- "A node that supports the Friend feature, has the Friend feature enabled, and has a friendship with a node that supports the Low Power feature is known as a Friend node."
- "The ability to operate within a mesh network at significantly reduced receiver duty cycles only in conjunction with a node supporting the Friend feature."
- "PB-GATT is a provisioning bearer used to provision a device using Proxy PDUs to encapsulate Provisioning PDUs within the Mesh Provisioning Service."
- "This is a special address type, with a value of 0x0000. Its use indicates that an Element has not yet been configured or had a Unicast Address assigned to it."
- "A virtual address represents a set of destination addresses. Each virtual address logically represents a Label UUID, which is a 128-bit value that does not have to be managed centrally."
- "There is also a device key, which is a special application key that is unique to each node, is known only to the node and a Configuration Client, and is used to secure communications between the node and a Configuration Client."
- "Application keys are used to secure communications at the upper transport layer."
- 应用密钥用于应用数据传递至应用层过程中对应用数据的解密,和应用层下发过程中对数据的加密。网络中的一些节点有特定的用途,并且可以根据应用程序的需求对一些潜在敏感数据的访问进行限制。通过特定的应用密钥,这些节点与特定应用程序相关联。通常而言,使用不同应用密钥的领域有安全(楼宇门禁、机房门禁和 CEO 办公室门禁)、照明(工厂、外部楼宇和人行道)和 HVAC 系统。应用密钥绑定在网络密钥上,这意味着应用密钥仅在绑定网络密钥的情况下使用。每一个应用密钥仅可绑定到一个网络密钥。
* - 主安全资料
- "The master security material is derived from the network key (NetKey) and can be used by other nodes in the same network. Messages encrypted with master security material can be decoded by any node in the same network. "
- "Segmentation and reassembly (SAR) is a method of communication network, which is divided into small units before transmitting packets and reassembled in a proper order at the communication receiving end."
- "There are two types of messages: Unacknowledged or Acknowledged."
- 根据接收端是否需要发送应答消息,发送的消息可分为两种。发送端需要设置最大重传次数。
..list-table:: 表 8 ESP-BLE-MESH 术语 - 基础模型
:widths:10 40 60
* - 术语
- 官方定义
- 详细说明
* - Configuration Server Model
- "This model is used to represent a mesh network configuration of a device."
- 节点必须包含 Configuration Server Model,其负责维护配置相关的状态。Configuration Server Model 维护的状态包含:网络密钥名单 (NetKey List)、应用密钥名单 (AppKey List)、模型绑定的应用密钥名单 (Model to AppKey List)、节点身份 (Node Identity)、密钥更新阶段 (Key Refresh Phase)、心跳消息发布 (Heartbeat Publish)、心跳消息订阅 (Heartbeat Subscription)、网络传输 (Network Transmit) 和中继重传 (Relay Retransmit) 等。
* - Configuration Client Model
- "The model is used to represent an element that can control and monitor the configuration of a node."
- Configuration Client Model 通过消息控制 Configuration Server Model 维护的状态。Provisioner 必须包含 Configuration Client Model,有了该模型才可发送 "Configuration Composition Data Get" 等配置消息。
* - Health Server Model
- "This model is used to represent a mesh network diagnostics of a device."
- Health Server Model 主要用于设备检查自身状态,查看自身是否发生错误。Health Server model 维护的状态包含:当前故障 (Current Fault)、已登记故障 (Registered Fault)、健康周期 (Health Period) 和关注计时器 (Attention Timer)。
* - Health Client Model
- "The model is used to represent an element that can control and monitor the health of a node."
- Health Client Model 通过消息控制 Health Server Model 维护的状态。该模型可通过消息 “Health Fault Get” 获取其他节点的自检信息。
..list-table:: 表 9 ESP-BLE-MESH 术语 - 网络管理
:widths:10 40 60
* - 术语
- 官方定义
- 详细说明
* - 密钥更新程序
- "This procedure is used when the security of one or more network keys and/or one or more of the application keys has been compromised or could be compromised."
- "A node can also use an IV Update procedure to signal to peer nodes that it is updating the IV Index."
- IV 更新程序用于更新 ESP-BLE-MESH 网络的 IV Index 的值,这个值和消息加密时所需的随机数相关。为了保证随机数的值不重复,所以将这个值定期增加。IV Index 是一个 32 位的值,是一种共享网络资源,比如一个 mesh 网中的所有节点共享一个 IV Index 值。IV Index 从 0x00000000 开始,在 IV 更新过程中递增,并由特定的进程维护,以保证整个 Mesh 网内共享一个 IV Index。当节点认为它有耗尽其序列号的风险,或它确定另一个节点即将耗尽其序列号时,可以启动该程序。注意:每次的更新时间不得低于 96 小时。节点接收到 secure network beacon 或者确定自己的序列号大于特定值时,会触发 IV 更新程序。
官方定义摘自 `ESP-BLE-MESH Glossary of Terms <https://www.bluetooth.com/bluetooth-technology/topology-options/le-mesh/mesh-glossary/>`_.