This example demonstrates using of FreeModbus stack port implementation for ESP32. The external Modbus host is able to read/write device parameters using Modbus protocol transport. The parameters accessible thorough Modbus are located in deviceparams.h/c files and can be updated by user.
These are represented in structures holding_reg_params, input_reg_params, coil_reg_params, discrete_reg_params for holding registers, input parameters, coils and discrete inputs accordingly. The app_main application demonstrates how to setup Modbus stack and use notifications about parameters change from host system.
The FreeModbus stack located in components\freemodbus\ folder and contain \port folder inside which contains FreeModbus stack port for ESP32. There are some parameters that can be configured in KConfig file to start stack correctly (See description below for more information).
## Hardware required :
PC + USB Serial adapter connected to USB port + RS485 line drivers + ESP32 WROVER-KIT board.
The MAX485 line driver is used as an example below but other similar chips can be used as well.
RS485 example circuit schematic:
VCC ---------------+ +--------------- VCC
| |
+-------x-------+ +-------x-------+
| B|---------------|B |
TXD ------>| DI MAX485 | \ / | MAX485 DI|<-----TXD
The output lines describe type of operation, its timestamp, modbus address, access type, storage address in parameter structure and number of registers accordingly.