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ble_mesh: Add ESP BLE Mesh implementation 1. BLE Mesh Core * Provisioning: Node Role * PB-ADV and PB-GATT * Authentication OOB * Provisioning: Provisioner Role * PB-ADV and PB-GATT * Authentication OOB * Networking * Relay * Segmentation and Reassembly * Key Refresh * IV Update * Proxy Support * Multiple Client Models Run Simultaneously * Support multiple client models send packets to different nodes simultaneously * No blocking between client model and server * NVS Storage * Store BLE Mesh node related information in flash * Store BLE Mesh Provisioner related information in flash 2. BLE Mesh Models * Foundation Models * Configuration Server Model * Configuration Client Model * Health Server Model * Health Client Model * Generic * Generic OnOff Server * Generic OnOff Client * Generic Level Server * Generic Level Client * Generic Default Transition Time Server * Generic Default Transition Time Client * Generic Power OnOff Server * Generic Power OnOff Setup Server * Generic Power OnOff Client * Generic Power Level Server * Generic Power Level Setup Server * Generic Power Level Client * Generic Battery Server * Generic Battery Client * Generic Location Server * Generic Location Setup Server * Generic Location Client * Generic Admin Property Server * Generic Manufacturer Property Server * Generic User Property Server * Generic Client Property Server * Generic Property Client * Sensor Server Model * Sensor Server * Sensor Setup Server * Sensor Client * Time and Scenes * Time Server * Time Setup Server * Time Client * Scene Server * Scene Setup Server * Scene Client * Scheduler Server * Scheduler Setup Server * Scheduler Client * Lighting * Light Lightness Server * Light Lightness Setup Server * Light Lightness Client * Light CTL Server * Light CTL Setup Server * Light CTL Client * Light CTL Temperature Server * Light HSL Server * Light HSL Setup Server * Light HSL Client * Light HSL Hue Server * Light HSL Saturation Server * Light xyL Server * Light xyL Setup Server * Light xyL Client * Light LC Server * Light LC Setup Server * Light LC Client 3. BLE Mesh Applications * BLE Mesh Node * OnOff Client Example * OnOff Server Example * BLE Mesh Provisioner * Example * Fast Provisioning * Vendor Fast Prov Server Model * Vendor Fast Prov Client Model * Examples * Wi-Fi & BLE Mesh Coexistence * Example * BLE Mesh Console Commands * Examples
2019-11-01 08:08:47 +00:00
/* Bluetooth: Mesh Generic OnOff, Generic Level, Lighting & Vendor Models
* Copyright (c) 2018 Vikrant More
* Additional Copyright (c) 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "server_common.h"
struct bt_mesh_light_lightness_state {
u16_t lightness_linear;
u16_t target_lightness_linear;
u16_t lightness_actual;
u16_t target_lightness_actual;
u16_t lightness_last;
u16_t lightness_default;
u8_t status_code;
u16_t lightness_range_min;
u16_t lightness_range_max;
struct bt_mesh_light_lightness_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_lightness_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition actual_transition;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition linear_transition;
s32_t tt_delta_lightness_actual;
s32_t tt_delta_lightness_linear;
struct bt_mesh_light_lightness_setup_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_lightness_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_state {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t target_lightness;
u16_t temperature;
u16_t target_temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
s16_t target_delta_uv;
u8_t status_code;
u16_t temperature_range_min;
u16_t temperature_range_max;
u16_t lightness_default;
u16_t temperature_default;
s16_t delta_uv_default;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_lightness;
s32_t tt_delta_temperature;
s32_t tt_delta_delta_uv;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_setup_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_temp_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_ctl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_temperature;
s32_t tt_delta_delta_uv;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_state {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t target_lightness;
u16_t hue;
u16_t target_hue;
u16_t saturation;
u16_t target_saturation;
u16_t lightness_default;
u16_t hue_default;
u16_t saturation_default;
u8_t status_code;
u16_t hue_range_min;
u16_t hue_range_max;
u16_t saturation_range_min;
u16_t saturation_range_max;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_lightness;
s32_t tt_delta_hue;
s32_t tt_delta_saturation;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_setup_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_hue;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_sat_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_hsl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_saturation;
struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_state {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t target_lightness;
u16_t x;
u16_t target_x;
u16_t y;
u16_t target_y;
u16_t lightness_default;
u16_t x_default;
u16_t y_default;
u8_t status_code;
u16_t x_range_min;
u16_t x_range_max;
u16_t y_range_min;
u16_t y_range_max;
struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
s32_t tt_delta_lightness;
s32_t tt_delta_x;
s32_t tt_delta_y;
struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_setup_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_state *state;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_state {
u32_t mode : 1, /* default 0 */
occupancy_mode : 1, /* default 1 */
light_onoff : 1,
target_light_onoff : 1,
occupancy : 1,
ambient_luxlevel : 24; /* 0x000000 ~ 0xFFFFFF */
u16_t linear_output; /* 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF */
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_property_state {
u32_t time_occupancy_delay; /* 0x003A */
u32_t time_fade_on; /* 0x0037 */
u32_t time_run_on; /* 0x003C */
u32_t time_fade; /* 0x0036 */
u32_t time_prolong; /* 0x003B */
u32_t time_fade_standby_auto; /* 0x0038 */
u32_t time_fade_standby_manual; /* 0x0039 */
u16_t lightness_on; /* 0x002E */
u16_t lightness_prolong; /* 0x002F */
u16_t lightness_standby; /* 0x0030 */
u16_t ambient_luxlevel_on; /* 0x002B, 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF */
u16_t ambient_luxlevel_prolong; /* 0x002C, 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF */
u16_t ambient_luxlevel_standby; /* 0x002D, 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF */
float regulator_kiu; /* 0x0033, 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default 250.0 */
float regulator_kid; /* 0x0032, 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default 25.0 */
float regulator_kpu; /* 0x0035, 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default 80.0 */
float regulator_kpd; /* 0x0034, 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default 80.0 */
s8_t regulator_accuracy; /* 0x0031, 0.0 ~ 100.0, default 2.0 */
u32_t set_occupancy_to_1_delay;
typedef enum {
} bt_mesh_lc_state;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_state_machine {
struct {
u8_t fade_on;
u8_t fade;
u8_t fade_standby_auto;
u8_t fade_standby_manual;
} trans_time;
bt_mesh_lc_state state;
struct k_delayed_work timer;
struct bt_mesh_light_control {
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_state state;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_property_state prop_state;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_state_machine state_machine;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_control *lc;
struct bt_mesh_last_msg_info last;
struct bt_mesh_state_transition transition;
struct bt_mesh_light_lc_setup_srv {
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
struct bt_mesh_server_rsp_ctrl rsp_ctrl;
struct bt_mesh_light_control *lc;
typedef union {
struct {
u16_t lightness;
} lightness_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
} lightness_linear_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
} lightness_default_set;
struct {
u16_t range_min;
u16_t range_max;
} lightness_range_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
} ctl_set;
struct {
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
} ctl_temp_set;
struct {
u16_t range_min;
u16_t range_max;
} ctl_temp_range_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
} ctl_default_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t hue;
u16_t saturation;
} hsl_set;
struct {
u16_t hue;
} hsl_hue_set;
struct {
u16_t saturation;
} hsl_saturation_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t hue;
u16_t saturation;
} hsl_default_set;
struct {
u16_t hue_range_min;
u16_t hue_range_max;
u16_t sat_range_min;
u16_t sat_range_max;
} hsl_range_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t x;
u16_t y;
} xyl_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t x;
u16_t y;
} xyl_default_set;
struct {
u16_t x_range_min;
u16_t x_range_max;
u16_t y_range_min;
u16_t y_range_max;
} xyl_range_set;
struct {
u8_t mode;
} lc_mode_set;
struct {
u8_t mode;
} lc_om_set;
struct {
u8_t onoff;
} lc_light_onoff_set;
struct {
u16_t id;
struct net_buf_simple *value;
} lc_property_set;
struct {
u16_t property_id;
union {
u8_t occupancy;
u32_t set_occupancy_to_1_delay;
u32_t ambient_luxlevel;
} state;
} sensor_status;
} bt_mesh_light_server_state_change_t;
typedef union {
struct {
u16_t id;
} lc_property_get;
} bt_mesh_light_server_recv_get_msg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t lightness;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} lightness_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t lightness;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} lightness_linear_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
} lightness_default_set;
struct {
u16_t range_min;
u16_t range_max;
} lightness_range_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t lightness;
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} ctl_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} ctl_temp_set;
struct {
u16_t range_min;
u16_t range_max;
} ctl_temp_range_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t temperature;
s16_t delta_uv;
} ctl_default_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t lightness;
u16_t hue;
u16_t saturation;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} hsl_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t hue;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} hsl_hue_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t saturation;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} hsl_saturation_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t hue;
u16_t saturation;
} hsl_default_set;
struct {
u16_t hue_range_min;
u16_t hue_range_max;
u16_t sat_range_min;
u16_t sat_range_max;
} hsl_range_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u16_t lightness;
u16_t x;
u16_t y;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} xyl_set;
struct {
u16_t lightness;
u16_t x;
u16_t y;
} xyl_default_set;
struct {
u16_t x_range_min;
u16_t x_range_max;
u16_t y_range_min;
u16_t y_range_max;
} xyl_range_set;
struct {
u8_t mode;
} lc_mode_set;
struct {
u8_t mode;
} lc_om_set;
struct {
bool op_en;
u8_t light_onoff;
u8_t tid;
u8_t trans_time;
u8_t delay;
} lc_light_onoff_set;
struct {
u16_t id;
struct net_buf_simple *value;
} lc_property_set;
} bt_mesh_light_server_recv_set_msg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
struct net_buf_simple *data;
} sensor_status;
} bt_mesh_light_server_recv_status_msg_t;
void bt_mesh_light_server_lock(void);
void bt_mesh_light_server_unlock(void);
u8_t *bt_mesh_get_lc_prop_value(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t prop_id);
void light_lightness_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode);
void light_ctl_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode);
void light_hsl_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode);
void light_xyl_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode);
void light_lc_publish(struct bt_mesh_model *model, u16_t opcode);
int bt_mesh_light_lightness_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lightness_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_temp_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_sat_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_xyl_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_xyl_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lc_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lc_setup_srv_init(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lightness_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lightness_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_ctl_temp_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_hue_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_hsl_sat_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_xyl_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_xyl_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lc_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
int bt_mesh_light_lc_setup_srv_deinit(struct bt_mesh_model *model, bool primary);
#endif /* _LIGHTING_SERVER_H_ */