DhcpFuzzer: Added AFL test for dhcpserver with sample packets

This commit is contained in:
David Cermak 2018-05-14 15:03:37 +02:00
parent adc3315677
commit 3a6d256d3e
11 changed files with 184 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
CFLAGS=-std=gnu99 -Og -ggdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -Wall -Werror=all -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-address -Wno-unused-variable -DESP_PLATFORM -D IDF_VER=\"v3.1-dev-961-ga2556229-dirty\" -MMD -MP -DWITH_POSIX \
INC_DIRS=-I . -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/lwip/include/lwip -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/lwip/include/lwip/port -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/lwip/include/lwip/posix -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/lwip/apps/ping -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/app_trace/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/app_update/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/bootloader_support/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/bt/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/coap/port/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/coap/port/include/coap -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/coap/libcoap/include -I \ $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/coap/libcoap/include/coap -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/console -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/cxx/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/driver/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/esp-tls -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/esp32/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/esp_adc_cal/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/ethernet/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/expat/port/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/expat/include/expat -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/fatfs/src -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/freertos/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/heap/include -I \ $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/idf_test/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/jsmn/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/json/cJSON -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/libsodium/libsodium/src/libsodium/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/libsodium/port_include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/log/include -I /home/david/esp/esp-idf/examples/wifi/simple_wifi/main/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/mbedtls/port/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/mbedtls/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/mdns/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/micro-ecc/micro-ecc -I \ $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/newlib/platform_include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/newlib/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/nghttp/port/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/nghttp/nghttp2/lib/includes -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/nvs_flash/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/openssl/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/pthread/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/sdmmc/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/smartconfig/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/soc/esp32/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/soc/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/spi_flash/include -I \ $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/spiffs/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/tcpip_adapter/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/ulp/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/vfs/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/wear_levelling/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/wpa_supplicant/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/wpa_supplicant/port/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/esp32/include -I $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/xtensa-debug-module/include
ifeq ($(MODE),sim)
OBJECTS=dhcpserver.o test.o network_mock.o
all: $(TEST_NAME)
dhcpserver.o: ../apps/dhcpserver.c
@echo "[CC] $<"
%.o: %.c
@echo "[CC] $<"
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
@echo "[LD] $@"
@$(LD) $(OBJECTS) -o $@ $(LDLIBS)
fuzz: $(TEST_NAME)
@$(FUZZ) -i "in" -o "out" -- ./$(TEST_NAME)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* dhcpserver dependecy injection -- preincluded to inject interface test functions into static variables
#include "lwip/pbuf.h"
#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "tcpip_adapter.h"
static void handle_dhcp(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
void (*dhcp_test_static_handle_hdcp)(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port) = NULL;
void dhcp_test_init_di()
dhcp_test_static_handle_hdcp = handle_dhcp;
void dhcp_test_handle_dhcp(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port)
dhcp_test_static_handle_hdcp(arg, pcb, p, addr, port);

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/def.h"
#include "lwip/pbuf.h"
#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "tcpip_adapter.h"
#include <string.h>
u16_t lwip_htons(u16_t n)
return 0;
u32_t lwip_htonl(u32_t n)
return 0;
esp_err_t tcpip_adapter_get_ip_info(tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if, tcpip_adapter_ip_info_t *ip_info)
return ESP_OK;
struct pbuf * pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer layer, u16_t length, pbuf_type type)
struct pbuf * p;
p = (struct pbuf *)malloc(MEMP_PBUF_POOL);
p->tot_len = length;
p->next = NULL;
p->type = PBUF_POOL;
p->len = length;
p->payload = malloc(length);
return p;
u8_t pbuf_free(struct pbuf *p)
if (p) {
if (p->payload) {
p->payload = NULL;
free (p);
p = NULL;
return 1;
err_t udp_sendto(struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *dst_ip, u16_t dst_port)
return ESP_OK;
void udp_remove(struct udp_pcb *pcb)
struct udp_pcb *udp_new(void)
return NULL;
err_t udp_bind(struct udp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port)
return ESP_OK;
void udp_recv(struct udp_pcb *pcb, udp_recv_fn recv, void *recv_arg)
void udp_disconnect(struct udp_pcb *pcb)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lwip/pbuf.h"
#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "tcpip_adapter.h"
#include <string.h>
const ip_addr_t ip_addr_any;
ip4_addr_t server_ip;
struct netif mynetif;
// Dependency injected static function to pass the packet into parser
void dhcp_test_handle_dhcp(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
void dhcp_test_init_di();
// Starting the test
int main()
uint8_t *buf;
struct pbuf *p;
FILE *file;
size_t len = 1460;
p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, len, PBUF_POOL);
buf = p->payload;
IP4_ADDR(&server_ip, 192,168,4,1);
dhcps_start(&mynetif, server_ip);
#ifdef SIM
memset(buf, 0, 1460);
file = fopen("in/data1.bin", "r");
if (file) {
len = fread(buf, 1, 1460, file);
int i;
for (i=0; i<1; i++) {
while (__AFL_LOOP(1000)) {
memset(buf, 0, 1460);
size_t len = read(0, buf, 1460);
p->len = len;
p->tot_len = len;
p->next = NULL;
dhcp_test_handle_dhcp(NULL, NULL, p, &ip_addr_any, 0);
return 0;