The HTTP Server component provides an ability for running a lightweight web server on ESP32. Following are detailed steps to use the API exposed by HTTP Server:
*:cpp:func:`httpd_start`: Creates an instance of HTTP server, allocate memory/resources for it depending upon the specified configuration and outputs a handle to the server instance. The server has both, a listening socket (TCP) for HTTP traffic, and a control socket (UDP) for control signals, which are selected in a round robin fashion in the server task loop. The task priority and stack size are configurable during server instance creation by passing httpd_config_t structure to httpd_start(). TCP traffic is parsed as HTTP requests and, depending on the requested URI, user registered handlers are invoked which are supposed to send back HTTP response packets.
*:cpp:func:`httpd_stop`: This stops the server with the provided handle and frees up any associated memory/resources. This is a blocking function that first signals a halt to the server task and then waits for the task to terminate. While stopping, the task will close all open connections, remove registered URI handlers and reset all session context data to empty.
*:cpp:func:`httpd_register_uri_handler`: A URI handler is registered by passing object of type ``httpd_uri_t`` structure which has members including ``uri`` name, ``method`` type (eg. ``HTTPD_GET/HTTPD_POST/HTTPD_PUT`` etc.), function pointer of type ``esp_err_t *handler (httpd_req_t *req)`` and ``user_ctx`` pointer to user context data.
Application Example
..highlight:: c
/* Our URI handler function to be called during GET /uri request */
esp_err_t get_handler(httpd_req_t *req)
/* Send a simple response */
const char[] resp = "URI GET Response";
httpd_resp_send(req, resp, strlen(resp));
return ESP_OK;
/* Our URI handler function to be called during POST /uri request */
/* If server failed to start, handle will be NULL */
return server;
/* Function for stopping the webserver */
void stop_webserver(httpd_handle_t server)
if (server) {
/* Stop the httpd server */
Simple HTTP server example
Check HTTP server example under :example:`protocols/http_server/simple` where handling of arbitrary content lengths, reading request headers and URL query parameters, and setting response headers is demonstrated.
Persistent Connections
HTTP server features persistent connections, allowing for the re-use of the same connection (session) for several transfers, all the while maintaining context specific data for the session. Context data may be allocated dynamically by the handler in which case a custom function may need to be specified for freeing this data when the connection/session is closed.
Persistent Connections Example
..highlight:: c
/* Custom function to free context */
void free_ctx_func(void *ctx)
/* Could be something other than free */
esp_err_t adder_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req)
/* Create session's context if not already available */
if (! req->sess_ctx) {
req->sess_ctx = malloc(sizeof(ANY_DATA_TYPE)); /*!< Pointer to context data */
req->free_ctx = free_ctx_func; /*!< Function to free context data */