typedefstructALIGNED_(16)WL_Config_s{/*!< Size of wl_config_t structure should be divided by 16 for encryption*/
size_tstart_addr;/*!< start address in the flash*/
uint32_tfull_mem_size;/*!< Amount of memory used to store data in bytes*/
uint32_tpage_size;/*!< One page size in bytes. Page could be more then memory block. This parameter must be page_size >= N*block_size.*/
uint32_tsector_size;/*!< size of flash memory sector that will be erased and stored at once (erase)*/
uint32_tupdaterate;/*!< Amount of accesses before block will be moved*/
uint32_twr_size;/*!< Minimum amount of bytes per one block at write operation: 1...*/
uint32_tversion;/*!< A version of current implementatioon. To erase and reallocate complete memory this ID must be different from id before.*/
size_ttemp_buff_size;/*!< Size of temporary allocated buffer to copy from one flash area to another. The best way, if this value will be equal to sector size.*/
uint32_tcrc;/*!< CRC for this config*/
#ifndef _MSC_VER // MSVS has different format for this define
static_assert(sizeof(wl_config_t)%16==0,"Size of wl_config_t structure should be compatible with flash encryption");