Windows. The CMake-based build system does not require this environment.
.. _get-esp-idf-windows-command-line-cmake:
.. note::
Previous versions of ESP-IDF used the **MSYS2 bash terminal** command line. The current cmake-based build system can run in the regular **Windows Command Prompt** which is used here.
If you use a bash-based terminal or PowerShell, please note that some command syntax will be different to what is shown below.
Open Command Prompt and run the following commands:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP-IDF will be downloaded into ``%userprofile%\esp\esp-idf``.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. note::
Do not miss the ``--recursive`` option. If you have already cloned ESP-IDF without this option, run another command to get all the submodules::
cd esp-idf
git submodule update --init
Download the latest stable release of CMake_ for Windows and run the installer.
When the installer asks for Install Options, choose either "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users" or "Add CMake to the system PATH for the current user".
Ninja build
.. note::
Ninja currently only provides binaries for 64-bit Windows. It is possible to use CMake and ```` with other build tools, such as mingw-make, on 32-bit windows. However this is currently undocumented.
Download the ninja_ latest stable Windows release from the (`download page <ninja-dl>`_).
The Ninja for Windows download is a .zip file containing a single ``ninja.exe`` file which needs to be unzipped to a directory which is then `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_ (or you can choose a directory which is already on your Path).
Python 2.x
Download the latest Python_ 2.7 for Windows installer, and run it.
The "Customise" step of the Python installer gives a list of options. The last option is "Add python.exe to Path". Change this option to select "Will be installed".
Once Python is installed, open a Windows Command Prompt from the Start menu and run the following command::
pip install --user pyserial
MConf for IDF
Download the configuration tool mconf-idf from the `kconfig-frontends releases page <mconf-idf>`_. This is the ``mconf`` configuration tool with some minor customizations for ESP-IDF.
This tool will also need to be unzipped to a directory which is then `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_.
Toolchain Setup
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Download the precompiled Windows toolchain:
Unzip the zip file to ``C:\Program Files`` (or some other location). The zip file contains a single directory ``xtensa-esp32-elf``.
Next, the ``bin`` subdirectory of this directory must be `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_. For example, the directory to add may be ``C:\Program Files\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin``.
.. note::
If you already have the MSYS2 environment (for use with the "GNU Make" build system) installed, you can skip the separate download and add the directory ``C:\msys32\opt\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin`` to the Path instead, as the toolchain is included in the MSYS2 environment.
.. _add-directory-windows-path-cmake:
Adding Directory to Path
To add any new directory to your Windows Path environment variable:
Open the System control panel and navigate to the Environment Variables dialog. (On Windows 10, this is found under Advanced System Settings).
Double-click the ``Path`` variable (either User or System Path, depending if you want other users to have this directory on their path.) Go to the end of the value, and append ``;<new value>``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
.. _ninja:
.. _Python:
.. _MSYS2:
.. _Stable version:

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
Installation of Prerequisites for Windows (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
.. note::
The CMake-based build system is only supported on 64-bit versions of Windows.
ESP-IDF requires some prerequisite tools to be installed so you can build firmware for the ESP32. The prerequisite tools include Python, Git, cross-compilers, menuconfig tool, CMake and Ninja build tools.
For this Getting Started we're going to use the Command Prompt, but after ESP-IDF is installed you can use :doc:`Eclipse <eclipse-setup>` or another graphical IDE with CMake support instead.
.. note::
The GNU Make based build system requires the MSYS2_ Unix compatibility environment on Windows. The CMake-based build system does not require this environment.
.. _get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer:
ESP-IDF Tools Installer
The easiest way to install ESP-IDF's prerequisites is to download the ESP-IDF Tools installer from this URL:
The installer includes the cross-compilers, OpenOCD, cmake_ and Ninja_ build tool, and a configuration tool called mconf-idf_. The installer can also download and run installers for Python_ 3.7 and `Git For Windows`_ if they are not already installed on the computer.
The installer also offers to download one of the ESP-IDF release versions.
Using the Command Prompt
For the remaining Getting Started steps, we're going to use the Windows Command Prompt.
ESP-IDF Tools Installer creates a shortcut in the Start menu to launch the ESP-IDF Command Prompt. This shortcut launches the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and runs ``export.bat`` script to set up the environment variables (``PATH``, ``IDF_PATH`` and others). Inside this command prompt, all the installed tools are available.
Note that this shortcut is specific to the ESP-IDF directory selected in the ESP-IDF Tools Installer. If you have multiple ESP-IDF directories on the computer (for example, to work with different versions of ESP-IDF), you have two options to use them:
1. Create a copy of the shortcut created by the ESP-IDF Tools Installer, and change the working directory of the new shortcut to the ESP-IDF directory you wish to use.
2. Alternatively, run ``cmd.exe``, then change to the ESP-IDF directory you wish to use, and run ``export.bat``. Note that unlike the previous option, this way requires Python and Git to be present in ``PATH``. If you get errors related to Python or Git not being found, use the first option.
Next Steps
If the ESP-IDF Tools Installer has finished successfully, then the development environment setup is complete. Proceed directly to :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake`.
Related Documents
For advanced users who want to customize the install process:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _MSYS2:
.. _cmake:
.. _ninja:
.. _Python:
.. _Git for Windows:
.. _mconf-idf:
.. _Github Desktop:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Add IDF_PATH to User Profile
To preserve setting of ``IDF_PATH`` environment variable between system restarts, add it to the user profile, following instructions below.
.. _add-idf_path-to-profile-windows:
The user profile scripts are contained in ``C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/`` directory. They are executed every time you open an MSYS2 window.
#. Create a new script file in ``C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/`` directory. Name it ````.
#. Identify the path to ESP-IDF directory. It is specific to your system configuration and may look something like ``C:\msys32\home\user-name\esp\esp-idf``
#. Add the ``export`` command to the script file, e.g.::
export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"
Remember to replace back-slashes with forward-slashes in the original Windows path.
#. Save the script file.
#. Close MSYS2 window and open it again. Check if ``IDF_PATH`` is set, by typing::
printenv IDF_PATH
The path previusly entered in the script file should be printed out.
If you do not like to have ``IDF_PATH`` set up permanently in user profile, you should enter it manually on opening of an MSYS2 window::
export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-setup-path`, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-start-project`.
.. _add-idf_path-to-profile-linux-macos:
Linux and MacOS
Set up ``IDF_PATH`` by adding the following line to ``~/.profile`` file::
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
Log off and log in back to make this change effective.
.. note::
If you have ``/bin/bash`` set as login shell, and both ``.bash_profile`` and ``.profile`` exist, then update ``.bash_profile`` instead.
Run the following command to check if ``IDF_PATH`` is set::
printenv IDF_PATH
The path previously entered in ``~/.profile`` file (or set manually) should be printed out.
If you do not like to have ``IDF_PATH`` set up permanently, you should enter it manually in terminal window on each restart or logout::
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-setup-path`, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-start-project`.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Build and Flash with Eclipse IDE
.. _eclipse-install-steps:
Installing Eclipse IDE
The Eclipse IDE gives you a graphical integrated development environment for writing, compiling and debugging ESP-IDF projects.
* Start by installing the esp-idf for your platform (see files in this directory with steps for Windows, OS X, Linux).
* We suggest building a project from the command line first, to get a feel for how that process works. You also need to use the command line to configure your esp-idf project (via ``make menuconfig``), this is not currently supported inside Eclipse.
* Download the Eclipse Installer for your platform from eclipse.org_.
* When running the Eclipse Installer, choose "Eclipse for C/C++ Development" (in other places you'll see this referred to as CDT.)
Setting up Eclipse
Once your new Eclipse installation launches, follow these steps:
Import New Project
* Eclipse makes use of the Makefile support in ESP-IDF. This means you need to start by creating an ESP-IDF project. You can use the idf-template project from github, or open one of the examples in the esp-idf examples subdirectory.
* Once Eclipse is running, choose File -> Import...
* In the dialog that pops up, choose "C/C++" -> "Existing Code as Makefile Project" and click Next.
* On the next page, enter "Existing Code Location" to be the directory of your IDF project. Don't specify the path to the ESP-IDF directory itself (that comes later). The directory you specify should contain a file named "Makefile" (the project Makefile).
* On the same page, under "Toolchain for Indexer Settings" choose "Cross GCC". Then click Finish.
Project Properties
* The new project will appear under Project Explorer. Right-click the project and choose Properties from the context menu.
* Click on the "Environment" properties page under "C/C++ Build". Click "Add..." and enter name ``BATCH_BUILD`` and value ``1``.
* Click "Add..." again, and enter name ``IDF_PATH``. The value should be the full path where ESP-IDF is installed. Windows users can copy the ``IDF_PATH`` from windows explorer.
* Edit the ``PATH`` environment variable. Keep the current value, and append the path to the Xtensa toolchain installed as part of IDF setup, if this is not already listed on the PATH. A typical path to the toolchain looks like ``/home/user-name/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin``. Note that you need to add a colon ``:`` before the appended path. Windows users will need to prepend ``C:\msys32\mingw32\bin;C:\msys32\opt\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin;C:\msys32\usr\bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable (If you installed msys32 to a different directory then youll need to change these paths to match).
* On macOS, add a ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable and set it to ``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages``. This is so that the system Python, which has pyserial installed as part of the setup steps, overrides any built-in Eclipse Python.
**ADDITIONAL NOTE**: If either the IDF_PATH directory or the project directory is located outside ``C:\msys32\home`` directory, you will have to give custom build command in C/C++ Build properties as: ``python ${IDF_PATH}/tools/windows/`` (Please note that the build time may get significantly increased by this method.)
Navigate to "C/C++ General" -> "Preprocessor Include Paths" property page:
* Click the "Providers" tab
* In the list of providers, click "CDT Cross GCC Built-in Compiler Settings". Change "Command to get compiler specs" to ``xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc ${FLAGS} -std=c++11 -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"``.
* In the list of providers, click "CDT GCC Build Output Parser" and change the "Compiler command pattern" to ``xtensa-esp32-elf-(gcc|g\+\+|c\+\+|cc|cpp|clang)``
Navigate to "C/C++ General" -> "Indexer" property page:
* Check "Enable project specific settings" to enable the rest of the settings on this page.
* Uncheck "Allow heuristic resolution of includes". When this option is enabled Eclipse sometimes fails to find correct header directories.
Navigate to "C/C++ Build" -> "Behavior" property page:
* Check "Enable parallel build" to enable multiple build jobs in parallel.
.. _eclipse-build-project:
Building in Eclipse
Before your project is first built, Eclipse may show a lot of errors and warnings about undefined values. This is because some source files are automatically generated as part of the esp-idf build process. These errors and warnings will go away after you build the project.
* Click OK to close the Properties dialog in Eclipse.
* Outside Eclipse, open a command line prompt. Navigate to your project directory, and run ``make menuconfig`` to configure your project's esp-idf settings. This step currently has to be run outside Eclipse.
*If you try to build without running a configuration step first, esp-idf will prompt for configuration on the command line - but Eclipse is not able to deal with this, so the build will hang or fail.*
* Back in Eclipse, choose Project -> Build to build your project.
**TIP**: If your project had already been built outside Eclipse, you may need to do a Project -> Clean before choosing Project -> Build. This is so Eclipse can see the compiler arguments for all source files. It uses these to determine the header include paths.
Flash from Eclipse
You can integrate the "make flash" target into your Eclipse project to flash using from the Eclipse UI:
* Right-click your project in Project Explorer (important to make sure you select the project, not a directory in the project, or Eclipse may find the wrong Makefile.)
* Select Build Targets -> Create... from the context menu.
* Type "flash" as the target name. Leave the other options as their defaults.
* Now you can use Project -> Build Target -> Build (Shift+F9) to build the custom flash target, which will compile and flash the project.
Note that you will need to use "make menuconfig" to set the serial port and other config options for flashing. "make menuconfig" still requires a command line terminal (see the instructions for your platform.)
Follow the same steps to add ``bootloader`` and ``partition_table`` targets, if necessary.

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Establish Serial Connection with ESP32 (CMake)
Establish Serial Connection with ESP32
This section provides guidance how to establish serial connection between ESP32 and PC.
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ Connect ESP32 to PC
Connect the ESP32 board to the PC using the USB cable. If device driver does not install automatically, identify USB to serial converter chip on your ESP32 board (or external converter dongle), search for drivers in internet and install them.
Below are the links to drivers for ESP32 boards produced by Espressif:
Below are the links to drivers for ESP32 and other boards produced by Espressif:
.. csv-table::
@ -73,12 +72,8 @@ MacOS ::
ls /dev/cu.*
.. note::
MacOS users: if you don't see the serial port then check you have the USB/serial drivers installed as shown in the Getting Started guide for your particular development board. For MacOS High Sierra (10.13), you may also have to explicitly allow the drivers to load. Open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and check if there is a message shown here about "System Software from developer ..." where the developer name is Silicon Labs or FTDI.
.. _linux-dialout-group-cmake:
.. _linux-dialout-group:
Adding user to ``dialout`` on Linux
@ -141,7 +136,7 @@ Then open serial port in terminal and check, if you see any log printed out by E
If you can see readable log output, it means serial connection is working and you are ready to proceed with installation and finally upload of application to ESP32.
If you see some legible log, it means serial connection is working and you are ready to proceed with installation and finally upload of application to ESP32.
.. note::
@ -149,8 +144,9 @@ If you can see readable log output, it means serial connection is working and yo
.. note::
Close serial terminal after verification that communication is working. In the next step we are going to use a different application to upload a new firmware to ESP32. This application will not be able to access serial port while it is open in terminal.
Close serial terminal after verification that communication is working. In next step we are going to use another application to upload ESP32. This application will not be able to access serial port while it is open in terminal.
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-connect` when installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-configure`.
If you got here from :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake` when installing s/w for ESP32 development, then you can continue with :ref:`get-started-configure-cmake`.
.. _esptool documentation:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
Get Started
This document is intended to help you set up the software development environment for the hardware based on Espressif ESP32.
After that, a simple example will show you how to use ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) for menu configuration, then how to build and flash firmware onto an ESP32 board.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 is a system on a chip that integrates the following features:
* Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz band)
* Bluetooth 4.2
* Dual high performance cores
* Ultra Low Power co-processor
* Several peripherals
Powered by 40 nm technology, ESP32 provides a robust, highly integrated platform, which helps meet the continuous demands for efficient power usage, compact design, security, high performance, and reliability.
Espressif provides basic hardware and software resources to help application developers realize their ideas using the ESP32 series hardware. The software development framework by Espressif is intended for development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, power management and several other system features.
What You Need
* An **ESP32** board
* **USB cable** - USB A / micro USB B
* **Computer** running Windows, Linux, or macOS
* **Toolchain** to build the **Application** for ESP32
* **ESP-IDF** that essentially contains API (software libraries and source code) for ESP32 and scripts to operate the **Toolchain**
* **Text editor** to write programs (**Projects**) in C, e.g., `Eclipse <>`_
.. figure:: ../../_static/what-you-need.png
:align: center
:alt: Development of applications for ESP32
:figclass: align-center
Development of applications for ESP32
Development Board Overviews
If you have one of ESP32 development boards listed below, you can click on the link to learn more about its hardware.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
ESP32-DevKitC <get-started-devkitc>
ESP-WROVER-KIT <get-started-wrover-kit>
ESP32-PICO-KIT <get-started-pico-kit>
ESP32-Ethernet-Kit <../hw-reference/get-started-ethernet-kit>
.. _get-started-step-by-step:
Installation Step by Step
This is a detailed roadmap to walk you through the installation process.
Setting up Development Environment
* :ref:`get-started-setup-toolchain` for :doc:`Windows <windows-setup>`, :doc:`Linux <linux-setup>` or :doc:`MacOS <macos-setup>`
* :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`
* :ref:`get-started-setup-path`
* :ref:`get-started-get-packages`
Creating Your First Project
* :ref:`get-started-start-project`
* :ref:`get-started-connect`
* :ref:`get-started-configure`
* :ref:`get-started-build-and-flash`
* :ref:`get-started-monitor`
.. _get-started-setup-toolchain:
Step 1. Set up the Toolchain
The toolchain is a set of programs for compiling code and building applications.
The quickest way to start development with ESP32 is by installing a prebuilt toolchain. Pick up your OS below and follow the provided instructions.
.. toctree::
Windows <windows-setup>
Linux <linux-setup>
MacOS <macos-setup>
| |windows-logo| | |linux-logo| | |macos-logo| |
| `Windows`_ | `Linux`_ | `Mac OS`_ |
.. |windows-logo| image:: ../../_static/windows-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/windows-setup.html
.. |linux-logo| image:: ../../_static/linux-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/linux-setup.html
.. |macos-logo| image:: ../../_static/macos-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/macos-setup.html
.. _Windows: ../get-started/windows-setup.html
.. _Linux: ../get-started/linux-setup.html
.. _Mac OS: ../get-started/macos-setup.html
.. note::
This guide uses the directory ``~/esp`` on Linux and macOS or ``%userprofile%\esp`` on Windows as an installation folder for ESP-IDF. You can use any directory, but you will need to adjust paths for the commands respectively. Keep in mind that ESP-IDF does not support spaces in paths.
Depending on your experience and preferences, you may want to customize your environment instead of using a prebuilt toolchain. To set up the system your own way go to Section :ref:`get-started-customized-setup`.
.. _get-started-get-esp-idf:
Step 2. Get ESP-IDF
Besides the toolchain, you also need ESP32-specific API (software libraries and source code). They are provided by Espressif in `ESP-IDF repository <>`_.
To get a local copy of ESP-IDF, navigate to your installation directory and clone the repository with ``git clone``.
Open Terminal, and run the following commands:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP-IDF will be downloaded into ``~/esp/esp-idf``.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. note::
Do not miss the ``--recursive`` option. If you have already cloned ESP-IDF without this option, run another command to get all the submodules::
cd esp-idf
git submodule update --init
.. _get-started-setup-path:
Step 3. Set Environment Variables
The toolchain uses the environment variable ``IDF_PATH`` to access the ESP-IDF directory. This variable should be set up on your computer, otherwise projects will not build.
These variables can be set temporarily (per session) or permanently. Please follow the instructions specific to :ref:`Windows <add-idf_path-to-profile-windows>` , :ref:`Linux and MacOS <add-idf_path-to-profile-linux-macos>` in Section :doc:`add-idf_path-to-profile`.
.. _get-started-get-packages:
Step 4. Install the Required Python Packages
The python packages required by ESP-IDF are located in ``IDF_PATH/requirements.txt``. You can install them by running::
python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt
.. note::
Please check the version of the Python interpreter that you will be using with ESP-IDF. For this, run
the command ``python --version`` and depending on the result, you might want to use ``python2``, ``python2.7``
or similar instead of just ``python``, e.g.::
python2.7 -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt
.. _get-started-start-project:
Step 5. Start a Project
Now you are ready to prepare your application for ESP32. You can start with :example:`get-started/hello_world` project from :idf:`examples` directory in IDF.
Copy :example:`get-started/hello_world` to the ``~/esp`` directory:
Linux and MacOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp
cp -r $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world .
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp
xcopy /e /i %IDF_PATH%\examples\get-started\hello_world hello_world
There is a range of example projects in the :idf:`examples` directory in ESP-IDF. You can copy any project in the same way as presented above and run it.
It is also possible to build examples in-place, without copying them first.
.. important::
The esp-idf build system does not support spaces in the paths to either esp-idf or to projects.
.. _get-started-connect:
Step 6. Connect Your Device
Now connect your ESP32 board to the computer and check under what serial port the board is visible.
Serial ports have the following patterns in their names:
- **Windows**: names like ``COM1``
- **Linux**: starting with ``/dev/tty``
- **macOS**: starting with ``/dev/cu.``
If you are not sure how to check the serial port name, please refer to :doc:`establish-serial-connection` for full details.
.. note::
Keep the port name handy as you will need it in the next steps.
.. _get-started-configure:
Step 7. Configure
Navigate to your ``hello_world`` directory from :ref:`get-started-start-project` and run the project configuration utility ``menuconfig``.
Linux and MacOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp/hello_world
make menuconfig
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp\hello_world
make menuconfig
If the previous steps have been done correctly, the following menu appears:
.. figure:: ../../_static/project-configuration.png
:align: center
:alt: Project configuration - Home window
:figclass: align-center
Project configuration - Home window
In the menu, navigate to ``Serial flasher config`` > ``Default serial port`` to configure the serial port, where project will be loaded to. Confirm selection by pressing enter, save configuration by selecting ``< Save >`` and then exit ``menuconfig`` by selecting ``< Exit >``.
To navigate and use ``menuconfig``, press the following keys:
* Arrow keys for navigation
* ``Enter`` to go into a submenu
* ``Esc`` to go up one level or exit
* ``?`` to see a help screen. Enter key exits the help screen
* ``Space``, or ``Y`` and ``N`` keys to enable (Yes) and disable (No) configuration items with checkboxes "``[*]``"
* ``?`` while highlighting a configuration item to display help about that item
* ``/`` to find configuration items
.. note::
If you are **Arch Linux** user, navigate to ``SDK tool configuration`` and change the name of ``Python 2 interpreter`` from ``python`` to ``python2``.
.. attention::
If you use ESP32-DevKitC board with the **ESP32-SOLO-1** module, enable single core mode (:ref:`CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE`) in menuconfig before flashing examples.
.. _get-started-build-and-flash:
Step 8. Build and Flash
Build and flash the project by running::
make flash
This command will compile the application and all ESP-IDF components, then it will generate the bootloader, partition table, and application binaries. After that, these binaries will be flashed onto your ESP32 board.
If there are no issues by the end of the flash process, you will see messages (below) describing progress of the loading process. Then the board will be reset and the "hello_world" application will start up.
.. highlight:: none
:: v2.0-beta2
Flashing binaries to serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (app at offset 0x10000)... v2.0-beta2
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600
Attaching SPI flash...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash params set to 0x0220
Compressed 11616 bytes to 6695...
Wrote 11616 bytes (6695 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.1 seconds (effective 920.5 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 408096 bytes to 171625...
Wrote 408096 bytes (171625 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 3.9 seconds (effective 847.3 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 82...
Wrote 3072 bytes (82 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 8297.4 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting...
If you'd like to use the Eclipse IDE instead of running ``make``, check out the :doc:`Eclipse guide <eclipse-setup>`.
.. _get-started-monitor:
Step 9. Monitor
To check if "hello_world" is indeed running, type ``make monitor``.
This command launches the :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` application::
$ make monitor
--- idf_monitor on /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
After startup and diagnostic logs scroll up, you should see "Hello world!" printed out by the application.
.. code-block:: none
Hello world!
Restarting in 10 seconds...
I (211) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
Restarting in 9 seconds...
Restarting in 8 seconds...
Restarting in 7 seconds...
To exit IDF monitor use the shortcut ``Ctrl+]``.
If IDF monitor fails shortly after the upload, or if instead of the messages above you see a random garbage similar to what is given below, your board is likely using a 26MHz crystal. Most development board designs use 40MHz, so ESP-IDF uses this frequency as a default value.
.. code-block:: none
~zY<7A><59>Y(1<>,1<15><> e<><65><EFBFBD>)(Xn@<40>y.!Dr<44>zY(<28>jpi<70>|<7C>+z5Ymvp
If you have such a problem, do the following:
1. Exit the monitor.
2. Go back to :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure>`.
3. Go to Component config --> ESP32-specific --> Main XTAL frequency, then change :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ_SEL` to 26MHz.
4. After that, :ref:`build and flash <get-started-build-and-flash>` the application again.
.. note::
You can combine building, flashing and monitoring into one step by running::
make flash monitor
See also :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` for handy shortcuts and more details on using IDF monitor.
**That's all that you need to get started with ESP32!**
Now you are ready to try some other :idf:`examples`, or go straight to developing your own applications.
Environment Variables
Some environment variables can be specified whilst calling ``make`` allowing users to **override arguments without the need to reconfigure them using** ``make menuconfig``.
| Variables | Description & Usage |
| ``ESPPORT`` | Overrides the serial port used in ``flash`` and ``monitor``. |
| | |
| | Examples: ``make flash ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1``, |
| | ``make monitor ESPPORT=COM1`` |
| ``ESPBAUD`` | Overrides the serial baud rate when flashing the ESP32. |
| | |
| | Example: ``make flash ESPBAUD=9600`` |
| ``MONITORBAUD`` | Overrides the serial baud rate used when monitoring. |
| | |
| | Example: ``make monitor MONITORBAUD=9600`` |
.. note::
You can export environment variables (e.g. ``export ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1``).
All subsequent calls of ``make`` within the same terminal session will use
the exported value given that the variable is not simultaneously overridden.
Updating ESP-IDF
You should update ESP-IDF from time to time, as newer versions fix bugs and provide new features. The simplest way to do the update is to delete the existing ``esp-idf`` folder and clone it again, as if performing the initial installation described in :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
If downloading to a new path, remember to :doc:`add-idf_path-to-profile` so that the toolchain scripts can find ESP-IDF in its release specific location.
Another solution is to update only what has changed. :ref:`The update procedure depends on the version of ESP-IDF you are using <updating>`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _Stable version:
.. _Releases page:

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Setup Linux Toolchain from Scratch
.. note::
Standard process for installing the toolchain is described :doc:`here <linux-setup>`. See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
Install Prerequisites
To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install gcc git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools
.. note::
Some older (pre-2014) Linux distributions may use ``pyserial`` version 2.x which is not supported by ESP-IDF.
In this case please install a supported version via ``pip`` as it is described in section
Compile the Toolchain from Source
- Install dependencies:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install gawk gperf grep gettext ncurses-devel python python-devel automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool
- Ubuntu pre-16.04::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool
- Ubuntu 16.04 or newer::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin
- Debian 9::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin
- Arch::
Create the working directory and go into it::
mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
Download ``crosstool-NG`` and build it:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng xtensa-esp32-elf
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. Follow :ref:`instructions for standard setup <setup-linux-toolchain-add-it-to-path>` to add the toolchain to your ``PATH``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Linux
Install Prerequisites
To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install gcc git wget make ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python python2-cryptography
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install gcc git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools
.. note::
Some older Linux distributions may be missing some of the Python packages listed above (or may use ``pyserial`` version 2.x which is not supported by ESP-IDF). It is possible to install these packages via ``pip`` instead - as described in section :ref:`get-started-get-packages`.
Toolchain Setup
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 toolchain for Linux is available for download from Espressif website:
- for 64-bit Linux:
- for 32-bit Linux:
1. Download this file, then extract it in ``~/esp`` directory:
- for 64-bit Linux:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
- for 32-bit Linux:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. _setup-linux-toolchain-add-it-to-path:
2. The toolchain will be extracted into ``~/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/`` directory.
To use it, you will need to update your ``PATH`` environment variable in ``~/.profile`` file. To make ``xtensa-esp32-elf`` available for all terminal sessions, add the following line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
export PATH="$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"
Alternatively, you may create an alias for the above command. This way you can get the toolchain only when you need it. To do this, add different line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
alias get_esp32='export PATH="$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"'
Then when you need the toolchain you can type ``get_esp32`` on the command line and the toolchain will be added to your ``PATH``.
.. note::
If you have ``/bin/bash`` set as login shell, and both ``.bash_profile`` and ``.profile`` exist, then update ``.bash_profile`` instead. In CentOS, ``alias`` should set in ``.bashrc``.
3. Log off and log in back to make the ``.profile`` changes effective. Run the following command to verify if ``PATH`` is correctly set::
printenv PATH
You are looking for similar result containing toolchain's path at the beginning of displayed string::
$ printenv PATH
Instead of ``/home/user-name`` there should be a home path specific to your installation.
Permission issues /dev/ttyUSB0
With some Linux distributions you may get the ``Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0`` error message when flashing the ESP32. :ref:`This can be solved by adding the current user to the dialout group<linux-dialout-group>`.
Arch Linux Users
To run the precompiled gdb (xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb) in Arch Linux requires ncurses 5, but Arch uses ncurses 6.
Backwards compatibility libraries are available in AUR_ for native and lib32 configurations:
Before installing these packages you might need to add the author's public key to your keyring as described in the "Comments" section at the links above.
Alternatively, use crosstool-NG to compile a gdb that links against ncurses 6.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _AUR:

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
Setup Toolchain for Mac OS from Scratch
.. note::
Standard process for installing the toolchain is described :doc:`here <macos-setup>`. See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
Install Prerequisites
- install pip::
sudo easy_install pip
.. note::
``pip`` will be used later for installing :ref:`the required Python packages <get-started-get-packages>`.
Compile the Toolchain from Source
- Install dependencies:
- Install either MacPorts_ or homebrew_ package manager. MacPorts needs a full XCode installation, while homebrew only needs XCode command line tools.
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:
- with MacPorts::
sudo port install gsed gawk binutils gperf grep gettext wget libtool autoconf automake
- with homebrew::
brew install gnu-sed gawk binutils gperftools gettext wget help2man libtool autoconf automake
Create a case-sensitive filesystem image::
hdiutil create ~/esp/crosstool.dmg -volname "ctng" -size 10g -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+"
Mount it::
hdiutil mount ~/esp/crosstool.dmg
Create a symlink to your work directory::
mkdir -p ~/esp
ln -s /Volumes/ctng ~/esp/ctng-volume
Go into the newly created directory::
cd ~/esp/ctng-volume
Download ``crosstool-NG`` and build it:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng xtensa-esp32-elf
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. Follow :ref:`instructions for standard setup <setup-macos-toolchain-add-it-to-path>` to add the toolchain to your ``PATH``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Mac OS
Install Prerequisites
- install pip::
sudo easy_install pip
.. note::
``pip`` will be used later for installing :ref:`the required Python packages <get-started-get-packages>`.
Toolchain Setup
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 toolchain for macOS is available for download from Espressif website:
Download this file, then extract it in ``~/esp`` directory:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. _setup-macos-toolchain-add-it-to-path:
The toolchain will be extracted into ``~/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/`` directory.
To use it, you will need to update your ``PATH`` environment variable in ``~/.profile`` file. To make ``xtensa-esp32-elf`` available for all terminal sessions, add the following line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
export PATH=$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH
Alternatively, you may create an alias for the above command. This way you can get the toolchain only when you need it. To do this, add different line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
alias get_esp32="export PATH=$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"
Then when you need the toolchain you can type ``get_esp32`` on the command line and the toolchain will be added to your ``PATH``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
.. _get-started-customized-setup-cmake:
.. _get-started-customized-setup:
Customized Setup of Toolchain (CMake)
Customized Setup of Toolchain
Instead of downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website (see :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`) you may build the toolchain yourself.
Instead of downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website (see :ref:`get-started-setup-toolchain`) you may build the toolchain yourself.
If you can't think of a reason why you need to build it yourself, then probably it's better to stick with the binary version. However, here are some of the reasons why you might want to compile it from source:

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
Setup Windows Toolchain from Scratch
Setting up the environment gives you some more control over the process, and also provides the information for advanced users to customize the install. The :doc:`pre-built environment <windows-setup>`, addressed to less experienced users, has been prepared by following these steps.
To quickly setup the toolchain in standard way, using a prebuilt environment, proceed to section :doc:`windows-setup`.
.. _configure-windows-toolchain-from-scratch:
Configure Toolchain & Environment from Scratch
This process involves installing MSYS2_, then installing the MSYS2_ and Python packages which ESP-IDF uses, and finally downloading and installing the Xtensa toolchain.
* Navigate to the MSYS2_ installer page and download the ``msys2-i686-xxxxxxx.exe`` installer executable (we only support a 32-bit MSYS environment, it works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.) At time of writing, the latest installer is ``msys2-i686-20161025.exe``.
* Run through the installer steps. **Uncheck the "Run MSYS2 32-bit now" checkbox at the end.**
* Once the installer exits, open Start Menu and find "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" to run the terminal.
*(Why launch this different terminal? MSYS2 has the concept of different kinds of environments. The default "MSYS" environment is Cygwin-like and uses a translation layer for all Windows API calls. We need the "MinGW" environment in order to have a native Python which supports COM ports.)*
* The ESP-IDF repository on github contains a script in the tools directory titled ````. If you haven't got a local copy of the ESP-IDF yet, that's OK - you can just download that one file in Raw format from here: :idf_raw:`tools/windows/`. Save it somewhere on your computer.
* Type the path to the shell script into the MSYS2 terminal window. You can type it as a normal Windows path, but use forward-slashes instead of back-slashes. ie: ``C:/Users/myuser/Downloads/``. You can read the script beforehand to check what it does.
* The ```` script will download and install packages for ESP-IDF support, and the ESP32 toolchain.
* While the install script runs, MSYS may update itself into a state where it can no longer operate. You may see errors like the following::
*** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x612E5408/0x612E4408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
If you see errors like this, close the terminal window entirely (terminating the processes running there) and then re-open a new terminal. Re-run ```` (tip: use the up arrow key to see the last run command). The update process will resume after this step.
* MSYS2 is a "rolling" distribution so running the installer script may install newer packages than what is used in the prebuilt environments. If you see any errors that appear to be related to installing MSYS2 packages, please check the `MSYS2-packages issues list`_ for known issues. If you don't see any relevant issues, please `raise an IDF issue`_.
MSYS2 Mirrors in China
There are some (unofficial) MSYS2 mirrors inside China, which substantially improves download speeds inside China.
To add these mirrors, edit the following two MSYS2 mirrorlist files before running the setup script. The mirrorlist files can be found in the ``/etc/pacman.d`` directory (i.e. ``c:\msys2\etc\pacman.d``).
Add these lines at the top of ``mirrorlist.mingw32``::
Server =
Server =
Add these lines at the top of ``mirrorlist.msys``::
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
HTTP Proxy
You can enable an HTTP proxy for MSYS and PIP downloads by setting the ``http_proxy`` variable in the terminal before running the setup script::
export http_proxy='http://http.proxy.server:PORT'
Or with credentials::
export http_proxy='http://user:password@http.proxy.server:PORT'
Add this line to ``/etc/profile`` in the MSYS directory in order to permanently enable the proxy when using MSYS.
Alternative Setup: Just download a toolchain
.. include:: /_build/inc/
If you already have an MSYS2 install or want to do things differently, you can download just the toolchain here:
.. note::
If you followed instructions :ref:`configure-windows-toolchain-from-scratch`, you already have the toolchain and you won't need this download.
.. important::
Just having this toolchain is *not enough* to use ESP-IDF on Windows. You will need GNU make, bash, and sed at minimum. The above environments provide all this, plus a host compiler (required for menuconfig support).
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
.. _updating-existing-windows-environment:
Updating The Environment
When IDF is updated, sometimes new toolchains are required or new system requirements are added to the Windows MSYS2 environment.
Rather than setting up a new environment, you can update an existing Windows environment & toolchain:
- Update IDF to the new version you want to use.
- Run the ``tools/windows/`` script inside IDF. This will install any new software packages that weren't previously installed, and download and replace the toolchain with the latest version.
The script to update MSYS2 may also fail with the same errors mentioned under Troubleshooting_.
If you need to support multiple IDF versions concurrently, you can have different independent MSYS2 environments in different directories. Alternatively you can download multiple toolchains and unzip these to different directories, then use the PATH environment variable to set which one is the default.
.. _MSYS2:
.. _MSYS2-packages issues list:
.. _raise an IDF issue:

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Windows
Windows doesn't have a built-in "make" environment, so as well as installing the toolchain you will need a GNU-compatible environment. We use the MSYS2_ environment to provide this. You don't need to use this environment all the time (you can use :doc:`Eclipse <eclipse-setup>` or some other front-end), but it runs behind the scenes.
Toolchain Setup
The quick setup is to download the Windows all-in-one toolchain & MSYS2 zip file from
Unzip the zip file to ``C:\`` (or some other location, but this guide assumes ``C:\``) and it will create an ``msys32`` directory with a pre-prepared environment.
Check it Out
Open a MSYS2 MINGW32 terminal window by running ``C:\msys32\mingw32.exe``. The environment in this window is a bash shell. Create a directory named ``esp`` that is a default location to develop ESP32 applications. To do so, run the following shell command::
mkdir -p ~/esp
By typing ``cd ~/esp`` you can then move to the newly created directory. If there are no error messages you are done with this step.
.. figure:: ../../_static/msys2-terminal-window.png
:align: center
:alt: MSYS2 MINGW32 shell window
:figclass: align-center
MSYS2 MINGW32 shell window
Use this window in the following steps setting up development environment for ESP32.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
Updating The Environment
When IDF is updated, sometimes new toolchains are required or new requirements are added to the Windows MSYS2 environment. To move any data from an old version of the precompiled environment to a new one:
- Take the old MSYS2 environment (ie ``C:\msys32``) and move/rename it to a different directory (ie ``C:\msys32_old``).
- Download the new precompiled environment using the steps above.
- Unzip the new MSYS2 environment to ``C:\msys32`` (or another location).
- Find the old ``C:\msys32_old\home`` directory and move this into ``C:\msys32``.
- You can now delete the ``C:\msys32_old`` directory if you no longer need it.
You can have independent different MSYS2 environments on your system, as long as they are in different directories.
There are :ref:`also steps to update the existing environment without downloading a new one <updating-existing-windows-environment>`, although this is more complex.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _MSYS2:

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@ -1,65 +1,3 @@
Add IDF_PATH to User Profile
To preserve setting of ``IDF_PATH`` environment variable between system restarts, add it to the user profile, following instructions below.
.. _add-idf_path-to-profile-windows:
The user profile scripts are contained in ``C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/`` directory. They are executed every time you open an MSYS2 window.
#. Create a new script file in ``C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/`` directory. Name it ````.
#. Identify the path to ESP-IDF directory. It is specific to your system configuration and may look something like ``C:\msys32\home\user-name\esp\esp-idf``
#. Add the ``export`` command to the script file, e.g.::
export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"
Remember to replace back-slashes with forward-slashes in the original Windows path.
#. Save the script file.
#. Close MSYS2 window and open it again. Check if ``IDF_PATH`` is set, by typing::
printenv IDF_PATH
The path previusly entered in the script file should be printed out.
If you do not like to have ``IDF_PATH`` set up permanently in user profile, you should enter it manually on opening of an MSYS2 window::
export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-setup-path`, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-start-project`.
.. _add-idf_path-to-profile-linux-macos:
Linux and MacOS
Set up ``IDF_PATH`` by adding the following line to ``~/.profile`` file::
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
Log off and log in back to make this change effective.
.. note::
If you have ``/bin/bash`` set as login shell, and both ``.bash_profile`` and ``.profile`` exist, then update ``.bash_profile`` instead.
Run the following command to check if ``IDF_PATH`` is set::
printenv IDF_PATH
The path previously entered in ``~/.profile`` file (or set manually) should be printed out.
If you do not like to have ``IDF_PATH`` set up permanently, you should enter it manually in terminal window on each restart or logout::
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-setup-path`, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-start-project`.
.. Remove this file when the Chinese translation of CMake getting started guide is updated

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@ -1,109 +1,12 @@
Build and Flash with Eclipse IDE
Build and Flash with Eclipse IDE (CMake)
.. _eclipse-install-steps:
Installing Eclipse IDE
The Eclipse IDE gives you a graphical integrated development environment for writing, compiling and debugging ESP-IDF projects.
* Start by installing the esp-idf for your platform (see files in this directory with steps for Windows, OS X, Linux).
* We suggest building a project from the command line first, to get a feel for how that process works. You also need to use the command line to configure your esp-idf project (via ``make menuconfig``), this is not currently supported inside Eclipse.
* Download the Eclipse Installer for your platform from eclipse.org_.
* When running the Eclipse Installer, choose "Eclipse for C/C++ Development" (in other places you'll see this referred to as CDT.)
Setting up Eclipse
Once your new Eclipse installation launches, follow these steps:
Import New Project
* Eclipse makes use of the Makefile support in ESP-IDF. This means you need to start by creating an ESP-IDF project. You can use the idf-template project from github, or open one of the examples in the esp-idf examples subdirectory.
* Once Eclipse is running, choose File -> Import...
* In the dialog that pops up, choose "C/C++" -> "Existing Code as Makefile Project" and click Next.
* On the next page, enter "Existing Code Location" to be the directory of your IDF project. Don't specify the path to the ESP-IDF directory itself (that comes later). The directory you specify should contain a file named "Makefile" (the project Makefile).
* On the same page, under "Toolchain for Indexer Settings" choose "Cross GCC". Then click Finish.
Project Properties
* The new project will appear under Project Explorer. Right-click the project and choose Properties from the context menu.
* Click on the "Environment" properties page under "C/C++ Build". Click "Add..." and enter name ``BATCH_BUILD`` and value ``1``.
* Click "Add..." again, and enter name ``IDF_PATH``. The value should be the full path where ESP-IDF is installed. Windows users can copy the ``IDF_PATH`` from windows explorer.
* Edit the ``PATH`` environment variable. Keep the current value, and append the path to the Xtensa toolchain installed as part of IDF setup, if this is not already listed on the PATH. A typical path to the toolchain looks like ``/home/user-name/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin``. Note that you need to add a colon ``:`` before the appended path. Windows users will need to prepend ``C:\msys32\mingw32\bin;C:\msys32\opt\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin;C:\msys32\usr\bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable (If you installed msys32 to a different directory then youll need to change these paths to match).
* On macOS, add a ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable and set it to ``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages``. This is so that the system Python, which has pyserial installed as part of the setup steps, overrides any built-in Eclipse Python.
**ADDITIONAL NOTE**: If either the IDF_PATH directory or the project directory is located outside ``C:\msys32\home`` directory, you will have to give custom build command in C/C++ Build properties as: ``python ${IDF_PATH}/tools/windows/`` (Please note that the build time may get significantly increased by this method.)
Navigate to "C/C++ General" -> "Preprocessor Include Paths" property page:
* Click the "Providers" tab
* In the list of providers, click "CDT Cross GCC Built-in Compiler Settings". Change "Command to get compiler specs" to ``xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc ${FLAGS} -std=c++11 -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"``.
* In the list of providers, click "CDT GCC Build Output Parser" and change the "Compiler command pattern" to ``xtensa-esp32-elf-(gcc|g\+\+|c\+\+|cc|cpp|clang)``
Navigate to "C/C++ General" -> "Indexer" property page:
* Check "Enable project specific settings" to enable the rest of the settings on this page.
* Uncheck "Allow heuristic resolution of includes". When this option is enabled Eclipse sometimes fails to find correct header directories.
Navigate to "C/C++ Build" -> "Behavior" property page:
* Check "Enable parallel build" to enable multiple build jobs in parallel.
.. _eclipse-build-project:
Building in Eclipse
Before your project is first built, Eclipse may show a lot of errors and warnings about undefined values. This is because some source files are automatically generated as part of the esp-idf build process. These errors and warnings will go away after you build the project.
* Click OK to close the Properties dialog in Eclipse.
* Outside Eclipse, open a command line prompt. Navigate to your project directory, and run ``make menuconfig`` to configure your project's esp-idf settings. This step currently has to be run outside Eclipse.
*If you try to build without running a configuration step first, esp-idf will prompt for configuration on the command line - but Eclipse is not able to deal with this, so the build will hang or fail.*
* Back in Eclipse, choose Project -> Build to build your project.
**TIP**: If your project had already been built outside Eclipse, you may need to do a Project -> Clean before choosing Project -> Build. This is so Eclipse can see the compiler arguments for all source files. It uses these to determine the header include paths.
Flash from Eclipse
You can integrate the "make flash" target into your Eclipse project to flash using from the Eclipse UI:
* Right-click your project in Project Explorer (important to make sure you select the project, not a directory in the project, or Eclipse may find the wrong Makefile.)
* Select Build Targets -> Create... from the context menu.
* Type "flash" as the target name. Leave the other options as their defaults.
* Now you can use Project -> Build Target -> Build (Shift+F9) to build the custom flash target, which will compile and flash the project.
Note that you will need to use "make menuconfig" to set the serial port and other config options for flashing. "make menuconfig" still requires a command line terminal (see the instructions for your platform.)
Follow the same steps to add ``bootloader`` and ``partition_table`` targets, if necessary.
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Documentation for Eclipse setup with CMake-based build system and Eclipse CDT is coming soon.

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Establish Serial Connection with ESP32
Establish Serial Connection with ESP32 (CMake)
This section provides guidance how to establish serial connection between ESP32 and PC.
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ Connect ESP32 to PC
Connect the ESP32 board to the PC using the USB cable. If device driver does not install automatically, identify USB to serial converter chip on your ESP32 board (or external converter dongle), search for drivers in internet and install them.
Below are the links to drivers for ESP32 and other boards produced by Espressif:
Below are the links to drivers for ESP32 boards produced by Espressif:
.. csv-table::
@ -72,8 +73,12 @@ MacOS ::
ls /dev/cu.*
.. note::
.. _linux-dialout-group:
MacOS users: if you don't see the serial port then check you have the USB/serial drivers installed as shown in the Getting Started guide for your particular development board. For MacOS High Sierra (10.13), you may also have to explicitly allow the drivers to load. Open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and check if there is a message shown here about "System Software from developer ..." where the developer name is Silicon Labs or FTDI.
.. _linux-dialout-group-cmake:
Adding user to ``dialout`` on Linux
@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ Then open serial port in terminal and check, if you see any log printed out by E
If you see some legible log, it means serial connection is working and you are ready to proceed with installation and finally upload of application to ESP32.
If you can see readable log output, it means serial connection is working and you are ready to proceed with installation and finally upload of application to ESP32.
.. note::
@ -144,9 +149,8 @@ If you see some legible log, it means serial connection is working and you are r
.. note::
Close serial terminal after verification that communication is working. In next step we are going to use another application to upload ESP32. This application will not be able to access serial port while it is open in terminal.
If you got here from section :ref:`get-started-connect` when installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section :ref:`get-started-configure`.
Close serial terminal after verification that communication is working. In the next step we are going to use a different application to upload a new firmware to ESP32. This application will not be able to access serial port while it is open in terminal.
If you got here from :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake` when installing s/w for ESP32 development, then you can continue with :ref:`get-started-configure-cmake`.
.. _esptool documentation:

View file

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
Get Started
Get Started (CMake)
This document is intended to help you set up the software development environment for the hardware based on Espressif ESP32.
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
After that, a simple example will show you how to use ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) for menu configuration, then how to build and flash firmware onto an ESP32 board.
.. include:: ../cmake-pending-features.rst
This document is intended to help you set up the software development environment for the hardware based on the ESP32 chip by Espressif.
After that, a simple example will show you how to use ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) for menu configuration, then building, and flashing firmware onto an ESP32 board.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
@ -36,12 +40,13 @@ Hardware:
* **Toolchain** to build the **Application** for ESP32
* **Toolchain** to compile code for ESP32
* **Build tools** - CMake and Ninja to build a full **Application** for ESP32
* **ESP-IDF** that essentially contains API (software libraries and source code) for ESP32 and scripts to operate the **Toolchain**
* **Text editor** to write programs (**Projects**) in C, e.g., `Eclipse <>`_
.. figure:: ../../_static/what-you-need.png
.. figure:: ../../_static/what-you-need-cmake.png
:align: center
:alt: Development of applications for ESP32
:figclass: align-center
@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ If you have one of ESP32 development boards listed below, you can click on the l
ESP32-Ethernet-Kit <../hw-reference/get-started-ethernet-kit>
.. _get-started-step-by-step:
.. _get-started-step-by-step-cmake:
Installation Step by Step
@ -73,71 +78,57 @@ This is a detailed roadmap to walk you through the installation process.
Setting up Development Environment
* :ref:`get-started-setup-toolchain` for :doc:`Windows <windows-setup>`, :doc:`Linux <linux-setup>` or :doc:`MacOS <macos-setup>`
* :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`
* :ref:`get-started-setup-path`
* :ref:`get-started-get-packages`
* :ref:`get-started-get-prerequisites-cmake` for :doc:`Windows <windows-setup>`, :doc:`Linux <linux-setup>` or :doc:`macOS <macos-setup>`
* :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-set-up-env-cmake`
Creating Your First Project
* :ref:`get-started-start-project`
* :ref:`get-started-connect`
* :ref:`get-started-configure`
* :ref:`get-started-build-and-flash`
* :ref:`get-started-monitor`
* :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-configure-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-build-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-flash-cmake`
* :ref:`get-started-build-monitor-cmake`
.. _get-started-setup-toolchain:
.. _get-started-get-prerequisites-cmake:
Step 1. Set up the Toolchain
Step 1. Install prerequisites
The toolchain is a set of programs for compiling code and building applications.
The quickest way to start development with ESP32 is by installing a prebuilt toolchain. Pick up your OS below and follow the provided instructions.
Some tools need to be installed on the computer before proceeding to the next steps. Follow the links below for the instructions for your OS:
.. toctree::
Windows <windows-setup>
Linux <linux-setup>
MacOS <macos-setup>
macOS <macos-setup>
| |windows-logo| | |linux-logo| | |macos-logo| |
| `Windows`_ | `Linux`_ | `Mac OS`_ |
* :doc:`windows-setup`
* :doc:`linux-setup`
* :doc:`macos-setup`
.. |windows-logo| image:: ../../_static/windows-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/windows-setup.html
.. _get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake:
.. |linux-logo| image:: ../../_static/linux-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/linux-setup.html
Step 2. Get ESP-IDF
.. |macos-logo| image:: ../../_static/macos-logo.png
:target: ../get-started/macos-setup.html
To build applications for the ESP32, you need the software libraries provided by Espressif in `ESP-IDF repository <>`_.
.. _Windows: ../get-started/windows-setup.html
.. _Linux: ../get-started/linux-setup.html
.. _Mac OS: ../get-started/macos-setup.html
Get ESP-IDF in accordance with your operating system.
To get ESP-IDF, navigate to your installation directory and clone the repository with ``git clone``.
.. note::
This guide uses the directory ``~/esp`` on Linux and macOS or ``%userprofile%\esp`` on Windows as an installation folder for ESP-IDF. You can use any directory, but you will need to adjust paths for the commands respectively. Keep in mind that ESP-IDF does not support spaces in paths.
Depending on your experience and preferences, you may want to customize your environment instead of using a prebuilt toolchain. To set up the system your own way go to Section :ref:`get-started-customized-setup`.
.. _get-started-get-esp-idf:
Step 2. Get ESP-IDF
Besides the toolchain, you also need ESP32-specific API (software libraries and source code). They are provided by Espressif in `ESP-IDF repository <>`_.
To get a local copy of ESP-IDF, navigate to your installation directory and clone the repository with ``git clone``.
Linux and macOS
Open Terminal, and run the following commands:
@ -147,54 +138,90 @@ ESP-IDF will be downloaded into ``~/esp/esp-idf``.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. note::
In addition to installing the tools, :ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows introduced in Step 1 can also download a copy of ESP-IDF.
Do not miss the ``--recursive`` option. If you have already cloned ESP-IDF without this option, run another command to get all the submodules::
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
cd esp-idf
git submodule update --init
If you wish to download ESP-IDF without the help of ESP-IDF Tools Installer, refer to these :ref:`instructions <get-esp-idf-windows-command-line-cmake>`.
.. _get-started-set-up-tools-cmake:
.. _get-started-setup-path:
Step 3. Set up the tools
Step 3. Set Environment Variables
Aside from the ESP-IDF, you also need to install the tools used by ESP-IDF, such as the compiler, debugger, Python packages, etc.
The toolchain uses the environment variable ``IDF_PATH`` to access the ESP-IDF directory. This variable should be set up on your computer, otherwise projects will not build.
These variables can be set temporarily (per session) or permanently. Please follow the instructions specific to :ref:`Windows <add-idf_path-to-profile-windows>` , :ref:`Linux and MacOS <add-idf_path-to-profile-linux-macos>` in Section :doc:`add-idf_path-to-profile`.
:ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows introduced in Step 1 installs all the required tools.
If you want to install the tools without the help of ESP-IDF Tools Installer, open the Command Prompt and follow these steps:
.. _get-started-get-packages:
.. code-block:: batch
Step 4. Install the Required Python Packages
cd %userprofile%\esp\esp-idf
The python packages required by ESP-IDF are located in ``IDF_PATH/requirements.txt``. You can install them by running::
Linux and macOS
python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt
.. code-block:: bash
.. note::
cd ~/esp/esp-idf
Please check the version of the Python interpreter that you will be using with ESP-IDF. For this, run
the command ``python --version`` and depending on the result, you might want to use ``python2``, ``python2.7``
or similar instead of just ``python``, e.g.::
Customizing the tools installation path
python2.7 -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt
The scripts introduced in this step install compilation tools required by ESP-IDF inside the user home directory: ``$HOME/.espressif`` on Linux and macOS, ``%USERPROFILE%\.espressif`` on Windows. If you wish to install the tools into a different directory, set the environment variable ``IDF_TOOLS_PATH`` before running the installation scripts. Make sure that your user has sufficient permissions to read and write this path.
If changing the ``IDF_TOOLS_PATH``, make sure it is set to the same value every time the ``install.bat``/```` and ``export.bat``/```` scripts are executed.
.. _get-started-start-project:
.. _get-started-set-up-env-cmake:
Step 4. Set up the environment variables
The installed tools are not yet added to the PATH environment variable. To make the tools usable from the command line, some environment variables must be set. ESP-IDF provides another script which does that.
:ref:`get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer` for Windows creates an "ESP-IDF Command Prompt" shortcut in the Start Menu. This shortcut opens the Command Prompt and sets up all the required environment variables. You can open this shortcut and proceed to the next step.
Alternatively, if you want to use ESP-IDF in an existing Command Prompt window, you can run:
.. code-block:: batch
Linux and macOS
In the terminal where you are going to use ESP-IDF, run:
.. code-block:: bash
. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/
Note the space between the leading dot and the path!
You can also automate this step, making ESP-IDF tools available in every terminal, by adding this line to your ``.profile`` or ``.bash_profile`` script.
.. _get-started-start-project-cmake:
Step 5. Start a Project
Now you are ready to prepare your application for ESP32. You can start with :example:`get-started/hello_world` project from :idf:`examples` directory in IDF.
Copy :example:`get-started/hello_world` to the ``~/esp`` directory:
Copy :example:`get-started/hello_world` to ``~/esp`` directory:
Linux and MacOS
Linux and macOS
.. code-block:: bash
@ -216,9 +243,9 @@ It is also possible to build examples in-place, without copying them first.
.. important::
The esp-idf build system does not support spaces in the paths to either esp-idf or to projects.
The ESP-IDF build system does not support spaces in the paths to either ESP-IDF or to projects.
.. _get-started-connect:
.. _get-started-connect-cmake:
Step 6. Connect Your Device
@ -238,20 +265,22 @@ If you are not sure how to check the serial port name, please refer to :doc:`est
Keep the port name handy as you will need it in the next steps.
.. _get-started-configure:
.. _get-started-configure-cmake:
Step 7. Configure
Navigate to your ``hello_world`` directory from :ref:`get-started-start-project` and run the project configuration utility ``menuconfig``.
Navigate to your ``hello_world`` directory from :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake` and run the project configuration utility ``menuconfig``.
Linux and MacOS
Linux and macOS
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/esp/hello_world
make menuconfig menuconfig
If your default version of Python is 3.x, you may need to run ``python2 $(which menuconfig`` instead.
@ -259,7 +288,7 @@ Windows
.. code-block:: batch
cd %userprofile%\esp\hello_world
make menuconfig menuconfig
If the previous steps have been done correctly, the following menu appears:
@ -270,8 +299,6 @@ If the previous steps have been done correctly, the following menu appears:
Project configuration - Home window
In the menu, navigate to ``Serial flasher config`` > ``Default serial port`` to configure the serial port, where project will be loaded to. Confirm selection by pressing enter, save configuration by selecting ``< Save >`` and then exit ``menuconfig`` by selecting ``< Exit >``.
To navigate and use ``menuconfig``, press the following keys:
* Arrow keys for navigation
@ -282,72 +309,111 @@ To navigate and use ``menuconfig``, press the following keys:
* ``?`` while highlighting a configuration item to display help about that item
* ``/`` to find configuration items
.. note::
If you are **Arch Linux** user, navigate to ``SDK tool configuration`` and change the name of ``Python 2 interpreter`` from ``python`` to ``python2``.
.. attention::
If you use ESP32-DevKitC board with the **ESP32-SOLO-1** module, enable single core mode (:ref:`CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE`) in menuconfig before flashing examples.
.. _get-started-build-and-flash:
.. _get-started-build-cmake:
Step 8. Build and Flash
Step 8. Build the Project
Build and flash the project by running::
Build the project by running::
make flash build
This command will compile the application and all ESP-IDF components, then it will generate the bootloader, partition table, and application binaries. After that, these binaries will be flashed onto your ESP32 board.
This command will compile the application and all ESP-IDF components, then it will generate the bootloader, partition table, and application binaries.
If there are no issues by the end of the flash process, you will see messages (below) describing progress of the loading process. Then the board will be reset and the "hello_world" application will start up.
.. code-block:: none
.. highlight:: none
$ build
Running cmake in directory /path/to/hello_world/build
Executing "cmake -G Ninja --warn-uninitialized /path/to/hello_world"...
Warn about uninitialized values.
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.17.0")
-- Building empty aws_iot component due to configuration
-- Component names: ...
-- Component paths: ...
... (more lines of build system output) v2.0-beta2
Flashing binaries to serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (app at offset 0x10000)... v2.0-beta2
[527/527] Generating hello-world.bin v2.3.1
Project build complete. To flash, run this command:
../../../components/esptool_py/esptool/ -p (PORT) -b 921600 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x10000 build/hello-world.bin build 0x1000 build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x8000 build/partition_table/partition-table.bin
or run ' -p PORT flash'
If there are no errors, the build will finish by generating the firmware binary .bin file.
.. _get-started-flash-cmake:
Step 9. Flash onto the Device
Flash the binaries that you just built onto your ESP32 board by running:: -p PORT [-b BAUD] flash
Replace PORT with your ESP32 board's serial port name from :ref:`get-started-connect-cmake`.
You can also change the flasher baud rate by replacing BAUD with the baud rate you need. The default baud rate is ``460800``.
For more information on arguments, see :ref:``.
.. note::
The option ``flash`` automatically builds and flashes the project, so running `` build`` is not necessary.
.. code-block:: none
Running in directory [...]/esp/hello_world
Executing "python [...]/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ -b 460800 write_flash @flash_project_args"... -b 460800 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x8000 partition_table/partition-table.bin 0x10000 hello-world.bin v2.3.1
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600
Changing baud rate to 460800
Attaching SPI flash...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash params set to 0x0220
Compressed 11616 bytes to 6695...
Wrote 11616 bytes (6695 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.1 seconds (effective 920.5 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 408096 bytes to 171625...
Wrote 408096 bytes (171625 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 3.9 seconds (effective 847.3 kbit/s)...
Compressed 22992 bytes to 13019...
Wrote 22992 bytes (13019 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.3 seconds (effective 558.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 82...
Wrote 3072 bytes (82 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 8297.4 kbit/s)...
Wrote 3072 bytes (82 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 5789.3 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 136672 bytes to 67544...
Wrote 136672 bytes (67544 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 1.9 seconds (effective 567.5 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting...
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
If there are no issues by the end of the flash process, the module will be reset and the “hello_world” application will be running.
.. (Not currently supported) If you'd like to use the Eclipse IDE instead of running ````, check out the :doc:`Eclipse guide <eclipse-setup>`.
If you'd like to use the Eclipse IDE instead of running ``make``, check out the :doc:`Eclipse guide <eclipse-setup>`.
.. _get-started-build-monitor-cmake:
Step 10. Monitor
.. _get-started-monitor:
Step 9. Monitor
To check if "hello_world" is indeed running, type ``make monitor``.
To check if "hello_world" is indeed running, type `` -p PORT monitor`` (Do not forget to replace PORT with your serial port name).
This command launches the :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` application::
$ make monitor
$ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor
Running idf_monitor in directory [...]/esp/hello_world/build
Executing "python [...]/esp-idf/tools/ -b 115200 [...]/esp/hello_world/build/hello-world.elf"...
--- idf_monitor on /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
@ -370,7 +436,7 @@ After startup and diagnostic logs scroll up, you should see "Hello world!" print
To exit IDF monitor use the shortcut ``Ctrl+]``.
If IDF monitor fails shortly after the upload, or if instead of the messages above you see a random garbage similar to what is given below, your board is likely using a 26MHz crystal. Most development board designs use 40MHz, so ESP-IDF uses this frequency as a default value.
If IDF monitor fails shortly after the upload, or, if instead of the messages above, you see random garbage similar to what is given below, your board is likely using a 26MHz crystal. Most development board designs use 40MHz, so ESP-IDF uses this frequency as a default value.
.. code-block:: none
@ -380,70 +446,43 @@ If IDF monitor fails shortly after the upload, or if instead of the messages abo
If you have such a problem, do the following:
1. Exit the monitor.
2. Go back to :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure>`.
2. Go back to :ref:`menuconfig <get-started-configure-cmake>`.
3. Go to Component config --> ESP32-specific --> Main XTAL frequency, then change :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_XTAL_FREQ_SEL` to 26MHz.
4. After that, :ref:`build and flash <get-started-build-and-flash>` the application again.
4. After that, :ref:`build and flash <get-started-flash-cmake>` the application again.
.. note::
You can combine building, flashing and monitoring into one step by running::
make flash monitor -p PORT flash monitor
See also :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` for handy shortcuts and more details on using IDF monitor.
See also:
- :doc:`IDF Monitor <../api-guides/tools/idf-monitor>` for handy shortcuts and more details on using IDF monitor.
- :ref:`` for a full reference of ```` commands and options.
**That's all that you need to get started with ESP32!**
Now you are ready to try some other :idf:`examples`, or go straight to developing your own applications.
Environment Variables
Some environment variables can be specified whilst calling ``make`` allowing users to **override arguments without the need to reconfigure them using** ``make menuconfig``.
| Variables | Description & Usage |
| ``ESPPORT`` | Overrides the serial port used in ``flash`` and ``monitor``. |
| | |
| | Examples: ``make flash ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1``, |
| | ``make monitor ESPPORT=COM1`` |
| ``ESPBAUD`` | Overrides the serial baud rate when flashing the ESP32. |
| | |
| | Example: ``make flash ESPBAUD=9600`` |
| ``MONITORBAUD`` | Overrides the serial baud rate used when monitoring. |
| | |
| | Example: ``make monitor MONITORBAUD=9600`` |
.. note::
You can export environment variables (e.g. ``export ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1``).
All subsequent calls of ``make`` within the same terminal session will use
the exported value given that the variable is not simultaneously overridden.
Updating ESP-IDF
You should update ESP-IDF from time to time, as newer versions fix bugs and provide new features. The simplest way to do the update is to delete the existing ``esp-idf`` folder and clone it again, as if performing the initial installation described in :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
If downloading to a new path, remember to :doc:`add-idf_path-to-profile` so that the toolchain scripts can find ESP-IDF in its release specific location.
You should update ESP-IDF from time to time, as newer versions fix bugs and provide new features. The simplest way to do the update is to delete the existing ``esp-idf`` folder and clone it again, as if performing the initial installation described in :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Another solution is to update only what has changed. :ref:`The update procedure depends on the version of ESP-IDF you are using <updating>`.
After updating ESP-IDF, execute ```` (``install.bat`` on Windows) again, in case the new ESP-IDF version requires different versions of tools. See instructions at :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`.
Once the new tools are installed, update the environment using ```` (``export.bat`` on Windows). See instructions at :ref:`get-started-set-up-env-cmake`.
Related Documents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View file

@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
Setup Linux Toolchain from Scratch
Setup Linux Toolchain from Scratch (CMake)
.. note::
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Standard process for installing the toolchain is described :doc:`here <linux-setup>`. See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
The following instructions are alternative to downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website. To quickly setup the binary toolchain, instead of compiling it yourself, backup and proceed to section :doc:`linux-setup`.
Install Prerequisites
To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install git wget ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python pyserial python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install gcc git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools
sudo apt-get install git wget libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-click python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-click python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools cmake ninja ccache
.. note::
Some older (pre-2014) Linux distributions may use ``pyserial`` version 2.x which is not supported by ESP-IDF.
In this case please install a supported version via ``pip`` as it is described in section
CMake version 3.5 or newer is required for use with ESP-IDF. Older Linux distributions may require updating, enabling of a "backports" repository, or installing of a "cmake3" package rather than "cmake".
Compile the Toolchain from Source
@ -33,19 +35,19 @@ Compile the Toolchain from Source
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install gawk gperf grep gettext ncurses-devel python python-devel automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool
sudo yum install gawk gperf grep gettext ncurses-devel python python-devel automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool make
- Ubuntu pre-16.04::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool make
- Ubuntu 16.04 or newer::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin make
- Debian 9::
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin
sudo apt-get install gawk gperf grep gettext libncurses-dev python python-dev automake bison flex texinfo help2man libtool libtool-bin make
- Arch::
@ -66,10 +68,10 @@ Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. Follow :ref:`instructions for standard setup <setup-linux-toolchain-add-it-to-path>` to add the toolchain to your ``PATH``.
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. To use it, you need to add ``~/esp/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.

View file

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Linux
Installation of Prerequisites for Linux (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Install Prerequisites
@ -10,79 +13,26 @@ To compile with ESP-IDF you need to get the following packages:
- CentOS 7::
sudo yum install gcc git wget make ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python python2-cryptography
sudo yum install git wget ncurses-devel flex bison gperf python pyserial python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Ubuntu and Debian::
sudo apt-get install gcc git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools
sudo apt-get install git wget libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-pip python-setuptools python-serial python-click python-cryptography python-future python-pyparsing python-pyelftools cmake ninja-build ccache
- Arch::
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pyserial python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git make ncurses flex bison gperf python2-pip python2-pyserial python2-click python2-cryptography python2-future python2-pyparsing python2-pyelftools cmake ninja ccache
.. note::
CMake version 3.5 or newer is required for use with ESP-IDF. Older Linux distributions may require updating, enabling of a "backports" repository, or installing of a "cmake3" package rather than "cmake".
Some older Linux distributions may be missing some of the Python packages listed above (or may use ``pyserial`` version 2.x which is not supported by ESP-IDF). It is possible to install these packages via ``pip`` instead - as described in section :ref:`get-started-get-packages`.
Toolchain Setup
Additional Tips
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 toolchain for Linux is available for download from Espressif website:
- for 64-bit Linux:
- for 32-bit Linux:
1. Download this file, then extract it in ``~/esp`` directory:
- for 64-bit Linux:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
- for 32-bit Linux:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. _setup-linux-toolchain-add-it-to-path:
2. The toolchain will be extracted into ``~/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/`` directory.
To use it, you will need to update your ``PATH`` environment variable in ``~/.profile`` file. To make ``xtensa-esp32-elf`` available for all terminal sessions, add the following line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
export PATH="$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"
Alternatively, you may create an alias for the above command. This way you can get the toolchain only when you need it. To do this, add different line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
alias get_esp32='export PATH="$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"'
Then when you need the toolchain you can type ``get_esp32`` on the command line and the toolchain will be added to your ``PATH``.
.. note::
If you have ``/bin/bash`` set as login shell, and both ``.bash_profile`` and ``.profile`` exist, then update ``.bash_profile`` instead. In CentOS, ``alias`` should set in ``.bashrc``.
3. Log off and log in back to make the ``.profile`` changes effective. Run the following command to verify if ``PATH`` is correctly set::
printenv PATH
You are looking for similar result containing toolchain's path at the beginning of displayed string::
$ printenv PATH
Instead of ``/home/user-name`` there should be a home path specific to your installation.
Permission issues /dev/ttyUSB0
With some Linux distributions you may get the ``Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0`` error message when flashing the ESP32. :ref:`This can be solved by adding the current user to the dialout group<linux-dialout-group>`.
With some Linux distributions you may get the ``Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0`` error message when flashing the ESP32. :ref:`This can be solved by adding the current user to the dialout group<linux-dialout-group-cmake>`.
Arch Linux Users
@ -103,7 +53,7 @@ Alternatively, use crosstool-NG to compile a gdb that links against ncurses 6.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Related Documents

View file

@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
Setup Toolchain for Mac OS from Scratch
Setup Toolchain for Mac OS from Scratch (CMake)
.. note::
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Standard process for installing the toolchain is described :doc:`here <macos-setup>`. See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
Package Manager
To set up the toolchain from scratch, rather than :doc:`downloading a pre-compiled toolchain<macos-setup>`, you will need to install either the MacPorts_ or homebrew_ package manager.
MacPorts needs a full XCode installation, while homebrew only needs XCode command line tools.
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:
See :ref:`Customized Setup of Toolchain <get-started-customized-setup>` section for some of the reasons why installing the toolchain from scratch may be necessary.
Install Prerequisites
@ -14,27 +25,32 @@ Install Prerequisites
sudo easy_install pip
.. note::
- install pyserial::
``pip`` will be used later for installing :ref:`the required Python packages <get-started-get-packages>`.
pip install --user pyserial
- install CMake & Ninja build:
- If you have HomeBrew, you can run::
brew install cmake ninja
- If you have MacPorts, you can run::
sudo port install cmake ninja
Compile the Toolchain from Source
- Install dependencies:
- Install either MacPorts_ or homebrew_ package manager. MacPorts needs a full XCode installation, while homebrew only needs XCode command line tools.
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:
- with MacPorts::
sudo port install gsed gawk binutils gperf grep gettext wget libtool autoconf automake
sudo port install gsed gawk binutils gperf grep gettext wget libtool autoconf automake make
- with homebrew::
brew install gnu-sed gawk binutils gperftools gettext wget help2man libtool autoconf automake
brew install gnu-sed gawk binutils gperftools gettext wget help2man libtool autoconf automake make
Create a case-sensitive filesystem image::
@ -63,10 +79,10 @@ Build the toolchain::
./ct-ng build
chmod -R u+w builds/xtensa-esp32-elf
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. Follow :ref:`instructions for standard setup <setup-macos-toolchain-add-it-to-path>` to add the toolchain to your ``PATH``.
Toolchain will be built in ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf``. To use it, you need to add ``~/esp/ctng-volume/crosstool-NG/builds/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin`` to ``PATH`` environment variable.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.

View file

@ -1,52 +1,49 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Mac OS
Installation of Prerequisites for macOS (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
Install Prerequisites
ESP-IDF will use the version of Python installed by default on macOS.
- install pip::
sudo easy_install pip
- install pyserial::
pip install --user pyserial
- install CMake & Ninja build:
- If you have HomeBrew_, you can run::
brew install cmake ninja
- If you have MacPorts_, you can run::
sudo port install cmake ninja
- Otherwise, consult the CMake_ and Ninja_ home pages for macOS installation downloads.
- It is strongly recommended to also install ccache_ for faster builds. If you have HomeBrew_, this can be done via ``brew install ccache`` or ``sudo port install ccache`` on MacPorts_.
.. note::
If an error like this is shown during any step::
``pip`` will be used later for installing :ref:`the required Python packages <get-started-get-packages>`.
Toolchain Setup
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP32 toolchain for macOS is available for download from Espressif website:
Download this file, then extract it in ``~/esp`` directory:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. _setup-macos-toolchain-add-it-to-path:
The toolchain will be extracted into ``~/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/`` directory.
To use it, you will need to update your ``PATH`` environment variable in ``~/.profile`` file. To make ``xtensa-esp32-elf`` available for all terminal sessions, add the following line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
export PATH=$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH
Alternatively, you may create an alias for the above command. This way you can get the toolchain only when you need it. To do this, add different line to your ``~/.profile`` file::
alias get_esp32="export PATH=$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH"
Then when you need the toolchain you can type ``get_esp32`` on the command line and the toolchain will be added to your ``PATH``.
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
Then you will need to install the XCode command line tools to continue. You can install these by running ``xcode-select --install``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
Related Documents
@ -55,3 +52,9 @@ Related Documents
:maxdepth: 1
.. _cmake:
.. _ninja:
.. _ccache:
.. _homebrew:
.. _MacPorts:

View file

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
.. _get-started-customized-setup:
.. _get-started-customized-setup-cmake:
Customized Setup of Toolchain
Customized Setup of Toolchain (CMake)
Instead of downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website (see :ref:`get-started-setup-toolchain`) you may build the toolchain yourself.
Instead of downloading binary toolchain from Espressif website (see :ref:`get-started-set-up-tools-cmake`) you may build the toolchain yourself.
If you can't think of a reason why you need to build it yourself, then probably it's better to stick with the binary version. However, here are some of the reasons why you might want to compile it from source:

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@ -1,117 +1,122 @@
Setup Windows Toolchain from Scratch
Windows Setup from Scratch (CMake)
Setting up the environment gives you some more control over the process, and also provides the information for advanced users to customize the install. The :doc:`pre-built environment <windows-setup>`, addressed to less experienced users, has been prepared by following these steps.
To quickly setup the toolchain in standard way, using a prebuilt environment, proceed to section :doc:`windows-setup`.
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
This is a step-by-step alternative to running the :doc:`ESP-IDF Tools Installer <windows-setup>` for the CMake-based build system. Installing all of the tools by hand allows more control over the process, and also provides the information for advanced users to customize the install.
.. _configure-windows-toolchain-from-scratch:
To quickly setup the toolchain and other tools in standard way, using the ESP-IDF Tools installer, proceed to section :doc:`windows-setup`.
Configure Toolchain & Environment from Scratch
.. note::
The GNU Make based build system requires the MSYS2_ Unix compatibility environment on Windows. The CMake-based build system does not require this environment.
This process involves installing MSYS2_, then installing the MSYS2_ and Python packages which ESP-IDF uses, and finally downloading and installing the Xtensa toolchain.
.. _get-esp-idf-windows-command-line-cmake:
* Navigate to the MSYS2_ installer page and download the ``msys2-i686-xxxxxxx.exe`` installer executable (we only support a 32-bit MSYS environment, it works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.) At time of writing, the latest installer is ``msys2-i686-20161025.exe``.
* Run through the installer steps. **Uncheck the "Run MSYS2 32-bit now" checkbox at the end.**
* Once the installer exits, open Start Menu and find "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" to run the terminal.
*(Why launch this different terminal? MSYS2 has the concept of different kinds of environments. The default "MSYS" environment is Cygwin-like and uses a translation layer for all Windows API calls. We need the "MinGW" environment in order to have a native Python which supports COM ports.)*
* The ESP-IDF repository on github contains a script in the tools directory titled ````. If you haven't got a local copy of the ESP-IDF yet, that's OK - you can just download that one file in Raw format from here: :idf_raw:`tools/windows/`. Save it somewhere on your computer.
* Type the path to the shell script into the MSYS2 terminal window. You can type it as a normal Windows path, but use forward-slashes instead of back-slashes. ie: ``C:/Users/myuser/Downloads/``. You can read the script beforehand to check what it does.
* The ```` script will download and install packages for ESP-IDF support, and the ESP32 toolchain.
* While the install script runs, MSYS may update itself into a state where it can no longer operate. You may see errors like the following::
*** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x612E5408/0x612E4408. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
If you see errors like this, close the terminal window entirely (terminating the processes running there) and then re-open a new terminal. Re-run ```` (tip: use the up arrow key to see the last run command). The update process will resume after this step.
* MSYS2 is a "rolling" distribution so running the installer script may install newer packages than what is used in the prebuilt environments. If you see any errors that appear to be related to installing MSYS2 packages, please check the `MSYS2-packages issues list`_ for known issues. If you don't see any relevant issues, please `raise an IDF issue`_.
MSYS2 Mirrors in China
There are some (unofficial) MSYS2 mirrors inside China, which substantially improves download speeds inside China.
To add these mirrors, edit the following two MSYS2 mirrorlist files before running the setup script. The mirrorlist files can be found in the ``/etc/pacman.d`` directory (i.e. ``c:\msys2\etc\pacman.d``).
Add these lines at the top of ``mirrorlist.mingw32``::
Server =
Server =
Add these lines at the top of ``mirrorlist.msys``::
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
HTTP Proxy
You can enable an HTTP proxy for MSYS and PIP downloads by setting the ``http_proxy`` variable in the terminal before running the setup script::
export http_proxy='http://http.proxy.server:PORT'
Or with credentials::
export http_proxy='http://user:password@http.proxy.server:PORT'
Add this line to ``/etc/profile`` in the MSYS directory in order to permanently enable the proxy when using MSYS.
Alternative Setup: Just download a toolchain
.. include:: /_build/inc/
If you already have an MSYS2 install or want to do things differently, you can download just the toolchain here:
.. note::
If you followed instructions :ref:`configure-windows-toolchain-from-scratch`, you already have the toolchain and you won't need this download.
Previous versions of ESP-IDF used the **MSYS2 bash terminal** command line. The current cmake-based build system can run in the regular **Windows Command Prompt** which is used here.
.. important::
If you use a bash-based terminal or PowerShell, please note that some command syntax will be different to what is shown below.
Just having this toolchain is *not enough* to use ESP-IDF on Windows. You will need GNU make, bash, and sed at minimum. The above environments provide all this, plus a host compiler (required for menuconfig support).
Open Command Prompt and run the following commands:
.. include:: /_build/inc/
ESP-IDF will be downloaded into ``%userprofile%\esp\esp-idf``.
Consult :doc:`/versions` for information about which ESP-IDF version to use in a given situation.
.. include:: /_build/inc/
.. note::
Do not miss the ``--recursive`` option. If you have already cloned ESP-IDF without this option, run another command to get all the submodules::
cd esp-idf
git submodule update --init
Download the latest stable release of CMake_ for Windows and run the installer.
When the installer asks for Install Options, choose either "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users" or "Add CMake to the system PATH for the current user".
Ninja build
.. note::
Ninja currently only provides binaries for 64-bit Windows. It is possible to use CMake and ```` with other build tools, such as mingw-make, on 32-bit windows. However this is currently undocumented.
Download the ninja_ latest stable Windows release from the (`download page <ninja-dl>`_).
The Ninja for Windows download is a .zip file containing a single ``ninja.exe`` file which needs to be unzipped to a directory which is then `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_ (or you can choose a directory which is already on your Path).
Python 2.x
Download the latest Python_ 2.7 for Windows installer, and run it.
The "Customise" step of the Python installer gives a list of options. The last option is "Add python.exe to Path". Change this option to select "Will be installed".
Once Python is installed, open a Windows Command Prompt from the Start menu and run the following command::
pip install --user pyserial
MConf for IDF
Download the configuration tool mconf-idf from the `kconfig-frontends releases page <mconf-idf>`_. This is the ``mconf`` configuration tool with some minor customizations for ESP-IDF.
This tool will also need to be unzipped to a directory which is then `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_.
Toolchain Setup
.. include:: /_build/inc/
Download the precompiled Windows toolchain:
Unzip the zip file to ``C:\Program Files`` (or some other location). The zip file contains a single directory ``xtensa-esp32-elf``.
Next, the ``bin`` subdirectory of this directory must be `added to your Path <add-directory-windows-path>`_. For example, the directory to add may be ``C:\Program Files\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin``.
.. note::
If you already have the MSYS2 environment (for use with the "GNU Make" build system) installed, you can skip the separate download and add the directory ``C:\msys32\opt\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin`` to the Path instead, as the toolchain is included in the MSYS2 environment.
.. _add-directory-windows-path-cmake:
Adding Directory to Path
To add any new directory to your Windows Path environment variable:
Open the System control panel and navigate to the Environment Variables dialog. (On Windows 10, this is found under Advanced System Settings).
Double-click the ``Path`` variable (either User or System Path, depending if you want other users to have this directory on their path.) Go to the end of the value, and append ``;<new value>``.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
.. _updating-existing-windows-environment:
Updating The Environment
When IDF is updated, sometimes new toolchains are required or new system requirements are added to the Windows MSYS2 environment.
Rather than setting up a new environment, you can update an existing Windows environment & toolchain:
- Update IDF to the new version you want to use.
- Run the ``tools/windows/`` script inside IDF. This will install any new software packages that weren't previously installed, and download and replace the toolchain with the latest version.
The script to update MSYS2 may also fail with the same errors mentioned under Troubleshooting_.
If you need to support multiple IDF versions concurrently, you can have different independent MSYS2 environments in different directories. Alternatively you can download multiple toolchains and unzip these to different directories, then use the PATH environment variable to set which one is the default.
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf-cmake`.
.. _ninja:
.. _Python:
.. _MSYS2:
.. _MSYS2-packages issues list:
.. _raise an IDF issue:
.. _Stable version:

View file

@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
Standard Setup of Toolchain for Windows
Installation of Prerequisites for Windows (CMake)
.. include:: ../cmake-warning.rst
.. note::
The CMake-based build system is only supported on 64-bit versions of Windows.
Windows doesn't have a built-in "make" environment, so as well as installing the toolchain you will need a GNU-compatible environment. We use the MSYS2_ environment to provide this. You don't need to use this environment all the time (you can use :doc:`Eclipse <eclipse-setup>` or some other front-end), but it runs behind the scenes.
ESP-IDF requires some prerequisite tools to be installed so you can build firmware for the ESP32. The prerequisite tools include Python, Git, cross-compilers, menuconfig tool, CMake and Ninja build tools.
For this Getting Started we're going to use the Command Prompt, but after ESP-IDF is installed you can use :doc:`Eclipse <eclipse-setup>` or another graphical IDE with CMake support instead.
Toolchain Setup
.. note::
The GNU Make based build system requires the MSYS2_ Unix compatibility environment on Windows. The CMake-based build system does not require this environment.
The quick setup is to download the Windows all-in-one toolchain & MSYS2 zip file from
.. _get-started-cmake-windows-tools-installer:
ESP-IDF Tools Installer
Unzip the zip file to ``C:\`` (or some other location, but this guide assumes ``C:\``) and it will create an ``msys32`` directory with a pre-prepared environment.
The easiest way to install ESP-IDF's prerequisites is to download the ESP-IDF Tools installer from this URL:
Check it Out
The installer includes the cross-compilers, OpenOCD, cmake_ and Ninja_ build tool, and a configuration tool called mconf-idf_. The installer can also download and run installers for Python_ 3.7 and `Git For Windows`_ if they are not already installed on the computer.
Open a MSYS2 MINGW32 terminal window by running ``C:\msys32\mingw32.exe``. The environment in this window is a bash shell. Create a directory named ``esp`` that is a default location to develop ESP32 applications. To do so, run the following shell command::
The installer also offers to download one of the ESP-IDF release versions.
mkdir -p ~/esp
Using the Command Prompt
By typing ``cd ~/esp`` you can then move to the newly created directory. If there are no error messages you are done with this step.
For the remaining Getting Started steps, we're going to use the Windows Command Prompt.
.. figure:: ../../_static/msys2-terminal-window.png
:align: center
:alt: MSYS2 MINGW32 shell window
:figclass: align-center
ESP-IDF Tools Installer creates a shortcut in the Start menu to launch the ESP-IDF Command Prompt. This shortcut launches the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and runs ``export.bat`` script to set up the environment variables (``PATH``, ``IDF_PATH`` and others). Inside this command prompt, all the installed tools are available.
MSYS2 MINGW32 shell window
Note that this shortcut is specific to the ESP-IDF directory selected in the ESP-IDF Tools Installer. If you have multiple ESP-IDF directories on the computer (for example, to work with different versions of ESP-IDF), you have two options to use them:
Use this window in the following steps setting up development environment for ESP32.
1. Create a copy of the shortcut created by the ESP-IDF Tools Installer, and change the working directory of the new shortcut to the ESP-IDF directory you wish to use.
2. Alternatively, run ``cmd.exe``, then change to the ESP-IDF directory you wish to use, and run ``export.bat``. Note that unlike the previous option, this way requires Python and Git to be present in ``PATH``. If you get errors related to Python or Git not being found, use the first option.
Next Steps
To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to section :ref:`get-started-get-esp-idf`.
Updating The Environment
When IDF is updated, sometimes new toolchains are required or new requirements are added to the Windows MSYS2 environment. To move any data from an old version of the precompiled environment to a new one:
- Take the old MSYS2 environment (ie ``C:\msys32``) and move/rename it to a different directory (ie ``C:\msys32_old``).
- Download the new precompiled environment using the steps above.
- Unzip the new MSYS2 environment to ``C:\msys32`` (or another location).
- Find the old ``C:\msys32_old\home`` directory and move this into ``C:\msys32``.
- You can now delete the ``C:\msys32_old`` directory if you no longer need it.
You can have independent different MSYS2 environments on your system, as long as they are in different directories.
There are :ref:`also steps to update the existing environment without downloading a new one <updating-existing-windows-environment>`, although this is more complex.
If the ESP-IDF Tools Installer has finished successfully, then the development environment setup is complete. Proceed directly to :ref:`get-started-start-project-cmake`.
Related Documents
For advanced users who want to customize the install process:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. _MSYS2:
.. _cmake:
.. _ninja:
.. _Python:
.. _Git for Windows:
.. _mconf-idf:
.. _Github Desktop:

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This guide shows how to start using the ESP32-DevKitC V2 development board.
What You Need
* :ref:`ESP32-DevKitC V2 board <get-started-esp32-devkitc-v2-board-front-cmake>`
* ESP32-DevKitC V2 board
* USB A / micro USB B cable
* Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Functional Description
The following figure and the table below describe the key components, interfaces and controls of the ESP32-DevKitC V2 board.
.. _get-started-esp32-devkitc-v2-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp32-devkitc-v2-board-front-make:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp32-devkitc-v2-functional-overview.png
:align: center
@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ Start Application Development
Before powering up your ESP32-DevKitC V2, please make sure that the board is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
After that, proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
After that, proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Related Documents

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ESP32-DevKitC V4 Getting Started Guide
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ This guide shows how to start using the ESP32-DevKitC V4 development board. For
What You Need
* :ref:`ESP32-DevKitC V4 board <get-started-esp32-devkitc-board-front-cmake>`
* ESP32-DevKitC V4 board
* USB A / micro USB B cable
* Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
You can skip the introduction sections and go directly to Section `Start Application Development`_.
.. _DevKitC-Overview-cmake:
.. _DevKitC-Overview:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Functional Description
The following figure and the table below describe the key components, interfaces and controls of the ESP32-DevKitC V4 board.
.. _get-started-esp32-devkitc-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp32-devkitc-board-front:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp32-devkitc-functional-overview.jpg
:align: center
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ The component C15 may cause the following issues on earlier ESP32-DevKitC V4 boa
In case these issues occur, please remove the component. The figure below shows C15 highlighted in yellow.
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp32-devkitc-c15-location.png
:align: center
:alt: Location of C15 (colored yellow) on ESP32-DevKitC V4 board
@ -121,9 +122,7 @@ Start Application Development
Before powering up your ESP32-DevKitC V4, please make sure that the board is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
After that, proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
After that, proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Board Dimensions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ESP32-PICO-KIT V3 Getting Started Guide
This guide shows how to get started with the ESP32-PICO-KIT V3 mini development board. For the description of other ESP32-PICO-KIT versions, please check :doc:`../hw-reference/index`.
@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ Start Application Development
Before powering up your ESP32-PICO-KIT V3, please make sure that the board is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
After that, proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
After that, proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Related Documents

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This particular description covers ESP32-PICO-KIT V4 and V4.1. The difference is
What You Need
* :ref:`ESP32-PICO-KIT mini development board <get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front-cmake>`
* :ref:`ESP32-PICO-KIT mini development board <get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front>`
* USB 2.0 A to Micro B cable
* Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Functional Description
The following figure and the table below describe the key components, interfaces, and controls of the ESP32-PICO-KIT board.
.. _get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp32-pico-kit-v4.1-f-layout.jpeg
:align: center
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ There are three mutually exclusive ways to provide power to the board:
Pin Descriptions
The two tables below provide the **Name** and **Function** of I/O header pins on both sides of the board, see :ref:`get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front-cmake`. The pin numbering and header names are the same as in the schematic given in `Related Documents`_.
The two tables below provide the **Name** and **Function** of I/O header pins on both sides of the board, see :ref:`get-started-pico-kit-v4-board-front`. The pin numbering and header names are the same as in the schematic given in `Related Documents`_.
Header J2
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ Header J2
====== ================= ====== ======================================================
No. Name Type Function
====== ================= ====== ======================================================
1 FLASH_SD1 (FSD1) I/O | GPIO8, SD_DATA1, SPID, HS1_DATA1 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U2CTS
2 FLASH_SD3 (FSD3) I/O | GPIO7, SD_DATA0, SPIQ, HS1_DATA0 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U2RTS
3 FLASH_CLK (FCLK) I/O | GPIO6, SD_CLK, SPICLK, HS1_CLK :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U1CTS
1 FLASH_SD1 (FSD1) I/O | GPIO8, SD_DATA1, SPID, HS1_DATA1 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U2CTS
2 FLASH_SD3 (FSD3) I/O | GPIO7, SD_DATA0, SPIQ, HS1_DATA0 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U2RTS
3 FLASH_CLK (FCLK) I/O | GPIO6, SD_CLK, SPICLK, HS1_CLK :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U1CTS
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ No. Name Type Function
12 RXD0 I/O | GPIO3, U0RXD :ref:`(See 3) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , CLK_OUT2
13 TXD0 I/O | GPIO1, U0TXD :ref:`(See 3) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , CLK_OUT3, EMAC_RXD2
12 RXD0 I/O | GPIO3, U0RXD :ref:`(See 3) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , CLK_OUT2
13 TXD0 I/O | GPIO1, U0TXD :ref:`(See 3) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , CLK_OUT3, EMAC_RXD2
14 IO35 I | ADC1_CH7, RTC_GPIO5
15 IO34 I | ADC1_CH6, RTC_GPIO4
16 IO38 I | GPIO38, ADC1_CH2, RTC_GPIO2
@ -145,20 +145,20 @@ Header J3
====== ================= ====== ======================================================
No. Name Type Function
====== ================= ====== ======================================================
1 FLASH_CS (FCS) I/O | GPIO16, HS1_DATA4 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U2RXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT
2 FLASH_SD0 (FSD0) I/O | GPIO17, HS1_DATA5 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U2TXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT_180
3 FLASH_SD2 (FSD2) I/O | GPIO11, SD_CMD, SPICS0, HS1_CMD :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , U1RTS
1 FLASH_CS (FCS) I/O | GPIO16, HS1_DATA4 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U2RXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT
2 FLASH_SD0 (FSD0) I/O | GPIO17, HS1_DATA5 :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U2TXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT_180
3 FLASH_SD2 (FSD2) I/O | GPIO11, SD_CMD, SPICS0, HS1_CMD :ref:`(See 1) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , U1RTS
8 IO32 I/O | 32K_XP :ref:`(See 2a) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , ADC1_CH4, TOUCH9, RTC_GPIO9
9 IO33 I/O | 32K_XN :ref:`(See 2b) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , ADC1_CH5, TOUCH8, RTC_GPIO8
8 IO32 I/O | 32K_XP :ref:`(See 2a) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , ADC1_CH4, TOUCH9, RTC_GPIO9
9 IO33 I/O | 32K_XN :ref:`(See 2b) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , ADC1_CH5, TOUCH8, RTC_GPIO8
10 IO27 I/O | GPIO27, ADC2_CH7, TOUCH7, RTC_GPIO17
12 IO12 I/O | ADC2_CH5, TOUCH5, RTC_GPIO15, MTDI :ref:`(See 4) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake>` , HSPIQ,
12 IO12 I/O | ADC2_CH5, TOUCH5, RTC_GPIO15, MTDI :ref:`(See 4) <get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes>` , HSPIQ,
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ No. Name Type Function
====== ================= ====== ======================================================
.. _get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes-cmake:
.. _get-started-pico-kit-v4-pin-notes:
The following notes give more information about the items in the tables above.
@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ Start Application Development
Before powering up your ESP32-PICO-KIT, please make sure that the board is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
After that, proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
After that, proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Board Dimensions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ESP-WROVER-KIT V2 Getting Started Guide
This guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V2 development board and also provides information about its functionality and configuration options. For the description of other ESP-WROVER-KIT versions, please check :doc:`../hw-reference/index`.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Functional Description
The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, interfaces, and controls of the ESP-WROVER-KIT board.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-front:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v2-layout-front.png
:align: center
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, inter
ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - front
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-back-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-back:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v2-layout-back.png
:align: center
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ I/O All the pins on the ESP32 module are broken out to pin heade
MicroSD Card MicroSD card slot for data storage: when ESP32 enters the download mode, GPIO2 cannot be held high. However, a pull-up resistor is required on GPIO2 to enable the MicroSD Card. By default, GPIO2 and the pull-up resistor R153 are disconnected. To enable the SD Card, use jumpers on JP1 as shown in Section `Setup Options`_.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-back-cmake`.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-board-back`.
================== =================================================================================================================================
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-setup-options-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-setup-options:
Setup Options
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ JP14 |jp14| Enable RTS/CTS flow control for serial communication
======= ================ =========================================================
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-start-development-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v2-start-development:
Start Application Development
@ -170,9 +170,7 @@ Turn the **Power Switch** to ON, the **5V Power On LED** should light up.
Now to Development
Proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
Please proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Related Documents

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
ESP-WROVER-KIT V3 Getting Started Guide
This guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V3 development board and also provides information about its functionality and configuration options. For the description of other ESP-WROVER-KIT versions, please check :doc:`../hw-reference/index`.
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ This guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V3 development board
What You Need
* :ref:`ESP-WROVER-KIT V3 board <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-front-cmake>`
* :ref:`ESP-WROVER-KIT V3 board <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-front>`
* USB 2.0 cableA to Micro-B
* Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ Functional Description
The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, interfaces, and controls of the ESP-WROVER-KIT board.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-front:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v3-layout-front.jpg
:align: center
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, inter
ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - front
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-back-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-back:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v3-layout-back.jpg
:align: center
@ -118,11 +119,11 @@ I/O All the pins on the ESP32 module are broken out to pin heade
MicroSD Card Slot Useful for developing applications that access MicroSD card for data storage and retrieval.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-back-cmake`.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-board-back`.
================== =================================================================================================================================
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-setup-options-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-setup-options:
Setup Options
@ -178,17 +179,17 @@ JTAG, MicroSD IO15 5V
* NC/XTAL - :ref:`32.768 kHz Oscillator <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-xtal-cmake>`
* JTAG - :ref:`JTAG / JP8 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-jtag-header-cmake>`
* NC/XTAL - :ref:`32.768 kHz Oscillator <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-xtal>`
* JTAG - :ref:`JTAG / JP8 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-jtag-header>`
* Boot - Boot button / SW2
* Camera - :ref:`Camera / JP4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-camera-header-cmake>`
* LED - :ref:`RGB LED <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-rgb-led-connections-cmake>`
* MicroSD - :ref:`MicroSD Card / J4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-microsd-card-slot-cmake>`
* LCD - :ref:`LCD / U5 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-lcd-connector-cmake>`
* Camera - :ref:`Camera / JP4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-camera-header>`
* LED - :ref:`RGB LED <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-rgb-led-connections>`
* MicroSD - :ref:`MicroSD Card / J4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-microsd-card-slot>`
* LCD - :ref:`LCD / U5 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-lcd-connector>`
* PSRAM - only in case ESP32-WROVER is installed
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-xtal-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-xtal:
32.768 kHz Oscillator
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ Legend:
Since GPIO32 and GPIO33 are connected to the oscillator by default, they are not connected to the JP1 I/O connector to maintain signal integrity. This allocation may be changed from the oscillator to JP1 by desoldering the zero-ohm resistors from positions R11 / R23 and re-soldering them to positions R12 / R24.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-spi-flash-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-spi-flash-header:
SPI Flash / JP13
@ -223,10 +224,10 @@ SPI Flash / JP13
.. important::
The module's flash bus is connected to the jumper block JP13 through zero-ohm resistors R140 ~ R145. If the flash memory needs to operate at the frequency of 80 MHz, for reasons such as improving the integrity of bus signals, you can disolder these resistors to disconnect the module's flash bus from the pin header JP13.
The module's flash bus is connected to the jumper block JP13 through zero-ohm resistors R140 ~ R145. If the flash memory needs to operate at the frequency of 80 MHz, for reasons such as improving the integrity of bus signals, you can desolder these resistors to disconnect the module's flash bus from the pin header JP13.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-jtag-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-jtag-header:
@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ JTAG / JP8
==== ============== =============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-camera-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-camera-header:
Camera / JP4
@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ Camera / JP4
* Signals D0 .. D7 denote camera data bus
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-rgb-led-connections-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-rgb-led-connections:
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ RGB LED
==== ========== =========
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-microsd-card-slot-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-microsd-card-slot:
MicroSD Card
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ MicroSD Card
==== ============== ===============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-lcd-connector-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-lcd-connector:
LCD / U5
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ LCD / U5
==== ============== ===============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-start-development-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v3-start-development:
Start Application Development
@ -353,9 +354,7 @@ Turn the **Power Switch** to ON, the **5V Power On LED** should light up.
Now to Development
Proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
Please proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Related Documents

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide
This guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 development board and also provides information about its functionality and configuration options. For the description of other ESP-WROVER-KIT versions, please check :doc:`../hw-reference/index`.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ This guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 development boa
What You Need
* :ref:`ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 board <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-front-cmake>`
* :ref:`ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 board <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-front>`
* USB 2.0 cableA to Micro-B
* Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ The block diagram below shows the main components of ESP-WROVER-KIT and their in
Functional Description
The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, interfaces and controls of the ESP-WROVER-KIT board.
The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, interfaces, and controls of the ESP-WROVER-KIT board.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-front-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-front:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-layout-front.png
:align: center
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The following two figures and the table below describe the key components, inter
ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - front
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-back-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-back:
.. figure:: ../../_static/esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-layout-back.png
:align: center
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ I/O Connector All the pins on the ESP32 module are broken out to pin heade
MicroSD Card Slot Useful for developing applications that access MicroSD card for data storage and retrieval.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-back-cmake`.
LCD Support for mounting and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure :ref:`get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-board-back`.
================== =================================================================================================================================
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-setup-options-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-setup-options:
Setup Options
@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ JTAG, MicroSD IO15 5V
* NC/XTAL - :ref:`32.768 kHz Oscillator <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-xtal-cmake>`
* JTAG - :ref:`JTAG / JP8 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-jtag-header-cmake>`
* NC/XTAL - :ref:`32.768 kHz Oscillator <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-xtal>`
* JTAG - :ref:`JTAG / JP8 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-jtag-header>`
* Boot - Boot button / SW2
* Camera - :ref:`Camera / JP4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-camera-header-cmake>`
* LED - :ref:`RGB LED <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-rgb-led-connections-cmake>`
* MicroSD - :ref:`MicroSD Card / J4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-microsd-card-slot-cmake>`
* LCD - :ref:`LCD / U5 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-lcd-connector-cmake>`
* Camera - :ref:`Camera / JP4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-camera-header>`
* LED - :ref:`RGB LED <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-rgb-led-connections>`
* MicroSD - :ref:`MicroSD Card / J4 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-microsd-card-slot>`
* LCD - :ref:`LCD / U5 <get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-lcd-connector>`
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-xtal-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-xtal:
32.768 kHz Oscillator
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Legend:
Since GPIO32 and GPIO33 are connected to the oscillator by default, they are not connected to the JP1 I/O connector to maintain signal integrity. This allocation may be changed from the oscillator to JP1 by desoldering the zero-ohm resistors from positions R11 / R23 and re-soldering them to positions R12 / R24.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-spi-flash-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-spi-flash-header:
SPI Flash / JP2
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ SPI Flash / JP2
The module's flash bus is connected to the jumper block JP2 through zero-ohm resistors R140 ~ R145. If the flash memory needs to operate at the frequency of 80 MHz, for reasons such as improving the integrity of bus signals, you can desolder these resistors to disconnect the module's flash bus from the pin header JP2.
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-jtag-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-jtag-header:
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ JTAG / JP2
==== ============== =============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-camera-header-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-camera-header:
Camera / JP4
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Camera / JP4
* Signals D0 .. D7 denote camera data bus
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-rgb-led-connections-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-rgb-led-connections:
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ RGB LED
==== ========== =========
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-microsd-card-slot-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-microsd-card-slot:
MicroSD Card
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ MicroSD Card
==== ============== ===============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-lcd-connector-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-v4.1-lcd-connector:
LCD / U5
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ LCD / U5
==== ============== ===============
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-start-development-cmake:
.. _get-started-esp-wrover-kit-start-development:
Start Application Development
@ -358,9 +358,7 @@ Turn the **Power Switch** to ON, the **5V Power On LED** should light up.
Now to Development
Proceed to :doc:`../get-started-cmake/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step-cmake` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
If you prefer using an older GNU Make build system, then proceed to respective :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` for the GNU Make.
Please proceed to :doc:`index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment and then flash an example project onto your board.
Related Documents